genius evil

Chapter 1019 The descendant of Xuanling, the body of King Kong

Chapter 1019 The descendant of Xuanling, the body of King Kong

"Little brother, I have an immature suggestion." Humpty Humpty swallowed again, and said with difficulty, "Thank you little brother, you can see it, otherwise, you pay first... no, pay first Half of the deposit, I will go to the arena of life and death, and let you beat me up, what do you think?"

"It really is a very immature suggestion, Brother Luo, no wonder you can only make a small amount of money, not a big one." Jiang Chen sighed, looking very regretful.

The corners of Humpty's mouth twitched wildly, thinking that half of the deposit of 5000 million may be a small amount of money to Jiang Chen, but to him, it is a big fortune.

Not to mention 5000 million, even 500 million... No, 50, Humpty Dumpty thinks, is quite good.

After all, no matter how much money there is, it must be in your hands. Otherwise, even if you put a billion in front of you, but none of it belongs to you, what's the point?
"Little brother, the first time I saw you, I knew you were not someone in the pool. I, Luo Song, am not the kind of stingy person, so I don't want you to take a 5000 million deposit, you just need to give me 4000 first." Wan, I'll let you beat me up." Gritting his teeth, Humpty Humpty said.

This breath is 1000 million less.

Humpty Humpty's heart was convulsed with pain, and he was about to suffocate.

God knows how hard it took him to make such a decision.

If Jiang Chen still refused to agree, then even if he was killed, he would not be in the arena of life and death.

"make a deal."

Just as Humpty Dumpty was thinking this way, Jiang Chen's voice came into his ears.

All of a sudden, Humpty Humpty's face turned red, his eyes widened, then he blinked, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Little brother, give me the money."

Jiang Chen raised his hand, took out a bank card casually, and said, "There are exactly 4000 million in this card, if you want it, come up and get it yourself."

Almost as soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, he saw the short fat man rushing up to the arena of life and death with a "swoosh", appeared in front of Jiang Chen, and grabbed the bank card in Jiang Chen's hand. The speed was so fast, everyone watched Go, almost can only see a vague afterimage.

"What a fast speed!" Countless people were dumbfounded.

Even though Humpty Humpty's character of wanting money has made countless people scoff at him, but suddenly, Humpty Humpty's displayed strength can be said to be beyond the imagination of most people.

It was hard for them to believe that Humpty's short and round body could explode at such a terrifying speed.

"Finally I've hooked you up." Jiang Chen chuckled in his heart, and at the moment the short fat man snatched the bank card, he punched him with his right hand and punched it out.

"Little brother, wait a moment, I haven't got the bank card yet." The short fat man yelled, but while yelling, he made a fist and collided with Jiang Chen.

The strong wind blew in all directions, and the short fat man was like a chubby balloon, thrown backward by Jiang Chen's punch.

But in just an instant, Humpty Humpty appeared in front of Jiang Chen again, grabbing the bank card from Jiang Chen's hand again.

"Brother Luo, you're not real, you agreed to let me beat you up." Jiang Chen was dissatisfied.

"Little brother, you are obviously bullying an honest person, quickly give me the bank card." The short fat man shouted angrily, the bank card was in Jiang Chen's hand, and he couldn't grab it anyway. , Humpty Humpty was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

"I'm not happy yet, how can I give it to you." Jiang Chen punched out again, sending the short fat man flying.

But in the blink of an eye, Humpty Humpty appeared in front of Jiang Chen for the third time.

Humpty Humpty's speed was unsurpassed, and his ability to resist beatings was also jaw-dropping. He was beaten flying by Jiang Chen twice in succession, but nothing happened, as if he hadn't even suffered a physical injury.

"Little brother, that's not what we said before...I have to emphasize to you that you pay me first, and then I'll let you have a good beating." Humpty Humpty argued.

"Very good, then, both of us must keep our word." Jiang Chen smiled. When the short fat man reached out to grab the bank card for the third time, Jiang Chen directly stuffed the bank card into the short fat man's hand. superior.

Perhaps, it was because he didn't expect Jiang Chen to do such a thing. Happiness came so quickly. The short fat man was so unexpected that when Jiang Chen punched him for the third time, the short fat man The fat man forgot to resist, and let Jiang Chen's punch hit him, sending him flying for the third time.

"Haha, 4000 million, I, Luo Song, have made a fortune." The short fat man was in mid-air, smiling like crazy, holding Jiang Chen's bank card, his eyes glowed with gold, as if he was holding a bank card in his hand. It is a golden mountain.

"Then I can have a good beating now." Jiang Chen said, stepping forward with one step, appearing in front of the short fat man, the wind of his fists vibrated, one punch after another, falling on the short fat man like raindrops.

Then, under the arena of life and death, everyone saw that the short and fat man was dancing, being beaten from the ground to the sky by Jiang Chen, from the sky to the ground, and then from the west to the east.

Jiang Chen didn't seem to treat Humpty Humpty as a human being at all, but treated Humpty Humpty like a ball, and it was a joy to hit Humpty Humpty.

Countless people saw this scene, their eyeballs were about to fall out of their sockets, it was unbelievable.

"Did Luo Song be killed?" someone asked.

Because Humpty Humpty was too treacherous, I don't know how many people gritted his teeth at him, but there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, although Humpty's stuff is very expensive, compared to the things prepared by the organizer, the price is relatively much cheaper, so he can only bear to be slaughtered by Humpty.

Out of resentment towards Humpty, it can be said that many people really wanted to see Humpty beaten to death by Jiang Chen.

"Not dead." Someone said.

"What's the matter with that short fat man, he's too resistant to beating." Someone grinned, expressing incredulity.

Even Qianlong couldn't resist Jiang Chen's fist.

Qianlong vomited blood and was defeated by Jiang Chen. They thought that Humpty Humpty would suffer the same fate as Qianlong.

But the final result was beyond everyone's expectations. Even though Jiang Chen punched Humpty Dumpty countless times in a row, Humpty Humpty was still unscathed, with thick skin and thick flesh.


"Father, what's going on?" Yu Zizai looked at it for a long time, unable to understand.

He didn't think that it was the result of Jiang Chen's mercy that the short fat man was not injured, because anyone could tell that Jiang Chen didn't spare any strength at all.

Every time Jiang Chen punched, he punched to the flesh, even if he saw it in his eyes, Yu Zizai felt that his flesh hurt very much.

"Earlier, I heard that the Xuanling Sect has a kung fu practice. For hundreds of years, apart from the founder of the sect, this kid is the only one who has successfully practiced it. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be true." Yu Changhe said slowly.

"Father, you mean, diamond body?" Yu Zizai asked in a deep voice.

"That's right." Yu Zizai nodded, "It's the diamond body, but I don't know how far this Luo Song has cultivated. If he has a diamond body, even if he is a real strong person in the innate realm, he will never be hurt. A hair."

"So, Dacheng's diamond body is invincible when fighting at the same level?" Yu Zizai asked.

"According to the rumors, this is indeed the case, but the Vajra Body has been lost for hundreds of years, even in the Xuanling Sect. It is difficult to know the true power." Yu Changhe pondered.


"Ah... ah... that short and fat man is too thick-skinned, Jiang Chen's 4000 million is in vain." Jin Ling yelled, as if she had been greatly stimulated.

"Little sister, don't you dislike Jiang Chen? Doesn't his money go to waste, isn't it just what you want?" Huang Chan laughed.

"But Senior Sister likes him. That money will be used to support Senior Sister in the future. If Jiang Chen becomes poor and get out of here, won't my Senior Sister be poor along with him?" Jin Ling yelled as usual.

Huang Chan just glanced at Sleeping Beauty, and said mischievously: "Who told you that there are really 4000 million in that card, I can guarantee that there is not a penny, and even if you are really rich, anyway, Humpty and Fatty No password."

"That's right, there seems to be no password." Jin Ling was relieved all of a sudden.

It's just a bank card without a password, let alone 4000 million, even if there are [-] million in it, Humpty Humpty can't get out a single penny.

"Master Wen, that Luo Song seems to have cultivated some kind of strange kung fu." Sleeping Beauty asked Wen Qingxin without participating in the topic of Huang Chan and Jin Ling.

Sleeping Beauty practiced according to the formulas of self-cultivation given by Jiang Chen. In essence, she could not be regarded as a pure ancient martial arts practitioner. As her cultivation base improved, her vision also improved accordingly.

"That's true." Wen Qingxin nodded, "That school of horizontal kung fu is called Vajra Body, but I didn't expect that this Luo Song is from the Xuanling Sect."

"Xuanlingzong?" Wen Qing was slightly surprised. If he remembered correctly, this Xuanlingzong is a super sect, and within the sect, there are strong people with innate realms.

"I see." Sleeping Beauty suddenly realized.

Finally, he understood why Jiang Chen insisted on paying such a high price to lure Humpty Dumpty into taking the bait. However, Dumpty Humpty's character of desperately asking for money makes people laugh and cry.


The short fat man was beaten and flew around by Jiang Chen, but he held the bank card tightly in his hand, not relaxing for a moment.

"Little brother, have you beaten enough? If you have beaten enough, the 4000 million will be mine... But we agreed in advance that this is just a deposit, and you will give me another 6000 million in a while." Humpty Humpty finally got to the ground, and said with a smile, staring at the bank card in his hand, looking at it again and again, looking at it like that, he almost kissed the whole family.

"This is just the beginning, isn't it?" Jiang Chen said lazily, "Why don't you tell me what kung fu you practiced, and I'll tell you the bank card password first."

"Password?" Suddenly, Humpty Humpty's face collapsed, and he couldn't be happier anymore.

That's right, with a bank card, if you want to withdraw money, you still need a password, but he was so excited that he forgot about it for a while.

"Little brother, you cheated me again." Humpty Humpty said with a sad face.

"I promise I won't cheat this time." Jiang Chen smiled.

"The skill I practice is called Vajra Body. It's just a stupid skill. It's not worth mentioning at all. Little brother, where is the password?" The short fat man said anxiously.

"Diamond body? Body protection method?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

So many punches in succession failed to injure Humpty Man. Jiang Chen naturally knew that Humpty Humpty had practiced some kind of strange kung fu, which was much stronger than ordinary horizontal kung fu.

The short fat man said it was a diamond body, and in Jiang Chen's view, it was worthy of the name, and it was very direct, expressing the essence of this technique.

"I thought about it, I'd better tell you the password when the remaining 6000 million is given to you together." Jiang Chen said slowly, striding forward, appearing in front of Humpty Man, staring at it. Look at Dumpty and look around...

(End of this chapter)

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