genius evil

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035
"Watching the excitement? Little guy, are you sure you are here to watch the excitement, not to die?" That Dou Wen looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile, and said with a smile.

But even though he was looking at Jiang Chen, from the corner of his eye, he kept shooting at Sleeping Beauty and Huang Chan. Obviously, he was more interested in the two girls than Jiang Chen.

"Brother Qing, that idiot's eyes are so disgusting, you will dig out his eyeballs later, and I'll feed them to the dogs." With a cold snort, Huang Chan said.

When Dou Wen shot her and Sleeping Beauty, his eyes were unscrupulous, which made Huang Chan extremely displeased.

If she didn't know that she was not Dou Wen's opponent, she might have shot Dou Wen immediately and killed Dou Wen on the spot. By the way, she had gouged out two of Dou Wen's eyeballs.

"No problem." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Oh, feed my pair of eyeballs to the dog?" Dou Wen laughed loudly, as if he had heard a joke, he pointed at Jiang Chen, and said teasingly: "Beauty, you are really humorous, and , what kind of love brother are you, you look so weak that you might be blown down by a gust of wind, okay?"

Eyeballs rolled around, Huang Chan said with a smile: "Hearing what you said, it seems that you are very powerful."

"Of course I'm very good." Dou Wen said confidently.

Dou Wen's only hobby in his life is female sex.

Hearing Huang Chan take the initiative to talk to him, he thought that Huang Chan admired him a little, so he couldn't help but feel complacent.

"Really? Don't lie to me. Liars will kill the whole family." Huang Chan said seriously.

Dou Wen laughed, and said: "I, Dou Wen, have never lied to anyone in my life, especially not to women. Beauty, you can rest assured on this issue."

"This means that what you said is true. How about this, I will let my brother Jiaqing fight with you, do you dare or not? Of course, if you dare not, just pretend that I have nothing It's done." Huang Chan said with a coquettish smile.

"Are you sure?" Dou Wen smiled from ear to ear.

Don't dare?

Dou Wen only thought that Huang Chan was joking with her.

If he dared to say something, he was afraid that Jiang Chen would not dare.

If Jiang Chen didn't dare, how could he act in front of Huang Chan and attract Huang Chan's attention?
With such thoughts in mind, Dou Wen looked at Jiang Chen almost earnestly.

"Of course I'm sure." Huang Chan said with a smile, "It's just that, my brother Qing is gentle and weak, if my brother fights with you, you must at least let my brother three... no, thirty strokes." Okay... After all, you are so powerful, let alone [-] tricks, even if you let my brother Qing have three hundred and thirty thousand moves, my brother Qing may not be your opponent."

"Okay, let's do thirty strokes." Dou Wen is eager to try.

As for what Huang Chan said to make three hundred moves and thirty thousand moves, Dou Wen just pretended not to hear.

Even if he was obsessed with lust, he would not be so stupid. If he really gave up three hundred moves, wouldn't he be hit by Jiang Chen as a target?

He didn't know if Jiang Chen would be tired, but in that case, he would definitely die of exhaustion here.

"What a stingy guy." Huang Chan rolled her eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "Okay, thirty strokes is thirty strokes, if you don't let my brother love thirty strokes, then, from this moment on, your descendants , all women have been prostitutes for generations, and all men have been slaves for generations."

"You—" Dou Wen's face was livid, and he looked at Huang Chan like a ghost, never thinking that Huang Chan would cast such a vicious curse.

"Want to repent?" Huang Chan sneered.

"Repent?" Dou Wen laughed loudly, hooked his finger at Jiang Chen, and said, "Little guy, let's do it, I will let you see how powerful I am."

The Ancient Martial Arts Alliance and the Immortal Association are life and death enemies.

No matter how nice the words are, once they fight, they will never die.

Dou Wen didn't think about asking his subordinates to be merciful, he made up his mind, Thunderbolt killed Jiang Chen, so that Huang Chan had nothing to say.

"Brother Qing, it's up to you." Huang Chan said with a smile.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly, and took a step forward.

Huang Chan has made so many preparations, if he still doesn't take action, isn't it because of Huang Chan's painstaking efforts?
I have to say that beauty is really a bone-scraping knife.

This Dou Wen was played like a clown under Huang Chan's every step of the way.

Jiang Chen was looking forward to it, he had agreed to let him do thirty moves, but this Dou Wen, how should he let him do thirty moves.

"Wait." It was Jiang Chen who moved, and Pan Zijing waved his big hand and said in a deep voice.

"Mr. Pan, this kid is looking for death, how can he have a reason not to fulfill him?" Dou Wen said hastily, thinking that Pan Zijing thought he was bullying the weak.

"His name is Jiang Chen." Staring at Jiang Chen, Pan Zijing said slowly.

"Jiang Chen? That kid who made a big splash in this ancient martial arts alliance meeting?" Dou Wen said slightly surprised.

"It's him." Pan Zijing nodded.

Dou Wen just smiled and said: "This is a bit interesting."

Based on the information collected by the Immortal Club, Dou Wen has naturally heard of Jiang Chen, knows Jiang Chen, and in this ancient martial arts alliance conference, among the younger generation, he can be said to be the only one in the limelight.

But even so, Dou Wen didn't take Jiang Chen seriously.

In Dou Wen's view, Jiang Chen is at best a half-step innate martial artist.

At Jiang Chen's age, having such a cultivation base can be regarded as a very remarkable thing.

But a half-step innate warrior is a half-step innate warrior, and the gap between them is like a gap, which is absolutely difficult to bridge.

"Hey, are you scared after hearing my brother's name?" Huang Chan yelled, a little worried that Dou Wen would shrink back.

"Afraid?" Dou Wen laughed loudly and said, "Beauty, you are too. You look down on me, Dou Wen."

"It's fine if you're not afraid." Huang Chan nodded, expressing her relief.

After all, if Dou Wen is scared because of this, doesn't it mean that she has no fun to watch?
If that was the case, Huang Chan felt that she would hate Pan Zijing to death, who made Pan Zijing talk too much for no reason.

"Boy, let's do it." Dou Wen beckoned to Jiang Chen.

"Wait a minute, I have a few questions to ask him." Pan Zijing said.

He stared at Jiang Chen with sharp eyes, as if he wanted to pierce Jiang Chen through. His powerful aura was captivating.

"Speak up if you have something to say, let go if you have something to say." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"This time, my Immortal Association has a total of fifteen congenital powerhouses. Right now, only thirteen are summoned. Do you know where the other two have gone?" Pan Zijing asked in a deep voice.

"Are we two very familiar?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Naturally not familiar." Pan Zijing said.

He had studied Jiang Chen's information and knew Jiang Chen quite well, but naturally, Jiang Chen didn't know him at all, so it was hard to say that they were familiar with each other.

"Since you don't know me well, you still ask me such a question? Do you want to tell me that you are an idiot? Or are you demented?" Jiang Chen sneered.

"Jiang Chen, you don't need to talk such meaningless nonsense in front of me. If I ask you a question, you can just answer it directly." Pan Zijing said displeased.

Jiang Chen was too rude, which made Pan Zijing's eyes that looked at Jiang Chen quietly a little more angry.

"It's clear that you are talking nonsense, but you just think I am talking nonsense. It seems that you are really demented." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes, and then, imitating Dou Wen, waved at Dou Wen and said: " Don't waste time, let's go."

"Oh, no, it should be me, the right thing to do is to strike." After the words fell, Jiang Chen seemed to be belatedly aware, and immediately his figure moved, and suddenly appeared in front of Dou Wen.

"It's so fast." Seeing this, Dou Wen was slightly startled.

Jiang Chen's figure was like the wind, and there were almost no traces to be found. It was difficult to catch with the naked eye, which made Dou Wen feel a little inconceivable.

You know, after all, Jiang Chen is only a mere half-step innate warrior, and he can't integrate the profound meaning of heaven, earth and nature like a real innate warrior.

Innate warriors who comprehend the profound meaning will have astonishing changes in some aspects, such as speed and strength.

And half-step innate warriors don't have the natural comprehension of heaven and earth like innate warriors, so in terms of speed, it can only be said to be the speed of the physical body at best.

"Could it be that this kid is good at speed?" Dou Wen said inwardly.

Thinking about it this way, Dou Wen couldn't help but look a little more contemptuously at Jiang Chen.

Because, half-step innate fighters, if they are strong in some fields, they will naturally be weak in some fields.

For example, since Jiang Chen is good at the field of speed, Jiang Chen's power and attack will be weakened by several intangibles, which is nothing to worry about.

"Are you ready, I'm going to start?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, his face was full of smiles, without any fireworks.

"Go ahead, don't waste my time." Dou Wen said indifferently.

"Very good." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, and punched out, straight to Dou Wen.

"Sure enough." Dou Wen said to himself. Jiang Chen's punch made Dou Wen more and more settled down in his understanding of Jiang Chen. A playful chuckle floated on the corner of his mouth. out, disappeared in place.


Soon, Dou Wen discovered that the situation was a bit weird, because as he dodged, Jiang Chen's punch was still hitting the direction he was in, as if he hadn't moved at all.

"what happened?"

Dou Wen was slightly puzzled, and then, with his shoulders shaking, he disappeared on the spot again.

"Why is it still like this?" The second dodge, Jiang Chen's punch was still impartial, causing Dou Wen's face to turn black, and he almost thought that he was hallucinating.

"I understand, it's the speed. This kid's speed is too fast. Every time I shift shape, he can change the attack angle in the shortest time." Dou Wen suddenly realized, and murmured.

"It's really surprising. No wonder this kid is famous in this ancient martial arts alliance conference." Dou Wen said.

"Old guy, can you still do it? Before I punch you, you dodge twice, so you can't be good. Let me punch you and kill you?" Jiang Chen scolded as a dissatisfied road.

"Punch me to death?" Dou Wen sneered, looking at Jiang Chen like a fool, but suddenly disappeared in place again.

"It's too tiring to fight like this, otherwise, you just surrender and admit defeat." Jiang Chen said unhappily.

"Boy, it's your ability to hit me. If you don't even have such a little ability, I advise you, be honest and submissive, and maybe you can leave a whole body." Dou Wen said darkly.

"I don't believe it anymore, I can't hit you." Jiang Chen was furious, acting like a stunned young man.

"Young people are young people, I really can't hold my breath." Dou Wen scorned endlessly, constantly changing positions, making Jiang Chen's punch delayed.

The two don't look like they're fighting, more like they're dancing...

(End of this chapter)

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