genius evil

Chapter 1010 I will not give you the chance to refuse

Chapter 1010 I will not give you the chance to refuse
The Yu family is not so much a super family, but rather a super force with the super family as the carrier and various forces as the support.

That is to say, the influence, strength and background of the Yu family have long been far beyond the scope of a super family!

The Yu family was not high-profile before.

But because of Yu Ruyi's death, there was a big collision between the Yu family and Jiang Chen, which made a group of ancient martial arts practitioners see the fangs of the Yu family, causing more and more people to care Every move of the Yu family.

No, as soon as the members of the Yu family showed up, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Many people came from the Yu family, Yu Changhe took the lead, followed by Yu Zizai, then the remaining three of the four heavenly kings, and after that, all parties attached to the Yu family.

The group of people was mighty, and Yu Changhe's posture was condescending, with the tendency to be supercilious. When he saw Jiang Chen from a distance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a venomous light shot out from the depths of his eyes.

Yu Changhe was like this, and so were the rest of the Yu family. Their gazes fell on Jiang Chen one by one, clearly taking Jiang Chen as a thorn in their side.

However, the members of the Yu family didn't go to where Jiang Chen was, but went to another direction. Obviously, they didn't intend to immediately conflict with Jiang Chen.

"Brother Luo, have you noticed that this Yu family is too pretentious?" Jiang Chen asked the fat man.

Humpty Humpty was startled, and said in a low voice, "Little brother, what are you talking about with me, I have nothing to do with the Yu family, don't drag me into the water."

"Let's chat casually, why are you so nervous?" Jiang Chen was dissatisfied. He stretched out his hand and hooked the short fat man's neck, and pointed in the direction of the Yu family with a smile, "Look at the people of the Yu family. It's easy to cheat when you have money, and after a while, you can sell mineral water to them, and make sure they will cover all your inventory."

"I'm timid." Humpty Humpty looked shocked.

"It's a bastard if you don't make money. Besides, you're just selling a few bottles of mineral water springs. There's no righteousness in buying and selling. Is it possible that they can still beat you up?" Jiang Chen urged.

"I don't know why, but I feel like what you said makes sense." After thinking for a while, Humpty Humpty said, obviously moved.

"For things like making money, you have to make a lot of money from the rich. If you go to make those bitter money, it is basically picking meat from the legs of mosquitoes. Listen to me, go quickly... oh , By the way, this 500 yuan bottle of mineral water is completely unworthy of the status of the Yu family, at least [-] yuan is the starting point to be considered suitable for the status of the Yu family." Jiang Chen said.

"Little brother, I admit that I was moved by you, but you have to guarantee that you didn't cheat me." Humpty Humpty said.

"What's the relationship between the two of us? I wouldn't cheat on anyone, would I?" Jiang Chen said with a blush.

"Okay, I'm going." Gritting his teeth, Humpty Humpty said.

"Hurry up, earn this money, you can almost retire, think about your 80-year-old mother, and think about your eight-month-old daughter." Patting the short fat man on the shoulder, Jiang Chen cheered him on Puff up.

So, Humpty Humpty really went, carrying the remaining dozens of bottles of mineral water, and quickly ran towards the direction of Yu's house. Seeing the golden light in his eyes, he seemed to be running towards a gold mine.

"Jiang Chen, is it really okay for you to deceive people like this? What if Yu Changhe slaps the fat man to death?" Jin Ling said dumbfounded.

"Little sister, you don't understand, this is called, people die for money, birds die for food." Jiang Chen said leisurely.

"It's clear that you want to kill him. Let me tell you, you don't mean to send him to death because you want to lose the 500 yuan, right?" Jin Ling said suspiciously.

Following Jin Ling's words, the rest of the people also looked at Jiang Chen one after another, all suspicious of Jiang Chen's motives.

"Ahem..." Jiang Chen coughed twice, and said solemnly, "Little sister, I, Jiang Chen, have always been open and upright in my work. You must have misunderstood me."

"Anyway, if that short fat man is killed by members of the Yu family, it will be you who killed him," Jin Ling said.


Almost as soon as Jin Ling's voice fell, a high-pitched voice sounded, and Yu Zizai slapped the short fat man with a slap, sending the short fat man flying away.

"It's over." Jin Ling heard the sound and looked, she couldn't bear to look, she thought that the fat man must have been shot to death by Yu Zizai.

"Don't be nervous, it's not over yet." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

It's true that it's not over yet. How could the Humpty Man be shot to death so easily?A guy who is addicted to money, shuttles between the islands of Penglai Xiandao, tricks countless people and still escapes unscathed, how is it possible that he is an ordinary existence?
"Yu Zizai, are you still unreasonable? I'm just selling my mineral water well. If you don't buy it, forget it. Why do you beat people?" The short fat man's voice came from afar.

"Get away, or I'll kill you." Yu Zizai was very impatient.

If Humpty Dumpty really came to sell mineral water, no matter how bad Yu Zizai was in a bad mood, he wouldn't lose his temper like this.

The problem is, a bottle of mineral water was sold by Humpty for 5000 yuan. From Yu Zizai's point of view, it is clear that Yu Zizai is taking the people from Yu's family for idiots.

"Everyone is a gentleman. Fighting and killing is what barbarians do. I just earn some hard-earned money. Your Yu family must be reasonable. You must apologize to me when you hit me." Humpty Humpty Said without hesitation.

"Do you want to die?" Yu Zizai stared at Humpty Dumpty and said sharply.

The short fat man shrank his neck, took two steps back, and said, "If you don't want to apologize to me, then you can buy all my mineral water. According to the previous price, a bottle of 5000 yuan, it will be treated as your apology to me." apologize."

"Five thousand?"

"A bottle of mineral water is five thousand."

"This guy actually blackmailed the Yu family, he really wants to die."


The ancient martial arts practitioners on the island listened to the words of the short fat man, and finally understood why Yu Zizai got angry.

A bottle of mineral water that cost 500 yuan before was already unbelievable, but now, the short fat man is actually asking for [-] yuan. This is simply to rob Yu's house.

"Looking for death." Yu Zizai was anxious, raised her hand, and slapped the short fat man again.

Naturally, the short fat man would not stand still, let Yu Zizai attack, and ran away, shouting as he ran: "Stingy, you don't even buy a bottle of mineral water for 5000 yuan, you just wait to die... no , Wait until you die of thirst, I warn you, the price of this mineral water will increase in a while, even if you give me 5 yuan a bottle, I will not sell it... It is not right, I will consider selling it to you. "

Despite being short and fat, Humpty Dumpty ran so fast that he couldn't even see the figure in a blink of an eye.

Yu Zizai didn't want to hunt down and kill Humpty Humpty, after all, Humpty Humpty was shameless, but he was, looking coldly at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, if you deliberately disgust my Yu family, congratulations, you have succeeded." Yu Zizai said gloomyly.

Jiang Chen waved his hands again and again, and said: "Yu Zizao, I don't understand what you said, that guy has nothing to do with me, you are so far-fetched, pouring dirty water on my Jiang Chen's head, is it because you think Am I, Jiang Chen, easy to bully?"

"You—" Yu Zizai was furious.

"What about you and me? If you don't like me, just say it. If you want to kill me, just do it directly. Don't play these little tricks in front of me. It's easy to laugh at me." Jiang Chen said carelessly.

"Shut up." Yu Zizai was furious, wanting to tear Jiang Chen apart.

He saw just now that Jiang Chen and Humpty Dumpty were hooking shoulders together, discussing something, and after that, Dumpty Humpty ran to Yu's house... Yu Zizai would never believe that Humpty Humpty's behavior had nothing to do with Jiang Chen of.

But Jiang Chen was kind, he pushed and acted like he didn't know anything, and he had an innocent and wronged face, which made Yu Zizai's teeth itch with hatred.

"It's you who should shut up." Jiang Chen shook his head and said lazily, "Yu Zizai, although I'm notoriously good-tempered, if you dare to pour dirty water on me again, be careful! I'm not being rude to you."

"I'll wait." Yu Zizai said sharply.


Humpty Humpty ran away, and he didn't know where he went. He was probably looking for a place and wept silently, while the other ancient martial arts practitioners shifted their attention from the Yu family to Jiang Chen. body.

They all felt that what Yu Zizai said was correct, that Jiang Chen was indeed uniting the short and fat man to disgust the Yu family, but it had to be said that Jiang Chen was so courageous that he dared to do such a thing in front of so many people. Did you not take the Yu family seriously?
A farce soon came to an end, and after a while, someone appeared again.

There was only one person, just so carefree, appearing as if no one else was there.

It was a dark and thin guy. Because his skin was too dark and his face was tender, and he seemed to be born with malnutrition, it was impossible to judge his exact age.

It is Qianlong.

Unlike Yu's family, which is huge and powerful, there is only one person in Qianlong. He put his hands in his trouser pockets and held his head high, showing a bit of unusual pride.

"It's Qianlong."

"That's right, the rumored number one disciple of Qianlongmen."

"What a proud guy, what a powerful aura."


Some people discussed secretly, they were all curious about this dry dragon.

Qianlong didn't know if he heard the voices of those discussions, he walked straight to Jiang Chen, grinned, and said, "It's quite early, but if I have to remind you, I won't give you a chance to refuse."

"Do we know each other?" Jiang Chen asked after blinking.

Qianlong laughed and said, "I don't know him, but what does it matter?"

Qianlong didn't talk nonsense with Jiang Chen. After leaving these two sentences, he swaggered away, but the two sentences he said to Jiang Chen were heard by everyone.

"When did Jiang Chen offend Qianlong?"

"Could it be that Jiang Chen and Qianlongmen have old grudges?"


Everyone speculated one after another, gloating a little bit, thinking at the same time, how many people Jiang Chen had offended, could it be that he offended all the forces of all parties.

If that's the case, then today's life-and-death arena battle is a good one to watch.

Soon after Qianlong's arrival, someone came again, this time, two people came, a sloppy Taoist priest, followed by a little Taoist boy, slowly appearing in everyone's sight.

The sloppy Taoist priest's Taoist robe has not been washed for an unknown period of time, and the original color can hardly be seen. His long hair is even more greasy. A kind of unrefined but chic and uninhibited taste.

But the little Taoist boy was clean and tidy, which happened to be in stark contrast to the sloppy Taoist priest. Many people could tell at a glance that the little Taoist boy was the entourage of the sloppy Taoist priest. However, the image difference between the master and the servant was too great. Big, but it makes the little boy look more like his master...

(End of this chapter)

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