genius evil

Chapter 1033 You Smelly Shameless

Chapter 1033 You Smelly Shameless


Jiang Chen's fist collided with Fan Lao.

The violent blasting sound resounded, Huang Chan covered her ears with her hands, it felt like a thunderbolt exploded beside her ears, almost shattering her eardrums.

"Brother Qing, come on, kill him." Huang Chan shouted, cheering for Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, it's not me, it's you who think too much of yourself, it's you who think too much of yourself, I'll let you understand that even if you are half-innate, the gap between you and the innate powerhouse is still irreparable Yes." Fan Lao said coldly.

They collided fiercely several times, but they were all on par with Jiang Chen, and they were even forced to retreat by Jiang Chen. It was hard for Jiang Chen to do anything about it.

This Fan was always furious. After receiving Jiang Chen's punch, he clenched his fist and slammed it viciously.

With one punch, the air was shattered.

Even if it is an innate strong man who relies on medicine to break through, he is also an innate strong man. The comprehension of the natural mysteries of heaven and earth is far from being comparable to that of a half-step innate.

Fan Lao's punch contained the profound meaning he had comprehended,

When the punch was punched, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder, the momentum was overwhelming and invincible.

"Irreparable? Are you sure you're not joking?" Jiang Chen sneered, and the breath in his body moved accordingly.

Jiang Chen didn't know which aspect the congenital strong understood the natural mysteries of the heavens and the earth, but he was a cultivator, and he took a completely different path from the ancient martial arts.

After breaking through to the ninth level of Body Tempering, the restraint of the physical body on Jiang Chen was greatly weakened, and Jiang Chen could freely mobilize the breath in his body.

To put it bluntly, under extreme conditions, Jiang Chen can fight against a real innate powerhouse. Needless to say, this old Fan is just a counterfeit and shoddy product.


Jiang Chen Xinyi punched, and Fan Lao staggered back, spurting blood from his mouth.

"How is it possible?" Boss Fan turned pale with shock and couldn't believe it. Just like this, he was injured by Jiang Chen.

"Nothing is impossible." Jiang Chen said lightly,
In his previous life, he was an existence at the peak of the combined body stage, and he was only half a step away from stepping into the Mahayana stage. His life experience was beyond anyone's imagination.

Even now, with too many restrictions imposed on him, whenever there is a breakthrough, Jiang Chen's cultivation will increase exponentially.

"Again." Unable to accept this fact, Old Fan shouted loudly and rushed towards Jiang Chen. He wanted Jiang Chen to understand that a half-step of innateness is a half-step of innateness, and it will never be possible to defeat a strong innate.


With one punch, Jiang Chen sent Fan Lao flying backwards, blood spurting wildly.

Lazily wasting time, the moment Fan Lao flew out, Jiang Chen stepped forward, chasing Fan Lao, and immediately threw out several punches, all of which hit Fan Lao's body.

Old Fan was beaten by Jiang Chen like a broken sack, baring his teeth and claws, feeling unbearably aggrieved.

But he is gone, and there is only one dead end.

With Jiang Chen's last punch, he hit Elder Fan's heart. With one punch, he shattered Elder Fan's heart and took his life.


At about the same time, blood rained all over the sky, and that old Shi, who was beaten by Wen Qingxin, fell from mid-air, hit the ground heavily, and died.

"So strong." Sticking out her tongue, Huang Chan said, referring to Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin killed Shi Lao almost at the same time as Jiang Chen, and Huang Chan was amazed to see her, her eyeballs twitching non-stop.

"Jiang Chen, it's been many years, and I haven't seen it before. In the fairy meeting, the innate powers are dispatched." Looking at Shi Lao's body, Wen Qingxin said slowly.

For many years, there have been constant disputes between the Immortal Association and the Tiandao League where the Ancient Martial Alliance is located. However, in recent decades, such disputes have been suppressed on a small scale, intentionally or unintentionally.

Not to mention dispatching innate powerhouses, even half-step innate powerhouses have not appeared for many years.

This kind of situation made the Tiandao League believe that the hundreds of years of great wars had caused the immortal society to be completely defeated, and there were no more innate powerhouses.

But now, it was two innately strong men who were dispatched. Such a situation did not stop Wen Qing from feeling strange.

"If you don't understand the question, don't think about it for the time being. As expected, there will be an answer soon." Jiang Chen said, walking towards Shen Shijing.

Shen Shijing was seriously injured, and he had to treat Shen Shijing.

Although with Shen Shijing's cultivation base, there is no danger of falling, but in case, leaving scars or something is not what Jiang Chen wants to see.

"Jiang Chen, it is very possible that the gods will invade on a large scale here." Shen Shijing looked at Jiang Chen who was walking towards him, and said.

"Large-scale invasion? Is this possible?" Sleeping Beauty asked doubtfully.

"Didn't you find a problem?" Shen Shijing sighed, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Countless ancient martial arts practitioners seem to have gone crazy since they stepped into this place. On the surface, it seems that it is because of the interests. , but I suspect that there is a black hand behind it, deliberately disrupting the situation."

"It's clearly those guys, they all turn their eyes away when they see a good thing, so what's the matter with shutting down the black hand behind it." Huang Chan slandered endlessly.

Anyway, she didn't notice this situation, and she was extremely resentful that all the good things were taken away by others, so far, she hadn't got anything, which made Huang Chan very unhappy.

"Miss Shen, don't think too much, even if the sky falls, there will still be a tall person standing in front." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Brother Qing, have you forgotten that you are also that tall?" Huang Chan reminded.

"It turns out that my image in your mind is so tall and majestic." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Brother Qing, can your smile be lower?" Huang Chan rolled her eyes in disgust.

After all, if Jiang Chen is that tall, it means that Jiang Chen will inevitably be in front.

If it was her, Huang Chan felt that it was too late for her to cry, how could she laugh?

Jiang Chen, who was considered tall by Huang Chan, had no awareness of this at all. She asked Sleeping Beauty to support Shen Shijing to sit down, checked the pulse, and quickly pierced several large acupuncture points on Shen Shijing's body with a few silver needles. among.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen took the needle, and Shen Shijing spat out two mouthfuls of blood.

After vomiting out two mouthfuls of blood, Shen Shijing suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. She glanced at Jiang Chen gratefully and said, "I have to report the situation here to Elder Yan and the others. Let's take a step first."

"Wait." Jiang Chen grabbed Shen Shijing and said, "Miss Shen, if the gods really invaded on a large scale, wouldn't you be sending yourself to death with your appearance?"

"It's my duty." Shen Shijing said seriously.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly, "Miss Shen, have you ever thought that you may not be as great as you think... Oh, what I mean is, in fact, you don't have to be so great at all... you can Do you understand me?"

"Jiang Chen, I'm not great, I'm just doing what I think I should do." Shen Shijing's expression was serious, faintly sacrosanct.

Jiang Chen was completely speechless. He was a guy who didn't even know what integrity was. It was simply hard for him to understand where Shen Shijing's upright spirit came from.

"Jiang Chen, this matter is by no means a trivial matter. I will go with Miss Shen." Wen Qingxin said, her eyebrows slightly frowned.

"Be careful, when did you become so great?" Jiang Chen was dumbfounded, feeling that he really didn't understand the women around him.

Wen Qingxin explained: "This place is hidden. When I came here for the first time, people from the Immortal Society unexpectedly appeared unexpectedly. This is very unusual."

"I think it's too normal." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

This place is the ruins of an ancient battlefield, the people of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance are tempted, and it is impossible for the people of the Immortal Association not to be tempted... Therefore, Jiang Chen does not think it is strange at all that the people of the Immortal Association will appear.

On the contrary, it would be very strange if the Immortals would not be tempted at all.

Of course, for Jiang Chen, there was one thing that puzzled him, that is, how would the gods break through the layers of fog to come in.

On the side of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, it took a lot of time for him to guide the way, and it took a lot of his mind. Thinking about it, even if there are many capable people in the immortal association, it is by no means an easy task to enter here .

"Master Wen, thank you." Shen Shijing said to Wen Qingxin.

Regardless of whether Wen Qingxin decided to go with her for the sake of righteousness or not, Shen Shijing understood that Wen Qingxin's willingness to go with her was actually meant to protect her.

Otherwise, in terms of her current physical condition, as Jiang Chen said, once encountering any accident, it would be a dead end.

"Let's go." Wen Qingxin said, and together with Shen Shijing, they left quickly.

"Wait--" Jiang Chen yelled loudly, but the two daughters walked faster and faster as if they didn't hear his words.

"Brother Qing, let's take action too." Huang Chan urged.

"Us?" Jiang Chen looked at Huang Chan in surprise, and asked, "Sister Qing, I have heard the saying that those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, but the speed at which you were influenced is too fast, right? "

"Brother Qing, don't act stupid in front of me, don't you know what I'm going to do?" Huang Chan said angrily.

"What?" Jiang Chen really didn't know.

"Of course it's to grab... No, it's to find good things. If you don't hurry up, others will take them all." Huang Chan said.

"Are you going to look for it? Or grab it?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Go and grab it." Gritting her teeth, Huang Chan went all out.

She searched alone for a long time, but found nothing. Huang Chan didn't think that if she continued to search, she could find something good, so she simply went to grab it.

Anyway, Jiang Chen is the one to blame, isn't he?
"Sister Qing, you are too unrefined. We are gentle people, how can we steal other people's things, ask them politely, and for the sake of our good attitude, they will definitely give them to us very generously. Ours." Jiang Chen said earnestly.

"Brother Qing, you are stinky and shameless." Huang Chan was almost speechless, it was hard to imagine what kind of situation Jiang Chen would be in when he was being polite.

Presumably, in that case, it would be more terrifying than Jiang Chen's vicious and tyrannical robbery, right?

Under Huang Chan's urging, Jiang Chen had no choice but to lead the Sleeping Beauty, and together with Huang Chan, they continued to wander, but they didn't go far, and the three of them saw several corpses.

Going forward, one after another, the three of them saw more corpses.

These corpses all have the same characteristics, that is, they are all people who came to participate in the ancient martial arts alliance conference this time.

"Brother Qing, it seems that Shen Shijing has hit the mark." Huang Chan was thoughtful, anxious...

(End of this chapter)

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