genius evil

Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009
In this Penglai fairy island, in the center of the archipelago, there is a huge deserted island.

Unlike other islands, which have more or less vegetation, this huge deserted island covers an area of ​​nearly [-] mu, but there is no grass and it is very barren.

A ring stands in the middle of the deserted island, which is very conspicuous.

The arena is two meters high and five meters long and wide. Although it was built temporarily, it still gives people a very heavy feeling.

Today is the first day of the official opening of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance General Assembly. All forces gathered on this deserted island one after another, scattered scattered.

When Jiang Chen and the others arrived at this deserted island, it was a little late in terms of time, and in terms of the number of people, at a glance, it was impressive that they had arrived in sevens and eights.

"That arena, could it be the rumored arena of life and death?" Jiang Chen asked curiously at a glance.

"That's right, that's the arena of life and death." Miaoyu nodded with a stern expression.

Miaoyu was seriously injured. Jiang Chen originally planned to let Miaoyu rest in the tent, but Miaoyu naturally didn't want to miss this grand event. After Jiang Chen treated her for a while, she insisted on coming to see it for herself. Get a glimpse of the event.

"It seems that there is no very strange feeling." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Brother Qing, please don't pretend to be ignorant, okay? From my point of view, you don't even know what is going on in the life-and-death arena." Huang Chan pouted.

"Jiang Chen didn't understand anything." Jin Ling rolled her eyes, expressing her infinite contempt for Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, the tradition of life and death arena in the ancient martial arts alliance conference has lasted for nearly hundreds of years. This life and death arena is a platform provided by the organizers of the ancient martial arts alliance for all parties to settle old accounts and settle grievances. With Avoid, after the start of the conference, there will be another massacre in private." Miaoyu explained to Jiang Chen in a deep voice.

Although, Miaoyu is also very strange, Jiang Chen doesn't even know what the life and death arena is.

"That is to say, if I don't like a certain guy, I can call the name and let that guy fight with me in the arena of life and death, right?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

He doesn't understand anything.

But is there anything to be ashamed of in this kind of thing?

In other words, he doesn't understand a lot. Even if it is really embarrassing, the number of times of embarrassment is too many. What is there to care about?
Anyway, he has a thick skin.

"According to the rules, that's exactly the case." Wen Qingxin nodded, and said slowly: "However, as the party being challenged, I have 100% right to refuse to participate in the life-and-death arena."

"In the arena of life and death, those who enter the arena don't count life and death. Although the organizers will strive to be fair, if the two sides are disparate in strength, if one is strong and the other is weak, it is an extremely unfair manifestation. Therefore, unless it is the enmity of life and death, otherwise However, there are very few people who have entered the arena of life and death." Sleeping Beauty said softly.


Jiang Chen didn't come alone this time. Apart from the women beside him, there were also Miaoyu and everyone from Fanyin Mountain who followed him.

At this time, one sentence per person explained to Jiang Chen very clearly what the reason for this life-and-death arena was.

"So it's possible to refuse, I like that." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Brother Qing, you also know that you have offended too many people." Huang Chan said with a smile.

Huang Chan felt that fortunately the challenged person had 100% right to refuse, otherwise, Jiang Chen would probably have died of exhaustion in this arena.

It's no wonder that Jiang Chen would say that he likes this. Huang Chan felt that Jiang Chen was really a thief.

"Sister Qing, what you said is wrong. What do you mean I offended too many people? It is clear that there are too many people who offended me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Jiang Chen, it doesn't seem to be any different if you let your sophistry be allowed." Jin Ling insisted.

"Of course there is a big difference. After all, my wish is world peace." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Jin Ling glared at Jiang Chen with a hellish expression, wishing for peace in the hell world, otherwise, how did the title of murderous madman come about?
But thinking about it, the reason why Jiang Chen has the title of murderous madman, according to Sleeping Beauty, is because of Sleeping Beauty, so Jin Ling didn't use this matter to hit Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I planned to settle old accounts with the Goddess Sect on this arena of life and death, but the Goddess Sect took the opportunity to set a trap." Miaoyu said.

Jiang Chen nodded. Miaoyu mentioned the Goddess Sect at this time. Jiang Chen had no reason, but thought of that black boy named Qianlong. Afterwards, Jiang Chen looked around, but quickly found a familiar figure. It was the short and fat man named Luo Song.

I have to say, this guy is really looking for money, and he is selling mineral water around. It is clear that there is a big bag on the back of the short fat man, and the big bag is full of mineral water. .

Seeing that the big bag was extremely heavy, at least more than 100 catties, the squat man looked a little shorter. While selling hard, he wiped the sweat from his forehead from time to time.

If we say that there are some people who are well-known before the official start of the ancient martial arts alliance conference in Penglai Xiandao.

Jiang Chen can be counted as one, and Humpty Dumpty must also be counted as one.

There is no way, in order to sell their own products, Humpty Humpty has dealt with almost every faction, and the things he sells are extremely expensive, not to mention, speaking of truth, that is also a set, it is difficult Not impressive.

Although, that kind of impression, usually, just makes people gnash their teeth.

"Would you like mineral water? 500 yuan a bottle?" I heard the voice of the short fat man from afar.

"Luo Song, I remember very clearly. You sold a bottle for 30 yuan. I bought a lot from you. How did it become [-] today?" Someone wanted to buy a few bottles of mineral water, but when they heard the price , was taken aback.

A bottle of mineral water for 30 yuan is no different from Mingqian.

Right now, Humpty Humpty wants to sell a bottle for 500 yuan, so he simply puts a money printing machine in his home and prints money himself.

"Brother, you don't know about this. With the holding of the ancient martial arts conference, my cost is getting higher and higher. For the 500 yuan bottle of mineral water, I can only earn a shipping fee at most. It's a business that doesn't make money." Humpty Humpty complained.

"Can you sell it for 30 yuan a bottle?" asked the person who wanted to buy it.

"Thirty?" Humpty Dumpty yelled, stretching his neck and said, "Why don't you just cut my neck and let my blood drink up, 30 yuan, my God, why are you so embarrassed What about the price?"

When the short fat man said this, the man blushed and said, "Only thirty, otherwise I won't buy it."

"Brother, when I saw you, I felt that we were destined for each other. Besides, you are my regular customer. Naturally, I want to give you a very favorable price. How about this? I'll sell it to you at 490, and you can take a bottle of mineral water home with only 490," said the short fat man, spitting all over the place.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, it was because he wanted to slap Humpty Humpty to death, and Humpty Humpty thought he was a fool for fun.

"Get out, don't buy it." The man said angrily.

Being scolded badly, maybe because he was scolded too many times, Humpty Humpty didn't take it to heart at all, and continued to sell mineral water to other people with a hippie smile.

Not to mention, among the ancient martial arts practitioners, there are many invisible rich people. Even if the short fat man sold the mineral water for a sky-high price, there are still many people who bought his water.

The short fat man was counting the money, and his fat face was about to burst into laughter.

After a while, Humpty Humpty Man appeared on Jiang Chen's side. Seeing Jiang Chen, Humpty Humpty Man suddenly shrank his neck, and ran away at a very fast speed.

"Brother Luo, why are you running away, what's the matter with looking down on people? I want to buy mineral water." Jiang Chen yelled.

"Jiang Chen, are you crazy, you can buy a bottle of water for 500 yuan?" Jin Ling yelled.

At the beginning, Jin Ling was a little worried that Humpty Humpty would come to sell, and was thinking about how to get Humpty Humpty away. Who would have thought that when Humpty Humpty saw Jiang Chen, he would turn around and run away, heaving a sigh of relief.

But what Jin Ling didn't expect was that the Humpty Man ran away, Jiang Chen actually stopped the Humpty Man, and said he wanted to buy water. Is this because there is so much money that there is no place to spend it?

"Little brother, I don't have much in stock. I'll come back later when I replenish it." The fat man laughed and walked faster.

"It's okay, I'll just buy a few bottles first, and I'll buy them later when you replenish the stock." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"500 yuan a bottle." The short fat man stretched out five fingers, shook them, and said, "No bargaining is allowed, or if you beat me to death, I won't sell it."

"Five hundred is five hundred. If I have more money, I will buy it if you sell it for five thousand." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

The short fat man gasped, thinking that Jiang Chen was so rich, he couldn't help regretting that the price was set too low, if he had known, he would have sold it for 5000 yuan a bottle.

"Little brother, you have to mean what you say, or I really won't sell it." The short fat man walked over hesitantly, and when the short fat man came over, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the big bag on his back. Come here, take out the mineral water and hand out bottle by bottle.

"One bottle...two bottles...ten bottles...twenty bottles..." The short fat man carefully stared at Jiang Chen's movements, quickly counted silently in his heart, and finally said loudly: "Little brother, listen to 25 bottles, Twelve thousand and five hundred yuan, I'll wipe off the change for you... No, there is no change, give me the money."

"I didn't bring so much cash, so let's record it first, and I will give you the money some other day." Jiang Chen said casually.

"Little brother, you cheated on me again." Humpty Humpty's eyes were red, he was so pitiful.

"Hee hee, who told you to cheat others, you deserve it." Jin Ling gloated and said, she thought Jiang Chen would be an idiot enough to give money, but she didn't expect Jiang Chen to cheat on others, she liked it.

"Little sister, what you said is wrong. I, Luo Song, do business, and what I pay attention to is a person who loves you and I want you, and the goods are genuine, and no one can deceive you." Humpty Humpty said sternly.

"Whatever you say, Jiang Chen won't give you money anyway." Jin Ling rolled her eyes.

"It's not that I don't give it, it's that I owe it first." Jiang Chen added.

"Little brother, you have to remember clearly, there are [-] in total, if you cheat me, I will show you to death." Humpty Humpty said with a grin that was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

"Don't worry, I have always had a good memory." Jiang Chen said lazily.

But it was two people who were talking, when they suddenly saw the ancient martial arts practitioners present, they were all in an uproar. Jiang Chen looked back and saw that someone was coming, it was from the Yu family!
(End of this chapter)

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