genius evil

Chapter 101 Stupid is too obvious

Chapter 101 Stupid is too obvious

Yuan Yinghua was very depressed, so depressed that she almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Even though Jiang Chen just threw the certificate of deposit to him and left without saying anything, Yuan Yinghua felt his face was slapped by Jiang Chen.

"It's really not a thing. This guy is so rich, but Xu Anqi has to take care of him. He should be the one who takes care of Xu Anqi."

Yuan Yinghua thought about it, feeling that she was very hurt and not feeling well.

Because Class [-] of Senior Three was adjacent to Class [-] of Senior Three, although Yuan Yinghua didn't know much about Jiang Chen, he had heard about it. The legendary short and poor was Jiang Chen, and as for Jiang Chen's dating Xu Anqi... No, to be precise, Xu Anqi took care of Jiang Chen, so in his opinion, it was just Jiang Chen's shit luck.

No, meeting Jiang Chen at the bank by chance today, Yuan Yinghua would want to humiliate Jiang Chen in terms of money, that is, pretend to be forceful, let Jiang Chen feel the gap between him and him, maybe feel ashamed , maybe he will have the chance to pursue Xu Anqi in the future?

What I have to say is that the ideal is full, but the reality is an abnormal backbone.

Yuan Yinghua felt that Jiang Chen declared him a failure before he pretended to be a force, how could this make him feel better.

"It's really unreasonable. If you have money, just say that you are rich, but you like to pretend to be poor. Is it really good to play with people like this?" Yuan Yinghua wanted to cry without tears. If he knew Jiang Chen was so rich, why would he not Impossible to send face to door to Jiang Chen.

"The guy who pretended to fail looked depressed, what happened?" While walking, Zhou Ji glanced at the back casually and asked in wonder.

"It's probably because he's pretending to be an idiot, but he will soon be even more depressed." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Why?" Zhou Ji was a little puzzled.

"Because someone wanted to rob him of his money." While talking, Jiang Chen stopped, and as soon as Jiang Chen's footsteps stopped, Zhou Ji's footsteps also stopped.

Zhou Ji stopped in his tracks and turned around. He really wanted to see if someone would really steal Yuan Yinghua's money. If that was the case, Yuan Yinghua would probably be depressed for three days and three nights.

At the gate of the bank, Yuan Yinghua walked out slowly. When he saw Jiang Chen standing not far away, he thought that Jiang Chen was waiting there to watch him lose face, and subconsciously shrugged his shoulders.

In the next second, Yuan Yinghua suddenly felt light on his hand, and then a figure quickly rushed past him.

"Robbery, robbery." Yuan Yinghua's face changed drastically, and she screamed.

"Someone really robbed him of his money." Zhou Ji felt that this fact was too miraculous. If he hadn't been with Jiang Chen all the time, he would have wondered if Jiang Chen had arranged extras.

"But why is this? How did you know someone would rob him of his money?" Soon, Zhou Ji asked again.

"Because he's too stupid." Jiang Chen's tone was still light.

"Uh, it seems like this is really the case." After thinking for a while, Zhou Ji nodded, agreeing with Jiang Chen's statement.

"Jiang Chen, someone is robbing me of my money, why don't you help me, I know you fight very hard, so hurry up and help me get the money back." The bank security didn't know where he went , Yuan Yinghua yelled and no one else paid attention to it. Instead, many people in the bank lobby were startled by his voice.

As for the reason why Yuan Yinghua knew that Jiang Chen was fighting fiercely, it was because many people went to the dormitory to surround Jiang Chen in the campus forum riot that night, and Yuan Yinghua was one of them.

"It's not my money that was robbed, I prefer to watch plays." Jiang Chen said jokingly.

"It's not your money, but mine. How can you go to the theater?" Yuan Yinghua was really depressed, and said at the top of her voice.

"I said before, I like going to the theater." Jiang Chen's voice was a little cold.

"Don't, I beg you, okay? I know you have money, 1000 million, you don't like my little money, but this 20 is my life-saving money, my dad is still living in the hospital, wait I want to use the money for surgery." Yuan Yinghua was on the verge of tears.

"This idiot actually used his father's surgery fee to pretend to be aggressive in front of you. It's really stupid and obvious." Zhou Ji said tut-tsk.

"So we have to stay away from idiots, lest we accidentally get infected." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"You have 1000 million?" Just as Jiang Chen finished speaking, the robber who had run away for a long time came back at some point, pointing at Jiang Chen with a small sharp knife in his hand.

"Yeah, he really has 1000 million. You see, the deposit certificate is still with me. Why don't you steal his money and give me back 20." Seeing the robber running back, Yuan Yinghua suddenly felt The feeling of planting willows and flowers to brighten another village, before Jiang Chen could speak, he rushed to speak.

"Really?" The robber asked again, his eyes began to light up.

Compared with 1000 million, 20 is almost negligible. This made the robber very excited. He estimated that he could do a big ticket today. It happened that the security guard of the bank did not know where he died. This is a godsend opportunity. .

As for whether to return 1000 yuan to Yuan Yinghua after robbing 20 million yuan, the answer is naturally no. After all, he took such a big risk to rob, the more money the better, right? Mosquitoes with small legs are also meat.

"Really, I'll show you the deposit receipt." Yuan Yinghua came over and handed the deposit receipt to the robber.

"That's right, it's 1000 million." The robber's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and he said loudly to Jiang Chen, "Boy, quickly hand over your bank card and password, or I will stab you to death."

"Zhou Ji, have you noticed that there are too many idiots in this world?" Jiang Chen looked depressed.

"Dude, people want to steal your money, can you be more professional?" Zhou Ji said with a sad face, the robber was holding a knife in his hand, if he was stabbed, it must be a white knife into a red knife It's very dangerous, okay?

"I'm teaching you on the spot, so that you won't be so stupid in the future." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Please, I'm so stupid." Zhou Ji looked a little unconvinced.

"To say such a thing, in itself shows that you are actually quite stupid... Sigh, there are really a lot of idiots in this world." Jiang Chen sighed.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense and hand over the money." The robber was a little impatient, and this guy didn't seem to be afraid of him at all.

"Before handing over the money, I want to ask you a question... Do you know how to rob?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Nonsense, of course I rob it with my hands." The robber said angrily. What kind of problem is this?
"That's right, the answer is correct, just grab it with your hands, but your hands are not long enough." Jiang Chen said slowly, and then, Jiang Chen's right hand stretched out slowly, and grabbed the robber's arm.


The sound of the joints being staggered was heard, and the robber's right hand was instantly stretched by Jiang Chen a lot.

Looking at his masterpiece, Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction and said, "It's long enough now."

The robber was sweating profusely in pain, and he felt like he was going to hell. Jiang Chen's movements were obviously slow, but why he couldn't dodge it? Moreover, Jiang Chen's strength must have been too much. His hand was pulled by Jiang Chen and dislocated from his shoulder, it almost hurt him to death.

"Ah—" the robber cried out in pain.

"Your hands are long enough now, but you don't have the strength, what should you do?" Jiang Chen looked very embarrassed.

"Don't talk nonsense, put your hand on it." The robber said, howling.

"Don't worry, I still have a question to ask you, do you know what is the most important thing when robbing?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.

"Bold and careful, the attack is ruthless." The robber said without thinking, and he was a habitual offender.

"You're wrong, you don't want to die." Jiang Chen chuckled.

"Okay... okay... I don't want my life, can you help me connect my hand now?" The robber was speechless, why did Jiang Chen look more professional than him?

"No, actually there is another problem." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Don't, I beg you, okay?" The robber was about to cry.

"This question is easy to answer, that is you or him, who is more stupid?" Jiang Chen pointed at Yuan Yinghua.

Yuan Yinghua had been stunned for a long time, but Jiang Chen's finger made her whole body tremble, she woke up, and said in a stuttering voice: "Jiang Chen, what are you doing?"

"I'm a three-good citizen. What do you think I'll do? Besides, I'm richer than you, so what can I do to you? Now, you can do one thing. Compare it with this guy. Who is the stupider?" Jiang Chen said calmly.

"How does this compare?" Yuan Yinghua asked angrily.

"Well, let's compare like this." Jiang Chen suddenly raised his foot and kicked the robber in front of Yuan Yinghua. Seeing this, Yuan Yinghua stretched out his hand to grab the money bag in the robber's hand, and the two immediately twisted into each other. In a group, they fought on the ground.

"Zhou Ji, have you separated? Which of the two is more stupid?" Jiang Chen said with a smile while watching the play.

"It seems that Yuan Yinghua is more stupid." Zhou Ji looked at it carefully and said.

"You read it wrong, they are both equally stupid." Jiang Chen smiled, waved to Zhou Ji, and said, "Let's go, the police are here."

"Hey, the police are really here." Zhou Ji saw a few policemen running towards here, and he didn't know who called the police. Robbery is a big deal, and those few policemen were all nervous.

Yuan Yinghua and the robber were quickly taken away by the police. Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji also got into the car very quickly. It wasn't until the car drove for a certain distance that Zhou Ji realized a problem.

"Jiang Chen, why do you have 1000 million?" Zhou Ji said curiously and surprised, 1000 million is a lot of money even for him. When Chen wanted to save money, he thought that Jiang Chen would only save hundreds or even thousands, but who would have thought that it was actually 1000 million. Zhou Ji was a little envious and jealous!

(End of this chapter)

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