genius evil

Chapter 1032 The Immortals Will Come

Chapter 1032 The Immortals Will Come

"Miss Shen, what happened?" Jiang Chen threw Huang Chan away, shot out, and supported Shen Shijing, just in time to avoid Shen Shijing falling to the ground.

"Jiang Chen." Seeing Jiang Chen, Shen Shijing obviously breathed a sigh of relief, opened his mouth, and spat out a mouthful of blood. He couldn't stand still anymore, and fell headfirst into Jiang Chen's embrace.

"Brother Qing, this woman is taking advantage of you." Huang Chan shouted.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Shen Shijing was seriously injured. Apart from the bloodstain on his right shoulder, there were other injuries on his body, and his Qi and blood were disordered. It looked like he had just encountered a fierce battle.

Jiang Chen couldn't be more clear about Shen Shijing's strength.

Even though Shen Shijing did not show up at the ancient martial arts alliance conference, and many people did not know her existence, but as a half-step innate powerhouse, it can be said that, except for the innate powerhouses of the five super sects, , basically, it is absolutely impossible for anyone else to hurt Shen Shijing, not to mention that the injury is so serious that he is on the verge of death.

It must be that some unknown things happened, which caused Shen Shijing's accident.

"Brother Qing, why are you being so cruel to others, you heartless heartless man." Huang Chan was extremely aggrieved.

Jiang Chen simply paid no attention to the crazy woman, and asked Shen Shijing again, "Miss Shen, what happened?"

"A big event is about to happen." With a sigh, Shen Shijing said with difficulty.

"What happened? What big event?" Jiang Chen asked, wanting Shen Shijing to speak more clearly. At this time, he was not in the mood to guess riddles.

"call out!"

"call out!"


Jiang Chen asked this question, but Shen Shijing hadn't had time to answer it when he heard the air churning and rolling, and two figures suddenly appeared.

"Boy, you are Jiang Chen, right or wrong?"

These are two old men in their sixties, their every move is incomparably chic, and there is a peculiar aura circulating, which cannot be underestimated.

One of them, an old man with a big black mole on his left cheek, sized up Jiang Chen, squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, as if he was very interested in Jiang Chen.

"Old Shi, don't doubt it, this little guy is undoubtedly Jiang Chen." Another old man said, his voice was like a bell, and his momentum was overwhelming.

"Oh, really? In this way, Mr. Fan, you and I are really lucky." Mr. Shi laughed out loud.

"What does it mean to be lucky? You two are always going on, and you are going to be unlucky." Huang Chan said.

When she saw the two people, they were not friendly, so she was not polite at all.

"Unlucky?" Shi Lao chuckled, "Little girl, you are not qualified enough to want us two to be unlucky."

"Of course I'm not qualified, but as long as my love brother is qualified." Huang Chan said nonchalantly.

"Little girl, are you referring to Jiang Chen?" Shi Lao smiled and said, "He is still too far behind. Let Yan Feiyang come here in person, it's almost the same."

"What a big tone." Huang Chan was angry.

What does the old man mean by this?
It's okay to look down on her, but he still looks down on Jiang Chen. Could it be that his bones are getting old, so he's impatient to live?
But after the words fell, Huang Chan suddenly realized that there was something wrong with these words.

Shi Lao said that it would be more or less the same if Yan Feiyang came in person.

You know, Yan Feiyang is a strong person in the innate realm. Could it be that these two old guys are also strong in the innate realm?
After thinking about it for a while, Huang Chan's expression changed, and she hurriedly took two steps back, hiding behind Wen Qingxin.

Previously, the two fake and shoddy Guwuhoutian nine-level powerhouses almost killed her. If these two old guys were really innate powerhouses, it would be easy to kill her.

Huang Chan didn't want to die, so she could only wrong Wen Qingxin and save her life.

Huang Chan guessed right, this old Shi and old Fan are indeed innately strong.

The aura of the innate powerhouse was grand and intuitive, and the two of them didn't hide it at all, so when Shi Lao and Fan Laofu appeared, Jiang Chen discovered this.

The appearance of the two innate powerhouses together made Jiang Chen slightly astonished.

When did the innately strong become so worthless, and there were only two of them when they appeared?

Previously, he knew that the five super sects and the Yu family had innate powerhouses, but where did these two innate powerhouses come from?
In terms of the timing of the appearance of Shi Lao and Fan Lao, Jiang Chen knew that they were the two who seriously injured the Shi Jing.

Shen Shijing has a special status within the Tianzu. Even in the Guwu Alliance, they have a certain right to speak. What is the reason for these two people to kill Shen Shijing?
"Who are you two?" Jiang Chen asked in a deep voice.

"Jiang Chen, they are members of the Immortal Association." Before the two old men could speak, Shen Shijing said.

"Immortal meeting?" Jiang Chen's expression couldn't help but change.

He finally understood why the aura in the body of the two middle-aged men, one tall and one short, did not match the cultivation they displayed.

There is no doubt that these two old men are members of the Immortal Society, and the two middle-aged men, one tall and one short, are also members of the Immortal Society.

At the same time, Jiang Chen finally understood why these two old men would kill Shen Shijing.

The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance and the Immortal Association are life-and-death rivals. If there is an opportunity to kill Shen Shijing, any member of the Immortal Association will be extremely happy to do so.

"Xiao Nizi, Mr. Fan and I didn't disclose our identities to you, but I never thought that you would have guessed our identities early in the morning." Mr. Shi chuckled and did not deny it.

"Your gods will act in a nasty way, and it's hard to be elegant. I can recognize it at a glance." Shen Shijing said coldly.

"What a sharp-toothed, sharp-mouthed girl who is about to die, and dares to talk nonsense, that's fine, I'll send you to die right now." Old Fan said angrily.

There was hardly any movement from Fan Lao, and before he finished speaking, Fan Lao just slapped him and stamped it.


Jiang Chen drank in a low voice, raised his hand, and slammed over.

Killing people in front of him, so what if he was a congenitally strong man, could it be that he was treating Jiang Chen as a dead person?

The two slaps collided viciously, and the strong wind blew up and shot out in all directions. A small tree a few meters away broke and fell to the ground under such strong wind.

"Jiang Chen, I know you are extremely outstanding, but after all, you are only a half-step innate cultivation, and it is impossible to be our opponent. To be honest, if you catch him without a fight, you may be able to give you a decent way to die." Fan old said.

"Shut up, it's just fake and shoddy goods, you dare to speak nonsense in front of me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

Of course, Jiang Chen had no experience fighting against congenital powerhouses, but don't forget that he once fought against Wei Dashan, and he also fought against the half-step genius Yu Changhe.

Jiang Chen was too familiar with the aura of this Elder Fan, so he was reluctant to do so. It was only a little bit stronger than half-step innate, and he couldn't be regarded as a real innate powerhouse at all.

If this old Fan was really a congenital powerhouse, Jiang Chen might have to be a little bit afraid, but if he wasn't a congenital powerhouse at all, Jiang Chen would naturally not have the slightest bit of fear.

"Looking for death." Old Fan was furious, and he didn't know whether he was provoked by Jiang Chen's outrageous words, or he became angry from embarrassment when Jiang Chen told the truth.

"It's you who are looking for death." Jiang Chen expressionless, casually threw Shen Shijing to Sleeping Beauty, and before Elder Fan attacked again, he took the initiative to kill her.

Regarding the grievances between the Immortal Society and the Ancient Martial Alliance, Jiang Chen had no feelings before.

This is because Jiang Chen has never regarded himself as a member of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance. If so, why should he care about the grievances between the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance and the Immortal Association?
But the Immortal Society bullied him, but Jiang Chen didn't mind at all, looking for trouble from the Immortal Association.

The wind of the palm roared, the wind of the fist was like thunder, Jiang Chen and Fan Lao fought into a ball.

Upon seeing this, Old Shi joined the battle group without hesitation.

"Your opponent is me." Wen Qingxin said indifferently, and stopped Shi Lao.

"You are Wen Qingxin? I have read your information. At such an age, you almost entered the innate realm. It is really good, but you are not my opponent, so don't kill yourself." Shi Lao said coldly.

"Your information is out of date." Wen Qingxin said, there was no wave in her voice.

She didn't almost step into the innate realm, but stepped into the innate realm several times, and almost went mad. It can be regarded as the most powerful existence in the half-day innate cultivation base. Compared with the real innate powerhouse, she is only slightly inferior.

This old Shi, only relying on the medicine provided by the gods, reluctantly stepped into the innate realm, his blood was vain, and his foundation was unstable, but he said these words without shame, which made Wen Qingxin feel ridiculous.

However, Wen Qingxin has never been a talkative person. As a member of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, she was born with great hostility towards the members of the Immortal Association.

This trip to Penglai Xiandao was a grand event of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, once every ten years, but the Immortal Society stepped in to try to disrupt the situation, which made Wen Qing extremely displeased.

Wen Qing's heart was calm, she didn't intend to let this old man leave alive, a pair of jade palms flew up, trying to crush him forcibly.

Innately strong, against half-step innate.

In this battle, on the surface, it seemed that it was Elder Shi and Elder Fan who had gained a huge advantage, but when this battle kicked off, Elder Shi and Elder Fan immediately felt a great threat and felt chills in their hearts.

Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin are worthy of being monsters among geniuses. Even if they only have a mere half-day innate combat power, they rely on their powerful comprehension and combat skills to perfectly close the gap with them and even surpass them.

It had to be said that it was something that made Shi Lao and Fan Lao extremely frightened.

Of course, the reason why the two of them were able to break through the innate realm was because they took medicine and forcibly broke through, but in fact, when their cultivation base reached this level, the proportion of the influence of medicine on them was already very small. A forced breakthrough at the stage of acquired cultivation is comparable.

In other words, even if they don't take medicine, they will break through to the innate realm in a short time. Taking medicine is just to advance the breakthrough time.

Because of this point, whether it is old Shi or old Fan, they are all single-minded, and regard themselves as innate powerhouses in the true sense.

They have strong self-confidence, and they can fight against innate powerhouses who break through on their own.

This was also the reason why they didn't take Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin seriously and challenged Yan Feiyang.It was also the reason why he became angry from embarrassment when he was scorned by Jiang Chen.

After all, breakthroughs can only be made by taking medicine, and there is still a certain gap between the innate powerhouses who break through on their own. Such a gap is usually not conspicuous, but at this time, the disadvantages are fully exposed.

"Old Shi, stop conserving your strength and attack with all your strength." Fan Lao was forced to retreat several times by Jiang Chen, out of breath.

"Preserve your strength? You think too much of yourself." Jiang Chen sneered, his figure was like a ghost, and he punched out, making this old Fan want to yell, powerless...

(End of this chapter)

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