genius evil

Chapter 1012 Chapter 2 Shameless

Chapter 1012 The Second Shameless Person

"Challenge the Heavenly Star School? Is this woman going to challenge the Heavenly Star School?"

"I just saw that this woman is alone. Could it be that she wants to challenge the entire Heavenly Star Sect by herself?"

"Hey, I didn't expect that the first person to be called was the Tianxingzong. This is a good show."


Following Zhang Xueyou, who named her by name, after learning who she was going to challenge, some people were amazed, some were confused, and most of them were purely watching the excitement, wanting to see how this situation would develop.

Zhang Xueyou is not well-known, and the Tianxing Sect is only a second-rate sect, so its reputation is not obvious.

However, challenging a sect by one person unintentionally attracted everyone's attention.

"Little bitch is so courageous, you're getting impatient, aren't you?"

"Little bitch, quickly explain the sect you belong to, and your grievances with my Tianxing sect."

"I, the Heavenly Star Sect, act upright and upright. I don't bother to bully a woman. If you don't explain the reason clearly, don't blame us for being ruthless."

Zhang Xueyou was the first to board the arena of life and death, a member of the Heavenly Star Sect, originally reported that he was watching the excitement, looking at Zhang Xueyou, how could he know that he was called by Zhang Xueyou.

For a while, many people in the Tianxing Sect felt that they were a little bit embarrassed.

Many of them didn't know Zhang Xueyou, and they didn't know why Zhang Xueyou wanted to challenge the Tianxing Sect, and they were extremely angry. They had to figure out the cause and effect.

"Mo Dongxing, did you forget that your Tianxingzong destroyed my Wuxinlou?" Zhang Xueyou asked coldly.

"Little bitch, so you are the remnant of Wuxinlou!" Mo Dongxing said in a deep voice.

"Remnants?" Zhang Xueyou laughed loudly, and said word by word, "Destroy my sect, bully my sect, the Tianxing sect is inhumane, the crime deserves death, I, Zhang Xueyou, today, I want to avenge the destruction of my sect for my Wuxinlou Vengeance!"

"Sect Master, please allow the disciples to go to the ring and kill this girl."

"Sovereign, this woman is talking nonsense and ruining the reputation of our Tianxingzong. She must be sentenced to death and return my Tianxingzong's innocence."

"Sovereign, please order, the disciple is willing to invite you!"

But it was Zhang Xueyou's behavior that made everyone in the Tianxing Sect furious. Listening to their angry tones, it seemed that Zhang Xueyou had greatly slandered the Tianxing Sect.

Some people who didn't know about Wuxinlou and Tianxingzong's past, at the beginning they heard Zhang Xueyou's words were convincing, and originally expressed some sympathy for Zhang Xueyou, but when they heard the disciples of Tianxingzong say so, they were shaken.

And some people in the know scoffed at the Tianxing sect very much.

But of course, if they were asked to stand up for Zhang Xueyou, no one would do such a thing.

After all, to stand up for Zhang Xueyou means to be an enemy of the Tianxing Sect, and the matter has nothing to do with him.

"Bad reputation of Tianxingzong?" Zhang Xueyou laughed out loud, extremely cruel, she said sharply; "What kind of virtue is Tianxingzong, everyone knows, where did you get the reputation of Tianxingzong?"


"To shut up!"

The people of Tianxingzong were furious, countless people were eager to try, thinking of rushing to the ring and beheading Zhang Xueyou, they looked at Mo Dongxing one by one, only waiting for Mo Dongxing to give an order.

"What a sharp-tongued girl, she was unintentional and inhuman back then, and I, the Tianxing Sect, fought righteously and fought against injustice, but was framed by you and others. Not to mention, today, on the stage of life and death, I openly arranged for me Could it be that I, Mo Dongxing, are easy to bully? Could it be that I, the Heavenly Star Sect, are easy to bully?" Mo Dongxing said in a cold voice, with a sharp voice, as if he was full of grievances and had nowhere to appeal.

"Mo Dongxing, how about your Heavenly Star Sect, do you still want me to arrange it? Don't talk nonsense, come up and die quickly." Zhang Xueyou's expression was sharp, and Mo Dongxing's words made him tremble all over.

She couldn't believe that a single person could be so shameless. It was clearly the fault of the Tianxing Sect, but he forcibly pushed all the faults to Wuxinlou.

Zhang Xueyou knew in her heart that no matter how much she argued with Mo Dongxing, it would be useless, so she decided to see the real trick in the arena of life and death.

Even if she dies, she will definitely make Xingzong pay the price for what she did in the past!

"Okay, then I, Mo Dongxing, will come to teach you the methods of this little girl." Mo Dongxing said loudly, with awe-inspiring justice, and walked step by step towards the arena of life and death.

"Mo Dongxing actually made the move himself."

"So much resentment, so much anger."

"That woman named Zhang Xueyou is dead."


Although Mo Dongxing is only the suzerain of a first- and second-rate sect, but his cultivation is not bad, he is a strong man of the eighth level of the ancient martial arts, and when Mo Dongxing took action himself, everyone knew that Zhang Xueyou would die No doubt, no luck.

For Mo Dongxing's behavior, the members of the Tianxing Sect were also quite surprised, but soon, they started clamoring. How could they not know that this was a decision made by Mo Dongxing in a rage.

Inevitably, Mo Dongxing had to kill Zhang Xueyou himself in order to relieve his anger.

Everyone, watching Mo Dongxing, walked towards the arena of life and death.

Blinking his eyes, Huang Chan said: "Brother Qing, that Zhang Xueyou, at least I got to know you for a while, and you are always the most sympathetic, don't you want to show it? Maybe you can take the opportunity to win the beauty's heart. "

"This is the grievance between Wuxinlou and Tianxingzong, I will not interfere." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Zhang Xueyou has a strong personality, and chose to settle the old accounts with the Tianxingzong in the arena of life and death. It is obvious that Zhang Xueyou decided to take revenge in person, and did not want to pretend to be someone else.

Furthermore, even if that wasn't the case, Jiang Chen didn't think it was necessary for him to intervene. He had nothing to do with Zhang Xueyou.

If you have to say that it has something to do with it, because he killed Hong Gu, it can be said that he is Zhang Xueyou's enemy.

"Brother Qing, aren't you? Could it be that you just watched Zhang Xueyou being killed by Mo Dongxing?" Huang Chan said.

"Inhuman guy." Jin Ling rolled her eyes, expressing her contempt for Jiang Chen.

Sleeping Beauty and Wen Qingxin were not talking, but because they heard Huang Chan say that Jiang Chen knew Zhang Xueyou, they looked at Jiang Chen vaguely.

"This has nothing to do with human nature. Sister Qing, if you think it's too cruel for me to watch Zhang Xueyou get killed, I can close my eyes." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Close your eyes?" Jin Ling sneered, "Isn't this deception?"

"How about I leave for a while and pretend I don't know anything?" Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"It's meaningless, anyway, you are a man who has no responsibility." Jin Ling said with contempt.

Jiang Chen was speechless, and glared at Huang Chan bitterly. After all, if Huang Chan hadn't been troublesome, how could Jin Ling have become like this.

While several people were talking, over there, Mo Dongxing had already entered the arena of life and death.

"Zhang Xueyou, you are not my opponent. I, Mo Dongxing, am not a bloodthirsty person. If you are willing to apologize to my Tianxingzong, and make up for it, maybe I can consider it and spare your life." Mo Dongxing stared Zhang Xueyou said.

Mo Dongxing could clearly perceive the anger and evil spirit on Zhang Xueyou's body, and Zhang Xueyou's body had an unending aura.

In the past, Mo Dongxing didn't care if he didn't know that there were people in Wuxinlou. Now, since he knew that Zhang Xueyou was from Wuxinlou, Mo Dongxing would naturally not allow Zhang Xueyou to live in this world.

But the words of the scene have to be said.

Mo Dongxing didn't want the Tianxing School to become the target of public criticism because of Zhang Xueyou. He had to occupy the moral high ground and kill Zhang Xueyou openly, so that everyone had nothing to say about it.

"Mo Dongxing, only with your blood can I comfort the souls of my Wuxinlou, let's do it, I want your life." Zhang Xueyou said through gritted teeth.

"I've already given you a chance." Mo Dongxing sighed, with a look of reluctance, he stretched out his hand and said, "Zhang Xueyou, I, Mo Dongxing, as a human being, I only want to be honest and upright, and when I do things, I only want to be worthy of Xin, you are not my opponent, and I don't want to give up the truth, if people say that I bully you, I am willing to let you do three tricks."

"After the three moves, I, Mo Dongxing, will make a move. If within these three moves, I, Mo Dongxing, unfortunately die in your hands, it can only be blamed on me, Mo Dongxing, for my inferior skills, and it has nothing to do with you. My Tianxing Sect , and will not seek revenge on you for this." Immediately afterwards, Mo Dongxing said again.

"This Mo Dongxing is really a man of temperament."

"Although the Tianxing Sect is only a first- and second-rate sect, this Mo Dongxing has the bearing of a master, and I admire him."


Mo Dongxing's words aroused some discussion, and countless people looked at him highly because of this.

Mo Dongxing listened to the voices of those discussions one by one, and in the depths of his eyes, a hint of complacency flashed across his eyes. He knew very well that the foreshadowing was enough. After a while, when he killed Zhang Xueyou, everyone would only He believed that it was Zhang Xueyou's fault, but he would not think that it was the Tianxing Sect who bullied the weak.

"This guy really has a thick skin. He almost caught up with you, Brother Qing." Huang Chan said dumbfounded. She felt that this was the second time she had seen such a brazen person.

The first time, of course, was Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was shot even while standing, and simply ignored this woman who caused trouble for no reason.

Mo Dongxing's eloquence was quite good, some clever words and tricks made that Zhang Xueyou's heart almost burst with anger.

"Mo Dongxing, I don't need you to let me die." Zhang Xueyou couldn't bear it anymore, jumped up, and killed Mo Dongxing, with a pair of slender hands flying, he launched a fierce attack.

"The first move." Mo Dongxing took a step away, easily avoiding Zhang Xueyou's first attack, and said in a loud voice, just enough for everyone to hear.

Zhang Xueyou was silent, silently launched a second attack, her legs were like whips, twisting towards Mo Dongxing's neck, she wanted to break Mo Dongxing's neck.

Mo Dongxing tilted his head slightly to make Zhang Xueyou's second attack fail, and said: "The second move."

Mo Dongxing walked like a stroll in the garden. Zhang Xueyou, who had failed in two consecutive attacks, was out of breath, and there was a emptiness in the depths of his eyes.

She knew that her cultivation was still too weak, and she was no match for Mo Dongxing at all. Even if Mo Dongxing asked her to do three tricks, within these three tricks, she probably couldn't even touch a piece of Mo Dongxing's clothes. , let alone kill Mo Dongxing.

Zhang Xueyou was not reconciled to resentment, the hatred of destroying the family, the blood hatred of the teacher's family, now, all shouldered by her alone, how could she disappoint the dead master, the dead brothers and sisters, even if she died, she would not hesitate.

Taking a low breath, Zhang Xueyou attacked Mo Dongxing for the third time, and punched Mo Dongxing's heart with both fists.

There was a hint of coldness in the corner of Mo Dongxing's mouth, he didn't take Zhang Xueyou seriously at all, he moved his feet, and flew out, but soon, something went wrong, and with this movement, Mo Dongxing realized that he didn't care at all. Can't move.


Zhang Xueyou's two punches hit Mo Dongxing's heart. Mo Dongxing's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Zhang Xueyou like a ghost. He opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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