genius evil

Chapter 1015 Jiang Chen Fights Qianlong

Chapter 1015 Jiang Chen Fights Qianlong

"He's really a proud guy." Qian Long stared at Jiang Chen and said slowly.

He made a move just now, and caught Jiang Chen by surprise. On Jiang Chen's side, he refused to suffer even the slightest loss, and immediately used the other's way to win over him.

Qianlong knew that if his strength was a little weaker, he would be seriously injured by those two punches.

In this way, Qianlong finally understood why the shadow of one of the four heavenly kings died in Jiang Chen's hands.



Jiang Chen made two punches, bringing these two aspects into full play.

Even You Ying, who is good at the speed field, is only at a disadvantage in front of Jiang Chen!

"Pride can barely be regarded as my second trait. As for the first trait, needless to say, you understand." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Qianlong really understood.

The so-called first quality in Jiang Chen's mouth is what Jiang Chen talked about, he is very handsome.

But for this aspect, if you can pretend to be stupid, Qianlong is not willing to understand at all.

"The warm-up is over. Next, let me have a good experience of your strength." Qianlong said, his shoulders shrugged, and the joints all over his body made crackling sounds.

Accompanied by the sound of joints, the aura of Qianlong's body surged and surged, and in an instant, the seemingly ordinary young man, with his straight body, was like a sharp long sword, piercing the sky for thousands of miles.

Looking around, the depths of Qianlong's pupils were shining brightly, captivating people's hearts and souls. Under the arena of life and death, countless people, being swept by Qianlong's eyes, trembled and lost their minds.

Those who were not close to the cultivation level, even when Qianlong glanced at them, immediately collapsed, their faces were pale, and they fell to the ground, as if their souls were floating out of their bodies.

"What a horrible smell."

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they didn't dare to look at Qianlong.

"What kind of strength is this?"

"I heard earlier that this Qianlong is the cultivation base of Gu Wu's Houtian Ninth Level, but why does Gu Wu's Houtian Ninth Level have such a terrifying aura?"

Everyone whispered and discussed softly, and they were disturbed by Qianlong.

"Father, what's the situation?" Yu Zizai asked.

"Half-step innateness." Yu Changhe said in a deep voice.

He himself is a half-step innate powerhouse, and he is only one step away from stepping into that innate realm. He is very familiar with the aura of Qianlong.

Yu Changhe looked awe-inspiring, extremely surprised.

Because he realized that before this, Qianlong seemed to deliberately suppress his own strength, and it was only when he fought Jiang Chen today that he completely released his strength.

"Half-step congenital?" Yu Zizai was speechless, subconsciously looking in the direction where Xuan Ye was.

This dry dragon is a half-step innate realm, so Xuan Ye seems to have reached this level?

In addition, Wen Qingxin, who had already stepped into the half-step innate realm, that is to say, at least three half-step innate powerhouses appeared in this ancient martial arts alliance conference.

When did half-step innate powerhouses become so many?

You know, with the strength of the whole Yu family, coupled with the personal teaching of the ancestor of the Yu family, Yu Changhe's outstanding talent, it was only after the age of 40 that he stepped into the half-step innate realm.

If so, it seems that Yu Changhe is still far away from the innate realm, and he still has no way to enter.

Qianlong is only in his 20s, and with his cultivation, he has reached this step. Given time, will there be a possibility of hitting the innate realm?
Yu Zizai's mind was shaken, it was in vain for him to think that he was the proud son of heaven, he could stand side by side with Qianlong and Xuanye, but seeing this situation, it was like being poured with cold water, and his emotions were complicated beyond words.


"Qianlong, you really didn't disappoint me." Xuan Ye looked towards the direction of the ring and whispered to himself.

Two years ago, Qianlong had broken through to the ninth floor of Houtian of Guwu, and there was no news of this in the next two years.

However, Xuan Ye was sure that Qianlong could not stand still, and would definitely improve day by day.

Today, Xuan Ye no longer hides, showing his sharpness and momentum!
"Master, it seems that Jiang Chen doesn't need you to make another move, and Qianlong will beat him to the ground." Xiao Daotong said gloatingly.

Xiaodaotong was originally an orphan, and he followed Xuanye since he was a child. It can be said that he is the person who knows Xuanye best, and he is very familiar with Qianlong's aura.

"Perhaps." Xuan Ye said in a deep voice.

It's not that he is not optimistic about Jiang Chen, but that he is more optimistic about Qianlong.

If Jiang Chen didn't hide his strength like Qianlong, then his battle with Qianlong would definitely be in danger.


"Be careful, something is wrong." Huang Chan said to Wen Qingxin.

Innate realm, even a half-step innate powerhouse, cannot be compared with acquired powerhouses.

Such a gap is not a quantitative gap, but a qualitative leap.

Huang Chan couldn't help being a little worried about Jiang Chen's situation.

Wen Qingxin nodded slightly, her eyes were clear, she looked towards the life and death arena, thinking, if Qianlong insisted on killing Jiang Chen, even if it violated the rules of the life and death arena, he must stop Qianlong.


Qianlong unleashes his strength, his breath is like a dragon, and all parties have different thoughts.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Qianlong, and said with a light smile, "If I said that I haven't warmed up yet, would you think I'm short of pumping?"

"The truth is, I won't give you a chance. Besides, I can tell you that you are very underwhelmed." Qian Long said indifferently.

As soon as the words fell, he grabbed the air with his big hand, just like Yunlong's grabbing, and when he grabbed it, he grabbed Jiang Chen.

The void seemed to be torn apart by his grasp.

The surging aura was vividly manifested from this grasp. The invisible coercion pressed firmly on Jiang Chen's body. As an ordinary person, facing such coercion, he would probably lose his internal organs immediately. It exploded, and the seven orifices bleed to death.

"This Qianlong really deserves to be the first disciple of Qianlongmen." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart.

He has fought against Yu Changhe, and Yu Changhe is also a half-step innate cultivation, but compared to Qianlong, I am afraid that they are all inferior.

"What is the innate realm?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

The practice of ancient martial arts is divided into acquired and innate. Under innate, all are ants.

However, before this, there has never been an explanation to explain the difference between the acquired state and the innate state.

"The innate power is strong because it is infinitely close to comprehending the profound meaning of the nature of the world. Although this Qianlong is only a half-step innate, it has already touched the barrier in this regard." Jiang Chen said to himself.

Just like comprehension, there will be laws and supernatural powers.

In essence, the practice of ancient martial arts is the same as that of self-cultivation. When the cultivation level reaches a certain level, it will be born naturally, and it will give birth to a natural understanding of the world.

The more insights, the stronger the strength.

Moreover, Qianlong is as sincere as Xuanye, and his power of perception is naturally much stronger than that of Yu Changhe.

That's why, at Qianlong's age, he stepped into the threshold of the innate realm with only half a foot.

Talent is one thing, but more importantly, this dry dragon has a fearless heart.

"Worthy of being a half-step innate, it's really not bad." Jiang Chen said.

This grab, he didn't intend to fight hard.

Qianlong's grasp has integrated a certain degree of profound meaning, the sharpness is as sharp as fine steel, and it is no problem to chop a knife and break a sword. Considering his current physical strength, he can't stop Qianlong at all under the situation of hard resistance. This catch of the dragon.

With a movement of Jiang Chen's feet, he used leisurely footwork, cast it open, and ejected out, avoiding Qianlong's attack area.

"It's useless." Qianlong shook his head, he also moved his feet, and then, with a long fist, blasted at Jiang Chen.


The invisible air, being punched by Qianlong, made a dull sound, as if the air had condensed into a solid wall, and a huge hole was punched by Qianlong's punch.

This is naturally because the wind of Qianlongquan is too strong and rubs against the air.

The Qianlong fist was blown like the wind, and in an instant, Jiang Chen felt that all directions were sealed by the wind of the fist. No matter which direction he evaded, it was inevitable, and he couldn't escape the attack of this fist. .

Jiang Chen's right hand vibrated suddenly, the breath in his body gathered quickly, he exhaled loudly, and punched Qianlong's fist with a bang.


The air is rolling, and the waves are surging.

The strong wind blew past Jiang Chen like a gangster, and Jiang Chen's blood boiled like boiling water.

"Punch me again." Qianlong shouted, not giving Jiang Chen a chance to refuse at all. After one punch, he punched again.

He made a domineering move, simplifying the complex.

With a simple punch, it hit the air with a buzzing sound.

Unable to dodge, Jiang Chen curled up his five fingers, once again concentrating his breath, and collided with Qianlong's fist.


After one punch, Jiang Chen shot backwards, and retreated to the edge of the ring, just enough to stabilize his figure.

Qianlong walked towards Jiang Chen step by step, like strolling in a courtyard, and said, "Jiang Chen, I heard that you held a long green steel sword and fought against Patriarch Yu. I had great expectations for you. , but now, you let me down."

Qianlong longed to fight Jiang Chen, but he didn't like all-round suppressed battles, which gave him the feeling that he was bullying Jiang Chen.

Bullying people doesn't give Qianlong any pleasure.

What he longed for was a well-matched battle, and only that kind of battle would allow him to fight with all his strength without any scruples.

There was a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth, and his tongue stretched out, rolling over the trace of blood, Jiang Chen said with a light smile, "I have forgotten how long, I have not been injured."

"You will not only be injured, you will die." Qian Long said, his footsteps fell, and the ring shook.

"You really want to kill me?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You let me down. This is not what I wanted. I can only blame you for being too ostentatious." Qianlong said. He felt that Jiang Chen wasted his time, otherwise the person he challenged would not be Jiang Chen. Dust, but Xuan Ye.

"I have to emphasize, the guarantee is serious, and it's really not my fault for being handsome." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I'll give you a minute to explain my last words." Qian Long said to himself as if he didn't hear what Jiang Chen was saying.

"I'm so handsome, so obviously, I won't die today." Grinning, Jiang Chen said.

Qianlong didn't think there was any necessary logical relationship between Chang Shuai and Jiang Chen's death. He was very unhappy, feeling like being teased by Jiang Chen, raising his right arm, and was about to punch him.

"Wait a minute, you agreed to give me 1 minute, are you planning to keep your word?" Jiang Chen stopped.

Qianlong looked at Jiang Chen with extremely cold eyes, as if he was looking at a dead person. He stopped, and Qianlong stood silently. He had already wasted a lot of time on Jiang Chen, and it didn't matter if he wasted another minute.

But it was Qianlong. Just as he was thinking this way, he suddenly discovered that something was wrong with Jiang Chen's whole person. To be precise, it was Jiang Chen's mental state, which was very wrong.

Just before Qianlong realized what was going on at this time, Qianlong discovered that a majestic aura shot out with Jiang Chen's body as the center of a circle.

"You want to break through?" Qianlong asked with a frown, suddenly awakened.

"I have already broken through." Jiang Chen said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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