genius evil

Chapter 102 Flaming Lips

Chapter 102 Flaming Lips
"Earned." Jiang Chen said casually.

"I earned it from the old man. By the way, it seems that your check was written by the old man. The old man is really generous. You gave him 1000 million yuan after treating him. This money is really good Earned." Zhou Ji sighed.

"Great fart." Zhou Ji didn't mention it, but Jiang Chen got angry when he mentioned it.The 1000 million is not only the money for medical treatment, but also the money for Mr. Xu to sell his granddaughter.

Speaking of which, Jiang Chen opened his mouth loudly. What he wanted was not 1000 million, but a billion. It's just that Mr. Xu was too stingy, and he signed a check for 1000 million without hesitation. This made Jiang Chen Very dissatisfied.

"Ten million is not generous enough." Zhou Ji was stunned, and said, "Jiang Chen, you may not know the old man very well. You don't know how difficult it is to get money from the old man. Except for An Qi, no one can easily take the money from the old man."

"It turned out to be an iron cock, no wonder Chen Fu and the others wanted to betray him." Jiang Chen said.

"Maybe there is such a reason, but it's definitely not that simple." Zhou Ji seemed like a real treasure, but he came from a big family after all, so he was quite sensitive about this aspect.

"This aspect must be the main reason." Jiang Chen firmly insisted.

Seeing Jiang Chen's dissatisfied look, Zhou Ji said speechlessly, "Jiang Chen, do you want money like this?"

"It costs money to support a family. You are still young, so you don't understand." Jiang Chen said shaking his head.

Zhou Ji almost spurted blood. Although he didn't ask Jiang Chen's age, he must be older than Jiang Chen.

"Forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you. Anyway, you have made so much money, you must treat guests to dinner, and you must treat me to a big meal." Zhou Ji said without denying it.

"I suddenly remembered that there is still something going on in the school." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice.

"Damn it, you still say that the old man is an iron cock, you are the real iron cock." Zhou Ji couldn't bear it any longer. It's okay if this guy doesn't want to treat guests, and he is still pretending to be deep here, which is a bit shameless.

The car drove towards Yilan Middle School, but instead of going to the main entrance of the school, it came to Lanjie Hotel.

The time was still a little early, but since it was here, Jiang Chen simply ate his dinner and drank the medicine.

"Sister Lan, I've brought guests over, and I'm going to cook one more dish, um, stir-fry one more vegetable, this guy likes to eat green vegetables." Jiang Chen said to Sister Lan as soon as he entered the restaurant.

"Jiang Chen, when did I say that I like to eat green vegetables? My favorite food is Australian lobster. In addition, when I eat lobster, I like to eat it with Lafite. Baked snails are also fine. I don't like sturgeon caviar. I will dislike it, the other thing, the French foie gras tastes good, or the Japanese snowflake steak, if it doesn’t work, just eat the Spanish paella, I’m really not picky at all.” Zhou Ji said in a murmur .

Zhou Ji originally thought that Jiang Chen's invitation to dinner was doomed to fail, but he didn't expect that Jiang Chen would not go back to school, but instead brought him to this small restaurant.

If the restaurant is small, it should be small, so you can finally have a full meal, but what the hell is an extra vegetable? Jiang Chen has earned 1000 million, so how many vegetables do you have to fry?

"Eat it if you like it, don't compare it blindly." Jiang Chen gave Zhou Ji a blank look, and Shi Shiran found a seat and sat down.

"Is it okay for me to eat?" Zhou Jina said aggrieved.

After Sister Lan served the food, Zhou Ji immediately felt relieved. Although they were all simple home-cooked dishes, Sister Lan's craftsmanship was absolutely worth mentioning. Zhou Ji enjoyed eating so much that it made Zhou Ji doubt his own life, whether he really loves stir-fried vegetables.

The only thing Zhou Ji regretted was that the portion of the food was a little less, of course it wasn't really less, but that Jiang Chen was so tasty that he didn't eat much at all, several dishes were swept away by Jiang Chen , It looks like a devil entering the village.

"I said Jiang Chen, you are now a person with a net worth of tens of millions. Do you know what your most important thing is to do next? Yes, it is to cultivate aristocratic temperament." After touching the meal, the same empty Flat stomach, eyeballs rolled around a few times, Zhou Ji said.

"Speak human." Jiang Chen glared at Zhou Ji.

"Making money is for spending, isn't it? It's so easy for you to make money, so naturally you have to learn how to spend it. I just know that there is a theme party in a bar tonight, which is very suitable for your taste." Zhou Ji said quickly.

"What theme?" Hearing what Zhou Ji said, Jiang Chen was a little moved. The last time he went to the bar with Brother Dao, he thought he could take off the virgin's hat. Who knew that Liu Yufei was right to be his woman, but The road to bed is extremely difficult, maybe if I go again tonight, this hat can be taken off.

"Flaming red lips." Hearing that Jiang Chen was a little loose, Zhou Ji immediately said excitedly.

"Actually, I like Xiaoqingqing better." Jiang Chen looked worried.

Zhou Ji gritted his teeth, why is it so difficult to make Jiang Chen bleed, he gritted his teeth and said, "Go or not, at worst I'll treat you."

"I'm talking about you guy, it's fine to say no earlier, although I prefer small and fresh, but I have always been open to anyone with big red lips, long legs and big breasts." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't think you can be foolish, you have to stick to what you like." Zhou Ji tried hard not to let himself explode, and Jiang Chen likes big long legs and big breasts, so he has the face to say that he likes Xiaoqing. up.

"Yeah, I've always been one-sided. If I'm not a beautiful woman, no matter how long my legs are or how big my breasts are, I'll just look at her at most... By the way, what's the name of that bar? When is the party?" Start? Wouldn't it be too early for us to go there now?" Jiang Chen asked seriously.


The name of the bar is Blueberry. Many regulars of this bar like to call the blueberry bar a fruit bar.

Blueberry Bar has a large venue, but the decoration can only be considered moderate, and the consumption is not top-notch, but this place is very famous, because Blueberry Bar holds a themed party every week. The parties are in various forms, and they are most popular in urban areas. The welcome of men and women, and because the consumption is still reasonable, the interior of the bar is extremely lively all year round.

When Jiang Chen and Zhou Ji came to the Blueberry Bar, it was still early, but inside the bar, there were already many customers chatting and drinking.

Tonight's theme is flaming red lips. Naturally, all kinds of women are indispensable. Without exception, they have smoky makeup, big red lips, and long legs. Jiang Chen is a little dazzled.

"It's still not hot enough today." Jiang Chen sighed.

"I know you want to say that they wear a little too much, and that's what I want to say." Zhou Ji looked like a pig.

"Don't think of me as obscene as you, I'm a decent person." Jiang Chen would never admit this.

"Okay, serious man, what kind of wine do you want to drink?" Zhou Ji said speechlessly.

"What did you say when we were eating just now? You were talking about Lafite, right? Just try to get three or four bottles. If it's not enough, I'll ask for it later." Jiang Chen said casually.

Zhou Ji staggered, almost knocked his head on the ground, and stammered, "Jiang Chen, have you forgotten what we are here for? We are here to pick up girls. How can we pick up girls when we are drunk? I think drinking beer is the best, or two bottles of beer per person."

"Hey, is iron rooster also inherited? But it's not right, you and Mr. Xu have no blood relationship." Jiang Chen said to himself.

"Waiter, two glasses of soda." Zhou Ji yelled at the top of his voice.

Of course, the soda water in the bar is not cheap, but after drinking the soda water, you still have to drink. It is very common brandy with ice, but at this time, it tastes quite refreshing.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Ji is a veteran of the night scene. After drinking half a glass of wine, he quickly chatted enthusiastically with a woman at the next table. After a few words, the two sat on the same table. Looking at the posture, In another ten minutes, you can go to the hotel to book a double bed room.

On the contrary, Jiang Chen found it a bit boring. The theme of the bar was very good, and there were quite a few girls with big breasts and long legs, but they usually fluctuated above and below the passing line, so it was difficult to arouse Jiang Chen's interest. The one who can hit seventy or eighty points, and the dusty aura on his body is too heavy, which makes Jiang Chen not even interested in taking a second look.

Jiang Chen is not a moral guard, and he knows very well that people come out to play in nightclubs, but he is a bit of a clean freak in this regard. With sharp eyes, he can't find a woman who suits his appetite.

"Forget it, go back to school and go to bed early." After searching for a long time, but failed to find the prey that caught Jiang Chen's eyes, Jiang Chen yawned, feeling a little impatient.

After drinking the rest of the wine in the glass, Jiang Chen was about to get up and leave, but at this moment, a roaring sound came suddenly.

"Boy, I think you are impatient, don't you even dare to touch my woman." A long-haired man appeared at Zhou Ji's table and said angrily at Zhou Ji.

"I just drank a few glasses of wine with her, so I can't count as touching your woman." Zhou Ji was a little depressed. He tried his best to try his best, and it seemed that a woman would have a further opportunity soon. Think that such a situation happened.

"Stop talking nonsense, who are you fooling, you are drinking right now, you will definitely go to a room later, and then you will give me a cuckold." The long-haired man was very angry.

"Isn't it for you to wear it yet?" Zhou Ji felt innocent.

"From what you said, you really want to cuckold me, right? I'll kill you." The long-haired man became even more angry, and suddenly grabbed the wine bottle on the table, and slammed it on Zhou Ji's head. superior!
(End of this chapter)

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