genius evil

Chapter 1018 A Battle Worth 1 Million

Chapter 1018 A Battle Worth [-] Million

"Why is Jiang Chen looking at me? Is he going to challenge me?" Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Yu Zizai's face turned pale, and his eyebrows and eyes twitched non-stop.

"Eldest son, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that something was wrong with Yu Zizai, Shi Xi asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." Shaking his head vigorously, Yu Zizai exhaled heavily.

He didn't know whether Jiang Chen would challenge him.

However, according to the rules of the life-and-death arena, he could completely reject Jiang Chen's challenge. Thinking of this, Yu Zizai was slightly relieved.

Standing tall, Jiang Chen took Yu Zizai's reactions one by one into his eyes, grinned, and laughed out loud.

Then, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed at Yu Zizai's body accurately.

Yu Zizai breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly tensed, his pupils shrank for a while, and he looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"Zi Zi, don't need to be nervous." Frowning, Yu Changhe said Hong Sheng, the sound was like a torrent of bells, and it exploded in Yu Zizai's ear, Yu Zizai calmed down, and his face looked much better after all.

"What is Jiang Chen going to do? Is he going to challenge Yu Zizai, or is he going to challenge the entire Yu family?" There were voices of discussion among the crowd.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed at Yu Zizai. The implication was too obvious, which attracted countless people to think about it.

"It is indeed the No. 1 young generation in the world of ancient martial arts. It is really domineering and unparalleled." Some people were amazed and yearned for it.

The Yu family is called the number one cultivating family by the world, and its family heritage is comparable to that of a super sect.

Such an existence was actually provoked by Jiang Chen, which made countless people gasp in amazement.

"Yu Zizai, will you accept the challenge?" Someone said, looking forward to seeing Yu Zizai and Jiang Chen later.

"Qianlong was defeated by Jiang Chen. Yu Zizai's reputation, although Qianlong and Xuanye are on par, but he is only a mere ancient martial artist with a cultivation base of the ninth level, so it is impossible for him to be Jiang Chen's opponent. Yes, it’s too much to deceive people.” There are also some people who are very gloating.

From ancient times to the present, those who watch the excitement will never be afraid of big troubles.

It's nothing to do with oneself, and it's high-spirited. Except for the people of the Yu family, all the people responded with the mentality of watching the excitement, waiting for the development of the situation.

"Patriarch, Jiang Chen is too arrogant, let me go up to the ring and fight against him." Among the Four Heavenly Kings, a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes said in a muffled voice.

This person has a nickname called Kuang Dao, his sword skills are unpredictable, he is one of Yu Changhe's most powerful generals, and he is deeply relied on by Yu Changhe.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Yu Changhe shook his head, determined.

Yu Changhe didn't know if Jiang Chen had any plans to challenge the entire Yu family. If so, he would accompany him to the end. If not, at the current stage, Yu Changhe didn't want to fight Jiang Chen again.

Today is just the first day of the ancient martial arts alliance conference. It is not worthwhile for Yu Changhe to use all the power of the Yu family to fight against Jiang Chen alone.

Even though, more than anyone else, he wished he could send Jiang Chen to his death.

But as the head of the Yu family, he controlled the entire Yu family with one hand, but it was impossible for him to be provoked by Jiang Chen so easily.

Kuang Dao stared at Jiang Chen with eyes like copper bells, and said, "Patriarch, if Jiang Chen doesn't know what is good and what is bad, even if I leave my old life here, I will take his life."

Crazy knife and domineering, the fighting spirit is getting stronger.

Even if someone saw Qianlong defeated by Jiang Chen with his own eyes, he was fearless and wished he could rush to the arena of life and death immediately and fight Jiang Chen.

"Hey, is my right hand cramping or what? Why can't I control it?" Just as everyone was waiting for Jiang Chen to further provoke the Yu family, Jiang Chen suddenly heard a A startled voice came from the arena of life and death.

Suddenly, countless people were dumbfounded.

"Jiang Chen is really humorous." Someone said amusedly.

"It's humorous to be powerful, but courting death if one's skills are inferior to others." Someone explained.

Not everyone has the confidence to point directly in the direction of the Yu family, especially if Jiang Chen is not full of confidence in front of so many people, even if it is really a joke, he is seeking his own death.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "Okay, finally the cramps are gone, next, who will fight me? Xuan Ye, can you challenge me?"

Jiang Chen looked at Xuan Ye and said loudly.

Clenching his small fists, Xiao Daotong said: "Master, the opportunity has come, go up quickly, beat him to pieces, and look for teeth everywhere."

Xuan Ye didn't seem to hear Xiao Daotong's words, and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang, under the ring, I will compete with you again."

"What do you mean? Xuan Ye gave up on the arena of life and death?" Someone was deeply surprised.

Jiang Chen named Xuan Ye by name and pointed out Xuan Ye. Although Jiang Chen did not challenge the Yu family, it was disappointing, but Xuan Ye was the proud son of heaven. The battle between Jiang Chen and Xuan Ye is very much looking forward to.

Unexpectedly, Xuan Ye refused.

"In the arena of life and death, it's either life or death. I'm afraid Xuanye doesn't have the confidence to defeat Jiang Chen." Someone said, and they didn't think there was anything wrong with Xuanye's actions.

"Brother Xuan Ye, actually, I can be merciful. You don't have to worry that I will beat you to death. At best, I will just give you a small beating." Jiang Chen said sincerely.

Xuan Ye smiled slightly, shook his head as usual, and said, "Brother Jiang, you don't need to say more, I've made up my mind."

"That's boring." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

To be honest, although challenging Xuan Ye was a bit of a joke, Jiang Chen took this first genius of the Heavenly Master Dao seriously and wanted to compete with him.

The reason why he chose to compete in the arena of life and death was because Jiang Chen knew that Xuan Ye could unleash his full potential only by being on the arena of life and death.

If it is changed to other places to compete, then, without the indomitable spirit, it will undoubtedly be less exciting.

But Xuan Ye refused, Jiang Chen would not force it.

"Little Fatty...Oh, Brother Luo...don't hide, don't look around, it's you." Jiang Chen's eyes turned, wandered away from Xuanye's body, and shot into the distance, bending his back together, looking Just the very funny dumpy Luo Song.

"Little brother, are you thirsty? The price of mineral water has risen to 5000 yuan a bottle, do you still want to buy it?" Seeing that he couldn't escape, Humpty Humpty said in a whisper.

"Fight with me, all your mineral water, 5 yuan a bottle, I will cover it all." Jiang Chen said grandly, as if he was not short of money at all.

Humpty Humpty was very moved, his eyes were very bright.

Money touches people's hearts, especially for the short and fat man who loves money like his life. Hearing what Jiang Chen said, even if he wants to not be tempted, it is absolutely impossible.

After all, it is 5 yuan a bottle of mineral water. In the past, how much mineral water would he have to sell to earn 5 yuan.

You know, at the beginning, when Humpty Humpty sold mineral water, it was only 30 yuan a bottle. Although the profit was astonishing, it was completely incomparable with the 5 yuan bottle of mineral water.

"Little brother, don't joke with me. You know that I can't resist temptation." The short fat man stammered, he was really moved, and the most damning thing is that he couldn't suppress his heartbeat .

Instigated by this impulse, Humpty Humpty almost couldn't help himself, rushed to the arena of life and death, and fought Jiang Chen.

Anyway, Jiang Chen said that if he fought with him, he would only pay 5 yuan for a bottle of mineral water. He didn't say that he had to defeat Jiang Chen to buy mineral water.

Such a condition can be said to be very loose, and it is really difficult to refuse.

"It's not a joke. I have plenty of money. If you are worried, I will transfer the money to you in a while." Jiang Chen said.

"Little brother, you have to think about it carefully. I also have plenty of mineral water. I'm not afraid to tell you the truth. I have nearly two thousand bottles in stock." Humpty Humpty said.

Having said that, Humpty Humpty quickly calculated in his heart.

Two thousand bottles of mineral water, each sold for [-] yuan, if Jiang Chen gave him a round, that is to say, if the insignificant cost was removed, if he rounded it up, he could earn nearly [-] million in one breath.

"One hundred million?" With a grunt, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and Humpty Humpty's eyeballs became round.

I don't know, I was taken aback.

Not 100 million, not 1000 million, but [-] million.

If Jiang Chen does what he says, as long as he fights with Jiang Chen, he can retire, and then he only needs to count money at home to play.

Jiang Chen's face turned black immediately, two thousand bottles of mineral water?
This short fat man is really a traitor. He actually has so much in stock. He originally thought that there were only a few hundred bottles at most. Come?
Jiang Chen suddenly regretted it a bit. Who would have thought that the short fat man would have such a big business?
But what he said was like water poured out, even if Jiang Chen regretted it, he would not regret it in front of so many people.

On the surface, Jiang Chen said casually: "It's just two thousand bottles of mineral water, it's a trivial matter, hurry up, come up."

"Little brother, this money is too easy to earn. My conscience is a little disturbed. I must seriously consider it." Humpty Humpty said with a bitter face.

He was extremely tangled and painful.

[-] million, how many people should be, wealth that can't be earned in a lifetime, but because Jiang Chen has already defaulted on debts twice, the short fat man doubts Jiang Chen's character very much, he feels that he must Be firm and resist Jiang Chen's temptation.

"Two thousand bottles of mineral water, one hundred million in cash, what is the origin of this short fat man, to let Jiang Chen spend such a large amount of money?" Some people were puzzled.

"A guy who loves to ask for money is actually regarded so highly by Jiang Chen, what luck." Some people were indignant.

"It's impossible for Jiang Chen to give so much money for no reason. This short and fat man seems to have something extraordinary." Someone speculated and said, although it is completely impossible to see that the short and fat man is different.

"Huang Chan, is your elder brother crazy? I looked left and right, but I didn't see it. That short fat man is worth [-] million." Jin Ling said to Huang Chan.

One hundred million, how many clothes, cosmetics and jewelry should she buy? Jin Ling felt that Jiang Chen was too prodigal, and it was unreasonable to be prodigal.

Since she is so rich, why can't she spend some of it?

For this reason, Jin Ling's psychology is very unbalanced.

"Little sister, didn't you see that the short fat man is very talented?" Huang Chan said with a smile.

"It's ridiculous to shrink back and forth, is this considered a talent?" Jin Ling rolled her eyes.

"Luo Song's strength is probably not inferior to Qianlong's." Wen Qingxin said slowly.

Those present who could tell Humpty Humpty's cultivation and understand why Jiang Chen wanted to challenge Humpty Humpty were no more than two hands, and Wen Qingxin happened to be one of them.

"Be careful, don't lie to me. Although I don't read much, I really didn't see it." Jin Ling couldn't believe it.

Wen Qing smiled and said nothing, the Sleeping Beauty said: "Little Junior Sister, this Luo Song is indeed not simple."

"Okay, I'll trust you guys for the time being." Jin Ling said helplessly, but also wanted to see what was wrong with Humpty Humpty.

Don't be beaten to the ground by Jiang Chen as soon as you get on the arena of life and death.

"Fatty Dumpty, it's been a minute, have you considered it?" Jiang Chen waited for a minute, and said impatiently, if he wasn't in the arena of life and death now, he would have rushed in front of Fatty Dumpty long ago. strike...

(End of this chapter)

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