genius evil

Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014

"What's going on? Qianlong challenges Jiang Chen by name?"

"Haha, Qianlong actually challenged Jiang Chen, it's a good show to watch."

"In the arena of life and death, one life and one death, what enmity do Qianlong and Jiang Chen have?"


Qianlong stepped onto the arena of life and death, attracting everyone's attention. He directly named Jiang Chen, domineering and direct, and even in an instant, he mobilized everyone's appetite.

Although, when Qianlong appeared, he had said that he would not give Jiang Chen the chance to refuse.

But at that time, Qianlong's words were unclear, making people puzzled. Now, combined with Qianlong's behavior, everyone has come to understand the meaning of Qianlong's words.

Qianlong was saying that he wanted to challenge Jiang Chen, and he would not give Jiang Chen a chance to refuse!

All the people looked at Qianlong on the ring for a while, and Jiang Chen for a while, wanting to know whether Jiang Chen would agree to Qianlong's challenge.

However, for them, deep down in their hearts, they were extremely looking forward to Jiang Chen's promise. Everyone had a premonition that the battle between Jiang Chen and Qianlong would be a battle between dragons and tigers.

Qianlong, known as Qianlongmen, the first disciple of the sect, the name of a genius, is widely known.

And Jiang Chen, on this Penglai Immortal Island, killed the title of a murderous madman, even provoked the Yu family, and retreated completely.

Undoubtedly, both of them are young heroes, geniuses rarely seen in hundreds of years in the world of ancient martial arts.

"It's interesting for Qianlong to challenge Jiang Chen." Yu Zizi said with a smile.

For Yu Zizai or the Yu family, it was natural that the more people Jiang Chen offended, the better. At this time, Qianlong openly challenged Jiang Chen, and Yu Zizai was extremely happy to see the result.

He even wanted to agree to Qianlong's challenge for Jiang Chen if possible.

"Eldest Young Master, in your opinion, Jiang Chen or Qianlong, who is stronger and who is weaker?" Shi Xi asked curiously.

"Of course I hope Qianlong is stronger, but Jiang Chen is by no means weak." Yu Zizai said.

When he said this, he didn't mean to flatter or flatter Jiang Chen. No matter how much he disliked Jiang Chen, Yu Zizai still recognized Jiang Chen's strength very much.

Another point is, if Jiang Chen is weak, then what is the Yu family?
It needs to be known that for the Yu family, the shadows among the four heavenly kings all died at the hands of Jiang Chen.

"Then, this battle will definitely be quite exciting." Shi Xi smiled.

"Do you think Jiang Chen will accept the challenge?" Yu Zizai said.

"Qianlong will not give Jiang Chen a chance to refuse, and, don't forget, Eldest Young Master, Qianlong is from Qianlongmen." Shi Xi reminded.

Qianlongmen is a super sect. Of course, this is not the point that Shi Xi said. The point is that Qianlongmen is one of the organizers of this ancient martial arts alliance conference.

That is to say, if Jiang Chen refuses to go to the life-and-death arena, as far as Qianlong is concerned, if Qianlong is willing, it is very likely that Qianlong will break the rules of the life-and-death arena and challenge Jiang Chen directly.

In that case, even if Jiang Chen wanted to refuse, he couldn't refuse.

Thinking of this, Yu Zizai laughed and said, "Then wait and see the good show."


"This guy really wants to be the first in everything." From the other direction, Xuan Ye said with a faint smile.

Previously, if Zhang Xueyou hadn't been the first to step onto the arena of life and death by taking advantage of people's unpreparedness, I'm afraid that the first person to be on the arena of life and death would be Qianlong.

Qianlong was quite dissatisfied with Zhang Xueyou's actions, which was also the reason why Qianlong was so impatient with Zhang Xueyou.

"Master, will you challenge Jiang Chen?" Xiao Daotong asked.

Xiao Daotong himself very much hoped that Xuan Ye could challenge Jiang Chen. Who told Huang Chan to encourage Jiang Chen to beat Xuan Ye all over the place looking for teeth?
In this case, Xuan Ye himself doesn't care, but Xiao Daotong is very fussy and always keeps it in mind.

"Do you think Qianlong will lose?" Xuan Ye said.

"Qianlong is too arrogant and arrogant, I don't like it very much." Xiaodaotong said truthfully.

Xuan Ye smiled slightly and said: "That's not being arrogant, you can call it arrogant."

"Master, are you saying that Qianlong didn't take Jiang Chen seriously? But why did he? You know, the shadow of one of the Four Heavenly Kings died at Jiang Chen's hands." Xiaodao Tong said.

Xuan Ye also smiled and said: "As early as two years ago, I heard that Qianlong had stepped into the realm of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, and in two years, in terms of his talent, I am afraid that no one would know , Where did he go?"

"Even if he can defeat Jiang Chen, he is definitely not your opponent, Master." Xiao Daotong said, full of confidence in Xuanye.


"Brother Qing, from my point of view, that guy Qianlong has some brain problems, so don't promise him." Huang Chan said to Jiang Chen.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Where did you find it?" Jiang Chen asked extremely curiously.

"If he didn't have a brain problem, why would he keep fighting against you?" Huang Chan said as a matter of course.

"If you want me to say it, it's not that Qianlong wants to fight against Jiang Chen, it's that Jiang Chen has offended too many people and is unpopular." Jin Ling said leisurely.

"Nonsense, it's obvious that I'm too handsome and I'm jealous." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"I very much hope now, that Qianlong will smash your nose, smash your face, and disfigure you." Jin Ling said bitterly.

As if others don't know that he is handsome, is it necessary to brag?
Besides, what's the use of being handsome, he has no connotation at all, so he can only lie to women with his face.

"Little sister, did you consider your senior sister's feelings when you said this?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

Seriously speaking, his identity is Jin Ling's brother-in-law, that is, Jin Ling's half relative.

It is said that it is not helpful to help relatives, this Jinling, why does she miss him so much?

"My senior sister is not such a superficial person. Even if you are disfigured, my senior sister still loves you, so don't worry." Jin Ling said carelessly.

Sleeping Beauty's face flushed, and Bai Jinling glanced at the angry Bai Jinling, and asked Jiang Chen: "Accept the challenge?"

"It seems that there is no reason not to accept it." Jiang Chen thought for a while and said.

"I will take care of them." Wen Qingxin said.

"Okay." Jiang Chen nodded, took a step forward, and walked slowly in the direction of the life and death arena.

"Jiang Chen accepted the challenge."

"Look, the show is about to begin."


Jiang Chen's movement caught the eyes of countless people, and the meaning behind it was self-evident, and the crowd clamored and became excited.

"Jiang Chen is a bit courageous." Yu Zizai said silently in his heart.

"Hei boy, can I ask you a question?" Jiang Chen spoke casually as he walked towards the arena of life and death.

"Call me Qianlong." Qianlong snorted coldly, obviously disliking the nickname Jiang Chen gave him, and said coldly, "What's the problem?"

"That's the problem. Please tell me, are you jealous that I'm more handsome than you, so you want to challenge me?" Jiang Chen said.

"You know why I challenge you." Qianlong said angrily.

He just remembered Jiang Chen. He didn't even look at what Jiang Chen looked like. How could it be that Jiang Chen was more handsome than him, so he wanted to challenge Jiang Chen?

Simply nonsense.

He never cared about his appearance, which was nothing more than a skin!

"I understand. It seems that I am indeed too handsome, but this appearance is given by my parents, and I can't change it. Because of this, you look at me everywhere, which is undoubtedly to me. It's very unfair." Sighing, Jiang Chen said helplessly.


Someone couldn't help laughing out loud.

They naturally wouldn't think that Qianlong's challenge to Jiang Chen had anything to do with Jiang Chen's handsomeness, but Jiang Chen's words were really too funny, and he deliberately wanted to provoke Qianlong.

"What a treasure, I don't know what my senior sister likes about him." Jin Ling rolled her eyes and said.

Jin Ling originally thought that Jiang Chen would step onto the arena of life and death with a chic posture. Jiang Chen walked slowly and leisurely.

"Your senior sister obviously likes my elder brother Qing." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Jiang Chen, you talk too much nonsense, hurry up to the arena of life and death, I don't have time to waste with you." Qianlong said impatiently.

"What are you in such a hurry for? I've thought about some things. It's better to make it clear in advance. Otherwise, if there is a misunderstanding, it won't be good." Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, your attitude will only irritate me." Qian Long said angrily.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said lazily, "It's not what I want to be so handsome. If you want to be jealous of me, I can't help it."

"I'll give you ten seconds." Qianlong said bitterly.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, "No wonder you are so anxious. It turned out to be because of your too hasty temper. Not good, you have to correct it."

"You have eight seconds left." Qianlong simply ignored Jiang Chen's nonsense, otherwise there would be no need to fight, and he would be pissed to death by Jiang Chen.

"Just like being handsome isn't my fault, it's not your fault that you're ugly. You don't have to be so brooding. It's easy to be short-lived if you get angry." Jiang Chenyu said earnestly.

"Are you so sure about killing me?" Qianlong asked.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm just discussing the matter." Jiang Chen waved his hands repeatedly, walked step by step, and asked, "How many seconds are left?"

"Three seconds." Qianlong said.

"You don't have a timer in your hand, how do you know how many seconds are left? Is it really okay to open your eyes and talk nonsense like this?" Jiang Chen said dissatisfied.

"One second." Qianlong gritted his teeth and stretched out a finger.

"call out!"

The figure flickered, and Jiang Chen disappeared in place in an instant, and in the next second, he appeared on the ring, exhaled a foul breath, and Jiang Chen looked relieved, "Finally caught up."

"Very good." Qianlong smiled coldly. He didn't even have any interest in saying a word to Jiang Chen. He turned into a whirlwind and rushed towards Jiang Chen. In an instant, he punched and kicked like a torrential rain. It fell on Jiang Chen's body.

"Hei boy, can't you let me take a breath?" Jiang Chen yelled, punching and kicking quickly, and Yu Qianlong collided fiercely.



With every collision between Jiang Chen and Qianlong, the sound was like thunderbolts, exploding on the arena of life and death, making people dizzy.

"So strong."

"It's so fast, I can't see clearly at all."


The crowd was dazzled, they couldn't see clearly how Jiang Chen and Qianlong punched and kicked. All they could hear was the muffled thunderous crackling sound.

"Jiang Chen, after talking so much nonsense, I thought you were so powerful, but that's all." The figure shot back like lightning, stood still, Qianlong stared at Jiang Chen, and the corner of his mouth showed a hint of disdain.

"But that's it? Is that so?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and his figure moved accordingly, turning into an afterimage, and pounced on Qianlong, punching like the wind, with two punches.


A muffled hum came from the depths of Qianlong's throat.

"Qianlong, in my opinion, you too, but that's all." Slowly, Jiang Chen said.

(End of this chapter)

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