genius evil

Chapter 1020 how lonely is invincible

Chapter 1020 how lonely is invincible

"Little brother, men and women can't kiss each other...... Ah, no, I'm a big man, and you are a big man, can you stop looking at me like this?" The short fat man couldn't stand being watched by Jiang Chen every minute.

"I want to see where it is more appropriate to hit you later." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Scared me to death." The short fat man patted his chest, he thought Jiang Chen was going to help him check his body.

Jiang Chen looked at the short fat man, his eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, the short fat man looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment, and asked, "What did you see?"

Jiang Chen didn't reply, he raised his hand and punched the short fat man.


With one punch, Humpty Humpty was hit hard.

Because of being beaten by Jiang Chen many times, Humpty Dumpty didn't take this time seriously at first. He knew very well how powerful the Vajra Body is.

Of course, he is not very good at fighting, but in terms of defense, Humpty can almost assert that no one in his generation will be stronger than him.

But soon, Humpty Humpty's pupils suddenly contracted, and his internal organs swelled up, as if they were about to be broken. The pain penetrated into his bones and blood, so that Humpty Humpty let out an astonishing scream and fell to the ground. blue.

"Little brother, you?" Humpty Humpty pointed to Jiang Chen, not understanding what happened.

"Is it cool?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

If his cultivation base is sufficient, he can see the flaws in the short fat man's diamond body with a glance of his consciousness.

But it doesn't matter if you don't have enough cultivation, don't forget, Jiang Chen is a double-cultivator of medicine and Taoism. It can be said that he understands the structure of the human body better than anyone else on earth.

That's why Jiang Chen stared at Humpty Dumpty, he was looking for flaws in Dumpty Humpty's body.

"Can I say I'm not happy?" The short fat man rubbed his stomach vigorously, feeling that the [-] million earned was too difficult. Fortunately, Jiang Chen's punch left room, otherwise he would have been seriously injured by Jiang Chen's punch. .

"But I haven't had fun beating yet," Jiang Chen said.

"I don't want this money anymore." Hearing the sound, the short fat man's face changed drastically, he raised his big hand, and threw the bank card to Jiang Chen, and ran away quickly like a frightened rabbit.

Under the arena of life and death, when everyone saw this scene, they all burst into laughter and were very happy.

Only in the direction of Yu's house, Yu Changhe and Yu Zizai, instead of smiling, their faces were extremely serious.

The short fat man was injured by Jiang Chen, that is to say, the vajra body was cracked by Jiang Chen. No matter how Jiang Chen cracked the vajra body, there is no doubt that Jiang Chen's vision and insight are enough to describe it as horror.

"Father, Jiang Chen can't stay." Yu Zizai said bitterly.

As soon as he broke through, he would lose to Qianlong and Humpty in a row. Including Xuanye who was unwilling to enter the arena of life and death, Jiang Chen's potential could be seen.

This is the life and death enemy of the Yu family, and Jiang Chen must not be given any more time to grow.

"Don't worry, I know." Yu Changhe nodded vigorously.

If Jiang Chen hadn't cracked Humpty Dumpty's Vajra Body, Yu Changhe might not have to be so anxious, but now, he has to.

He has witnessed Jiang Chen's growth with his own eyes. If he doesn't look for an opportunity to kill Jiang Chen quickly, in time, Jiang Chen will kill Yu's family and kill Yu's family forever. Such a result is definitely not what Yu Changhe wants.

"Brother Luo, I gave you this money for nothing. If you don't want it, then don't. Will you give me face?" Standing on the ring, Jiang Chen yelled dissatisfied.

The short fat man shrank his neck as if he didn't hear Jiang Chen's words, and walked faster and faster, disappearing from the crowd in an instant.

"One billion is free, but I can't even give it away. It makes me sad. Let me tell you, do you have anyone who wants to make this money?" Jiang Chen spoke loudly to the many ancient martial arts practitioners Said.

Money, of course, everyone wants to earn, and no one has ever felt that they have too much money.

What's more, this is [-] million, it is impossible to say that no one is interested.

But everyone knows that this money is very hot, and it is not so easy to earn.

Jiang Chen made a breakthrough in the battle, and was invincible among the younger generation. A half-day innate powerhouse was vulnerable to a single blow. Unless the innate powerhouse showed up, no one would be able to do anything to Jiang Chen.

But for the innately strong, looking at the huge ancient martial arts cultivation world, only the five super sects and the Yu family, the first cultivation family, exist, which can be called rare.

What's more, even if there are other innate strong people, how can they be tempted by mere money?
Therefore, although Jiang Chen's words provoked everyone, no one responded.

"Is there no more? Or is it too little dislike? How about I add some chips, how about [-] million? If [-] million is not enough, it will be [-] billion." Jiang Chen said eloquently, as if there was no one else around.

Someone heard the words and looked in the direction of Yu's house, to be precise, at Yu Changhe.




Then, countless eyes fell on Yu Changhe.

Xuan Ye was unwilling to make a move, so the only person present who could fight Jiang Chen was Yu Changhe. Without exception, everyone wanted to see if Yu Changhe would accept the challenge.

"Yu Changhe, I'll give you one billion more, how dare you come up?" Jiang Chen said loudly, full of vigor.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Yu Changhe Hong said: "Jiang Chen, you have to understand that my Yu family is not short of money."

"Whether you are short of money or not, you are definitely not as rich as I am." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Oh, you are looking forward to a fight with me?" Yu Changhe said displeased.

He said that Yu's family was not short of money, and the implication was that he rejected Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen was very ignorant of good and bad, which made Yu Changhe angry.

"I'm not really looking forward to it, I just want to beat you up." Jiang Chen said calmly.


The crowd was in an uproar!

Beating Yu Changhe up, probably only Jiang Chen could say that.

"The arena of life and death is just a trifling matter. I don't have time to waste it with you." Yu Changhe said with a frown.

"It doesn't have to be so grandiose. If you're afraid, I'll just say it." Jiang Chen grinned, and said, "Thinking of me, Jiang Chen, who came all the way to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, it's rare to meet an opponent, invincible. Feeling lonely."

"Patriarch, this guy is looking for death, please allow me to fight with him." Kuang Dao couldn't bear it, and wanted to rush to the arena of life and death, and fight Jiang Chen desperately.

"Fight with me? What are you? Believe it or not, I will slap you to death?" Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Patriarch..." Kuang Dao challenged again, gnashing his teeth.

"Jiang Chen is bound to die, but not now." Yu Changhe shook his head, and said to Jiang Chen, "Jiang Chen, my Yu Family will keep in mind every one of your deeds today, and there will definitely be rewards."

"I thought that when I killed Yu Ruyi, you remembered it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

In Yu Changhe's eyes, there was a fierce look, but he didn't know what he thought of. Faced with such humiliation, he forcibly endured it, waved his hand, and led the members of the Yu family away.

Jiang Chen was greatly surprised. He could tell that Yu Changhe was the kind of headstrong person. He never expected that Yu Changhe would swallow his anger.

"Could it be that there's something I don't know about?" Jiang Chen muttered to himself, his figure shot out, and walked down the arena of life and death.


The life-and-death arena battle lasted for eight hours, and up to this point, it had just begun.

One after another, some people stepped into the arena of life and death to challenge, seek revenge or settle grievances.

However, because of Jiang Chen, all the battles after that were undoubtedly less exciting. Jiang Chen didn't pay much attention to it, and returned to the small island with Wen Qingxin and others.

"Brother Qing, you're so handsome today, you're almost fascinated by me." Huang Chan hugged Jiang Chen's arm and rubbed it against his chest, not knowing whether he was taking advantage of Jiang Chen, or I'm giving Jiang Chen an advantage.

However, Jiang Chen naturally had no objection to this kind of behavior, and it had to be said that Huang Chan's breasts were really big enough, even through the clothes, Jiang Chen could feel the astonishing flexibility.

"Huang Chan, is it really okay for you to take advantage of other men like this?" Jin Ling couldn't stand it anymore, and said with a glare.

"Anyway, it's not your man." Huang Chan's one sentence was a run on her.

"Senior Sister." Jin Ling felt aggrieved.

Sleeping Beauty smiled and said nothing, after getting along with Huang Chan, she knew Huang Chan's character, and knew that the relationship between Huang Chan and Jiang Chen was not what it appeared on the surface.

"Be careful, hurry up and beat this woman up." Seeing that Sleeping Beauty was indifferent, Jin Ling said to Wen Qingxin.

Unlike Sleeping Beauty, who called Wen Qingxin the head of the Wen family, Jin Ling followed Huang Chan and called Wen Qingxin Xiaoxin.

"Jiang Chen, are you a little strange?" Wen Qingxin asked Jiang Chen as if she didn't hear Jin Ling's words.

"It's really strange, do you have any explanation?" Jiang Chen nodded.

"I heard that there is a very important reason why the ancient martial arts alliance conference was held in Penglai Xiandao, but so far, it is not certain." Wen Qingxin said.

When Wen Qingxin said this, Jiang Chen could clearly feel that Huang Chan hugged his arms even tighter, so that his arms squeezed hard on Huang Chan's chest, squeezing out two waves. similar arc.

Glancing at Huang Chan, Jiang Chen casually asked, "What's the reason?"

"There is a saying that there is a relic of an ancient battlefield in the waters of Penglai Xiandao, and in that relic, there are many martial arts skills left behind." Wen Qingxin said in a deep voice.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen was greatly surprised.

Wen Qingxin said on the surface that she couldn't be sure, but in fact, Jiang Chen could tell that Wen Qingxin was almost sure about it.

Because from the beginning to the present, there have been two temptations to the Yu family. One was when Wen Qingxin stepped forward to push Yu Changhe back, and the other was when he openly provoked Yu Changhe today.

Yu Changhe seemed to have doubts from the beginning to the end, and he didn't intend to stay with him forever. This is what Jiang Chen felt strange about.

Thinking about it, Yu Changhe had already heard the news that there was a relic of an ancient battlefield in this sea area. This is the only way to endure humiliation and preserve the strength of the Yu family.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chen suddenly realized another problem, that is, if Yu Changhe really planned it this way, then it is very likely that the innate powerhouse from the Yu family also came to Penglai Immortal Island for no reason. , Jiang Chen felt more like a light on his back.

After all, if the ancestor of the Yu family came to Penglai Xiandao, even with his current cultivation base, he would be a great threat.

"Jiang Chen, don't think too much about this matter, the mystery will probably be revealed soon." Seeing Jiang Chen thoughtful, Wen Qing said heartily.

Jiang Chen smiled indifferently. Indeed, it is useless to think too much. If the final answer is the ruins of the ancient battlefield, it will probably be revealed within a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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