genius evil

Chapter 1007 You Can Die

Chapter 1007 You Can Die
There was nothing to say all night, and the next day, Wen Qingxin came as promised, accompanied Huang Chan and the three daughters, and upgraded as usual. The three women... No, if you count Jinling, there are four women, four women, and once again ruthlessly will... Jiang Chen was abandoned.

Jiang Chen had nothing to do, so he swaggered and left the island.

Just as Jiang Chen appeared on the edge of the small island, he suddenly saw dozens of people surrounded there.

Jiang Chen became famous as a murderer, and yesterday's battle with the Yu family made Jiang Chen known to everyone in Penglai Immortal Island.

These onlookers all came for Jiang Chen, wanting to see who Jiang Chen really is.

But almost no one dared to go to the small island. After all, this small island can be regarded as Jiang Chen's private territory. Those who trespassed without authorization would be beheaded by Jiang Chen, and their death would be for nothing.

"Who is that handsome guy?" Someone asked curiously when they saw Jiang Chen appear.

"It's Jiang Chen."

"He is Jiang Chen."

"It turns out that Jiang Chen looks like this."


After being reminded, a group of people saw Jiang Chen's true face one after another, some were surprised, some were amazed.

There was no way, Jiang Chen was really too young, he clearly looked like a young man, far beyond their imagination.

You know, many people subconsciously think that Jiang Chen is the kind of person with a head and shoulders, but looking at Jiang Chen now, he looks like a boy next door, very handsome and refined.

"Hi, how are you all?" Hearing those discussions, Jiang Chen waved and greeted.

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at Jiang Chen in amazement, unexpectedly, Jiang Chen would actually greet them, they didn't understand what was going on.

"Friends on the left, how are you? Friends on the right, how are you? Friends in the middle, how are you too?" Jiang Chen said carelessly.

A group of people with black lines all over their heads looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost, thinking that Jiang Chen in front of him is really that murderous maniac?Really fight against the Yu family with one person?

Why, it looks a bit funny?
"What's the matter, why didn't you respond to me? Could it be that you are all very bad? Or, you want me to make you all very bad?" Jiang Chen asked displeased.


The crowd was in an uproar, hearing the anger contained in Jiang Chen's words, they immediately turned around and ran away.

Even though Jiang Chen looks completely different from what he imagined, the title of murderous madman is not for nothing. The confrontation between Jiang Chen and the Yu family also happened for real. If you are offended, you will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

"Hey, why are you leaving one by one, let's play together." Jiang Chen called.

But Jiang Chen didn’t say that, it’s okay. Once he said this, those people couldn’t help walking faster. Several people fell to the ground because they walked too fast. It looks like it has two legs.

"Could it be because I'm so handsome that I don't have friends?" Jiang Chen rubbed his face with his hand and muttered to himself.

Just as he was saying this, Jiang Chen saw, but saw, two figures appeared in his line of sight.

Those two figures, one green and the other yellow, were very conspicuous.Judging by their figures, both of them are women, and the woman in the yellow skirt is chasing the woman in the green skirt.

The speed of both of them is very fast. During this period, the woman in the yellow skirt made several shots, trying to kill the woman in the green skirt, but the woman in the green skirt ignored the attack of the woman in the yellow skirt at all, and let that The attack fell on the body, and while spitting blood, he rushed to where Jiang Chen was.

Jiang Chen stood still, and the distance between the two sides quickly narrowed. When it was only about 20 meters away, the woman in the yellow skirt stopped chasing her and stared at the woman in the green skirt bitterly. Unwilling to be unable to kill the other party, he cast a glance at Jiang Chen, then turned around and left quickly.

"Jiang Shao, help!"

The woman in the green skirt endured the attack of the woman in the yellow skirt abruptly several times, and it was entirely due to her strong willpower that she failed to fall down.

She ignored the woman in the yellow skirt who was leaving, and ran towards Jiang Chen as usual, stumbling, but when she was only about ten meters away from Jiang Chen, she couldn't hold back anymore, opened her mouth and spurted a mouthful of blood, and headed towards Jiang Chen. fell to the ground.

"Know me? Could it be someone from Qianxiu Gate?" Jiang Chen said to himself.

He saw the two figures of yellow and green from a distance just now, and it was vaguely familiar. He heard the call, moved his feet, and appeared in front of the green skirt woman in an instant, and gave the green skirt woman who was about to fall down with one hand. Fished up.

"Are you from Qianxiu Clan?" Jiang Chen asked.

"I am." The woman in the green skirt looked sluggish, her breath was like a thread, and she was about to speak, but her Adam's apple trembled, and another mouthful of blood spewed out.

"What a trouble." Jiang Chen had no choice but to stretch out his hand, and patted the green skirt woman a few times.

After just a few strokes, Jiang Chen withdrew his hand, and the woman in the green skirt looked much better. Jiang Chen took advantage of the situation and let the woman in the green skirt sit on the ground.

"Don't worry, speak slowly if you have something to say." Jiang Chen signaled.

"People from the Goddess Sect are encircling and suppressing the sect master. The sect master is in critical condition. I implore Young Master Jiang to come and save his life." The woman in the green skirt said anxiously, stammering.

"Taoist Master Miaoyu has an accident." Jiang Chen's face changed slightly.

This time, Taoist Master Miaoyu came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, it was for the Goddess Sect, and from another aspect, the Goddess Sect also came for Qianxiumen.

It would be fine if the two forces never met, but once they met, it would be a life-and-death battle, and there was absolutely no room for negotiation.

The woman in the green skirt said that Miaoyu was besieged by members of the Goddess Sect. Presumably, the Qianxiu Clan was in danger.


On an island, more than a dozen figures shuttled back and forth, most of them were figures in yellow clothes, and a few figures in green clothes were also extremely embarrassed.

"Miaoyu, today is the time of your death. I want to see where you are going to escape." A woman in a yellow skirt spoke with a high-pitched and sharp voice.

"Qiu Hailan, you are so despicable, you actually set a trap, I, Qianxiumen, are at odds with you." Hearing that Miaoyu said angrily, her face was full of anger.

"Trap?" Qiu Hailan laughed loudly, "Miaoyu, are you telling me that you are an idiot? Or, all of you in Qianxiumen are all idiots?"

She, Qiu Hailan, just used a small plan to attract Qianxiumen to take the bait, directly killing and injuring several people, and even Miaoyu suffered severe injuries.

Qiu Hailan naturally didn't think there was anything despicable about this kind of behavior.

Goddess Sect and Qianxiu Clan are life-and-death rivals. Could it be that we should pay attention to the morals of the world when dealing with life-and-death enemies?
Miaoyu might be stupid, but she, Qiu Hailan, would never allow herself to make such low-level mistakes.

"Shut up." Miao Yu yelled angrily, and said loudly: "Qiu Hailan, as the head of the Goddess Sect, you are unkind and unrighteous. Sooner or later, you will reap the fruits of your own consequences and die a terrible death."

"Miaoyu, cursing and swearing at the street is of no use at all. You don't have to run away. Even if you want to run, you can't run away. If you want me to die so much, then just go ahead and kill me." Qiu Hailan Said ridiculed.

Miaoyu's face was livid, and she didn't answer.

The people from the Goddess Sect came prepared and caught them by surprise. There was already a gap in strength between the two sides. As a result, Qianxiumen's heavy losses widened the gap with the Goddess Sect.

Miaoyu herself is not afraid of death. She came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time, and she never thought of going back alive. Otherwise, she would not have sent Zong Xiaomei to the capital to be taken care of by Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen, give Zong Xiaomei a title.

That was clearly her last words, she hoped that Jiang Chen could take care of Zong Xiaomei instead of her in the future, and then, hope Jiang Chen would take care of Zong Xiaomei for Zong Xiaomei's sake.

Miaoyu was not worried about whether Jiang Chen would do what she wanted. Even though she didn't have much contact with Jiang Chen, Miaoyu could tell that Jiang Chen was a person who valued love and righteousness and would never Live up to her trust.

As far as the clan is concerned, with Jiang Chen taking care of her, Miaoyu no longer has any worries, but now, she still can't die, because once she dies, Qiu Hailan will not let the other Qianxiu clan members go.

She must do her best to stay alive, so that more people can be saved.

Thinking of this point, Miaoyu gritted her teeth and waved her hand, so that the disciples of Qianxiumen followed her. Only by doing their best to escape from this small island would they have the possibility of surviving.

But soon, Miaoyu was desperate. She finally understood why Qiu Hailan said that they couldn't run away, and indeed they couldn't. There were more than a dozen figures standing in front of them, all of them were members of the Goddess Sect .

"Haha, why don't you run away, Miaoyu, are you running instead?" Qiu Hailan laughed wildly, shortened the distance between Miaoyu and said triumphantly.

"Qiu Hailan, you really want to drive me out of the Qianxiu family and kill me?" Miaoyu said through gritted teeth;

"Miaoyu, are you joking with me? Unfortunately, the joke you told is not funny at all." Qiu Hailan said teasingly, before she finished speaking, she waved her hand and ordered, "Kill them all."


The members of the Goddess Sect listened to the order and took action, frantically massacring the disciples of Qianxiumen. Miaoyu was furious and wanted to stop her. Qiu Hailan moved and appeared in front of Miaoyu, stopping Miaoyu. .

"Miaoyu, your opponent is me." Qiu Hailan said with a big laugh, high-spirited.

Originally, Qiu Hailan was not absolutely sure of dealing with Miaoyu, but now that Miaoyu was injured, Qiu Hailan was absolutely sure of killing Miaoyu.

"Too much deceit." Miaoyu's expression turned ferocious, and she rushed towards Qiu Hailan.

"Are you finally willing to fight with me?" Qiu Hailan laughed loudly, launched an offensive, and fought with Miaoyu.

The number of Qianxiumen was not as large as that of the Goddess Sect, and the difference in combat power between the two sides was also obvious. In just a few minutes, the few remaining disciples of the Qianxiumen were killed by the Goddess Sect.

Miaoyu was mad with hatred. She wanted to stop the Goddess Sect's inhuman killing countless times, but she was so powerless under the influence of Qiu Hailan.

"Qiu Hailan, I'm going to kill you." A mournful roar came from the depths of Miaoyu's throat, and Miaoyu seemed to be insane.


Qiu Hailan's palm landed on Miaoyu's chest, and Miaoyu flew back and fell heavily to the ground.

"Miaoyu, you really want to kill me, right? It's a pity, you can't do it in this life, you just wait for the next life." Qiu Hailan smiled sinisterly, moved her feet, and appeared in front of Miaoyu, looking down on Miaoyu.

Miaoyu was full of unwillingness, but she was so powerless. She wanted to kill Qiu Hailan so much, but she could only endure this great humiliation.

"Miaoyu, you are very unwilling? But, you asked for this, right? Now, you can die." Qiu Hailan said coldly, raised her foot, and stepped on Miaoyu's chest.

"Stop!" A lazy voice rang in Qiu Hailan's ear at this moment...

(End of this chapter)

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