genius evil

Chapter 104

Chapter 104

It's one thing to direct others to kill, but it's another thing to do it yourself. This is undoubtedly the most true portrayal in Meng Xiaoyang's heart at this moment.

In this blueberry bar, I ran into Jiang Chen who appeared with Zhou Ji by chance. Because of Meng Xiangyang's incident, Meng Xiaoyang immediately recognized Jiang Chen's identity. It just so happened that Tong Zhen also recognized Zhou Ji.

Tong Zhen was originally a lawless master, and when he heard that Meng Xiaoyang was going to touch Jiang Chen, he readily agreed to play a good show together, because when he was in the provincial capital, Tong Zhen was often disgusted by Zhou Ji, so Tong Zhen could be counted as a He played the role in his true colors, so Zhou Ji never thought that there would be a conspiracy here.

Hu Changfa took the initiative to provoke Zhou Ji, and then pretended to stab Zhou Ji, which was naturally a cover, and the real target was Jiang Chen.

Of course, this is not the goal of innocence, but Meng Xiaoyang's goal.

Meng Xiaoyang and Meng Xiangyang are a pair of brothers. To be exact, Meng Xiaoyang is Meng Xiangyang's younger brother. The relationship between brothers has always been good. Moreover, apart from hearing about Meng Xiangyang, Meng Xiaoyang also heard about it from Meng Xiangyang. Mother Kong Yujie had heard about it.

Meng Xiaoyang had never met Jiang Chen before tonight, but that did not prevent the first meeting. He had plans to turn Jiang Chen into a dead person.

Anyway, that Hu Changfa was a desperado, and it was not the first time he had killed someone. After promising him huge benefits, Hu Changfa couldn't refuse the temptation of such benefits at all.

Hu Changmo made his move, under Meng Xiaoyang's nose. Meng Xiaoyang waited to see the final result. He also knew that even if Jiang Chen died, he would have nothing to do with him at all.

But now, Jiang Chen is not only not dead, he is even under Jiang Chen's persecution to kill Hu Changfa, how can this not make Meng Xiaoyang panic.

"I didn't say anything, I just gave you the choice a smart person should have... I believe that since you can recognize me, you know what I did to Meng Xiangyang." Jiang Chen said lazily .

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not be so stupid as to admit that he wanted Meng Xiaoyang to kill Hu Changfa. Perhaps with the Meng family's relationship, it wouldn't matter much if Meng Xiaoyang killed Hu Changfa in public, but once he admitted, it would be him instigating Meng Xiaoyang to kill Hu Changfa. Once Meng Xiaoyang killed Hu Changfa, all the responsibilities would be his.

Meng Xiaoyang did know what happened to Meng Xiangyang, and when he heard Jiang Chen mention it, his whole body trembled.

"Okay, I can kill him, but you must let me go." Taking a deep breath, Meng Xiaoyang said.

"Don't be stupid to negotiate terms with me, this matter has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

Meng Xiaoyang was silent for a while, he was not a fool, he understood that Jiang Chen would definitely not admit it.

After a while, Meng Xiaoyang walked towards Hu Changfa with the half-broken wine bottle.

"Meng Xiaoyang, are you crazy?" Seeing this, Tong Zhen said loudly.


Jiang Chen raised his hand, slapped Tong Zhen's face, and said coldly, "Shut up."

"Boy, do you know who I am? You dare to hit me." Tong Zhen was furious. Even in the provincial capital, no one dared to touch him. Now in Yilan City, he was slapped in the face. This made Tong Zhen furious.


Jiang Chen didn't speak, but he slapped Tong Zhen's face again with his hands.

"I'm from the Tong family, if you dare to touch me, you're dead." Feeling the burning pain on his cheek, Tong Zhen jumped up and down. He just asked Meng Xiaoyang if he was crazy, but now he only thinks that he is going crazy Rhythm.

"Is the Tong family amazing?" Jiang Chen sneered, and casually slapped Tong Zhen's face more than a dozen times in a row, only to hear the slapping sound, and soon, Tong Zhen was slapped. A pig's head.

"Although you are not the mastermind of tonight's incident, you have also acted as an accomplice. How stupid do you have to be to think that I will let you go?" After a dozen or so slaps, Jiang Chen looked like an idiot looked at Tong Zhen and asked.

"Boy, let me tell you, the Tong family is really amazing, and you will soon know how amazing the Tong family is... As for what happened tonight, it was just for fun. I can say that I have nothing. Do it, it's not me but you who are stupid, you will pay the price." Resisting the pain on his face, Tong Zhen growled hysterically.

"This is not the first time I've heard of this, but you will soon find out that threatening me is a very stupid thing." After slapping his face, Jiang Chen just ignored Tong Zhen lazily.

How could Jiang Chen fail to see that Tong Zhen was a somewhat lawless dude relying on his rich family background. He might not be a bad person, but he was just annoying.

Of course, this is also the reason why Jiang Chen's main target tonight is Meng Xiaoyang, otherwise, Jiang Chen would not be able to let Tong Zhen go so easily.

Another point is that Jiang Chen saw Tong Zhen faintly familiar, which reminded him of a person, so the grievances and grievances with Tong Zhen will be stopped for the time being. Naturally, if Tong Zhen does not know good from bad, Jiang Chen is not Mind to leave a more profound and unforgettable lesson for Tong Zhen.


But at this time, a sharp scream came, and the sound shook the entire bar guests.

It was none other than Meng Xiaoyang who made that sound. The half of the wine bottle in Meng Xiaoyang's hand was gone, and his face was stained with blood at some point.


"Someone killed someone!"


Accompanied by Meng Xiaoyang's yelling, the inside of the bar suddenly became chaotic. Some people shouted at the top of their voices, some stumbled towards the outside of the bar, and some picked up their mobile phones to call the police.

The security guards at the Blueberry Bar who hadn't shown up all this time rushed over one after another. On the one hand, they evacuated the crowd, and on the other hand, they surrounded Meng Xiaoyang, lest Meng Xiaoyang would take advantage of the chaos and escape before the police arrived.

"Did you drive over tonight?" Looking at Meng Xiaoyang, Jiang Chen suddenly asked.

"You—" Meng Xiaoyang was in a state of great panic at this time, and he didn't expect Jiang Chen to ask such a sentence.

"If you come by car, give me the car keys." Jiang Chen said again.

"What are you going to do?" Meng Xiaoyang was confused.

"People from the Meng family smashed my car yesterday, and it just so happened that you couldn't drive away tonight, so you just gave me the car." Jiang Chen said seriously.

Meng Xiaoyang wanted to vomit blood a little bit, and his whole body was in a mess. If everything happened tonight for a reason, Meng Xiaoyang would have wondered if Jiang Chen did these things just to get his car.

"Even if the car keys are given to you, you can only drive for a few hours at most, so what's the use?" Meng Xiaoyang was a little reluctant to be led by the nose by Jiang Chen.

"Well, you're right, why don't you call the vehicle management office and ask them to transfer the car under your name to mine within 10 minutes." Jiang Chen thought I want to say.

Meng Xiaoyang was dumbfounded, how could this be possible?

"At this time, the people in the vehicle management office have already left work." Meng Xiaoyang said immediately.

"I believe you can let them go to work, hurry up, don't waste my time." Jiang Chen became a little impatient.

Shrinking his neck, Meng Xiaoyang said bitterly: "Jiang Chen, do you have to be so extreme?"

"It's not that I did it wrong, it's that there are too many idiots. If you don't provoke me, I will definitely not provoke you. Since you have provoked me, you must be mentally prepared for this." Jiang Chen said noncommittally.

"I admit that you are right, but this matter is not over." Meng Xiaoyang sneered, and while handing over the key to Jiang Chen, he made a phone call.

When Meng Xiaoyang hung up the phone, the police appeared. Meng Xiaoyang was immediately taken away by the police, along with a few witnesses. As for Jiang Chen, he might not be able to leave originally. After all, he was one of the parties involved. After Zhou Jiliang identified himself and made a phone call, his troubles disappeared.

"Jiang Chen, what's going on here?" Zhou Ji couldn't wait to ask as soon as he walked out of the bar.

Zhou Ji wanted to ask this question a long time ago. He was a little bit headache by a series of things, and he didn't know if it was because his brain was hit by a wine bottle.

"It's very simple, Meng Xiaoyang wants to kill me, you were played by Tong Zhen." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"You offended the Meng family?" Zhou Ji asked with a frown.

"You made a mistake. To be precise, it was the Meng family who offended me." Jiang Chen corrected.

Zhou Ji didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and didn't think it was any different. He said: "The Meng family is very powerful in Yilan City. If you force Meng Xiaoyang to kill someone, the Meng family will definitely not let it go. They will definitely retaliate against you. Besides, you have offended me Childlike innocence is another super big trouble."

"The Tong family is really amazing?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

Jiang Chen didn't really care about the Meng family's affairs. Even without Meng Xiaoyang's affairs, he and the Meng family were in the same situation. One less Meng Xiaoyang was a lot, and one more Meng Xiaoyang was not much.

"That's right, it's really remarkable." Zhou Ji nodded solemnly, and said again: "The Tong family is one of the three major families in the provincial capital. You must believe that the Tong family is indeed very remarkable."

"The three major families in the provincial capital, the Bai family, the Guan family, and the Tong family?" Jiang Chen murmured in his heart. It was the first time he had heard such a statement, but if Zhou Ji hadn't exaggerated, then the Tong family could be among the three major families in the provincial capital. One of them is really quite remarkable.

"Is there a girl named Tong Hua in the Tong family?" Soon, Jiang Chen asked again.

"It seems that Tongzhen's elder sister is called Tonghua, but Tongzhen is a bit mysterious. I have never seen it before. How do you know? Do you know her?" Zhou Ji asked in surprise, but he didn't know that he had actually seen her before. Fairytale, in Yilan Middle School.

"Yes, I know it." Jiang Chen nodded with a wry smile. He thought it looked familiar when he saw Tong Zhen before, and because the surname Tong was relatively rare, he thought of it in fairy tales, and it turned out to be such a thing.

"No wonder you don't worry about offending Tong Zhen at all. It turns out that's the case... I heard that Tong Hua is a beautiful talented girl with an extraordinary status in Tong's family. Since you know Tong Zhen, then work harder and fight for it." Once you get the fairy tales in your hands, then you can slap the childishly as much as you want, it's really interesting to think about it." Zhou Ji laughed lewdly.

Jiang Chen ignored Zhou Ji's shamelessness. He remembered what Tong Hua had said to him today. It seemed that he wanted to leave Yilan City. Tong Zhen came to Yilan City just at this time. It must have something to do with Fairy Tale. I feel a little headache...

(End of this chapter)

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