genius evil

Chapter 1011 One Person Challenges One Sect

Chapter 1011 Challenge a sect alone

"That sloppy Taoist priest, seems to be Xuan Ye?"

"That's right, it's Xuan Ye."

"Xuan Ye? The most talented disciple of the Celestial Master for hundreds of years?"


Someone recognized the identity of the sloppy Taoist priest and discussed it privately, feeling very curious.

"Brother Qing, that guy is Xuan Ye." Huang Chan pointed to Xuan Ye and said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and looked at Xuan Ye.

I have to say, this guy is really different, he doesn't care about worldly eyes at all.

Some people may think that Xuan Ye's attire is quite deliberate, but Jiang Chen can tell that this Xuan Ye clearly doesn't care about things outside his body at all.

For a person like him, having a shelter from the wind and rain, where he can sleep and eat, is probably enough. As for where he lives and what he eats, he doesn't care at all.

In layman's terms, such characters usually have a sincere heart.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Xuan Ye can be called the most talented disciple in the Tao of Heavenly Master for hundreds of years. Such a character, even if he doesn't want to be outstanding, he can't do it!

"Brother Qing, then you should remember what I told you before." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Sister Qing, I remember all the love words you said to me." Jiang Chen also smiled.

Xuan Ye over there led the little Taoist boy and walked towards Jiang Chen.

Naturally, seeing such a scene, other people have different thoughts.

Previously, it was fine for Qianlong to go to Jiang Chen, but now, Xuan Ye is going to Jiang Chen again, which is undoubtedly very intriguing.

"That Xuan Ye, since he came to Penglai Immortal Island, has refused to receive visitors. I have gone to him twice, but he has been hit by soft nails. How can he know Jiang Chen?" Joy.

As the eldest son of the Yu family, Yu Zizai is the future head of the Yu family. His status is not insignificant, but he was rejected thousands of miles away when he visited Xuan Ye twice.

It's impossible to say that Yu Zizai doesn't care about this situation, but he didn't show it before.

But now, seeing Xuan Ye walking towards Jiang Chen, it is obvious that Xuan Ye and Jiang Chen are old acquaintances, which makes Yu feel at ease, which is a bit unbearable.

"Young Master Yu, don't worry about it. I don't think that Xuan Ye may be Jiang Chen's friend." Shi Xi, who was standing beside Yu Zizai, said with a smile.

"How do you know?" Yu Zizai asked.

"Look at that little Taoist boy, he has an expression of displeasure, obviously dissatisfied with Jiang Chen." Shi Xi said.

Xuanye's attention was all on Xuanye, but he didn't notice the little Taoist boy who was following Xuanye. At this time, Shi Xi reminded him, and when he looked up, he found that, as Shi Xi said, the little Taoist boy, His face was full of resentment.

"Jiang Chen, that guy is really a scourge, did he even offend Xuan Ye?" Yu Zizai chuckled lightly, finding it very interesting.

"Master, I heard this woman say, let Jiang Chen beat you to the ground, now, just beat her to the ground."

Xuan Ye and Xiao Dao Tong slowly approached, Xiao Dao Tong suddenly raised his hand, pointed at Huang Chan, and said to Xuan Ye.

Faced with Xiao Daotong's sudden attack, Huang Chan was a little startled, and hurriedly said: "Little guy, did I ever say that? It's wrong to talk nonsense."

"You just said it." Xiao Daotong pointed out unusually calmly.

"I definitely didn't say that." Huang Chan shook her head like a rattle and said angrily, "You're trying to sow discord. Besides, I'm a lady, and a lady wouldn't talk like that."

"How would a lady talk?" Xiao Daotong asked curiously.

"Lady, I will directly say, break your master's legs." Huang Chan demonstrated.

"You are so brave." Xiao Daotong sneered, "Okay, you, in addition to beating my master to the ground for teeth, you actually want to break my master's legs. My master, you are not easy to bully of."

"Little guy, I'm just giving you an example. You must be too young and read too little, so you didn't understand me at all." Huang Chan said.

"You are the one who speaks nonsense. Do you think I will believe your nonsense? Do you think I can be easily deceived when I am young? Let me tell you, no one can deceive me, and I will tell you again, you are finished, my master will beat you You are looking for teeth all over the place, and you will break your legs." Xiaodaotong said vowedly.

"Little guy, have I offended you? Do you want to make things difficult for me?" Huang Chan bared her teeth.

"You didn't offend me, you just offended my master." Xiao Daotong was very calm.

"Little guy, if you dare to say such a thing, be careful not to be beaten all over the place by your master." Huang Chan teased.

Huang Chan and Xiao Daotong, you come and go, it's a joy, Jiang Chen and Xuan Ye looked at each other, and they both smiled.

"Brother Jiang looks great, but it's a bit different from the legends outside." Xuan Ye said with a smile, his temperament is very special, he is young, but he gives people a profound sense of insight into the world.

"No way, there are too many people who are envious and jealous these days." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Jiang, will you be in the arena of life and death?" Xuan Ye asked.

"Brother Xuanye, are you interested?" Jiang Chen smiled, but did not answer Xuanye's question.

"I came here to participate in the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference this time. I just want to meet the young heroes of the world. Brother Jiang, you are very suitable for my temper. I want to learn from you, Brother Jiang." Xuanye said sincerely.

"Just fight with me, right?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly, and said, "I shouldn't have provoked or provoked you. It's not very good to fight or something."

"It's a competition, I know, Brother Jiang, you will definitely not refuse." Xuanye smiled lightly, waved, and led Xiaodaotong away.

"Brother Qing, I have a hunch that Xuan Ye probably really wants to hit you so hard." Huang Chan said with a smile.

Glancing at Huang Chan, Jiang Chen sighed, and said helplessly, "I really shouldn't be so handsome."


After Xuan Ye arrived, other forces came. Around ten o'clock in the morning, all the forces came together.


Suddenly, the sound of robes rang out, and a figure suddenly appeared on the arena of life and death.

It was an old man with a hook nose, about seventy years old, wrapped in a black robe, even in broad daylight, it gave people a sense of uncertainty.

Except for a few people, almost no one saw which direction the hook-nosed old man appeared from.

However, after discovering the hook-nosed old man, he had already entered the arena of life and death.

Following the hooked-nosed old man, he stepped onto the arena of life and death, and before he could speak, a terrifying aura spread around the place where he was located, captivating people's hearts and souls, causing countless people to show fear.

"A strong man in the innate realm?" Frowning slightly, Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, and looked at the old man with the hooked nose.

This hooked-nosed old man looks ordinary at first glance, but as a strong man in the innate realm, he is naturally not really ordinary.

His expression and charm were not comparable to the Wei Dashan Jiang Chen had seen in the capital.

This hooked-nosed old man's aura is as majestic as a mountain, perhaps even ten Wei Dashans may not be his opponent.

"As expected of a strong man in the innate realm, he is indeed extraordinary, and he is completely different from that ancient martial artist who cultivated the day after tomorrow." Jiang Chen said silently.

In terms of the strength of the old man with the hooked nose, Jiang Chen faintly felt that it would not be an exaggeration to say that all acquired cultivators are ants before those who are strong in the innate realm.

The appearance of the hooked-nosed old man made all the forces feel serious, even Yu Changhe's face was quiet, a little more serious, and he dared not underestimate it.

On the contrary, Qianlong's eyes were shining brightly, as if he was burning with a strong desire to fight, his fists were clenched tightly, and his heart was fascinated.

"Everyone, you are all heroes in my Chinese ancient martial arts circle. This time, I am here to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference. We are waiting for you to participate in this grand event. I am deeply honored, Yan Feiyang."

"The ancient martial arts alliance conference is a grand gathering for all ancient martial arts practitioners. Today is the first day of the conference, and it is also the arena of life and death. On the first day of opening, if you have any grievances or grievances, you can participate in this arena of life and death." , One by one, from this moment on, you have eight hours, and after eight hours, all forces are not allowed to kill in private, otherwise, there will be no mercy."

The hooked nose old man Yan Feiyang's voice was like thunder, every word and every syllable was heard by everyone, and everyone was in awe.

"Presumably everyone, you have understood my words. Very good. Next, the life and death arena is open!" Yan Feiyang laughed loudly, and his figure disappeared instantly like a flying bird, leaving only an empty life and death arena.


It seems that there are not many rules in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, but there are certain rules that no one, regardless of status, should violate.

For example, the rules of the life and death arena.

This is almost an iron rule, but anyone who violates it will be killed without mercy!

A group of people looked at the arena of life and death, and quietly, someone's breathing gradually became hot.

Repaying grievances for grievances, repaying grievances for injustices, this is the meaning of life and death.


A figure flashed, and within a few flashes, he was the first one to board the arena of life and death.

It was a woman, her whole body was tightly wrapped, a hat suppressed her hair, a mask covered her face, and even a pair of glasses covered her eyebrows. Can't get a glimpse of its true face.

It can only be judged from her graceful figure that she is a woman!
"Look, someone is on the stage."

"It's a woman, who is she going to challenge."

"It's actually the first one to be on the stage of life and death. Your courage is commendable."


Countless pairs of eyes stared at the woman on the stage of life and death, but the woman stood silently, looking in one direction, even if it was because of the sunglasses that she couldn't see her eyes, it was enough to make people feel that the sunglasses In the eyes behind, there is a flame of hatred.

"Brother Qing, have you ever heard a saying? A woman with a good figure will not look too bad. This Zhang Xueyou, I have always been curious about what she looks like." Huang Chan said with a smile next to Jiang Chen's ear. .

"You definitely don't want to see her face." Jiang Chen shook his head, looking at that Xueyou with a slightly complicated expression.

When Zhang Xueyou entered the arena of life and death, he must challenge that day's Xingzong.

Honggu was killed by him, and Zhang Xueyou was the only one in Wuxinlou, challenging a sect with one person's power, in Jiang Chen's view, this is definitely not bravery, but stupidity.

From this, it is not difficult to see that the stubborn side of Zhang Xueyou's character, and Wu Xinlou's revenge for destroying the family almost made this woman bewildered.

Zhang Xueyou was indeed going to challenge the Sky Star Sect, the direction she was looking at at the moment was also the direction where the people of the Sky Star Sect were.

"Traitors of the Heavenly Star Sect, get out here!" The voice of yelling slowly burst out from the depths of Zhang Xueyou's throat, decisive and tragic, a short sentence moved countless people!

(End of this chapter)

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