genius evil

Chapter 1023 The Third Small Peiyuan Pill

Chapter 1023 The Third Small Peiyuan Pill

"Go, get out of here."

"Leave quickly and go to the next island."

"Xiao Pei Yuan Pill has been taken away by Xuan Ye, don't waste time, hurry up!"


Just after setting foot on the small island, a piece of news came to the ears of Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin.

"Ah, damn Xuan Ye, you deserve death." Huang Chan went mad with anger, unable to accept the fact that Xuan Ye got a small Pei Yuan Pill.

In her plan, she also wanted to follow Jiang Chen and get all the five Small Peiyuan Pills.

Xuan Ye got one, that is to say, after all the calculations, there are only two small Peiyuan pills left.

"Xuan Ye? Interesting." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Brother Qing, can still laugh." Huang Chan pointed at Jiang Chen, out of breath, and said angrily, "Brother Qing, don't laugh anymore, let's find it quickly." That fellow Xuan Ye, defeat him and snatch Xiao Pei Yuan Pill. If he refuses to hand over Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, then beat him to death."

Hearing this, both Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty suddenly found it funny.

The two of them also realized at this time that Huang Chan valued the little Pei Yuan Pill more than Jiang Chen.

"I told you not to laugh, you three, just piss me off." Huang Chan said with a red face.

"Don't worry about looking for Xuan Ye, let's go to the next place." Jiang Chen smiled lightly, quite worried whether Huang Chan would vomit blood angrily.


"Haha, this little Peiyuan Pill belongs to me, Luo Song, and none of you should snatch it from me."

"I got rich, I, Luo Song, got rich."

"It's my turn, Luo Song, to get rich, to get rich."

However, Jiang Chen led the three daughters into the fourth small island, and there was a sound of laughter coming from afar. From the sound of that laughter, Luo Song, if he wanted to be more proud, he would have How proud.

"Damn short fat man, you are so courageous, like Xuan Ye, you dare to snatch my Huang Chan's things." Huang Chan raised her brows and rushed towards the direction where the laughter came from.

Luo Song kept laughing, but the speed of movement was astonishing, going east and west, and when Huang Chan finally found Luo Song's whereabouts, Luo Song had already left the island.

"Run away? Humpty, let me tell you, you can't run away, the Little Peiyuan Pill is mine." Huang Chan was still thinking about asking Jiang Chen to teach Luo Song a good lesson. How did Luo Song get it? After Xiao Peiyuan Dan, he ran faster than a rabbit, and he couldn't catch up no matter what.

"Brother Qing, your speed is too slow. If this continues, the fifth Little Peiyuan Pill will be lost." Huang Chan urged Jiang Chen.

Xuan Ye and Luo Song each got a small Pei Yuan Pill, Xuan Ye did not surprise Jiang Chen, Luo Song was more surprised.

After all, Xuan Ye is a disciple of Tianshi Dao, and he can be regarded as a half Taoist cultivator. It is not surprising that he has studied the five elements and gossip, and Luo Song is a member of the Xuanling Sect. Through Xuanmen Dunjia?

If this is the case, the fourth Small Peiyuan Pill must belong to Luo Song.

Jiang Chen nodded, speeded up, and headed for the last island.

"Duan Tianlang, this little Peiyuan pill belongs to my Yu family, if you dare to snatch it, you will die."

"Duan Tianlang, put down Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, and spare you from dying."

"Duan Tianlang, make a quick decision and return Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, otherwise you will be killed without a doubt."


The fifth island was full of clamor, which attracted countless ancient martial arts practitioners to look sideways at it.

The clamor was all from the Yu family. Obviously, because of Duan Tianlang's acquisition of the Little Pei Yuan Pill on this island, the Yu family was completely enraged.

Members of the Yu family were furious, wishing they could kill Duan Tianlang on the spot.

"It's over, the fifth Little Peiyuan Pill has been targeted by the Yu family." Huang Chan was frustrated.

"To be precise, it's in the hands of Duan Tianlang." Jiang Chen reminded, at a glance, a man in Tsing Yi was surrounded by the three heavenly kings of the Yu family and Yu Zizai at the moment.

This man in Tsing Yi is exactly that Duan Tianlang, about thirty years old, with sharp eyebrows and an extraordinary demeanor.

Jiang Chen stared at Duan Tianlang several times, feeling a little curious, this person has a good cultivation, no wonder he dared to steal things from the Yu family, but before that, he was unknown, but at this moment, he suddenly blossomed into splendor.

"Duan Tianlang can't escape, the members of the Yu Family will definitely kill him and take away Xiao Pei Yuan Pill." Huang Chan said angrily.

"It's not easy to kill Duan Tianlang." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

Although the three heavenly kings and Yu Zizao blocked Duan Tianlang's way, Duan Tianlang was not the slightest bit nervous... If the Yu family wanted to snatch Xiaopei Yuandan from Duan Tianlang's hands, I'm afraid, Yu Changhe had to do it himself.

Furthermore, the five islands were foggy, which undoubtedly gave Duan Tianlang a chance to escape. If one is not good, even if Yu Changhe personally takes action, it may not be able to do anything to Duan Tianlang.


Just as Jiang Chen was thinking this way, he suddenly discovered that the ubiquitous mist was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, and what he saw gradually became clearer.

"Take out the five small Peiyuan Pills, and the Five Elements Maze will automatically close." Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

Obviously, Duan Tianlang also discovered this situation. Originally, his expression of indifference quietly changed a little.

The mist dissipated quickly, and within a minute or two, it dissipated completely.

It can be clearly seen that on the small island, all of them are densely packed with people, no less than two hundred people, it can be said that the small island is tightly packed.

The speed of the mist dissipating was too fast, Duan Tianlang's face became more ugly for no reason.

"Haha, Duan Tianlang, do you want to run away? Now, I want to see where you are going." Yu Zizai was rampant and proud.

The misty fog blocked his sight, and Yu Zizai was a little worried that Duan Tianlang would take advantage of him. Who knew, even God helped him, and the fog dissipated in an instant, leaving Duan Tianlang nowhere to hide.

"Young Master Yu, what you are doing is deceiving others too much. Xiao Pei Yuan Dan is for those who are destined to get it. Could it be that you want more people to bully others?" Duan Tianlang said coldly.

"Duan Tianlang, are you joking?" Yu Zizai sneered, "If my Yu Family hadn't discovered the location of Xiao Pei Yuan Pill, you wouldn't even know where Xiao Pei Yuan Pill was. You are looking for death."

"Young Master Yu, this little Pei Yuan Pill is destined for me." Duan Tianlang said without changing his expression.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you ten seconds to think about it, otherwise, you'll die." Yu Zizai gritted her teeth.

"Master Yu, you are so majestic, you want to kill me Duan Tianlang? You are not qualified enough." Duan Tianlang was furious, and with a movement of his big hand, the big knife on his back vibrated, and with a flash of light from the knife, Slash at Yu Zizai with a single blow.

"Elder Master, be careful." Seeing this, Kuang Dao shouted in a low voice, and the big saber in his hand also slashed horizontally towards Duan Tianlang.

The other two heavenly kings divided into two directions, and launched the most violent attack on Duan Tianlang respectively, trying to kill Duan Tianlang in the shortest possible time.

The long knife in Duan Tianlang's hand opened wide and closed wide, the knife was shining brightly, every time the knife was cut, it forced the four of Yu Zizai to keep retreating.

"Who is Tianlang this time? He has such a strong cultivation."

"With the strength of one person, he fought against the three heavenly kings and Yu Zizai without any fear. What is the origin?"

"When did another monster appear in the world of ancient martial arts?"


A group of ancient martial arts practitioners were dazzled.

Whether it is Yu Zizai or the three heavenly kings, no one dares to bully him, but under Duan Tianlang's long sword, those who are killed are retreating steadily. Few people can match this kind of demeanor.

"Duan Tianlang, it seems that you intend to make an enemy of my Yu family, that's fine." Yu Zizai was furious.

Just now Duan Tianlang slashed down with his saber, if it wasn't for Kuang Dao's timely reminder, he would have been almost injured and completely enraged him.

"Young Master Yu, it's clear that your Yu family took it by force, but you actually beat him back, you have no shame." Duan Tianlang's face was serious.

He has a good cultivation base, but it is quite difficult for Zhan Yuzizai and the other four, and he has to be on guard against Yu Changhe at all times.

"What a shameless one." Yu Changhe said loudly, with a sudden movement, with a palm print, Duan Tianlang was shocked back a few steps.


The three heavenly kings became angry and murderous. Seeing this, they crazily rushed towards Duan Tianlang, vowing not to give up unless they killed Duan Tianlang.

"Yu Changhe, with your cultivation base, it's shameless to do such a sneak attack." Duan Tianlang said angrily.

"If you're weak, be honest, otherwise you'll die in vain." Yu Changhe didn't take Duan Tianlang's accusation to heart, and struck again.

Even ordinary half-step congenital powerhouses may not necessarily be Yu Changhe's opponent. Judging by his cultivation, this Tianlang obviously has one foot into the half-step innate realm, but he is still not Yu Changhe's opponent.

What's more, there are three heavenly kings to restrain him.

After a while, Duan Tianlang flew upside down by Yu Changhe's palm, opened his mouth, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

"Brother Qing, hurry up and grab the Little Peiyuan Pill." Huang Chan saw the opportunity and said hastily.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to intervene too?" Duan Tianlang grinned grimly, looked in the direction where Jiang Chen was, but raised his hand, and something flew towards Jiang Chen. In the palm of your hand is a small Peiyuan Pill.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen asked with a frown.

"Jiang Chen, I simply can't keep this little Peiyuan Pill. Why don't you let me down and be snatched away by the Yu family again?" Duan Tianlang laughed, with saber rage, he parted the crowd, escape.

"Jiang Chen!"

The gazes of everyone in the Yu family fell on Jiang Chen, each and every one of them almost burst into flames.

They were only one step away from killing Duan Tianlang and taking back the Xiaopei Yuan Pill, but at a critical moment, Duan Tianlang gave the Xiaopei Yuan Pill to Jiang Chen.

Duan Tianlang's behavior immediately made everyone in the Yu family feel aggrieved and dared to eat flies.

"That guy gave it to me, I'm innocent." Jiang Chen said innocently, then changed hands, and handed the Little Pei Yuan Pill to Sleeping Beauty.

"Jiang Chen, I don't care what you think, I'll return Xiao Pei Yuan Pill. My Yu family doesn't care too much about today's matter." Yu Changhe said in a deep voice.

Duan Tianlang and Yu Changhe didn't take it seriously.

But Jiang Chen, from Yu Changhe's point of view, is at least ten times more troublesome than Duan Tianlang, but he has to take it seriously.

"The thing was given to me by that guy, that is to say, it's mine now, and you want me to return it?" Jiang Chen shouted loudly with a hellish expression on his face, "Go crazy, it's none of your business, even if it is Duan Tianlang is now running over and asking me to return it, try to see if I will return it?"

The sudden arrival of this small Peiyuan Pill somewhat surprised Jiang Chen, but since it was in his hands, it belonged to him, and no one would want to snatch it away!
Facing Jiang Chen's scolding, Yu Changhe's face was dark, and he knew that no matter what he said, it was impossible for Jiang Chen to return the Xiaopei Yuan Pill.

If he wanted to take Xiaopei Yuandan back from Jiang Chen's hands, then there was only one way, that is, to kill Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, I have endured you for a long time, and you are the one who brought your own death." Yu Changhe said coldly, ready to make a move.


There was a sound of wind, and a figure suddenly appeared, standing in front of Yu Changhe...

(End of this chapter)

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