genius evil

Chapter 1008 Disciple of the first sect

Chapter 1008 The First Disciple
"Jiang Chen?"

Qiu Hailan followed the sound and saw a young man drifting towards him, his eyelids twitched.

Even though, Qiu Hailan had never met Jiang Chen in person before, but because Jiang Chen asked someone to bring her a message last time, Qiu Hailan had an extremely deep impression of Jiang Chen. , is to recognize it.

"So you know me, so, can you stop?" Jiang Chen said in a discussing tone.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen shook his head again, and said very apologetically, "I'm sorry, I think I made a mistake. Fortunately, there is still time to correct it. Can you stop?"

When Jiang Chen said this, there was no smoke or fire in the slightest, but Qiu Hailan was very clear about what consequences would be brought to him if he went against Jiang Chen's wishes and killed Miaoyu in front of Jiang Chen.

Putting his feet back and standing still, Qiu Hailan said, "Jiang Chen, you have taken care of the matter between my Goddess Sect and Qianxiu Clan many times, so you still want to take care of it now?"

"How can we ignore it?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

He said at the beginning that he changed his mind and decided to deal with this nosy matter to the end. Could it be that Qiu Hailan didn't take what he said to heart at all?

If he didn't take his words to heart, then he didn't take him seriously.

Hearing this, Qiu Hailan couldn't help but get angry.

She felt that Jiang Chen didn't take any detours at all, it just meant that he wanted to meddle in his own business.

"Jiang Chen, I will resolve the grievances between Qianxiu Clan and the Goddess Sect by myself, so I don't need to bother you." Miao Yu struggled to get up from the ground, coughed twice, and spat out a mouthful of blood, and said.

"No trouble, no trouble at all." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen..." Miaoyu continued.

She felt that leaving Zong Xiaomei and the Zong family to Jiang Chen's care was already a great trouble to Jiang Chen, how could he bother Jiang Chen?
"Miaoyu Daoist, as I said, it's not troublesome at all, so don't say anything." Before Miaoyu could finish speaking, Jiang Chen interrupted it.

Miaoyu sighed, thinking that Jiang Chen was willing to meddle in Qianxiumen's business because of Zong Xiaomei?

Thinking about it this way, Miaoyu couldn't help feeling that she owed Jiang Chen too much, and she didn't know how to repay this favor in the future.

"Jiang Chen, Miaoyu's words mean that the grievances between Qianxiu Clan and my Goddess Sect have nothing to do with you. I think you understand this." At this moment, Qiu Hailan said.

At first, Qiu Hailan thought that Jiang Chen was invited by Miaoyu, but she didn't expect that Miaoyu would have such an attitude that she didn't intend to let Jiang Chen intervene.

This couldn't help but make Qiu Hailan overjoyed, and she was very happy to see the result, so she opened her mouth to speak, hoping that Jiang Chen could leave on his own initiative, and don't meddle in other people's business.

"I also said that I will take care of today's matter. Do you have a problem with your ears, or do you simply not understand human speech?" Jiang Chen said in an unusually unhappy manner.

It's been a long time since he took the initiative to ask Ying to meddle in his own business, so can't he be happier?

I have to say, this Qiu Hailan is very short of smoking.

But it's also true, this Qiu Hailan is born with a mean look, and it seems that he is very underwhelmed.

Jiang Chen felt that even if there was no such thing as Qianxiumen, if he had met Qiu Hailan, he probably couldn't help but strike out righteously and beat her up.

Qiu Hailan was furious.

Miaoyu always expressed her attitude and asked Jiang Chen not to intervene, but Jiang Chen insisted on intervening. Could it be that she, Qiu Hailan, is easy to bully?Think Goddess Sect is easy to bully?
"Jiang Chen, the old saying is good, if you do many wrongdoings, you will die. My Goddess Sect has never provoked you, but you have repeatedly opposed my Goddess Sect. Are you not afraid of retribution?" Qiu Hailan said viciously. Said.

"Um, are you sure you're talking about me?" Jiang Chen wondered.

If there will be retribution for doing unrighteous things, I am afraid that the Goddess Sect is also worried. What does Jiang Chen have to worry about?
"Jiang Chen, I'm just warning you, my Goddess Sect is not easy to bully." Qiu Hailan said angrily.

"Very good, it sounds like he has a lot of backbone, so I'll give it a try and see if it's easy to bully or not." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Jiang Chen had always been a man of action, so he did what he said, and disappeared from Qiu Hailan's eyes as soon as he said a word.

When Qiu Hailan found Jiang Chen's figure again, he saw several disciples of the Goddess Sect collapsed to the ground, vomited blood and died.

Jiang Chen's speed was extremely fast, he slapped each person one by one, in just two or three seconds, he harvested several lives, and killing people was like mowing grass, that's called rude and neat.

"Hey, it looks like it's easy to bully, but it's a bit different to tell you." After killing several people in a row, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Qiu Hailan again, and said to himself.

"You're looking for death." Qiu Hailan was furious. In her opinion, Jiang Chen was simply deceiving people too much. In a panic, she launched an attack on Jiang Chen.


One minute later, Jiang Chen slapped Qiu Hailan and sent her flying.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen appeared in front of Qiu Hailan, said with a light smile, "I plan to kill you in the same way you killed Daoist Miaoyu just now, I'm sure you will be flattered, right?"


It was Jiang Chen who was about to send Qiu Hailan to die when a voice suddenly entered Jiang Chen's ears.

Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, why are these words so familiar?

Immediately, a young man appeared swaggeringly. The young man was dark and thin, as if he was born with malnutrition, but his eyes were clear and sharp. Even when he was walking, he held his head high, showing a bit of a difference Very proud, very arrogant.

"Hei boy, are you talking to me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You can call me by my name, Qianlong." The black and thin boy calmly reminded, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a few steps.

"Young Master Long."

Seeing this young man appear, Qiu Hailan hastily greeted him respectfully.

"Qianlong? With such a big name, aren't you afraid of sudden death?" Jiang Chen asked in bewilderment. He felt that this guy was too embarrassing, what kind of name was not good, and he actually named him Qianlong.

"Qiankun's Qian, the dragon flying in the sky." Qianlong said calmly.

"So that's the case, but this name, in my opinion, doesn't suit you at all. If you name it Dry Snake, it will complement each other very well." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

"Are you insulting me?" Qian Longmeifeng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"It's just a suggestion. If you think this suggestion is not good, just pretend I didn't agree." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

He's lazy to care about this guy's name, it's not his son, is it?

While talking, Jiang Chen stepped down with his right foot and stepped heavily on Qiu Hailan's chest. There was a cracking sound, and the sound of joints bursting. Qiu Hailan's pupils suddenly widened, and he looked at it in disbelief Follow Jiang Chen.

Qiu Hailan thought that Jiang Chen would not kill herself again because of Qianlong's appearance because of Qianlong's appearance, but she never expected that Jiang Chen would actually kill herself in front of Qianlong.

Qiu Hailan felt that her death was extremely wronged, and until she died, she couldn't rest in peace.

"Jiang Chen, I told you to stop!" Qianlong was instantly angry.

"I stopped, didn't you see?" Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I just moved my foot a little bit, if you have any objections, you can tell me just now, Let me stop."

"You—" Qianlong was furious, that face that was already dark became even more black as charcoal.

"This is also a suggestion. After all, no matter what you say, it's better to say it clearly once. Otherwise, if you accidentally misunderstand, it's not good." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"Jiang Chen, do you know who I am? You're taking yourself too seriously when you say this in front of me." Qian Long said coldly.

"As you said, your name is Qianlong. I have always had a good memory, and I have already remembered your name." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"--" Qianlong didn't speak, and looked at Jiang Chen like that, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Jiang Chen, this Qianlong is the first disciple of Qianlongmen." Miaoyu explained Qianlong's identity to Jiang Chen dumbfounded.

"Qianlongmen? Never heard of it." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Haven't heard?" Miaoyu was stunned.

You know, this Qianlongmen is a super ancient martial arts sect, and one of the organizers of this ancient martial arts alliance conference is Qianlongmen.

Although Qianlongmen has always been low-key and not well-known, Miaoyu feels that Jiang Chen has not even heard of Qianlongmen.

After all, at Jiang Chen's age, he is a strong man whose cultivation base is extraordinary, approaching the innate realm, so he must have an extraordinary background. How could he have never even heard of Qianlongmen?

But seeing Jiang Chen, he didn't seem to be lying, which made Miaoyu understand.

Qianlong had no intention of showing off his identity, he was proud of himself, but his identity was exposed by Miaoyu, and Qianlong didn't stop him, so what if he simply let Jiang Chen know?

Just as Miaoyu was surprised, Qianlong himself was also surprised.

Jiang Chen has never heard of Qianlongmen, is it because of his father?Or did Jiang Chen not take Qianlongmen seriously?

Then he found out that Jiang Chen had never heard of Qianlongmen. Qianlong was a little surprised and didn't know what was going on.

Jiang Chen didn't know him, but he had heard Jiang Chen's name many times. Jiang Chen alone stirred up the situation with one hand, and up to now, he was still alive and well.

Qianlong was just like Miaoyu, subconsciously thinking that Jiang Chen had a strong support, but now, Qianlong was confused, Jiang Chen had never heard of Qianlongmen, so it was hard to believe that Jiang Chen would have something Rely, unless Jiang Chen is an idiot.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it before, but from this moment on, you will be deeply impressed." Qian Long said indifferently.

"You want to fight with me?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Too high-profile often means that it is too easy to die. Jiang Chen, in this Penglai fairy island, there are too many people who don't like you. I am just one of them. You'd better make mental preparations early, so as not to When you die someday, you don't even know how you died." Qian Long said sarcastically.

He didn't come for the Goddess Sect, it's just that Jiang Chen didn't like it, the reason was that Jiang Chen was too high-profile, and he didn't like it.

"But unfortunately, so far, no one has been able to kill me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Tomorrow, you and I will fight in the arena of life and death." Qianlong said afterward, turned and left.

"Hey, what are you doing walking so fast, we can definitely fight now, and I will definitely satisfy your desire for torture." Jiang Chen shouted.

"Remember, life and death arena, Jiang Chen, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise, I will be very disappointed." Turning his head, he glanced coldly at Jiang Chen, Qianlong said coldly, and disappeared in an instant.

"Could it be possible that murder depends on the almanac?" Jiang Chen was puzzled, he didn't have to wait until tomorrow, he would be very disappointed now!
(End of this chapter)

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