genius evil

Chapter 1031 You are all dead

Chapter 1031 You are all dead
"Stop, you two, stop quickly." After that high-pitched scream, there was another sound that could pierce eardrums.

Such a voice was too familiar to Jiang Chen and the others.

Even with his eyes closed, he could easily tell from that voice that it was Huang Chan.

It was Huang Chan who made the sound.

Huang Chan felt that she was very unlucky, no, it should be too unlucky, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she was unlucky.

From time to time, someone found something good, took it and ran away. She didn't know whether it was because of her poor eyesight or poor character. She searched for a long time, but found nothing.

If it's just that, it's fine, at worst, if you spend a little more time, Huang Chan won't believe that she will get nothing. If it's really not possible, why don't you go and rob the head office?

How did he know, but he was entangled tightly by two guys who came out of nowhere.

Huang Chan said all the good things and all the bad things, and she swore that she got nothing, and she almost raised her hands to swear. The two of them didn't know whether they believed it or not, but they just refused to let her go. , It seems that I will not give up until I kill her.

Thus, Huang Chan fell into the first real battle since the ancient martial arts alliance conference.

"Stop it, I tell you to stop, you two idiots, are your ears deaf or what?"

Huang Chan didn't want to expend her strength to fight these two people at all. She wanted them to stop quickly and let her go. Opening his mouth, he still couldn't stop talking.

The two middle-aged men who killed Huang Chan were one tall and one short, one fat and the other thin. After they appeared, they were silent. No matter how much Huang Chan said, they couldn't pry them apart. mouth.

He just kept silent and struck out sharply, as if he and Huang Chan had a sworn feud.

If it wasn't true, this was the first time seeing these two people, Huang Chan would have wondered if he had a hatred for killing his father with the two of them, otherwise, why would he feel sorry for her?
"Hey, I have already warned you two, my elder brother is Jiang Chen, if you two don't stop, be careful that my elder brother will send you two to hell... No, I will let you two die without a place to die. "Huang Chan yelled.

She talked too much, her throat was about to smoke, but these two guys were very indifferent, which made Huang Chan very angry.

If possible, Huang Chan would really like to knock open the heads of these two guys to see if their brain circuits are different from others.


The long whip rolled the air, and the air was shattered by the whip tip, and a long whip ruthlessly pulled towards Huang Chan.

When the tall middle-aged man drew the long whip towards Huang Chan, his face, which was always calm and calm, showed a rare hint of ferocity.

And the short middle-aged man followed the tall middle-aged man with a long whip, and a long spear in his hand, the tip of the spear trembled, stabbing Huang Chan viciously at Huang Chan's chest with the momentum of hitting Huanglong directly.

Every time the two make a move, it is a must-kill move.

And because the two of them were silent all the time, it was invisible, which made the two of them full of evil spirit.

"Get out, get out!"

Under the continuous pressure of the two, Huang Chan didn't know whether she was bored or completely angry, and finally pulled up 100% of her energy to deal with it with all her strength.

Because Huang Chan knew very well that she had said so many things, even if the two of them were really deaf, they still listened to her words.

The two clearly understood what she said, but they were indifferent. This made Huang Chan know that it was useless to scare them with Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, it's a little strange." Sleeping Beauty said to Jiang Chen.

Following the sound, the three walked over slowly, and soon saw the scene of Huang Chan fighting with the two middle-aged men, one tall and one short.

"It's a bit strange." Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

The ancient martial arts practitioners who came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time, although not everyone is afraid of him three points, but certainly, everyone, more or less, will give him a little face.

In particular, Huang Chan has been following him, and almost everyone knows Huang Chan's existence.

Even if the two of them didn't know about it beforehand, Huang Chan reminded them again and again, how could they pretend to be ignorant?
Unless, these two people never put him in their eyes.

The Yu family dare not take him seriously, how can these two people dare to do this?
"Jiang Chen, these two people are very strong." Wen Qingxin reminded.

Jiang Chen nodded again, looking in the direction of the battle.

These two middle-aged men, one tall and one short, are not outstanding in appearance, but they are both strong men on the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts. With Huang Chan's cultivation, it is very difficult to match even one of them, let alone one of them. One against two.

Huang Chan was full of tricks, but he was still dangerous. Judging from this situation, if it wasn't because Huang Chan deliberately raised his voice and alarmed them, Huang Chan would die in the hands of these two people in a short time.

"Have you seen these two people before?" Jiang Chen stared at the two middle-aged men, sized them up carefully, and asked.

"It seems... not." After thinking for a while, Sleeping Beauty said.

"I have no impression either." Wen Qingxin also shook her head.

For the many ancient martial arts practitioners who participated in the ancient martial arts alliance conference, the strong men of the ninth floor of the ancient martial arts may not be considered top-notch.

However, such a strong person is at least an existence within one of the first-class sects, it is impossible to shock the world, and there is no impression at all.

What's more, Wen Qingxin is the sect master of Fanyin Mountain, and he has dealt with many ancient martial arts sects in normal times. It is impossible for him to be an unknown person with a cultivation base of this level.

But she has no impression, which undoubtedly makes this situation look even more wrong.

"You two haven't seen it, and I haven't seen it either." Jiang Chen pondered and said, thinking about it, but it took a while, and he couldn't figure out what the problem was.

Over there, Huang Chan was about to run out of money, so Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it, strode out, and appeared in front of Huang Chan.

"Brother Qing, you are finally here, woo woo..." Huang Chan was so wronged that she almost cried.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said, "Sister Qing, now, I finally know, your brother Qing is fine with me."

"Brother Qing, I knew you were the best. From now on, I will never speak ill of you again." Huang Chan said immediately.

"Oh, before, did you speak ill of me?" Jiang Chen asked with a frown.

"Brother Qing, can you stop worrying about these irrelevant issues? Quickly, kill these two idiots, let them both die without a place to die." The young man said bitterly.

"I will do that." Jiang Chen said lightly.

When Jiang Chen appeared, the two middle-aged men had a little more vigilance in their eyes, but they didn't know if they really didn't know Jiang Chen or what was the matter.

"Looking for death." Huang Chan said loudly.

"Sister Qing, I'm the one to say this, it's pretty good, why are you robbing me of my lines?" Jiang Chen said unwillingly.

"Brother Qing, I was afraid you wouldn't tell, so I told you for you." Huang Chan said with a playful smile.

As soon as Jiang Chen came, Huang Chan was fearless, and suddenly she was full of pride. She just felt that even though the sky and the earth are big here, there is nowhere to go.

"Of course I want to say it." Jiang Chen said, and then imitated Huang Chan and said, "Looking for death!"

When the words fell, Jiang Chen grabbed the long spear stabbed by the short middle-aged man with his big hand. With a single hand, the tip of the spear broke. chest.

The tip of the gun flashed away, piercing through the body of the short middle-aged man, nailing a rock behind him, and colliding with a trace of sparks.

"Good kill." Huang Chan shouted happily.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, Jiang Chen grabbed it again with his big hand, and grabbed the tall middle-aged man with a long whip.

The tall middle-aged man saw that Jiang Chen killed the short middle-aged man with a random attack, his expression panicked and he backed away in panic.

"Sorry, you won't be able to escape." Jiang Chen said regretfully, one step ahead of the tall middle-aged man, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground.

With Jiang Chen's current cultivation level, the experts of the ninth floor of Guwu Houtian are like ants in front of him, and they can be strangled to death at will.It was a dream for this tall middle-aged man to retreat completely under his command.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen grabbed the tall middle-aged man's neck with one hand, and just as he was about to crush him to death, he suddenly felt the fluctuation of the tall middle-aged man's breath, and his expression quietly became a little weird.

"Brother Qing, why are you hesitating, kill him quickly." Huang Chan urged.

"Something went wrong." Jiang Chen pondered, and said slowly, "This person is not at the ninth level of the ancient martial arts."

According to Jiang Chen's feeling, this tall middle-aged man is at most around the seventh level of Gu Wu Houtian.

It's no wonder that Huang Chan was able to persist for such a long time in the face of the attacks of the two of them. On the surface, it seemed that it was the cultivation of the ninth level of the ancient martial arts, but in fact, it was a strong outsider.

"Brother Qing, is this very important?" Huang Chan asked wonderingly, extremely depressed, not sure why Jiang Chen cared about these insignificant details.

"It's very important." Jiang Chen said, staring at the tall middle-aged man, he asked, "Tell me, who are you?"

The tall middle-aged man remained silent, and a cruel smile gradually emerged from the corner of his mouth. He said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that everyone here is dead."

"Brother Qing, did you hear that, this guy is so annoying, letting him live a second longer is polluting the air." Huang Chan screamed.

"It is indeed polluting the air." Jiang Chen said, from the tone of the tall middle-aged man, Jiang Chen knew that it would be difficult for him to ask anything, so he stopped talking and pinched his neck.

"Brother Qing, I love you so much." Huang Chan flew up, hanging herself around Jiang Chen's neck like a koala, and said happily.

Jiang Chen grinned and smiled, but rather liked Huang Chan's true temperament.

If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, never hide it, never pretend.

However, just as Jiang Chen's smile appeared, it suddenly froze on his face.

At this moment, a bloody figure staggered into Jiang Chen's eyes, quietly causing Jiang Chen's eyebrows to twitch heavily.

The person bathed in blood was none other than Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing seemed to be seriously injured, his clothes were broken, and there was a huge bloodstain on his right shoulder.

Fresh blood, gurgling out from that bloodstain, was shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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