genius evil

Chapter 1021 Battle for Xiaopei Yuan Pill

Chapter 1021 Battle for Xiaopei Yuan Pill

The ancient martial arts alliance meeting is not arranged every day, it is full of fierce collisions, at least the schedule for the second day is very lackluster, making Jiang Chen not even the slightest bit interested.

The next day, it was the sect council, where the sect masters and suzerain masters of the various sects gathered. Naturally, Jiang Chen would not go, but Wen Qingxin, as the sect master of Fanyin Mountain, did go.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, this so-called council meant a slap in the face and a candy.

After all, although Jiang Chen successfully disrupted the life-and-death arena battle, it still caused many ancient martial arts sects to resent each other.

If the life-and-death arena battle is to resolve conflicts, then the conflicts that have not been resolved in time or have not been perfectly resolved will be mixed in this sect council.

On this day, Jiang Chen slept in the tent all day.

Waiting until the third day of the conference, the real highlight will be the real arrival!
At around ten o'clock in the morning, countless ancient martial arts practitioners gathered in the direction of the five islands in the middle of Penglai Xiandao.

At a glance, one can see that the tents on these five islands have all been dismantled, but that is all that can be seen.

I don't know if it's because of the heavy sea fog today, but I can't see the specific situation on the five islands at all, as if the five islands are all covered by the sea fog.

Since a group of ancient martial arts practitioners set foot on Penglai Xiandao, these five islands, as the absolute center, are inhabited by people from the five super sects, attracting the attention of countless people.

Although many people have never even set foot on these five islands, they have learned about the topography of these five islands from different directions.

After several days, the sky has always been clear and clear, and today's weather is also the same, but it has never happened like this.

A group of people looked at the clusters of fog, secretly dumbfounded, extremely strange.

"This sea fog is so strange, and I don't know where it comes from." Someone said, almost staring out of their eye sockets, but still couldn't see the specific situation in the island clearly.

"No, look quickly, the fog seems to be gradually getting darker, and the outlines of these five islands are almost invisible." Someone discovered the situation and hurriedly greeted everyone.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was true.

As time passed, the lingering mist above the five islands gradually became darker, and the color also changed from gray and white to gray and black, which was extremely weird and strange.

"What's the situation? What's the purpose of my coming here?" Some people thought to themselves and couldn't figure it out.

A group of ancient martial arts practitioners received an order to come here and gather together. The number of people was nearly several hundred, but they just stared blankly at the five islands that were about to disappear into the sea fog, collectively in a daze.

It was almost 10:30 when Jiang Chen and others came over.

As soon as they appeared, Jiang Chen noticed the situation of those five islands.

"Wow, what a big sea fog, is this smog?" Jin Ling was amazed, her eyes were wide open, and she didn't know what she was looking at.

"Little sister, where is the smog above the sea?" Huang Chan giggled coquettishly.

People in the country change color when they hear the smog, and fear it like a tiger.

But obviously, this is definitely not a smog, and it doesn't look like a natural scene, but there are some traces of man-made.

"If it wasn't for the smog? How could there be such a heavy fog? Look, the five islands have all disappeared," Jin Ling said.

The five islands gradually disappeared from the sight of the crowd of ancient martial arts practitioners, as if they were submerged under the surface of the sea. Such a sight is spectacular.

"Brother Qing, do you see anything?" Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen.

"I don't know for the time being, maybe we have to go deep into it to know." Jiang Chen said slowly.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, this kind of mist is not sea fog, it is quite strange, and if it has substance, although it has not penetrated into it for the time being, Jiang Chen can also see it. Once caught in the mist, his vision will inevitably be greatly affected. obstacles.

"Everyone, have you all arrived?" Yan Feiyang, an old man with a hooked nose, suddenly appeared, and Hong Sheng said, his eyes swept over everyone one by one.

It's just that those gazes paused slightly when they shot at Jiang Chen.

"If you all come together, then 10 minutes later, these five islands will be officially opened to you, and everyone you wait for will have the same opportunity to enter and seek opportunities." After sweeping his eyes, Yan Feiyang Said again.


Hearing these two words, countless people's eyes lit up.

The venue of the ancient martial arts alliance conference varies every year, but without exception, every ancient martial arts alliance conference will have a generous gift.

Anyone can get that gift.

It's just that I don't know what the chance Yan Feiyang refers to.

"I know you must be curious, what do I mean by chance." Yan Feiyang smiled loudly, stretched out a finger, pointed in the direction of the five islands, and said, "On these five islands, each Inside the island, there is a small Peiyuan Pill."

"I don't need to explain too much about the efficacy of the Small Peiyuan Pill. You just need to remember that there are five of them in total. Each of you has an equal chance to get these five Small Peiyuan Pills. Also remember, once you go deep into these five islands, if it is not necessary, remember to kill innocent people indiscriminately, if you violate it, we will kill immediately, no matter who it is!"

Yan Feiyang's words were straight and round, and his voice was like a bell. Every character he spoke was just right, and it was passed to everyone's ears.

"Five small Peiyuan pills, what a big hand." Countless people were amazed by it.

Before the ancient martial arts alliance meeting was held, someone had heard that there would be Xiaopeiyuan pills this time, the exact number was unknown, but no one had ever known that there would be as many as five.

I have to say, this is crazy, and countless other people are moved by it.

Moreover, Yan Feiyang said, if it is not necessary, remember to kill innocent people indiscriminately. That is to say, this regulation greatly limits the number of casualties, so that those ancient martial arts practitioners with low cultivation bases can have a safe life. a certain degree of assurance.

"Five Peiyuan Pills? Brother Qing, are these old guys crazy? Let's go in quickly and snatch these five small Peiyuan Pills." Huang Chan's eyes were bright. Like a light bulb.

"Huang Chan, don't you think too well?" Jin Ling couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and said, "Look at so many people, go and grab those five Small Peiyuan Pills, let alone five , even if you prepare five hundred, you may not be able to grab five."

"Little sister, you don't understand this. Except for our own people, once the rest of the people get the Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, we will kill him. Doesn't the Xiao Pei Yuan Pill fall to us?" I have it." Huang Chan said.

"Didn't you hear that you can't kill innocent people indiscriminately?" Jin Ling asked wonderingly.

Huang Chan sneered and said, "It's just a meaningless rhetoric. It means that those who are not strong enough to take chances will take it seriously. What do you mean if it is not necessary? It's too tricky. If you really want to kill someone, who can stop it?"

Jin Ling was dumbfounded, thinking to herself that she was too naive after all.

She felt that Huang Chan was right. Although Yan Feiyang spoke harshly, how to judge whether it was necessary or not was a big problem.

If there is a murder, how could it be unnecessary?

That is naturally very, very necessary.

After all, apart from those who are bloodthirsty by nature, how can anyone like to kill people?

"It's over, I wanted to join in the fun." Jin Ling said with a sad face.

Now, she didn't want to go, she didn't want to die yet.

"Brother Qing, I'm talking to you, why didn't you respond at all?" Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't respond, Huang Chan was dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I naturally want the Little Peiyuan Pill, the more the better." Stretching his waist, Jiang Chen said lazily.

Not for himself, but for Wen Qingxin.

Speaking of which, after several days of delay in Penglai Immortal Island, it was finally time to get to the point. Jiang Chen was very much looking forward to it.


The voices of discussion from all sides are endless, and many people are eager to move, wishing to rush into the five islands in the first place.

Of course, there are also a few sober people who can tell that Yan Feiyang's seemingly harsh words actually leave room for them. Once they enter the five islands and compete for Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, they may not be able to retreat unscathed.

Moreover, in this ancient martial arts alliance conference, it can be said that there are many geniuses, Jiang Chen is the champion, but there are Xuanye Wenqing, Xin Luosong and others closely following, not to mention, the Yu family is eyeing, wanting to compete for the little Peiyuan pill , is it easy?

"Okay, time is up, everyone, please!" Yan Feiyang's voice sounded, and then, Yan Feiyang's figure flickered and disappeared in an instant.




At the moment Yan Feiyang's voice fell, countless eager figures rushed out and rushed towards the five islands.

"Brother Qing, let's go too." Huang Chan urged.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Be careful, Sleeping Beauty, you two follow me closely, and the rest of you, return where you left off."

Meng Xiyan originally planned to go, but upon hearing what Jiang Chen said, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything and nodded silently.

Immediately, Jiang Chen took Wen Qingxin with one hand and Sleeping Beauty with the other, leading Huang Chan, strode out, and headed straight for the nearest island.

"Master, Jiang Chen has set off, so hurry up, otherwise Jiang Chen will snatch all the good things." Not far away, Xiaodaotong said to Xuanye.

Xuan Ye smiled slightly, stepped out with one step, and disappeared in place with an elegant figure.

Almost at the same time, a short and fat guy who looked like a ball mixed in the crowd and quickly shuttled. In an instant, he left countless people behind. It was the short and fat guy Luo loose.

Luo Song was extremely fast, and while walking, his eyes were shining brightly.

"Five small Peiyuan pills, I don't want too many, just one is enough." Luo Song murmured.

Different from the reason why other people want to compete for the Little Peiyuan Pill, Luo Song intends to resell it once he gets a Small Peiyuan Pill. Presumably there will be many people who want to buy one, and if they can sell one, Pretty good price.

"call out!"

"call out!"

The figure flickered, Yu Changhe took the lead, leading the remaining three heavenly kings among the four heavenly kings, Yu Zizai followed closely behind, and Shi Xi, the owner of Qingxin Valley, followed.

The number of people dispatched by the Yu family is not too many, but it is undoubtedly a force that no one dares to underestimate.

Within a few minutes, except for nearly 100 people who did not leave, the rest of the people rushed to the five islands one after another, and the battle for Xiaopei Yuandan kicked off!

(End of this chapter)

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