genius evil

Chapter 1034 Too Many Unbelievable Things

Chapter 1034 Too Many Unbelievable Things
The death of the dead, everyone's death is extremely miserable.

It seems that the main purpose of the murderer is not to kill, but purely to enjoy the pleasure of killing.

If only one person is like this, it can be explained as an accident.

Every dead person here was tortured to death, but no matter what, it is difficult to explain it by accident.

Obviously, these people died at the hands of the same group of people.

Because, coming to the ruins of the ancient battlefield this time, among the ancient martial arts alliance, at least the cultivation base of the ancient martial arts Houtian level [-] or above is the reason for having such qualifications.

Therefore, every one of the deceased had a good cultivation level, and Jiang Chen still had a certain impression of them, knowing that they were the suzerains of certain first-class sects.

Within the Guwu Alliance, no force could kill so many people, not even the most powerful Yu family could do it.

This is why Huang Chan can say that Shen Shijing is right.

Undoubtedly, Shen Shijing is indeed right, the people of the Immortal Society have invaded on a large scale.


"call out!"

"call out!"

A figure flashed rapidly, as fast as peerless, so fast that it was almost impossible for the naked eye to catch its whereabouts.

Behind a rocky hill, the two sects were in conflict, and they fought violently when they disagreed.

That figure, like a ghost, appeared on the hill, and then shot out, killing the people from the two sects.


"Go away."

The two sects were fighting like a raging fire, suddenly seeing someone intervene, thinking that that person wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman, immediately became furious and scolded one after another.

That person turned a deaf ear to it, raised his hand, and smashed a person's head.

Accompanied by a person's head being shattered like a watermelon, that person rushed left and right like a wolf into a herd of sheep, and kept making shots. Every shot was inevitable, reaping a person's life.

The attack is ruthless and the method is cruel.

The people from the two sects were caught off guard, and in an instant, there were only two people left.

"I am Teng Yue, the head of Wangyue Sect. Who is your Excellency?" the head of Wangyue Sect named Teng Yue asked coldly.

"Gao Weicheng, the suzerain of the Lake Tianzong, will definitely take your life." Gao Weicheng, the suzerain of the Lake Tianzong, said gloomyly.

Although Wangyue Sect and Hutian Sect are only second-rate sects, their sect background is far beyond that of ordinary second-rate sects, and they have almost the strength of first-rate sects.

Whether it is Teng Yue or Gao Weicheng, they are all arrogant masters.

Because they knew that neither of them could do anything to the other, so even if the two sects clashed, they would exercise extreme restraint to avoid bloodshed.

It never occurred to the two of them that this guy who came out of nowhere would kill all directions with just a single word of disagreement, and the evil came from his heart.

The man seemed not to have heard the words of Teng Yue and Gao Weicheng at all, and when the voice fell, he rushed over.

"court death!"

"kill him."

Teng Yue and Gao Weicheng looked at each other, they were both furious, and they fought with that person.



A few minutes later, Teng Yue and Gao Weicheng fell to the ground one after another, until they died, unable to understand what happened.


Almost the same situation happened one after another in the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

Many ancient martial arts practitioners died tragically before they could figure out the identity of each other.

More and more people died, and the five super sects were finally alarmed.

Yan Feiyang was furious, beheaded one person, and sternly shouted: "He Fang Xiaoxiao, show up to me quickly, otherwise there will be no mercy."

"Yan Feiyang, I haven't seen you for many years. Your temper is still very irritable." A loud laugh came to Yan Feiyang's ears, and then, a figure appeared in front of Yan Feiyang.

"Pan Zijing, is that you?" Yan Feiyang looked at the person, beard and hair all stretched out.

"Of course it's me." Pan Zijing said with a bright smile, "Yan Feiyang, you are really old, and you haven't realized what happened until now. I really feel sorry for you."

"Tell me, how many people have you mobilized in your Immortal Association?" Yan Fei asked bluntly, chatting nonsense with Pan Zijing.

"It's really straightforward. Why don't you ask, how many people are left on your side of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance?" Pan Zijing teased.

Yan Feiyang frowned suddenly, and asked along the way: "Then tell me, how many people are left in my Ancient Martial Arts Alliance?"

"There are not many left. It is estimated that in half an hour, except for your so-called five super sects, everyone else will be slaughtered by my immortal society." Pan Zijing said leisurely.

"What a big tone, could it be that my Yu family doesn't exist?" Yu Changhe led Yu Zizai and the three heavenly kings to appear, Yin Jiu said, his face frosty.

"Yu Changhe, I really don't pay attention to you." Pan Zijing said dismissively.

Yu Changhe's face was ugly, and he said coldly: "Let's do it, I, Yu Changhe, want to learn from you. What are you capable of?"

"Yu Changhe, with your strength, you are not qualified to let Elder Pan take action. I, Dou Wen, are more than enough to kill you." A voice came from afar, and a figure in Tsing Yi appeared in an instant.

"Shut up, you don't know how to live or die." Yu Zizi was extremely displeased.

Yu Zizai was very upset to be scorned one after another as a member of the Yu family.

"Reckless?" Dou Wen laughed and said, "Then I will let you see who is reckless."

Dou Wen made a move as soon as he said he would, and rushed towards Yu Zizai, wanting to kill Yu Zizai under his palm.

Yu Changhe made a quick move and slammed his palms together.


The palm wind shot around, Yu Changhe's figure swayed, and he took two steps back one after another, his face pale.

"A congenital powerhouse?" Yu Changhe was greatly surprised. Unexpectedly, this casually appearing person was a congenital powerhouse.

"Yu Changhe, are you afraid?" Dou Wen asked jokingly.

Yu Changhe's face was livid, but he stopped talking.

"Haha, it looks like it's very lively here, don't you mind if I, Kong Fang, come to join in the fun?" But at this moment, a figure flew over, with a smile on his face, a charming smile on his face appearance.

"Another innate powerhouse!"

Looking at the person who appeared, Yu Changhe's heart trembled.

When did the innately strong become so worthless?
Counting Pan Zijing, there are already three innate powerhouses in the direction of the Immortal Association.

Yu Changhe's complexion was ugly, and Yan Feiyang's old face was also unattractive.

He had dealt with Pan Zijing several times, and he knew Pan Zijing's cultivation well, but he had never heard of Dou Wen and Kong Fang who appeared later, and he didn't know where they came from.

But what Yan Feiyang didn't expect was that this was not the end, but the beginning.

After a while, someone showed up again, coming with a murderous aura, which was not to be underestimated.

After this person, a middle-aged man with the appearance of a scholar appeared leisurely.

"Five?" Yan Feiyang's eyes flickered.

Yan Feiyang could tell that these people did not make an appointment with Pan Zijing, but coincided with their meeting. That is to say, in the Immortal Association, there are definitely more than five innate powerhouses, and there must be more innate powerhouses.

"The cultivation of ancient martial arts is difficult after the day after tomorrow, and it is even more difficult to get up to the sky with the innate. The gods will silently cultivate so many innate strong men. Could it be that they have made great progress in medicine?" Yan Feiyang secretly thought in his heart. think attached.

Judging from the current situation, Yan Feiyang will never think that these innate powerhouses all break through independently, and must be assisted by medicine.

But even so, such a number is still extremely terrifying.

No one knows how far the Immortal Society's drug development has reached. If there are a few more innate experts in the Immortal Society, I am afraid that today will be the time for the collapse of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance.

"Pan Zijing, you gods will really know how to choose a day." Just as Yan Feiyang was thinking about these things, a hunchbacked old man suddenly appeared, it was Zhang Yuanshang.

Behind Zhang Yuanshang, there are two women, Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"Zhang Yuanshang, long time no see. I thought you died early in the morning." Pan Zijing looked at Zhang Yuanshang and laughed twice.

"Pan Zijing, you are not dead. Brother Yuanshang, how could you die?" The old woman in red said quietly, staring at Pan Zijing.

"Sister Jingzhi is right. It is unbelievable that someone like you, Pan Zijing, is still alive." An old man in Taoist robes said coldly.

"There are too many incredible things in this world, isn't it?" Pan Zijing said quite indifferently.

"Pan Zijing, God won't accept your life. I, Zhang Xuanjing, will accept it myself." Yin Jiu said when the old man with the scar appeared.

"Oh, are you finally here?" Pan Zijing said, but he didn't even show interest in looking at the old man's face with the scar, and there was a hint of fire in his eyes quietly.

"Where are the younger generations of the Immortal Society? You don't need to hide in the dark, just call me over." Zhang Yuanshang said in a clear voice.

"Alright, then everyone, let's enjoy the event together." Pan Zijing said with a smile.



Five figures appeared suddenly, powerful auras radiated out, and the air was full of chilling intent.

"Zhang Yuanshang, ten of us, is it more than enough to kill five of you?" Seeing the five people appear, Pan Zijing nodded slightly, looked at Zhang Yuanshang as if watching a joke, and asked.

"It's just a bunch of cobbled-together rubbish." Before Zhang Yuanshang could speak, Jing Zhi said tauntingly.

On the surface, there are ten innate powerhouses in the Immortal Association, which is twice the number of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, but among the ten people, there are six people who forcibly broke through to the innate realm by relying on drugs. into the eyes of Jingzhi.

"Really? This means that it's not enough, right? It's okay." Pan Zijing smiled warmly, and made a big move, and immediately, three more people appeared.

"Thirteen, it should be about the same." Pan Zijing said jokingly.

"Thirteen vs. five is definitely enough. Don't just stay in a daze. Hurry up and start a big fight, so that I, Jiang Chen, can seriously watch the excitement." A lazy voice The sound sounded, Jiang Chen led Sleeping Beauty and Huang Chan, and Shi Shiran appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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