genius evil

Chapter 1028 Human Forbidden Land

Chapter 1028 Human Forbidden Land

"call out!"

"call out!"

On the island, silhouettes flashed quickly.In the air, left behind afterimages.


Under a low rocky hill, several people surrounded a middle-aged man and frantically slaughtered him.

The middle-aged man was drenched in blood, and wanted to escape several times, but he couldn't escape. In just one or two minutes, he was surrounded and killed by those people.

"What about things?"

"Take it out and see what it is."


After killing the middle-aged man, the eyes of several people were extremely hot, and they looked at each other vigilantly. For a moment, no one dared to act rashly and took something from the middle-aged man.

Some of them are acquaintances, but they are just nodding acquaintances and have no friendship, and more of them don't know each other. It is purely because of the middle-aged man that they joined forces temporarily.

Everyone is wary of each other and dare not move.

"You don't want it, I want it." A black-haired old man stepped forward, grabbed something in the middle-aged man's pocket with one hand, and ran wildly.

"court death!"

"Quickly kill it."

The behavior of the black-haired old man aroused the anger of the others, and they chose to join forces again to kill the black-haired old man.

The black-haired old man was calm and fearless, with a long sword in his hand, he opened and closed, and fought with those people.

The black-haired old man fought desperately, but he was outnumbered and was cut off with a knife.

"Let's discuss the ownership of the things first." After killing the black-haired old man, someone suggested.

"I think we'll wait, cooperate tacitly, and simply grab a few more things and distribute them." Someone said again.

"That's a good suggestion, but why should we believe you?" Someone dismissed it, ready to move.

"Idiot, if this continues, we will die." The person who proposed said through gritted teeth.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you die, you will die." The disdainful person said coldly.

"Then I'll kill you first."

"Look who kills who."

Disputes resumed, and the few remaining people, either passively or actively, were involved in endless battles.


"Master, the things are in hand, let's go quickly, or someone will come over in a while." In a sparse grove, a tall and strong man urged a white-faced man.

The two came from a second-rate sect, this tall and strong man only had the cultivation base of Guwu Houtian at the seventh level, and the white-faced man only had the cultivation level of Guwu Houtian at the eighth level.

Originally, for this trip, the two did not dare to expect too much.

Because the two of them knew very well that the strong people who came here were like a cloud, except for a few people from the seventh level of the ancient martial arts, the rest of them basically had the strength to kill them.

Unexpectedly, the two of them were so lucky that they picked up a sapphire gourd in this uninhabited forest, and there was a pill in that gourd.

Although, what kind of elixir it is, the two cannot know, but they also know that it is not extraordinary.

"Okay, let's go." Hearing the sound, the white-faced man said, and quickly stuffed the sapphire gourd into his pocket.

"Master, if this elixir has an extraordinary origin, I think we will soon be promoted to a first-class sect, and it will be no problem." The tall and strong man said as he walked.

The white-faced man smiled triumphantly, and said: "It's my luck. Maybe it's not as simple as a first-class sect. If I can use this elixir to step into the innate realm, then it will be a super sect."

"Super sect? Congratulations to the sect master, congratulations to the sect master." The tall and strong man said hastily.

The white-faced man became more and more complacent, and wanted to laugh a few times. He was worried about disturbing others, so he restrained himself, and left quickly with the tall and strong man.


As he was walking, without any warning, the white-faced man spat out blood and fell to the ground.

Struggling to get up from the ground, the white-faced man looked at the tall and strong man in disbelief, and said sharply, "You're going to kill me."

"Master, you just said the wrong thing. It's not your luck, it's my luck. I discovered this sapphire gourd." The tall and strong man said with a smirk.

"Master, if you are really able to lead the sect and be promoted to a super sect, I will definitely complete this task for you. Under the Nine Springs, you can rest in peace." The tall and strong man said again, making a quick move.

"Nie Zhan, even if I die, I won't take it easy on you." The white-faced man gritted his teeth, never thinking that his dream would be shattered by the tall and strong man.

He was mad with hatred and struck fiercely, he didn't care about the tall and strong man's attack at all, he only wanted to die with the tall and strong man.


In an instant, two figures flew out, the tall and strong man and the white-faced man fell to the ground.

"Damn it." The tall and strong man's pupils burst open, and it was hard for him to die.

"It's you who deserves to die." The white-faced man growled sharply, spurted blood again, closed his eyes and died.


"Qingshu, tell us, will you find anything?" On the edge of the island, on the edge of a shallow beach, a man and a woman walked on the sand.

This man and a woman are both estimated to be in their thirties, the woman is pretty and the man is handsome.

If anyone knows them, they will know that this couple is quite famous.

The two are a couple. From the very beginning, they practiced together and supported each other. Then at the age of 30, they entered the eighth-level realm of the ancient Wu Houtian together. They can be called a couple, a couple of gods and immortals. .

"Don't force it." The man named Zhong Qingshu smiled, took the woman's hand and said, "Qiao Xin, as long as you are by my side, I will be satisfied."

The woman named Qiao Xin blushed slightly, and said shyly, "You are always so nasty, it's unbearable."

Zhong Qingshu chuckled twice, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw something on the beach, with a small half exposed, Zhong Qingshu thought, pulled Qiao Xin, and walked over quickly.

"What is this? No, it seems to be an ancient martial arts practice. It's so amazing that it hasn't rotted." Zhong Qingshu was overjoyed, and as he spoke, he put away the secret book.

"Qingshu, show me, I didn't see clearly." Qiao Xin complained, reaching out his hand to take it out of Zhong Qingshu's pocket.

"Qiao Xin, there are too many people here, let's find a place where there is no one." Zhong Qingshu grabbed Qiao Xin's hand and said.

"I just watched it, and there was no one." Qiao Xin persisted and continued to ask for it.

"Stop, if someone finds out, with our cultivation base, we will die here." Zhong Qingshu said angrily, and slapped Qiao Xin's hand away vigorously.

"Zhong Qingshu, have you finally revealed your hypocritical mask? From my point of view, you don't love me at all. What are you talking about? Even if I want the stars in the sky, you will take them off and give them to me. I am now , I just want to take a look, not asking you to ask for it, but you push me back and forth like this, you let me down." Qiao Xin said loudly.

"Shut up." Zhong Qingshu blushed.

"I got it right, are you guilty? Zhong Qingshu, I, Qiao Xin, have spent all my years on you, you wolf-hearted thing, I will kill you!" Qiao Xin was furious, and slapped Zhong Qingshu on the chest .

Zhong Qingshu's eyes were splitting with anger, no matter what, he never thought that Qiao Xin would attack him, and the attack was so ruthless that he would take his life.

"Zhong Qingshu, you are the one who is not benevolent first, so don't blame me, Qiao Xin, for being unrighteous." Qiao Xin said coldly, taking advantage of Zhong Qingshu's unpreparedness, he slapped Zhong Qingshu again, completely killing Zhong Qingshu.

Then, Qiao Xin reached out, took out the cheat book from Zhong Qingshu's pocket, and stuffed it into her own pocket. Her expression was calm, as if nothing had happened from the beginning to the end.


Jiang Chen led Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty, walked forward slowly, and witnessed several battles, a group of people fighting and killing each other, and the last person was seriously injured and dying.

Jiang Chen casually took a dilapidated ancient martial arts manual from that person.

Not long afterward, Jiang Chen took another sapphire gourd from the two men who were killing each other.

The three of them just walked to the shallow sea beach, just happened to see the scene where Qiao Xin killed Zhong Qingshu. come over.

As far as Jiang Chen's cultivation is concerned, unless the innate powerhouses of the five super sects show up, it can be said to be unimpeded. What's more, he is accompanied by Wen Qingxin, who is half a step in the innate realm, and there is no one else. Dare to trouble them.

"Be careful, Sleeping Beauty, the harvest is good, it looks like we are going to make a fortune today." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"That Qiao Xin, I've heard of it." Wen Qingxin was in a complicated mood.

The so-called fairy couples still couldn't resist their lust for profit.

"It doesn't matter, even if you want to kill me one day, I will clean my neck and kill you." Jiang Chen said seriously.

The three left quickly and continued to harvest the spoils, but they didn't notice that there were five figures standing on a small mountain a little far away.

These five people are exactly the five innate realm powerhouses among the five super sects!
"It's completely messed up." Zhang Yuanshang, the hunchbacked old man, said slowly, with a look of sorrow on his face.

"Brother Yuanshang, I thought you were already mentally prepared for this." The old woman in red jokingly said.

Zhang Yuanshang shook his head and sighed, "It can only be said that human nature is the last thing to be tested. Even the friendship of the same family, even the couple of gods and immortals, are fragile and vulnerable."

"Brother Yuanshang, are you planning to show up to stop him?" Yan Feiyang asked.

"It can't be stopped." Zhang Yuanshang shook his head again, "We can stop one person, but we can't stop everyone."

"Don't say it can't be stopped, even if it can be stopped, why stop it?" The old man with the scar snorted coldly, and said, "A group of things that are not worthy of death, they deserve to die."

"I'm worried that if this happens, there will be heavy casualties. After all, these people are the strongest force in my ancient martial arts alliance. We can't afford such a loss." The old Taoist priest felt sorry for him.

As soon as these words came out, the five of them fell silent.

Such a scene is not what they want to see, but the matter has come to this point, they can only watch and let the situation develop.

"Jiang Chen, that boy is quite blessed." After a while, Yan Feiyang said, intending to ease the atmosphere.

"He is indeed a good little guy with a bright future." Jing Zhi nodded. She was always picky and mean, but she was impeccable towards Jiang Chen.

"Before you, did you notice that when everyone was scrambling to leave the cruise ship, Jiang Chen was always calm and careless?" the old man with the scar reminded.

"Haha, the little guy can hold his breath." The Taoist old man laughed.

"In my opinion, it's not that Jiang Chen can hold his breath, I'm afraid he has seen through everything long ago." Zhang Yuanshang said.

"See through everything?" The four of them Jingzhi looked at each other in blank dismay. These words sounded ordinary, but they were undoubtedly the highest praise for Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen really sees through everything, then without a doubt, Jiang Chen's character will be extremely terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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