genius evil

Chapter 1013 I Just Want to Kill You All

Chapter 1013 I Just Want to Kill You All


"What happened?"

"Mo Dongxing is dead?"

"That Zhang Xueyou actually killed Mo Dongxing!"


It has to be said that the scene of Mo Dongxing's collapse was so sudden that everyone was caught off guard and unable to understand what happened.

You know, when Zhang Xueyou attacked Mo Dongxing twice in a row, Mo Dongxing was very capable. According to common sense, in terms of Mo Dongxing's cultivation base, let alone Zhang Xueyou three moves, even if it is thirty Trick, Zhang Xueyou doesn't even think about killing Mo Dongxing.

However, when Zhang Xueyou shot for the third time, he shattered Mo Dongxing's heart and successfully beheaded Mo Dongxing.

Such a scene was beyond the expectations of many people, and countless people couldn't understand it!

"The suzerain is dead."

"That bitch, killed the suzerain!"

"Revenge for the suzerain."

"Kill her!"


The members of Tianxingzong couldn't accept the facts at present, they were filled with grief, filled with righteous indignation, shouted and cursed loudly, wishing to put Zhang Xueyou to death.

But limited to the rules of the life-and-death ring, they couldn't rush to the ring at this moment, they could only stare at Zhang Xueyou, furious and murderous.

"I actually killed Mo Dongxing, what happened?" Zhang Xueyou murmured to herself.

Not only the spectators couldn't understand what happened, but she herself couldn't understand why this happened.

Even so, this was exactly what she wanted.

She wanted to kill Mo Dongxing so much, she wanted Mo Dongxing to die too much.

However, Zhang Xueyou knew her own strength, she couldn't kill Mo Dongxing at all, no matter what, she couldn't kill him.

Now, Mo Dongxing was dead, in her hands, lowering his head, Zhang Xueyou looked at his two hands with a dazed expression, as if he was dreaming.

"Brother Qing, why don't you intervene as promised? Is it really okay for you to break your promise?" Huang Chan joked with a smile.

"It's not me." Jiang Chen shook his head.

"No?" Huang Chan was taken aback, then asked, "Who is that?"

"Qianlong." Jiang Chen said.

"Is it Qianlong? What's the matter with that guy, how could he help Zhang Xueyou?" Huang Chan was puzzled.

"Maybe it's because Mo Dongxing doesn't like it." Jiang Chen said, he was also deeply surprised by this matter.

It was discovered that it was Qianlong who made the move, not only Jiang Chen, but also others, such as Wen Qingxin, Xuan Ye, and members of the Yu family.

But for these people, they didn't care about Mo Dongxing's life or death. If he died, he was dead. He was just an insignificant little character.

"Zhang Xueyou, you can come down now." Hearing Qianlong's voice, it suddenly sounded, and listening to his tone, there was a hint of impatience.

Zhang Xueyou stared blankly at Qianlong's direction, but Qianlong was even more impatient, beckoning, and ordered: "Come down."

"Qianlong, this woman killed our suzerain, we want revenge."

"Yes, for revenge, you can't let her come down."

The members of the Tianxingzong yelled that they were unwilling to let Zhang Xueyou step down from the arena of life and death, otherwise, they would not be able to seek revenge on Zhang Xueyou in this Penglai fairy island.

"Do you want to die?" Qianlong said coldly, his tone indifferent.


The members of the Tianxing Sect were all in an uproar, completely silent, and no one dared to speak.

Qianlong's background is astonishing, and he himself is even more astonishingly talented. The mere Tianxing sect can't afford to provoke him at all.

"Zhang Xueyou, get down." After scolding the people from the Tianxing Sect, Qianlong said to Zhang Xueyou again, already a little bit angry.

Zhang Xueyou's expression was dull, she didn't know whether she heard Qianlong's words or not, she glanced at the direction of the Tianxingzong people, and after a while, she said: "The revenge of the master has not yet been repaid."

It was Zhang Xueyou's wish to kill Mo Dongxing.

However, Wuxinlou's vengeance for exterminating the family is related to the entire Tianxingzong, not just killing Mo Dongxing, this grievance can be settled.

It must be necessary to kill the members of the Tianxing Sect in order to comfort the souls of Wuxinlou.

"Damn it." Qianlong was furious.

The reason why he made the move was that Mo Dongxing was not pleasing to his eyes, and he didn't want Zhang Xueyou and Mo Dongxing to waste too much time.

Then he acted decisively, helped Zhang Xueyou, and killed Mo Dongxing. Only in this way, he could enter the arena of life and death and challenge the person he wanted to challenge.

Now, Zhang Xueyou's words made Qianlong realize that he was wrong.

After all, Zhang Xueyou still has to challenge other members of the Tianxing Sect.

And if he didn't make a move, Zhang Xueyou would be killed by Mo Dongxing, which would save a little time.

"Zhang Xueyou, I'll give you 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, if you don't roll down, I'll throw you down." Qian Long said.

Zhang Xueyou didn't pay attention to Qianlong, she casually pointed to Tian Xingzong, and said: "I still remember you, when I was a junior sister, I died at your hands, I will kill you."

Hearing Zhang Xueyou's words, the man quickly ran up the life-and-death arena, and said: "Bitch, if you had stepped down from the life-and-death arena, you would still be alive today, but you wanted to die yourself, no one can blame you."

"I'm not looking for death, I just want to kill you all." Zhang Xueyou said firmly.

"Then come on, watch me kill you." The man said, killing Zhang Xueyou.

Zhang Xueyou quickly fought with that person, and a few minutes later, Zhang Xueyou got a palm strike and beheaded that person.

Afterwards, Zhang Xueyou continued to challenge the members of the Heavenly Star Sect.

Zhang Xueyou has self-knowledge and challenges one by one, even if she can't kill all the people in the Tianxing Sect, but if she can kill one, it counts as one, bloody revenge, and one point is one point for repayment.


A few minutes later, another disciple of the Sky Star Sect died at the hands of Zhang Xueyou, but Zhang Xueyou himself was not having a good time, he vomited blood and his breath was weak.

"Ten minutes have passed, roll down quickly." Qianlong counted the time, no matter what Zhang Xueyou thought, he went his own way.

Zhang Xueyou still ignored Qianlong and named the third person who challenged Tianxingzong.

In the Tianxing Sect, apart from the lord Mo Dongxing, two other people died at the hands of Zhang Xueyou, and the rest of them all hated Zhang Xueyou to death.

Not only did they not shrink back because of this, but they were extremely eager to kill Zhang Xueyou.

"I also remember you. Back then you and the other two smashed and looted my Wuxin Building, destroying most of my Wuxin Building's foundation." Zhang Xueyou said, staring at the third disciple of the Tianxing Sect.

"Bitch, I have forgotten all these things you said, or, there is no such thing at all, it is purely your nonsense." The man said, never admitting it.

Zhang Xueyou doesn't need the other party's acknowledgment, the memories of the past are being awakened bit by bit, and every memory is a bloody feud.


About 3 minutes later, Zhang Xueyou broke his right hand and killed the opponent, calling the fourth person...the fifth person...the sixth person...

Although not everyone is looking forward to the battle of life and death in the arena, it is undoubtedly the most tragic part of the ancient martial arts alliance conference.

On the arena of life and death, there is either life or death. People who have nothing to do with it don't care who lives and who dies. What they watch is just the excitement.

But Zhang Xueyou's actions moved countless people.

Everyone saw that Zhang Xueyou challenged the people of the Tianxing Sect one after another, and she was injured again and again, but she was so stubborn, so proud, and stood proudly on the ring with an attitude that she would rather die than break.

Zhang Xueyou's injuries continued to worsen. After her right hand was broken, her left hand was also broken soon, her legs were also dripping with blood, and even her chest was left with several wounds, her clothes were broken, and blood gushed out.

Anyone can see that Zhang Xueyou is just relying on strong willpower to hold on, she is desperately trying, she doesn't care about her own life or death at all.

Although the life-and-death arena battle is fierce, there has never been anyone like Zhang Xueyou. She seems crazy, dazed, with such obsession in her heart, which is appalling.


"This woman is crazy."


Countless people whispered and their expressions changed dramatically.

"That's right, Zhang Xueyou is really crazy." Huang Chan said softly, admiring her secretly.

Jiang Chen looked at that Xueyou and remained silent.

Over there, Qianlong stared closely at Zhang Xueyou, shouting once or twice from time to time, but as everyone could hear, Qianlong didn't mind that much anymore, being wasted time by Zhang Xueyou.

Zhang Xueyou was consuming her own life, she didn't even want her life, not to mention time.

Under such circumstances, no matter how Qianlong minded, he had nothing to do with Zhang Xueyou.

"You are the eighth." Zhang Xueyou said.

The eighth disciple of the Tianxing Sect stepped onto the arena of life and death, and when Zhang Xueyou's words fell, he did not say a word, and beat the killer.


Zhang Xueyou flew out and landed heavily on the bottom of the arena of life and death. The figure moved and then jumped down, intending to kill Zhang Xueyou in one fell swoop.


There was a sound of wind, Jiang Chen moved, and appeared in front of Zhang Xueyou, blocking that person's attack.

"Stop it, that's all for today." Jiang Chen said lightly.

In the beginning, Jiang Chen didn't think about Zhang Xueyou's life and death, but he had to say that Zhang Xueyou succeeded, successfully aroused his compassion, but he didn't want to, Zhang Xueyou died under his nose.

"Jiang Chen, you are..." The man was taken aback.

"The grievances between Wuxinlou and Tianxingzong will be settled from now on. From now on, well water will not interfere with river water." Jiang Chen said, picked up Zhang Xueyou, and walked away.

After walking a few steps, Jiang Chen's feet paused slightly, and he noticed that the clothes on his chest were wet a lot.

Jiang Chen thought it was because blood stained his clothes, but when he looked down, it was not, but tears.

It was Zhang Xueyou who was crying, choked up and crying, the tears were like broken beads, which stained the clothes on his chest.

"Master, I'm sorry, brothers and sisters, I'm sorry, Xueyou is incompetent and unable to avenge you." Zhang Xueyou sobbed and trembled.

Sighing secretly, Jiang Chen said softly: "Zhang Xueyou, you have worked very hard. I think your master will be deeply relieved to be under the Nine Springs."

Zhang Xueyou couldn't stop crying, she was seriously injured and emotionally grieved, crying and crying, she passed out.

Jiang Chen carried Zhang Xueyou back to Huang Chan and the others, administered a few needles casually, and then placed Zhang Xueyou on the ground, his thoughts quietly and slightly complicated.

"Brother Qing, I knew that you couldn't just leave him alone." Huang Chan chuckled, as if she had understood everything a long time ago.

"It's different this time." Jiang Chen shook his head, but he just said this sentence without much explanation.

"call out!"

At this moment, a figure took a few steps and stepped onto the arena of life and death. It was Qianlong.

Qianlong had grown impatient for a long time, and finally it was his turn.

"Jiang Chen, get me up here." Looking in the direction where Jiang Chen was, Qianlong hooked his fingers and said loudly, with a disdainful attitude, defiant to everything...

(End of this chapter)

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