genius evil

Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037
"Pan Zijing, Jiang Chen is just a mere junior, so why should you care too much about him? So as not to lose your grace." Yan Feiyang said leisurely at this time, with an attitude that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

"Yan Feiyang, I can understand that you are taking pleasure in other's misfortune?" Pan Zijing asked angrily.

"No and no." Yan Feiyang shook his head again and again, and said loudly, "Brother Dou Wen's death is not what I want to see, but fortunately, Brother Dou Wen let me wait with his own death to witness a Brother Dou Wen must have known about the growth of a genius boy, and he will be very pleased."

In Pan Zijing's opinion, what Yan Feiyang said was only half right.

Half of the truth is that Dou Wen did use his death to allow them to witness Jiang Chen's growth together.

As for what to say, Dou Wen felt very relieved under Jiuquan, but Pan Zijing felt that Yan Feiyang was humiliating Dou Wen's IQ.

Need to know, the reason why Dou Wen died in Jiang Chen's hands.

Half of the reason is that Dou Wen killed himself.

If it wasn't for Dou Wen to be so big and bear Jiang Chen's punch for life, how could Dou Wen die in Jiang Chen's hands?Even if he loses, it is definitely more than enough to save his life.

As soon as Yan Feiyang's words came out, everyone's faces in the Immortal Association became ugly.

After all, Dou Wen belonged to the camp of the Immortal Society, and Yan Feiyang's hypocritical humiliation of Dou Wen was actually humiliating them.

There are people with a bit of a bad temper who stare at Yan Feiyang with an undisguised killing intent.

As for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, some people couldn't help laughing, and their self-control was slightly weaker. After understanding the pun in Yan Feiyang's words, they even laughed out loud.

Some of them thought that it was a pity that Jiang Chen would die in Dou Wen's hands.

The end result was a shocking reversal.

Of course, Jiang Chen's method of killing Dou Wen was very incompetent and suspected of being opportunistic, but killing is killing.

With half a step of innate strength, it is enough to be proud of killing the innate strong man!
"Brother Luo, do you understand?" Xuan Ye and Luo Song stood together, and suddenly, Xuan Ye asked with a sigh.

"What should I understand?" Luo Song asked in confusion.

"That Dou Wen, although relying on drugs to forcibly break through to the innate cultivation level, is innately strong after all, and we are no match for him." Xuan Ye said slowly.

"Brother Xuan Ye, what you said is too inscrutable, I can't understand it at all." Luo Song said honestly.

Xuan Ye smiled wryly, and said, "Brother Luo, why are you pretending to be stupid? You must have already seen that even in a head-on fight, that Dou Wen is by no means Jiang Chen's opponent, right?"

"Is there? Why didn't I see it at all?" Luo Song refused to admit it, shaking his head like a rattle.

Xuan Ye just stopped talking. Naturally, he would not believe what Luo Song said.
Talking about these words with Luo Song, Xuan Ye sighed in his heart.

But in just a few days, Xuan Ye, who was eager to fight Jiang Chen, discovered that there was an insurmountable gap between him and Jiang Chen.

This, I have to say, is extremely frustrating.

Even though he was not a warlike person like Qianlong, Xuan Ye felt extremely regretful.

If he had known early in the morning that Jiang Chen had progressed so fast, no matter what, Xuan Ye would have entered the arena of life and death to fight Jiang Chen. It would not be the case that he is not even qualified to fight Jiang Chen now.

It's not that Luo Song didn't see it, but he didn't want to admit it, because Luo Song felt that Jiang Chen was too strong, and it wouldn't do him any good.

Jiang Chen owed him a lot of money. Now that Jiang Chen is so strong, how should he collect debts from Jiang Chen in the future?
Thinking about this question, Luo Song felt that his head was about to explode. No wonder someone said that the one who owes people money is the old man. Isn't Jiang Chen the real old man now?
Thinking about those money, he probably won't be able to get it back in this life, so Luo Song had no choice but to pretend that he didn't see anything, and didn't know anything, so it was a psychological comfort.

If we say that under the current situation, who doesn't care about the current situation and only cares about their own interests.

The Yu family can be counted as one, and Luo Song is undoubtedly one.

For Luo Song, who loves money like his life, what he thinks about most now is what to do with the money in his pocket, which makes Luo Song extremely worried.

What made Luo Song even more worried was that during this ancient martial arts alliance meeting, he worked so hard to save a little bit of wealth. Maybe it was because he made money, but ended up spending it with no life.

"It's hard, it's too hard, my life is really hard." Luo Song said with self-pity.


"Jiang Chen is too cunning. That Dou Wen was also extremely stupid. He died in Jiang Chen's hands so easily." Yu Zizai gritted her teeth, finding it hard to accept such a result.

"Jiang Chen killed Dou Wen with two punches. Even if Dou Wen is not stupid, he is still no match for Jiang Chen." Yu Changhe said slowly.

Previously, he deduced Jiang Chen's behavior style according to Jiang Chen's character, but now, Dou Wen was killed, and Jiang Chen killed him with two punches.

Such a situation made Yu Changhe realize a very important issue, that is, Jiang Chen's real strength is actually stronger than that of Dou Wen.

Jiang Chen didn't jump out voluntarily just because he was confident, but Jiang Chen wanted to kill Dou Wen.

It's just that Jiang Chen's method of killing was so unexpected that many people ignored it.

"This? Is it possible?" Yu Zizai asked hesitantly.

According to Yu Changhe, it meant that even if Jiang Chen didn't play tricks, he could still kill Dou Wen. Then, if the Yu family wanted to trouble Jiang Chen next time, wouldn't it be the ancestors who did it himself?

Yu Changhe did not answer Yu Zizai's question. From the bottom of his heart, he also hoped that this was not true, but the fact is the fact, there is no doubt that it cannot be changed.

Anyone who is lucky, will only ruin his own life just like Dou Wen.


"Brother Qing, did I do something wrong? Now, everyone has noticed you." Sticking out her tongue, Huang Chan said embarrassedly.

In the beginning, Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen to kill Dou Wen, but he just thought that Dou Wen was too annoying, and he didn't think so much at all.

However, following Dou Wen's death, Jiang Chen suddenly became the target of public criticism, which greatly exceeded Huang Chan's expectations.

"Your brother Qing, I'm so handsome, it's hard for everyone not to notice me." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Jiang Chen, the Immortal Society and the Ancient Martial Alliance, today a big battle is inevitable, you have to be careful." Sleeping Beauty said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, I just came to see the excitement." Jiang Chen said lazily, not caring.


"Yan Feiyang, it is said that the debt of death is eliminated, regardless of Dou Wen, he deserves to die, he is already dead, what do you mean by humiliating him like this?" Pan Zijing said coldly.

"No and no." Yan Feiyang still spoke in exactly the same tone, and said with a smile: "It's not humiliation, but admiration. From today on, Brother Dou Wen is one of the people I, Yan Feiyang, respect the most."

In normal times, Yan Feiyang gives people an unusually rigid impression.

Perhaps this impression is too deep-rooted and difficult to change.

Therefore, when Yan Feiyang suddenly changed his painting style, many people couldn't keep up with Yan Feiyang's rhythm.

Pan Zijing had dealt with Yan Feiyang many times, but it was the first time he saw Yan Feiyang like this.

"Yan Feiyang, what you said so much is nothing more than wanting to protect Jiang Chen. It's really well-intentioned, but unfortunately, it's useless." Pan Zijing sneered, realizing Yan Feiyang's intention.

Yan Feiyang's complexion changed slightly. What he said just now was intentional, in order to make Pan Zijing shift his attention from Jiang Chen to himself.

He never expected that Pan Zijing would see through his intention so quickly.

"Hmph, you said that I was trying to protect Jiang Chen's integrity, but I think too highly of yourself. Today, all the people who come to the Immortal Association will come and never come back. This place is the place where your Immortal Association's bones are buried. Land." On the surface, Yan Feiyang said dismissively.

"What a big breath."

"Yan Feiyang, do you dare to fight me?"

"Yan Feiyang, aren't you protecting Jiang Chen? After a while, I will kill Jiang Chen with my own hands."


Yan Feiyang's words instantly ignited the anger of everyone in the Immortal Society.

In terms of the Immortal Association, even with Dou Wen included, a total of three innate powerhouses have been lost, but there are still twelve innate powerhouses.

On the other hand, the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance is full of plans, but there are only five innate strongmen.

Even if Jiang Chen has the strength to fight against the innate powerhouse, if Jiang Chen is counted together, there are only six of them.

In this way, whether it is in terms of numbers or combat effectiveness, it can almost be said that the Immortal Society has an overwhelming advantage.

Under such circumstances, Yan Feiyang uttered wild words, which naturally angered everyone. They were all furious, and they couldn't wait to kill Yan Feiyang.

"The burial place of the Immortal Society?" Pan Zijing smiled darkly, but he was quite calm. His eyes swept away from Yan Feiyang, and then turned to Zhang Yuanshang and the others.

"Yan Feiyang, Zhang Yuanshang, could it be that at this point, you haven't realized what happened?" Pan Zijing said in a suspenseful tone.

"What's the matter?" Yan Feiyang asked casually.

"For example, haven't you ever wondered why I, a member of the Immortal Association, appear here?" Pan Zijing smiled even more sinisterly.

"Why?" Frowning, Yan Feiyang asked again.

They were not without doubts about the appearance of the people from the Immortal Association, but they were just puzzled. Now, since Pan Zijing took the initiative to say it, Yan Feiyang wanted to hear what he said.

"It's very simple. This place is the place where my Immortal Association has prepared for your Ancient Martial Arts Alliance for hundreds of years." Pan Zijing said.

"What do you mean?" Yan Feiyang's heart moved, and his brows could not help but tightened.



At this moment, there was a sound of the wind, and the four of Zhang Yuanshang moved together and appeared beside Yan Feiyang, staring at Pan Zijing, waiting for Pan Zijing, and continued to speak.

Seeing the reaction of Yan Feiyang and the others, Pan Zijing looked smug, and said with a light smile, "According to what you said, this place is the ruins of an ancient battlefield, is that right or not?"

"That's right." Jing Zhi said first, she looked at Pan Zijing, and said, "If what you want to say is such nonsense, you don't need to say it."

"Nonsense?" Pan Zijing shook his head and said, "If I told you that this place is not the so-called relic of an ancient battlefield at all, how would each of you feel?"



Yan Feiyang and the others scolded immediately.

Judging from the many traces on the island, there is no doubt that a great battle took place here, so how could it not be the remains of an ancient battlefield?

Pan Zijing said with contempt on his face, "To tell you the truth, what happened here back then is almost exactly the same as what is happening now. Do you all understand what I said?"

"It's absolutely impossible." Yan Feiyang said decisively.

"Can't accept the reality?" Pan Zijing said indifferently, "But, this is the truth, and I, Pan Zijing, will revive my Immortal Association, the glory of the past... You should all be honored, after all, You will witness with your own eyes that my Immortal Association will go to glory!"

(End of this chapter)

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