genius evil

Chapter 1022 Five Lines Maze

Chapter 1022 Five Elements Maze
"call out!"

Walking like the wind, after just 2 minutes, Jiang Chen and the three daughters, Wen Qingxin, set foot on one of the five islands.

Earlier, when I watched from a distance, I realized that the five islands were all covered by the sea fog, but that was only a superficial feeling.

But at this moment, entering the island, the feeling is completely different.

The sea fog was so dense that it was almost impossible to melt away. Even with Jiang Chen's cultivation, as far as he could see, he could only see it, only twenty meters away.

A little further away, it was gray and black, but it seemed that there was something, abruptly, blocking his line of sight.

"Jiang Chen, I can only see about ten meters away." Wen Qingxin whispered into Jiang Chen's ear.

"I can see it, about ten meters away." Sleeping Beauty then said.

"Me too." Huang Chan also said.

While the few people were talking, there were several exclamations in their ears from time to time. Obviously, those ancient martial arts practitioners who boarded this island all found that the situation was a bit abnormal.

You must know that ancient martial arts practitioners have powerful aura in their bodies and their eyesight is far superior to that of ordinary people. However, since they landed on this island, many people have almost become blind. This is undoubtedly a terrible thing.

"This place is a bit weird." Jiang Chen said in a deep voice, without wasting too much time, he walked in front, leading the three girls, and searched around the island.

"Just now I thought those old guys were quite generous, but now, I realize that I was wrong, it was outrageous." Huang Chan expressed her disappointment, as if she had been wronged by the sky, and then said: "Xiao Pei Yuan Dan It’s so small, the island is so big, and there’s only one island on each island, so even if you turn over all the soil here, you may not be able to find it.”

While speaking, Huang Chan sighed and looked resentful.

"Don't worry, there will naturally be a way." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Brother Qing, could it be that you have seen something?" Huang Chan's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly asked.

Huang Chan is different from others. The only purpose of her coming to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference this time is Xiao Pei Yuan Pill. If Xiao Pei Yuan Pill falls into the hands of others, it will be worse than killing Huang Chan. She still has to suffer.

Following Huang Chan's question, Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty all looked at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said to the three girls: "Have you noticed that these five islands are very mysterious?"

"Is it mysterious?" Huang Chan blinked.

"When I came to Penglai Immortal Island, the five super sects occupied the island, and any ancient martial arts practitioners were not allowed to take half a step. Isn't it mysterious?" Jiang Chen asked.

"You also said that they are super sects, who would dare to offend them?" Huang Chan muttered.

After finishing the words, Huang Chan suddenly sensed that something was wrong, and said in a low voice, "Brother Qing, what you mean is that these five islands hide secrets, and the five super sects occupy the islands."

"Finally understand?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile, "Regardless of the terrain, these five islands are no better than other islands. Five small islands, in itself, can explain some problems."

"However, even if these five islands have secrets, how difficult it is to find out those secrets." Huang Chan sighed.

Seeing Huang Chan's appearance like this, Jiang Chen simply didn't hide anything anymore, and said slowly: "Before I set foot on this small island, I discovered some problems, and the current situation on the island is similar to what I thought. If there is an accident, a large formation should be arranged here."

"Array? Is it so mysterious?" Huang Chan expressed disbelief.

"The five islands occupy the five elements respectively. That is to say, the five islands are connected to form a five-element formation. To be precise, it is more appropriate to call it the five-element maze." Jiang Chen said again.

Speaking of this, even Jiang Chen sighed secretly.

The five islands are located in the five elements. Looking from the outside, there is no trace of man-made. This is why he was not sure at the beginning.

It is also unknown whether the five-element maze on these five islands was arranged by the five super sects or whether it is ancient.

If it existed in ancient times, it would be better to say that if it was arranged by the five super sects, then Jiang Chen would have to re-evaluate the background of these five super sects.

"Five Elements Maze? I don't know why, but what you said, Brother Qing, seems to make sense, but is there really such a thing as a formation?" Huang Chan murmured.

Jiang Chen looked at Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty, and also saw the two daughters, with a confused look on his face.

Can't help laughing, Jiang Chen said haha: "As long as it exists, it is reasonable. The ancient Chinese classics are vast and complicated, and there are not a few records in this regard.

"Okay, then it's really a five-element maze, so how do we find Xiao Pei Yuan Pill?" Huang Chan asked carelessly.

She doesn't care about formation or not, the only thing she cares about is Xiaopei Yuandan.

"If there is no accident, the five small Peiyuan pills must be in the formation eyes of the five islands. As long as you find the formation eyes, you can take them at your fingertips." Jiang Chen said thoughtfully.

These five islands are not big, but they are definitely not small.

If there are no rules for the hidden locations of the five small Peiyuan pills, then as Huang Chan said, even if you turn over all the soil, rocks and rocks on the five islands, you may not be able to find them.

Therefore, nature has rules to follow.

Since there is a law, then, as long as the law is deciphered, finding the Xiaopei Yuan Pill is like searching for something.

"Brother Qing, you've talked so much nonsense, you've finally reached the point, what are you doing in a daze, let's hurry up and look for the formation." Huang Chan urged, so impatient.

"Go." Jiang Chen nodded, not wanting to waste too much time.

After all, he can see the clues, but it is difficult for others to see the clues. If someone studies the formation like him, then the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous it will be for him and others.


A total of hundreds of people rushed to the five islands. Even if those people were spread out over the five islands, each of the islands was a bit crowded.

Of course, there is an advantage in this way, as long as anyone gets the Xiaopei Yuan Pill, the news will be spread in the first time.

At the moment, everyone is still calm, it is obvious that no one has got the Xiaopei Yuan Pill yet.

Jiang Chen led the three women, and occasionally passed by some people, and they were quickly recognized. Those people retreated one after another, and no one dared to get too close to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen didn't care about this, it just so happened that it could save him a lot of trouble.

"Well, I found it." When he was looking for it, Jiang Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

A low hill appeared in Jiang Chen's line of sight. It was a hill made of reefs, about seven or eight meters high, bare and without a single tree.

It was faintly visible that the gray-black mist lingered on the top of the hill, making the hill almost disappear from sight even though it was only a few meters away.

"Is this where the eye of the array is?" Huang Chan looked at the hill with great curiosity.

Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty didn't speak a word, they were scattered on both sides of Jiang Chen, paying attention to other people's movements.

Jiang Chen didn't hesitate, and his figure flashed out, appearing on top of the mountain.

"What a dense fog." Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

From Jiang Chen's point of view, this five-element maze has nothing special about it. The only thing that is special is that it pulls the nature of heaven and earth.

This alone is enough to blind the eyes of countless people.

After talking to himself, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, and a pill the size of a longan fell into Jiang Chen's hand.

The color of the pill showed a faint golden color, exuding a strange fragrance, such a fragrance, which lasted for a long time.

"Xiao Pei Yuan Pill?" Jiang Chen stared at it, sized it up a few times, and murmured, "Huang Chan said that the Xiao Pei Yuan Pill of the Ancient Martial Alliance is a product of the Shanzhai Immortal Association, and the Shanzhai product is already so extraordinary. If it's genuine, what should I do?"

It had to be said that Jiang Chen was becoming more and more interested in the Immortal Association.

"call out!"

The figure flickered, Jiang Chen took a few steps and walked down the hill.

"Found it?" Huang Chan excitedly hugged Jiang Chen's arm and asked.

Jiang Chen nodded, stretched out his right palm, and there was a pill the size of a longan. Seeing this, Huang Chan stretched out his hand and grabbed it firmly in the palm of his hand, saying, "Brother Qing, this pill It’s mine, and none of you are allowed to snatch it from me.”

Seeing Huang Chan's appearance like this, Jiang Chen really wanted to ask her what the Xiaopei Yuan Pill was for. After thinking about it, he didn't ask. He made a big move and led the three girls to the next island.

"Jiang Chen seems to have found something just now, could it be Xiao Pei Yuan Pill?" Someone a little far away noticed Jiang Chen's movements and started discussing.

"What, Jiang Chen found Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, hurry up, hurry up and go to the next island."


The news spread instantly. The news that Jiang Chen had found a small Peiyuan Pill could not be concealed at all. On this island, all the ancient martial arts practitioners rushed to the next island, one by one scrambling for the first, lest they be too slow half a step.

A few minutes later, on the second island, Jiang Chen casually took out the second Small Peiyuan Pill.

"Great, brother Qing, you are so powerful, give it to me, give it to me quickly." Huang Chan was so excited that she stretched out her hand to snatch it.

Jiang Chen had been prepared for a long time, Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, stuffed it into Wen Qingxin's hand accurately, and said, "One for each person."

"Me too?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Whoever sees it has a share." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Brother Qing, you are going to piss me off." Huang Chan stomped her feet indiscriminately, screaming out of anger.

Jiang Chen lazily paid attention to this greedy woman. Of course, he and Huang Chan had a need to cooperate, but it was impossible. He gave Huang Chan all the Xiaopei Yuan Pills he got.

Otherwise, what if this woman repents?
"Go, find the third one." Jiang Chen said.

There are five Xiaopei Yuan Pills in total. Jiang Chen is not greedy, he only needs three. The three women around him happen to have one each. As for himself, it doesn't matter.

After all, this little Peiyuan Pill is of no use to him.

"Jiang Chen got the second Little Peiyuan Pill, hurry up, let's catch up quickly." Someone witnessed Jiang Chen get the second Little Peiyuan Pill, as if Jiang Chen knew early on that the Little Peiyuan Pill It's like hiding somewhere, just looking at it dumbfounded.

"What? Jiang Chen got another small Peiyuan pill?" After a while, the news spread, and countless people were dumbfounded, and quickly went to the third island.

And at this moment, Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin's three daughters have appeared on the third island...

(End of this chapter)

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