genius evil

Chapter 1016 Breakthrough in battle

Chapter 1016 Breakthrough in battle
"Breakthrough already? Oh, Jiang Chen, are you sure?" Qian Long stared at Jiang Chen and said thoughtfully.

When breaking through, the breath was released, but Qianlong only felt a breath of Jiang Chen.

That aura was indeed majestic, like a mighty river, but he didn't believe that Jiang Chen had already broken through.

Furthermore, ancient martial arts practice, step by step, breakthrough, is it so easy?
Even if it is a real breakthrough, it needs enough time to settle, otherwise the qi and blood will be vain, and it will be even more vulnerable!
"Perhaps, you can try." Jiang Chen said lazily.

Speaking of which, since he broke through to the eighth layer of Body Tempering, he has experienced countless battles, and this time he came to Penglai Immortal Island, fighting is even more commonplace for Jiang Chen.

Whether it was the battle with Youying or the battle with Yu Changhe, Jiang Chen constantly had new insights.

Unless Jiang Chen intends to suppress his own realm, otherwise, the breakthrough will happen naturally.

Although Qianlong is only a mere half-step in the innate realm, but as far as the current cultivation base is concerned, unless Jiang Chen fights with him, it will hurt both sides, otherwise, it is almost impossible to get cheap from Qianlong. .

In this way, Jiang Chen naturally chose to break through!

Unlike before, breaking through the eighth layer of the quenching body, Jiang Chen's breaking through the ninth layer of the quenching body can be said to be very natural.

It can be said that if Qianlong's breath was not released, it is estimated that he would not be able to feel the vibration of the breath in his body!
"Of course I have to try." Qianlong said slowly, sticking out his tongue and licking his slightly thick lips.

Qianlong wasn't worried about Jiang Chen becoming stronger, on the contrary, what he was worried about was that Jiang Chen wasn't strong enough.

Bullying the weak has never been his style.

What he Qianlong needs is a well-matched, hearty battle.

Previously, Qianlong once thought that Jiang Chen wasted his time, which made him very disappointed and quite annoyed.

Right now, since Jiang Chen said that he has made a breakthrough, it can be said that it is exactly what Qianlong wants, and he can't wait to learn. Jiang Chen's words are true or false.

Just do what you said, Qianlong stretched out his big hand, and with a horizontal push, stirred the air that filled the sky, clenched his fist, and punched Jiang Chen with one fist.


A fist wind, if it has substance, strikes out.

Jiang Chen was as motionless as a mountain, and with his hands raised, he punched casually.


The two fists collided viciously, and the fist wind scattered in all directions. Centered on the two of them, the ring immediately shook violently, like an earthquake.

A figure flew out to the rear, it was Qianlong.

Qianlong stepped back a few steps one after another, looking at Jiang Chen incredulously, his eyes were extremely sharp.

"It's really a breakthrough, so strong." Qianlong thought to himself.

He thought that Jiang Chen's so-called breakthrough was just a way to cover his eyes, but he never thought that it really was.

Jiang Chen's punch gave him the feeling that a mountain was looming over his head, a strange feeling of suffocation, with his cultivation base, under such oppression, he was almost suffocated.

"Do you think I'm too strong?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, he stepped forward and walked towards Qianlong with a calm mind.

On the ninth floor of the quenching body, Jiang Chen was only one step away from touching the foundation building barrier. The vitality in his body was endless, and the long-lost power returned to the physical body, making Jiang Chen sigh and sigh.

From the beginning of rebirth, with nothing, Jiang Chen step by step, to the present step, no one knows how much effort Jiang Chen has put in, and no one knows how much Jiang Chen yearns for that once tens of thousands of people looked up to, alone Stand on top of the world.

The earth's spiritual energy is thin, and Jiang Chen has too many methods of cultivation techniques, so he is tightly imprisoned. He can only find another way to temper his body, and then walk on the road he has walked in this way.

This road, to the ninth floor of the quenched body, can be said to be just the beginning.

But this beginning is too important to Jiang Chen. Qi mechanism has been produced in his body, which means that the earth with thin spiritual energy is gradually weakening his confinement.

On this day, the road to the strong officially begins.

Qianlong Sansheng is lucky and will be his first witness.

"Strong? Not necessarily!" Gritting his teeth, Qianlong snorted coldly.

Qianlong felt that Jiang Chen was too arrogant, like a villain who had once gained power, without the air and demeanor of a master at all.

He didn't know what Jiang Chen had experienced.

But why does he need to know, all he needs to know is that today, he wants to defeat Jiang Chen and trample Jiang Chen under his feet.

"It's really strong, I promise I won't lie to you." Jiang Chen said very seriously.

If it is said that the innate stage is a feng shui mountain for the cultivation of ancient martial arts, then for Jiang Chen, the meaning of breaking through to the ninth level of the acquired heaven of ancient martial arts can also be said to be a feng shui mountain for his cultivation stage.

The significance of this stage is even more important than the subsequent foundation building!
Jiang Chen's heart was ups and downs, he was full of vigor, he was frightened, and he didn't want to hide his fright.

"Take my move." Qianlong said coldly.

After the words fell, the big hand stretched out, five fingers as hard as iron tongs, left several paw prints in the air, and grabbed Jiang Chen fiercely.

"It's useless, you won't be my opponent." Jiang Chen shook his head indifferently, he walked towards Qianlong without stopping, let Qianlong's paw print fall, raised his palm lightly, and struck out with one palm.

The palm wind is like a scorpion, and the sound is like thunder.

No matter how domineering and extraordinary Qianlong's grasp was, Jiang Chen slapped it away.

The palm of his hand broke through Qianlong's grip and landed on Qianlong's chest brazenly.


With a muffled snort, Qianlong backed away hastily, his body swaying, and retreated to the edge of the ring, opening his mouth to spurt out a mouthful of blood.


"what's going on?"

Qianlong was injured, this scene made countless people below the life and death ring dumbfounded.

They could clearly see that Jiang Chen was being suppressed by Qianlong, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, but after a brief minute or two, the situation suddenly reversed, turning into Jiang Chen, forcing Qianlong to his head.

Looking at Jiang Chen's move, the cloud is calm and the wind is light, every movement of his hand and every gesture, free and easy, unrestrained, it seems that he is not in a life-and-death battle with Qianlong, but more like a rivalry between life-and-death friends.

But even so, Qianlong~ was no match at all, and was seriously injured by Jiang Chen's palm.

"Why is Jiang Chen so powerful?" Someone whispered, his expression shocked.

"Qianlong is injured, will Jiang Chen kill Qianlong?" Someone's eyes flickered.

In the arena of life and death, life or death.

Although the result of the battle between Jiang Chen and Qianlong has not yet come out, everyone can tell that Qianlong is powerless to fight. He was suppressed by Jiang Chen and was seriously injured.

"Brother Qing is so perverted." Huang Chan yelled, her eyes rolled quickly, not knowing what she was thinking.

"It's quite perverted." Jin Ling agreed with Huang Chan's statement.

Finally, Jin Ling asked: "Jiang Chen is so perverted, you still call him Brother Qing?"

"It's because my elder brother is so perverted that I like him." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"I think you are also a pervert." Jin Ling was furious.

I thought to myself who is this person who actually likes perverts.

"Master Wen, what's going on?" Sleeping Beauty looked at it for a while, unable to understand, and asked Wen Qingxin.

"Jiang Chen made a breakthrough." Wen Qingxin said softly, deep in her eyes, there was a brilliant light.

Wen Qingxin recalled that when he first met Jiang Chen, at that time, as long as he wanted to, he could slap Jiang Chen to death.

But I don't know whether to say that Jiang Chen is a scourge, or that Jiang Chen is born to be the nemesis of women. Under such circumstances, it just happened to touch her heart that has always been dusty.

The rules of Fanyin Mountain were broken in her hands.

Although Wen Qingxin didn't regret this, but if she had never been confused, she couldn't even lie to herself.

Wen Qing knew in her heart that she would be moved by Jiang Chen back then, and what she was interested in was not Jiang Chen's little tricks to curry favor with women, but Jiang Chen had always had a self-confidence that was different from ordinary people.

No one needs to understand where that confidence comes from, Jiang Chen has always been so confident.

The self-confidence is beyond common sense, and the self-confidence even makes people think that Jiang Chen is a psychopath.

At this point in Wen Qing's mind, she finally understood where Jiang Chen's self-confidence came from. This is a strange man, he is always creating miracles, and it is impossible to treat him with common sense.

Wen Qingxin remembered again that Jiang Chen never cared about the Yu Family from the beginning to the end, knowing that Jiang Chen must have known early in the morning that he was about to break through, so he had no scruples.

"It's so good." Wen Qingxin said in her heart, deep in her heart, there was a touch of warmth flowing.


"Father, this Jiang Chen. Could it be that before, like Qianlong, he deliberately suppressed his strength?" Yu Zizai said through gritted teeth.

Yu Zizai was very unwilling and angry.

Even Qianlong was no match for Jiang Chen.

"He broke through." Yu Changhe said in a deep voice.

"How can he become so strong with a mere breakthrough? How did he cultivate?" Yu Zizai said angrily.

"He is a genius." Yu Changhe said in a muffled voice.

Yu Zizai is not reconciled, how can Yu Changhe be reconciled?

He had a chance to kill Jiang Chen, but under Wen Qingxin's persuasion, he was not firm and wavered.

Originally, Yu Changhe felt that there was no difference in killing Jiang Chen one day earlier or one day later. At best, it would just let Jiang Chen live a day or two longer.

For a day or two, he, Yu Changhe, can still afford to wait.

But now, Yu Changhe realized what a stupid mistake he had made.

Jiang Chen broke through, and Qianlong retreated steadily. If he wanted to kill Jiang Chen again, it would not be as simple as before. He would have to pay an extremely tragic price.

"Wen Qingxin, you harmed me." With a fixed gaze, he looked in the direction of Wen Qingxin from afar, Yu Changhe was depressed, and he hated Wen Qingxin along with him.

Feeling Yu Changhe's gaze, Wen Qing was unmoved and looked indifferent.


"Master, Qianlong seems to have no way to beat Jiang Chen to the ground, do we want to beat him to the ground?" Xiao Daotong said sadly.

Hearing the sound, Xuan Ye gave a wry smile.

But his strong mind was not shaken by Jiang Chen's erupted strength.

"I'm looking forward to the battle with Jiang Chen." Xuan Ye said.

However, he no longer needs to be on the stage of life and death.


"Are you still fighting?" Jiang Chen asked Qianlong earnestly after listening to the voice of discussion under the life and death ring.

Although Qianlong was arrogant, it was hard for him to say how annoying he was. Jiang Chen didn't necessarily want to kill Qianlong.

"I haven't lost yet, haven't I?" Qianlong raised his hand, wiped a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Jiang Chen and said, "Take three more moves from me. After three moves, if you are undefeated, I admit defeat."

"What else can I say?" Jiang Chen looked helpless.

Can he refuse?
Jiang Chen really wanted to refuse, but Qianlong would definitely not give him the chance to refuse.

Qianlong doesn't care what Jiang Chen thinks, he grabs and strikes...

(End of this chapter)

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