genius evil

Chapter 1038

Chapter 1038
"Pan Zijing, are you daydreaming?" Yan Feiyang said, he didn't believe what Pan Zijing said at all.

"Daydreaming?" Pan Zijing chuckled twice, and said, "Yan Feiyang, in order to make you wait, I will die for a while, so I will prove it a little bit, so that you can know that the so-called Ancient Martial Arts Alliance , the so-called Tiandao League is a group of prostitutes and thieves."

"Pan Zijing, if you can't prove it, you are insulting the ancestors of my Heavenly Dao League. In this matter, we and everyone will fight with you forever." Yan Feiyang also said darkly.

Regarding the ruins of the ancient battlefield, although there are not many records within the Ancient Martial Alliance, there are quite a few missing details.

But if, as Pan Zijing said, this place was actually a hunting ground prepared by the Immortal Association for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, wouldn't that mean that those ancestors were all deceitful people?

No matter what, Yan Feiyang couldn't accept this point.

"Pan Zijing, I'll give you a chance to prove it. If you can't justify yourself, I will personally kill you." Zhang Yuanshang stared at Pan Zijing and said.


Pan Zijing snorted coldly, glanced at the Guwu Alliance, and finally fell on Luo Song.

"What do you see me doing?" Luo Song's face changed, and he said hastily.

He felt that he was already very low-key, but he was noticed by Pan Zijing unexpectedly, which made Luo Song want to vomit blood depressedly.

Luo Song felt that it was Xuan Ye who Pan Zijing wanted to notice.

Xuan Ye's sloppy Taoist robe is very cool, isn't it?

"Little guy, take out your things." Pan Zijing said.

"No." Without thinking, Luo Song replied decisively, not caring what Pan Zijing wanted him to take.

But for the money-loving Luo Song, no matter what Pan Zijing asked him to take out, it was tantamount to cutting his flesh and bleeding.

Pan Zijing smiled, and said, "Your name is Luo Song, right? I heard early on that you are famous for being quick-eyed by money, and it's exactly the same as the rumors say. However, the things you got before are worthless at all. , but it happens that it is ridiculous and pathetic to be treated as a treasure by you."

Luo Song blushed and said: "Do you think that I will hand over the things like this? Don't even think about it, you also said that I am blinded by money, and if you want me to take it out, it's not impossible. You can buy it with money. Equivalent exchange. Of course, I am a businessman, I will not suffer, and I will not let you suffer, so you can just get me ten... no, one hundred million will do."

Luo Song really wanted to ask for one billion.

But when he thought about it, the amount was too huge. Even if Pan Zijing was not short of money, he might not be able to get it out. At the same time, it would give people the suspicion of being a lion.

Therefore, as soon as he gritted his teeth, Luo Song instantly quoted a tenth of the psychological price.

Fortunately, even if it's only one-tenth, it's still a hundred million, so it's not a waste of work.

"Boy, dare to open your mouth like a lion in front of Old Pan, do you want to die?" Someone immediately scolded, extremely displeased.

"How can this be a lion's mouth?" Luo Song shook his head and said solemnly, "If you don't believe me, you should ask others, it is best to ask Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen is my best friend and knows me best. If you Ask him, and you will understand that I am notoriously innocent.”

While talking, Luo Song blinked vigorously at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen cheated him twice, and finally found a chance to cheat him back.

"Brother Luo, I have only dealt with you a few times, and I haven't even said a few words. When did I become your best friend? Why didn't I know about this?" Jiang Chen was very surprised. asked puzzledly.

"Brother Jiang, since the first time I saw you, I felt that I was destined to be with you. It is said that the true love can only be seen in adversity. Brother Jiang, right now, it is time to test our friendship." Luo Song said, completely opening his eyes. Open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Jiang Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This guy really didn't say anything to him and vowed not to give up. What kind of enmity is it that made Luo Song do such a thing?

"Enough." It was the person who scolded Luo Song before, and said coldly. This person has a face that should not be entered by strangers, and he looks very difficult to get along with. His temper is the same as his appearance, quite irritable .

"Two lifeless things, are they singing? Luo Song, quickly hand over the things, or I will kill you right away." The person said.

"Yu Changgeng, you want to kill my Xuanling Sect disciple, but have you ever asked me if I agree?" the scar-faced old man said aloud.

"Zhang Xuanjing, if you refuse to accept it, I will kill you in a short while until you are convinced." The man named Yu Changgeng said coldly.

"Okay, I'll wait." Zhang Xuanjing said.

"Okay." Pan Zijing waved his hand, motioned Yu Changgeng to shut up, and said to Luo Song, "Little guy, if the thing on your body is worth something, let alone a hundred million, so what about a billion, take it out, and let everyone know." .”

Hearing what Pan Zijing said, Luo Song was reluctant, and took out the things from his pocket.

It was a small white porcelain vase, as clean as jade.

"Open it." Pan Zijing ordered.

Luo Song nodded, and opened the stopper of the small jade bottle. Immediately, a strong fragrance filled the air.

"Good stuff." Luo Song was pleasantly surprised.

This thing, after he got it, has been kept as a treasure close to him, and he didn't have time to check what it was.

At this time, Luo Song opened the cork and smelled the fragrance, and Luo Song was intoxicated for a while, and said: "The price of [-] million is too cheap for you, but I, Luo Song, do what I say, just [-] million, and I don't ask for more than a penny." your."

"Hey, why does it smell like perfume?" Suddenly, a woman asked with a strange expression.

Because, because she uses perfume herself, she is very familiar with the smell of various brands of perfume.

The woman could even smell that the perfume floating in the air was the kind of extremely low-quality perfume blended by small workshops. The price would never exceed ten yuan a bottle, and it was a big bottle. kind.

"Yes, it smells too much like perfume." Immediately afterwards, another woman said, looking at Luo Song in surprise.

"Brother Qing, I smell it too. It's the smell of perfume. What's the situation?" Huang Chan said with a strange face.

"Haha--" Hearing Pan Zijing, he laughed triumphantly and said, "It doesn't smell like perfume, but it smells like perfume."

He pointed at Luo Song and said, "Little guy, pour out a little of the powder in the bottle and see what it is."

Luo Song's complexion has become ugly.

He is a man who has never used perfume, but even if he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run away.

At first, when Luo Song smelled the rich fragrance, he didn't think much about it, he thought it was an unusual and strange medicinal fragrance.

And the thing contained in that bottle must be some kind of extremely precious medicinal powder.

He didn't know the medicinal properties of the powder, but, Luo Song thought, it was absolutely extraordinary.

That's why Luo Song would say that [-] million made Pan Zijing cheaper.

However, when the first woman said that it smelled like perfume, Luo Song's complexion suddenly changed.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect or what's going on, but after the second woman opened her mouth, Luo Song smelled the fragrance, and felt more and more like the smell of perfume.

At this moment, upon hearing Pan Zijing's words, Luo Song did not hesitate, turned the mouth of the bottle down, and poured a little powder into his palm. He wanted to see with his own eyes what was in the bottle, otherwise he would no matter what. , are not reconciled.

"Flour?" When the powder was poured out, looking at the powder in his palm, Luo Song's face changed drastically, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost.

"It's just flour." Pan Zijing chattered and laughed out loud, teasing endlessly.

"How is it possible, this must not be true." Luo Song yelled, unable to accept this fact.

What he regarded as his sweetheart was actually flour mixed with inferior perfume. It was as if he had obtained a mountain of gold and silver, but someone told him that it was just a pile of worthless scrap metal. .

Pan Zijing smiled and said, "Little guy, take a look at the small bottle in your hand again. Does it look like jade? Actually, it's just a small item worth a few dollars in the wholesale market."


Luo Song threw the bottle hard, and dropped the bottle on the ground, then picked up a piece of debris, took a look, and completely gave up.

It wasn't jade at all, as Pan Zijing said, it was just a worthless item in the wholesale market.

"Could it be that what Pan Zijing said is true?" Yan Feiyang and Zhang Yuanshang glanced at each other, their faces extremely ugly.

After all, anyone can see the problem.

If it really existed in the ruins of the ancient battlefield, how could it be the flour mixed with perfume?
This is clearly someone who deliberately put on a trick to lure others into being fooled.

The damn thing is that all the people in the entire ancient martial arts alliance were fooled, and because of this, they killed each other, causing a large number of casualties.

"Brother Qing, quickly take out the things, I want to see." Seeing this, Huang Chan was very anxious.

"You don't need to read it, it's all fake." Jiang Chen shook his head slowly.

As a matter of fact, not only the members of the Ancient Martial Alliance, but also Jiang Chen, were fooled by this big plan to hide the sky.


"It's all fake."


Others also found something in the ruins. They didn't want to show it to others, so they took it out and examined it carefully.

Afterwards, everyone discovered that they were all deceived.

They were all worthless things, and they didn't add up to more than ten yuan, but they beat everyone to death and played with everyone.

"Yan Feiyang, I've proved it. I've shown it to you. Do you agree?" Pan Zijing looked at Yan Feiyang and said with a smile.

Yan Feiyang's face was blue and red, and he wanted to argue, but he couldn't say anything.

The way Pan Zijing proved it is convincing and difficult to refute.

"Hey, you Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, you allied with the Heavenly Dao League, you played the banner of justice, you boasted of the righteous way in the world, but behind your back, you are so dirty and generous." Someone said tauntingly.

As for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, everyone's face was ashen, but they were speechless, and could only let the other party laugh and scold.

"Pan Zijing, you have a vicious heart, I, the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance, and those dead souls will never let you go." Someone cried loudly.

This is a middle-aged man with a handsome appearance and good cultivation, but he suddenly burst into tears, extremely sad.

The middle-aged man got one thing before, but for that thing, he had a bloody fight with another sect, and even lost his only son.

In the end, it turned out to be a huge deception. The middle-aged man only felt that his life was gloomy and inexplicably sad.

Many people feel sad and sad, they are proud of their scheming city, but they are played around by the gods, this is a great sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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