genius evil

Chapter 1027 The Interrupted Ancient Martial Arts Inheritance

Chapter 1027 The Interrupted Ancient Martial Arts Inheritance
As the cruise ship approached, the island became clearer and clearer. After all, it was determined that it was not an illusion, and the suppressed breathing became a little hotter.

Yan Feiyang said that this trip was like a stroke of luck. Although many people were enthusiastic, they didn't expect too much. They never thought that the cruise ship sailed into the legendary Penglai Fairy Island without any mistakes.

Some people exclaimed, some sighed, and some people looked at Jiang Chen with a slightly strange look.

They all knew very well that the reason why they were able to find the Penglai Immortal Island was largely due to Jiang Chen. If it wasn't for Jiang Chen to guide the way, the cruise ship would have been lost in the deep sea mist.

"Jiang Chen, the old man really saw you right." Yan Feiyang laughed vigorously.

"It's a good luck." Jiang Chen said lazily with a smile.

"Brother Qing, are you out of your mind?" Huang Chan quietly tugged at Jiang Chen's sleeve, and said in a voice that only Jiang Chen could hear.

"There must be a lot of good things in the ruins of the ancient battlefield. Why do you want to guide them? Next time we come here secretly, it would be better to make a fortune in silence." Huang Chan slandered.

"All movements here must be under the surveillance of the five super sects." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

It's not that he doesn't have the idea of ​​making a fortune in a muffled voice, but that's unrealistic. If one is bad, stealing chickens won't make a fortune, but will offend the five super sects.

"I told you that I came here secretly so that they wouldn't find out, so that's fine." Huang Chan still complained, very dissatisfied.

Ten minutes later, the cruise ship finally arrived at the offshore shoal. Before the cruise ship came to a complete stop, someone couldn't bear it, and flew out from the cruise ship and rushed to the island.

One person moved, several people moved, one after another figure, regardless of front and back, rushed out.

"Hurry up, Brother Qing, let's hurry up." Huang Chan urged.

Right now, there is no way to make a fortune in silence, but if there is really something good here, Huang Chan doesn't want to fall into the hands of others because of being slow.

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen didn't care too much, until the cruise ship stopped, he led the three daughters and Elder Miaoyu off the cruise ship.

There are few people here, simple and mysterious, like a paradise outside the world.

It can be seen vaguely, the mottled traces left by that great war that year.

"Is this the ruins of the ancient battlefield?" Jiang Chen thought to himself.

"Brother Qing, you're too slow, I won't wait for you, I'll take a step first." Huang Chan was impatient, not wanting something good to fall into the hands of others, so she left quickly.

"Jiang Chen, I'll take a look around too." Miao Yu said, and after saying this, she turned and walked away, looking for an opportunity.

Jiang Chen nodded lightly, and didn't pay much attention to the two of them.

A broken sword was deeply inserted into the soil. Some people saw it, but they turned a blind eye and walked around it.

The blade of the broken sword is full of rust. It may have once been the saber of a certain peerless powerhouse. He fought in all directions, saw countless blood, and recorded a period of the past.

But after all, he couldn't resist the invasion of the years and became inconspicuous.

Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, pulled out the broken sword, and flicked it lightly with his fingers. The rusted long sword instantly turned into dust and scattered all over the ground.

Jiang Chen sighed secretly, shook his head, and led Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty deep into this island.

An incomparably huge rock blocked the way of Jiang Chen and the three of them. The rock was nearly half the size of a basketball court. It was impressively obvious that the rock was uneven, as if it had been corroded by the sea breeze.

But that was not because of the corrosion of the sea wind, but the fist marks left by the strong ancient martial arts.

It can be clearly seen that every fist mark has a mark of knuckles.

Perhaps, someone once fought a bloody battle on this rock.

Or maybe, this mountain rock was blasted down from a certain mountain by two peerless powerhouses, and rolled down to this place.

The fist print is extremely deep, even if it has been through rain, snow, wind and frost for hundreds of thousands of years, it is still vivid, telling a certain unknown story.

Jiang Chen held Wen Qingxin in one hand, and Sleeping Beauty in the other, and swept up the rocks. When he looked up, he could see a low hill in front of him.

On the top of the hill, there is no grass, no moss, smooth as a mirror, as if it has been carefully polished by people.


What he saw made Jiang Chen's eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"It's so strange." Wen Qing whispered softly.

According to Yan Feiyang, this is the real Penglai Immortal Island, and the Penglai Immortal Island outside just borrowed the name from this place.

Since that great battle, no one has set foot here for many years, and it is blinded by formations and hidden above the sea. Although the vegetation is not lush, it is extremely primitive.

Many places without vegetation are also covered with moss.

But it's strange, this mountain top has a radius of nearly twenty square meters, not a single blade of grass grows, and it's unusually flat.

"Someone cut off this hill with a knife." Jiang Chen explained.

That must have been an incomparably domineering strike, and the hill broke apart with one strike.

For countless years, the sword energy disappeared, and no one could witness it with their own eyes. The peerless sword still left a witness for future generations to pay tribute to.

"Break the mountain with one knife? Could it be that he is born strong?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

Jiang Chen smiled and said: "The reason why not a single blade of grass grows here is obvious. It's because the person with the knife smashed the top of the mountain with a single blow."

"A strong person above the innate realm?" Sleeping Beauty exclaimed in a low voice, feeling that this was beyond imagination.

Ancient martial arts practice is divided into acquired and innate.

According to the classics of ancient martial arts cultivation, the innate realm is the limit of ancient martial arts cultivation.

But according to what Jiang Chen said, there are higher and stronger existences above the innate realm, what kind of elegance would that be?unimaginable!

"Old Yan said that he was a land god, but I'm afraid that those who are born strong may not be able to bear this title." Jiang Chen said softly, fascinated.

He once cultivated to be peerless, standing at the peak, overlooking the world.

What he saw here linked up Jiang Chen's many memories, and he remembered the battles he had experienced.

"Jiang Chen, is it possible that there are still people who are above the innate realm?" Wen Qing was thoughtful, and his mind shook.

She is a half-step innate powerhouse, trapped in this realm, and urgently needs a breakthrough.

Originally thought that once she broke through, she would be one of the few people among the Xeons. Jiang Chen's statement subverted her knowledge.

"Of course there are." Jiang Chen nodded and said firmly.

He is currently only at the ninth level of Body Tempering. From the perspective of ordinary ancient martial arts practitioners, he has half a foot into the peak, but Jiang Chen understands that he has just stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

Supernatural powers, that is the true sense of comprehension.

Flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, moving mountains to fill the sea, that is what a cultivator should mean.

"If there is, what would it be?" Wen Qingxin asked again, curious and yearning.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen shook his head.

I don't know whether Yan Feiyang's words are not true, or Yan Feiyang's knowledge is limited. Yan Feiyang believes that this great battle has interrupted the inheritance of ancient martial arts for a while.

Perhaps it was not a one-time interruption, but a complete interruption.

Later generations practiced ancient martial arts, and what they practiced was only superficial.

Jiang Chen stopped for a long time before moving on. A few hundred meters away, a long spear fell to the ground.

There was only one tip of the spear left, which was covered with rust and was inconspicuous. There were other weapons scattered here, which were also severely corroded, leaving only a few remnants.

Obviously, there was a tragic battle here.

For those who fight, their weapons are broken and their bones are buried.

Going forward, a broken rock caught Jiang Chen's attention.

The mountain rock was broken from it, and there were traces of scorching, as if it had been calcined by a raging fire, and the broken marks were as smooth as an ax chisel.

Jiang Chen followed the traces of the break and looked forward. A little far away, there was a big tree that could only be surrounded by several people. Above the big tree, the middle part was hollow, as if it had been calcined by fire.

Someone held a bow and shot an arrow, which broke the rock and left an afterimage on the tree.

Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty all the way forward, the deeper he went, the more traces of various battles became. The great battle was not a rumor, but actually happened.

The cause is unverifiable, but the inheritance of ancient martial arts is broken, which is embarrassing.

Going all the way, it was like going through swords and swords. Jiang Chen occasionally said a few words, and Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty were dazzled.

Even if there is no other gain from the trip here, for the two daughters, it can be regarded as a worthwhile trip.

"A book?" Jiang Chen's eyes flickered, and he saw an old broken book.

The cover page of the remnant book is made of sheepskin, but that kind of sheepskin is also weathered and decayed. Jiang Chen reached out, picked up the remnant book, opened two pages, and it was completely scattered.

"All the handwriting has disappeared." Jiang Chen said, feeling a great pity.

This must be an ancient book of martial arts training, carried by a strong man and left here, it may be a book of martial arts, or it may be related to a inheritance.

However, future generations have no chance to see it.

Jiang Chen put it down casually, and said: "There are fragments of ancient books. If you want to come to this island, there really is a lost ancient martial arts cultivation method. You two don't have to go with me."

Jiang Chen was not worried about the safety of Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty.

Needless to say, Wen Qingxin, half a step of innate cultivation, is almost invincible.

As for Sleeping Beauty, she can also fight against the powerhouses of the ninth floor of Guwu Houtian.

Jiang Chen believed that the two of them should have their own chances. Jiang Chen didn't care about this chance, but it was very important to Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty.

Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty looked at each other and shook their heads.

The second daughter is not a competitive person, otherwise she would have walked away alone to find that opportunity.

Jiang Chen smiled, and didn't force it, just like strolling in the garden, taking the two daughters, wandering around.


"Stop for me."

"Quick, kill him."


At this moment, several loud shouts came to Jiang Chen's ears.

A black-clothed figure flashed past Jiang Chen's eyes, and followed closely behind, chasing several figures, shouting loudly with murderous intent.

"Hurry up, there is an ancient martial arts book over there, let's grab it." After a while, there was another voice, and the footsteps hurried away, leaving in an instant.

On the quiet island, the silence was suddenly broken, the sound of bluffing, one after another, fighting broke out, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

"It's started." Jiang Chen said.

Ever since he discovered the incomplete book, Jiang Chen knew that there would be no peace in this place.

But it's okay, if everyone is too disciplined, it will be inconvenient for Jiang Chen to do something.

"Be careful, Sleeping Beauty, next, it's time for us to do something." Jiang Chen said with a slight smile.

Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty had no intention of fighting for each other, but as a man with two daughters, Jiang Chen took it upon himself to do something for them.

This place was guided by him, Jiang Chen, to enter, and it took a lot of effort. How can all the benefits be left in the hands of others, that's not his Jiang Chen's style!

(End of this chapter)

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