genius evil

Chapter 1029

Chapter 1029
Naturally, Jiang Chen would not know the evaluation of Zhang Yuanshang and the five people on him, but even if he knew, Jiang Chen would not take it to heart in terms of Jiang Chen's disposition.

The reason why Jiang Chen was not in a hurry was not one, but two reasons.

The first reason is that Jiang Chen knows very well that no matter what is in this ancient battlefield relic, if it is what he wants, then even if the Yu family gets it, he will find a way to give it to him. Grab it, let alone other people.

Therefore, he doesn't have to fight every second like others. It should be his, sooner or later it will be his, and no one can take it away.

The second reason is that, as Zhang Yuanshang said, Jiang Chen has indeed seen through everything.

Human nature is greedy, especially when it loses the constraints of rules, in the face of temptation, that greedy side will be infinitely magnified.

Greed is a bad thing for some people, but for Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen thinks it is a great good thing. The so-called snipe and clam fight for the fisherman's profit, nothing more than that.

It was so easy to harvest three things, even though he didn't check it, it still made Jiang Chen feel good.

Jiang Chen almost fell in love with this feeling of reaping something for nothing. After all, what others found out with great painstaking efforts turned out to be his wedding dress. Nothing could be easier and more pleasing than this.

In return for this happy mood, Jiang Chen continued to lead Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty around.

"Duan Tianlang, it's you again, kill him!"

A voice that was extremely angry resounded through the air. From that voice, it was Yu Zizai.

Yu Zizai was obviously extremely angry, very distraught!
"Yu Zizao, I'm the one to say that. Your Yu Family, do you think that I, Duan Tianlang, is easy to bully, and will take things from me over and over again?" Immediately afterwards, Duan Tianlang's voice came, Also full of fire.

"Duan Tianlang, since you insist on saying this, so what if I, Yu Zizai, treat you as easy to bully?" Yu Zizai sneered, commanding the three of them to kill Duan Tianlang.

Duan Tianlang has a good cultivation, facing such a battle of the Yu family, he has no fear at all, with a long knife in his hand, he slashed out one after another, brazenly fighting with the three of Kuang Dao.

The three of Crazy Saber all hated Duan Tianlang to the bone.

Although Duan Tianlang kept saying that it was the Yu family who was bullying him, the three of them knew it very clearly. Three times in a row, it was Duan Tianlang who bullied the Yu family. in the eyes.

It has to be said that Duan Tianlang is bold and bold, such boldness is only slightly inferior to Jiang Chen, and he is second to Jiang Chen.

But Jiang Chen is Jiang Chen, and Duan Tianlang is Duan Tianlang.

They would never allow Duan Tianlang to jump around under their noses like Jiang Chen.

After all, Jiang Chen alone had brought enough humiliation to the Yu family, if Duan Tianlang was added to this, where would the Yu family's face be put?
The three of Crazy Saber were furious, and when they struck out, they showed no mercy, and used all their killing moves without reservation.

The wind of the knife was violent, rolling the air like a stormy sea. Seeing this scene, many ancient martial arts practitioners retreated one after another, fearing that they would be harmed.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, didn't realize it at all. He led Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty, and Shi Shiran appeared to watch the battle from a close distance.

Someone was looking for trouble for the Yu family. Jiang Chen was extremely happy to see the success of this situation. He wanted to see with his own eyes how unlucky the Yu family would be.

Of course, the most important thing is, Yu Zizai said, Duan Tianlang took something, but Jiang Chen really wanted to know what it was.

"Brother Jiang, you came just in time." As soon as Jiang Chenfu appeared, Duan Tianlang discovered Jiang Chen's existence, and with a single blow, he forced Crazy Saber back, and appeared in front of Jiang Chen in a few steps.

"Brother Duan, I just came to see the fun, you go on, don't worry about me." Jiang Chen waved his hand and said lazily.

"Brother Jiang, this Yu family is bullying too much. It first bullied you, and now it bullies me. It clearly treats you and me as soft persimmons. It wants to hold me down. I have an idea. Why don't we join forces and make the world a reality?" What do you think of this Yu family's killing and turning the world upside down?" Duan Tianlang asked in a deep voice.

Hearing this, the expressions of several members of the Yu family changed.

Duan Tianlang actually wanted to join hands with Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen accepted Duan Tianlang's suggestion, even if Yu Changhe made a move, the two would not be afraid at all.

There was no reason for this, Yu Zizai was a little nervous, his face turned slightly pale, and he stared at Jiang Chen fiercely, wanting to hear how Jiang Chen would reply.

"Duan Tianlang wants to join forces with Jiang Chen to fight against the Yu family?" A little further away, some people watching the battle heard Duan Tianlang's words, and their faces were very exciting.

"Now, there is a good show to watch." Jiang Chen was looking forward to it.

The Yu family is definitely a colossus, and it is difficult to shake easily.

In their eyes, Jiang Chen is undoubtedly the No.1 of the younger generation, and this period of Tianlang, whose origin is unknown, has also shown a strong cultivation base. He has resisted the Yu family twice, which can be called the first of the ancient martial arts alliance conference. Among them, the darkest black horse.

If Jiang Chen really accepted Duan Tianlang's suggestion and joined hands with Duan Tianlang, then even the Yu Family would be extremely troublesome.

"Yes, I just don't know if Jiang Chen agrees." Someone said, with piercing eyes.

"Brother Duan, did I just say that I came to see the fun?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes and said dissatisfied.

He just wanted to watch a good show, Duan Tianlang had no reason, why would he involve him?Can you still have a good time watching the fun?

"Brother Jiang, do you think there is something wrong with my suggestion?" Duan Tianlang was very surprised.

He originally thought that Jiang Chen would definitely agree to it immediately due to the grievances between Jiang Chen and the Yu family, but he never expected that Jiang Chen would respond like this.

"No problem, there is no problem at all. I think this suggestion of yours is really great and perfect." Jiang Chen said.

"Then Brother Jiang, did you agree?" Duan Tianlang's eyes lit up.

"Brother Duan, you are wrong, I did not agree. Hurry up, don't waste time, go and kill Kuang Dao and the others, I want to see with my own eyes how the three of them died." Jiang Chen urged .

Duan Tianlang's head was full of black lines. He felt that Jiang Chen's attitude was too unpredictable, and he couldn't figure out what Jiang Chen was thinking at all.

You know, if Jiang Chen thinks his suggestion is problematic and rejects it, that would be fine.

However, Jiang Chen said that his suggestion was extremely perfect. In this case, what reason did Jiang Chen use to refuse?
Duan Tianlang was very puzzled. Yu Zizai listened to Jiang Chen's words, and he was completely relieved. He didn't bother to understand why Jiang Chen refused, and said to the three of them: "Shoot, this time, you can't do it again. Let this guy escape."

The three of Crazy Saber rushed towards Duan Tianlang again, and they fought with Duan Tianlang.

Since Jiang Chen did not accept Duan Tianlang's request to join forces, even if Jiang Chen showed up, they would still have no worries for the time being.

"Jiang Chen, why didn't you agree?" Sleeping Beauty asked suspiciously.

"This Duan Tianlang is too scheming, I don't like it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You mean, about the little Peiyuan Pill?" Sleeping Beauty said, suddenly realizing.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and said, "Sleeping Beauty, you really understand me very well, come on, give me a kiss."

With pink face slightly red, Sleeping Beauty looked at Jiang Chen speechlessly.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said: "Then owe it first, and then kiss when no one is around."

The reason why Jiang Chen would still reject Duan Tianlang's suggestion even though he thought it was perfect was because of the third Small Peiyuan Pill.

On the surface, it seemed that Duan Tianlang was not strong enough and had to give up Xiao Pei Yuan Pill in exchange for his life's safety. However, Jiang Chen saw it clearly, and Duan Tianlang actually had the intention of bringing disaster to the east.

Duan Tianlang used a small Peiyuan Pill as a bargaining chip, trying to completely intensify the conflict between him and the Yu family. If Yan Feiyang hadn't appeared in time, Duan Tianlang might have already fulfilled his wish.

It has to be said that Duan Tianlang did it extremely beautifully, without leaving any traces.

People who don't know will only think that in this matter, Jiang Chen took a huge advantage for no reason, and must owe Duan Tianlang a huge favor.

And only Jiang Chen himself understood what sinister intentions Duan Tianlang had.

Jiang Chen knew that Duan Tianlang was definitely not reconciled to this matter. After all, the Peiyuan Pill originally belonged to him, but Jiang Chen got it effortlessly.

In an unwilling situation, Duan Tianlang will naturally have other means. Today, it is Duan Tianlang who is using this part. The so-called favor, he will once again drag Jiang Chen into the water.

The reason is perfect, not only because Jiang Chen thinks it's perfect, probably everyone thinks that it's so perfect that Jiang Chen can't refuse it.

This is the embodiment of Duan Tianlang's scheming.

But, if you really want to reject someone, no matter how perfect the reason is, so what if you can't refuse?
In fact, there is no need for a reason to refuse, right?
Therefore, Jiang Chen didn't give any reason, just refused.

Jiang Chen would have a big collision with the Yu family sooner or later, but compared to being used by Duan Tianlang twice in a row, Jiang Chen was more willing to let Duan Tianlang die at the hands of the Yu family at this moment.

In that way, it will save him the trouble of going to Duan Tianlang at that time!

The three Crazy Swordsmen all had the intention of killing Duan Tianlang. After hesitating for a while, Yu Zizai rejoined the battle group, and together with the three Crazy Swordsmen, they jointly dealt with Duan Tianlang.

Yu Changhe didn't know when he appeared, he took a look at Jiang Chen, and finally his eyes fell heavily on Duan Tianlang.

After Duan Tianlang discovered Yu Changhe's appearance, his face gradually became ugly. Jiang Chen refused to join forces. He fought against the entire Yu family alone. The situation was quite passive.

However, this time, he lost Jiang Chen as a helper. Whether he can escape from Yu Changhe's hands is still unknown.

Duan Tianlang really wanted to convince Jiang Chen again, but he took one look and saw that Jiang Chen was watching the excitement with relish, and he was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. Because, Jiang Chen really wanted to watch the excitement?
"Jiang Chen, you want to watch the excitement? But I, Duan Tianlang, don't want to die yet." Duan Tianlang thought in his heart.

Thinking this way in his heart, suddenly, Duan Tianlang raised his hand, and something flew towards Jiang Chen like an electric shot.

"Brother Jiang, I have a predestined relationship with you. Today, I, Duan Tianlang, presumably will die in the hands of the Yu family. I'm afraid this thing won't be needed anymore, so I will give it to you, Brother Jiang as a favor." Duan Tianlang Said loudly.


Seeing this, Yu Changhe's brows and eyes twitched suddenly, and he really wanted to make a move to intercept it, but it was too late.

"During this period, the sky is really generous. One after another, he gave Jiang Chen good things." The people who watched the battle were envious, and wanted to have a share of Jiang Chen's good luck.

Although they all knew that even if Duan Tianlang really gave the thing to them, they would not be blessed to accept it and could only obediently return it to the Yu family.

Duan Tianlang gave him something again, how could Jiang Chen be polite, he grabbed it casually, put it in his palm, and stuffed it into his pocket, he laughed loudly and said, "Brother Duan, you and I are indeed destined to be very close , you don’t need to worry, after you die, I will help you to collect the bones, so that you can rest in peace under the Nine Springs.”

Duan Tianlang is really going to vomit blood now, it's all like this, Jiang Chen still doesn't plan to make a move, isn't this cheap, is Jiang Chen taking it for nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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