genius evil

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

"It's agreed to let my brother Qing do [-] tricks, your words don't count." Huang Chan saw Jiang Chen and Dou Wen coming and going, looking very impatient, and shouted.

"Beauty, I am letting this kid go, otherwise, he would have died long ago." Dou Wen said softly.

Due to the agreement with Huang Chan, when Jiang Chen made a move, Dou Wen was temporarily unable to fight back.

Otherwise, how could Dou Wen play this cat-and-mouse game with Jiang Chen, and would have killed Jiang Chen long ago.

However, even though he couldn't make a move, it was impossible for Dou Wen to let Jiang Chen attack like a target, even if he looked down on Jiang Chen's strength at all.

"Brother Qing, then hurry up and beat him to death, come on, work hard." Huang Chan said, cheering for Jiang Chen, as if this way, Jiang Chen could kill Dou Wen immediately.

"Mr. Pan, something is wrong." Kong Fang said to Pan Zijing.

Dou Wen was entangled by Jiang Chen, and the authorities were fascinated, but Kong Fang, as a bystander, saw some clues.

"This Jiang Chen is a bit weird." Pan Zijing nodded.

"Do you want Dou Wen to kill you?" Kong Fang asked.

It is true that Dou Wen has an agreement with Huang Chan, but that agreement, to put it bluntly, is worthless.

Kong Fang could see that Dou Wen was just playing tricks on Jiang Chen on purpose, he was pretending to keep the agreement.

"No need for now, let's take a look." Pan Zijing said thoughtfully.

He asked Jiang Chen a question, but Jiang Chen didn't answer directly, which vaguely made Pan Zijing have some associations.

But Pan Zijing couldn't be sure for the time being, so he didn't stop Dou Wen, and planned to use Dou Wen to make a little test.

It wasn't just Pan Zijing and Kong Fang who discovered the problem, people from the Ancient Martial Alliance also discovered this.

"This Jiang Chen is really amazing. Every time, he can bring surprises to people. His growth rate is too fast." Yan Feiyang said with emotion.

Compared with the battle between Jiang Chen and Qianlong on the arena of life and death, Yan Feiyang clearly discovered that Jiang Chen's aura was more pure. Undoubtedly, after Jiang Chen's breakthrough in cultivation, within a few days, he completely Consolidated the practice.

"Soon?" Zhang Yuan said with a bitter look on his face, "Brother Yan, in my opinion, it's still not fast enough. I regret that I didn't leave enough time for him growing up."

As far as Jiang Chen's talent is concerned, Zhang Yuanshang can assert that Jiang Chen can challenge the entire Immortal Society just by giving Jiang Chen a few more years.

At that time, how would the Immortal Society dare to act presumptuously in front of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance?
However, the timing of the appearance of the gods is too subtle. If it is this time, the ancient martial arts alliance can overcome difficulties and give Jiang Chen more time to grow.

But if the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance suffered a disastrous defeat in World War I, then Jiang Chen would definitely be implicated.

"Brother Yuanshang, don't worry too much." Yan Feiyang said slowly with a resolute expression, "Jiang Chen, this little guy, suits my appetite very much. No matter what, I will protect him."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you, Brother Yan." Zhang Yuanshang nodded.

Keeping Jiang Chen comprehensive is equivalent to preserving the hope of the ancient martial arts alliance, which is related to the survival of the ancient martial arts alliance.


Jiang Chen and Dou Wen, you come and go, it's a joy.

Although there was no official fight, many people watched it and were dumbfounded.

Especially among the people in the direction of the ancient martial arts alliance, many people were dumbfounded.

With the power of one person, Jiang Chen fought against the innate warriors.

Although Dou Wen didn't fight back, it was amazing.

"Even if Jiang Chen died at the hands of that Dou Wen, it would still be considered an honor, even though he was defeated." Someone said.

"That's right, with our cultivation base, let alone a battle with an innate warrior, a look from an innate warrior is enough to make us retreat." Someone sighed.

"Jiang Chen is really a monster. Unfortunately, he is too young. It would be a great pity if he died at the hands of Dou Wen." Someone also said.

As soon as these words came out, many people fell silent.

Some of Jiang Chen's actions, although within the Ancient Martial Alliance, aroused the resentment of many people.

But no matter what, Jiang Chen can be regarded as a member of the Ancient Martial Alliance after all.

A peerless genius is about to fall, but no one wants to see it.

"Father, look at that Jiang Chen, will he die?" Yu Zizai said, but she was looking forward to it, Jiang Chen died in Dou Wen's hands.

"I also want him to die, but it may not be as I wish." Yu Changhe said.

Yu Changhe's vision is naturally inferior to those who are born strong.

However, Yu Changhe and Jiang Chen had confronted each other many times, but it was very clear that Jiang Chen never suffered a disadvantage.

If it was clearly a loss, Jiang Chen would definitely not jump out.

Since Jiang Chen jumped out, it showed that Jiang Chen had a certain degree of certainty.

"I hope, that Dou Wen, don't let me down." Yu Zizai said.

Yu Zizai didn't care about the interests of the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance. What he seemed most concerned about was Jiang Chen's life and death.

"Old guy, are you tired or not after you keep moving around like this?" But at this moment, Jiang Chen's voice came.

"Not tired." Dou Wen said indifferently.

He could hear that Jiang Chen's tone was very upset, but why did he feel happy again?

Jiang Chen didn't hit this punch for a long time, which means that he wasted a lot of time and Jiang Chen didn't make a single move.

Thinking of the agreement of thirty strokes, Dou Wen had the urge to vomit blood.

Dou Wen faintly felt that he had been fooled by Huang Chan.

Dou Wen believed that Huang Chan must have calculated this point long ago, and that's why he forced Jiang Chen to make thirty moves, so that he couldn't kill Jiang Chen as he wanted.

"Are you really not tired? But what should I do if I'm tired?" Jiang Chen sighed, with a look of lovelessness on his face, and said, "I'm suffering from sore back, backache, and leg cramps. Just take it as me begging you, stop!" Let me punch you, I promise to punch you, one punch is enough."

"Dream." Dou Wen said coldly without thinking about it.

"Then how about this, as long as you let me punch you, the thirty-stroke agreement between us will be cancelled, right?" Jiang Chen yelled.

"Jiang Chen, do you mean what you say?" Dou Wen's eyes lit up immediately.

The agreement of thirty strokes is cancelled?

He was very impatient with Jiang Chen, if it wasn't for the sake of face, if he didn't want to be looked down upon by others, he would have torn his face a long time ago.

But now, since Jiang Chen brought up this topic, then Dou Wen has no psychological burden.

The premise is that he must make sure that Jiang Chen is not joking.

"Of course it counts." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

Dou Wen laughed sinisterly, and said, "Jiang Chen, I know, you really want to kill me with one punch, so you deliberately set me up."

"Hey, I've hidden it so deeply, but you actually saw it?" Jiang Chen turned pale with shock.

"I haven't finished my sentence yet, so don't worry." Dou Wen said, "With your cultivation base, trying to kill me with one punch is nothing but a dream. I would like to learn from you, how is your strength?"

Regarding Jiang Chen's speed, Dou Wen had learned it well and could no longer learn it.

As far as his heart is concerned, it is just a high-sounding rhetoric to say that he has experienced Jiang Chen's power. After all, he can't just stand still and be punched by Jiang Chen like a target.

After the words fell, Dou Wen no longer dodged, and remained the same.

Taking a deep breath, Dou Wen breathed like thunder, his chest bulged, and a huge breath radiated away.

"Little guy, come on." Dou Wen said.


Naturally, Jiang Chen would not disappoint Dou Wen, so he punched Dou Wen right in the chest.


There was a strange blasting sound, and Dou Wen felt as if a tank was rolling over his body at full speed. Jiang Chen's punch displaced all his internal organs.

"You—" Dou Wen looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost.

"One more punch." Jiang Chen smiled, and punched Jiang Chen again.


Dou Wen was spurted blood by Jiang Chen, flew out, hit the ground heavily, a large area was deeply sunken in his chest, and it seemed that he could not survive.

"No—" Dou Wen yelled, staring at Jiang Chen firmly.

At this moment, how could Dou Wen not understand, he underestimated Jiang Chen.

It is true that Jiang Chen is superhuman in terms of speed, but in terms of strength, he is even more terrifying. I am afraid that compared to him, it is not much better.

In vain, he naively thought that if he was punched by Jiang Chen, he would be able to kill Jiang Chen.

The result of luck is death.

"Haha...hahaha..." Huang Chan laughed out loud, with tears on her smiling face.

"Shut up." Dou Wen sternly yelled, and spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Jiang Chen, you lied to me." Dou Wen said sternly.

It was agreed to only punch one punch, but Jiang Chen punched twice.

If Jiang Chen had just punched him, he would have been seriously injured, but he would not have fallen.

"I'm sorry, I really can't control yourself. After all, I've never seen such a stupid guy like you in my life." Shrugging, Jiang Chen apologized.


Dou Wen spurted blood again, closed his eyes and left.


A figure flashed and appeared in front of Dou Wen. It was Kong Fang. Kong Fang stretched out his hand, probed Dou Wen's nose, and said in a low voice, "Dead."

"Jiang Chen, is this the answer you gave me?" Almost as soon as Kong Fang's voice fell, Pan Zijing flew up to Jiang Chen and stamped his palm.

Strong winds are blowing, and the big hands are like millstones, containing a strange and unpredictable chill.

"Pan Zijing, your opponent is me." Yan Feiyang shot out and slapped Pan Zijing, both of them took a few steps back.

"What answer?" Jiang Chen asked innocently.

"Jiang Chen, it's useless to pretend to be stupid." Pan Zijing shook his head and said, "Presumably, those two congenital powerhouses who haven't come yet died in your hands, right?"

"It's nothing, don't pour dirty water on me." Jiang Chen shook his head like a rattle.

Killing Dou Wen in public was conspicuous enough, Jiang Chen would never admit that he had done such a thing, otherwise, he would be regarded as a thorn in the flesh by the gods, and he would kill him quickly.

"Jiang Chen, as I said, it's useless to pretend to be stupid. Whether you admit it or deny it, you will definitely die today." Pan Zijing said coldly.

"Could it be that I didn't have to die?" Jiang Chen looked at Pan Zijing like a fuss, and asked wonderingly.

"You are wrong, no matter what, you will die." Pan Zijing said.

"Old guy, your dementia is a bit serious. It's all nonsense. Listen to my advice, go to the doctor if you are sick, don't delay." Jiang Chen laughed, then swayed, walked to Huang Chan and Sleeping Beauty made Pan Zijing's old face bloodshot, and he wanted to die with hatred...

(End of this chapter)

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