genius evil

Chapter 105 Hello Miss

Chapter 105 Hello Miss
This time I came to the Blueberry Bar to pick up girls, and it was a bad breakup. Zhou Jiniu failed to meet her, and someone smashed a wine bottle, and soon drove away depressed.

Of course Jiang Chen didn't need Zhou Jisong, he now had a car again, not a very expensive car, but it was definitely a sharp weapon for picking up girls and pretending to be aggressive - a Porsche Cayenne.

The Cayenne, like many BMW models, is considered a bad street in some domestic cities, but it is not so common in Yilan City. After Jiang Chen drove this car on the road, he had to say that it was quite For coolness.

After driving around casually, Jiang Chen headed directly towards Yilan Middle School, but only a few minutes later, Jiang Chen braked and the car stopped on the side of the road.

The window glass of the passenger seat slowly fell, Jiang Chen adjusted his expression, and grinned: "Miss, hello."

On the side of the road, under the dim street lights, a woman was waiting for the car. She was wearing a thin windbreaker, and was blown tightly by the cold wind. Even if she couldn't see it clearly, that graceful and exquisite figure was still beautiful. Every detail is revealed.

I don't know if it was because of the alcohol, but the woman's fair cheeks were slightly blush. Standing by the roadside, she rubbed her delicate eyebrows from time to time, looking a little tired.

A head of jet-black hair was untied, loosely scattered behind the head, letting the wind blow it around, showing a somewhat casual style.

This kind of style is undoubtedly extremely charming, Jiang Chen just glanced at it unintentionally from a distance, and his heart was inexplicably moved.

"What's the matter?" Hearing the voice, the woman raised her head, her voice a little indifferent.

It was a beautiful face with soft contours, full of intellectual beauty, but unlike Tangyue's intellectuality, what this woman displayed was more capable and shrewd, especially her The narrow and long eyes were almost aggressive.

Naturally, what Jiang Chen saw was not limited to this. After the car window was lowered, Jiang Chen could see that the woman was tall, about 1.7 meters tall, protruding forward and backward, with a golden ratio. A pair of high heels with a full ten centimeters made her look like she stood out from the crowd.

What especially attracted Jiang Chen's interest was the clothes inside the woman's windbreaker. It was an evening dress, to be more precise, a cheongsam... The light blue cheongsam shone beautifully.

"This beautiful young lady, I think you should be able to tell that I am trying to strike up a conversation with you." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't know... Besides, I have to correct me, I'm not Miss, you've found the wrong person." The woman said honestly.

"Of course I know you're not a lady. After all, I didn't ask for a price. In my opinion, your beauty is priceless. How can you use money to desecrate it?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You're boring." Frowning unmoved, the woman said in disgust.

Jiang Chen smiled, and said: "I went to a bar today, and the bar had a theme called Flaming Red Lips, but after I went, I found that none of the women in the bar matched the theme. "

"This has nothing to do with me." The woman interrupted Jiang Chen directly.

"What I want to say is that although you only wear a little makeup, compared to the women I saw in the bar tonight, you are undoubtedly the most in line with the theme. It's a pity you didn't go to that bar , but meeting you here is the same for me." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"I said, this has nothing to do with me." The woman said impatiently.

"Of course I know it has nothing to do with you, and I also know that you are probably just waiting here for a taxi or a car to pick you up, and I know that my strike-up failed... But, for the sake of my handsome face, Don't you think you should get in the car to save face?" Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Handsome and handsome?" The woman looked at Jiang Chen wonderingly, she probably didn't expect that this guy would be so shameless to describe such an adjective to himself, and then said: "My eyes are not blind, and, I advise you Consider another mirror, after all, it's not a good habit to lie to yourself."

Jiang Chen was speechless, this woman's mouth was too poisonous, she didn't sound like a curse, but every word was a curse.

"Woman, do you know that your current appearance is not cute at all... But because of your bad mood, I don't have to care about you." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

This woman is too smart, too guarded, it's really hard to pick up.

"How do you know..." The woman blurted out, almost saying how do you know I'm in a bad mood, and she quickly put it back when the words came to her lips.

The woman's mood was indeed not very good. After work, due to some unavoidable reasons, she had to dress up to attend a boring banquet. At the banquet, she had to deal with some boring people. After the banquet ended, she called When the driver came to pick him up, the car broke down halfway, so he could only stand on the side of the street and hail a taxi.

The taxi failed to stop, but Jiang Chen came to strike up a conversation, and he said hello, miss, which almost made her run away. If it wasn't for his self-cultivation skills, Jiang Chen's words alone would be enough to make her angry Endless.

In this way, how can a woman be in a good mood.

But even if she is in a bad mood, the woman will not admit it, because with her wisdom, it is not difficult to know that once she admits it, Jiang Chen will be proud and climb up the pole.

"Don't wonder how I know, of course I know." Jiang Chen actually climbed up the pole with a smile on his face without the woman saying anything.

"And I also know that you have the habit of migraines." After a word, Jiang Chen said again.

"You know a lot." The woman sarcastically said.

"Actually, apart from these and your bust, waist and hips, I really don't know anything else." Jiang Chen smiled to himself.

"You—" The woman was annoyed, this guy really dared to say anything.As for what she said about knowing her bust size, the woman didn't believe a word, thinking that it was just Jiang Chen taking the opportunity to tease her.

"Don't be so angry, although I really want to fuck you, but you look at my face carefully, do I look like that kind of anxious person?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face for the woman to see.

"Like." The woman said without looking at it.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a while, and then he said dumbfoundedly: "I never thought that I was hiding so deeply, but you saw through the essence at a glance, what a confidant."

"Hmph, don't you think you are very funny and humorous? Do you believe that in the end, you will definitely be able to persuade me to get in your car?" Women are not talkative people. At this time, they have already talked a lot actively and passively, and she has no intention of talking anymore. Continuing this kind of meaningless topic with Jiang Chen.

"Actually, I don't need to convince you, you will definitely get in my car, how about we make a bet?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I never bet with others, and I will definitely not get in your car." The woman said with absolute certainty, without leaving any leeway.

Jiang Chen giggled, but stopped talking, turned off the car, opened the door and got out of the car.

"What do you want to do?" Seeing Jiang Chen getting off the car, the woman immediately said with a vigilant expression.

"I'll wait for the taxi with you here." Jiang Chen said casually,
"I don't need you to accompany me, you drive away quickly." The woman said angrily, what is waiting for a taxi with her, she wondered if this guy came to make trouble.

"Hush, don't talk yet, I'm thinking about something." Jiang Chen waved his hand, interrupting the woman's words.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Jiang Chen's supernatural behavior, the woman couldn't help but speak.

"I'm thinking, should we go to the hotel to get a room, or go directly to Chezheng, it's a bit embarrassing to think about it." Jiang Chen looked distressed.

The woman almost vomited blood. Why is this guy so weird? It's not all that bad. It's just a RV. It's too beautiful to think too much.

"Get lost." The woman shouted coldly after staring.

Jiang Chen chuckled, and said, "It's just a joke, why be so angry, but it's really strange, why can't you see a taxi."

While talking here, the woman did not forget to pay attention to the taxi, but she really didn't see a taxi, which made her simply unable to understand.

"Could it be that I have to walk back?" The woman thought in her heart depressedly.

After thinking about it, the woman just denied this idea. It would definitely not be possible to walk back, let alone the place where she lived was far away, and she was still wearing high-heeled shoes, so she couldn't walk a long way.

"What should I do, do I have to go back in this hooligan's car?" The woman was a little depressed, and looked at Jiang Chen suspiciously.

From what Jiang Chen said just now, it was clear that Jiang Chen knew that she would definitely not be able to hail a taxi. Could it be that this guy took all the taxis away?But it can't be so, in order to pick up girls, there is such a big fight.

Thinking wildly like this, after waiting for about twenty minutes, the woman's legs were numb, and there was still no taxi showing up, the woman knew that she must not be able to wait for the taxi.

"Get in the car." The woman just decided not to wait anymore. Tonight's matter is a bit weird, and there is no point in waiting any longer. She opened the door and got in the car.

Jiang Chen chuckled, ran to the driving seat, and said, "No wonder you don't want to bet with me, so you knew you would lose early on."

The woman was so depressed, she said: "I don't know you, and I don't know what the hell you are doing, but the only thing you need to do now is to act as my temporary driver and take me to my destination."

While talking, the woman reported an address, but put her arms around her chest, closed her eyes and meditated.

"Jingyuan Villa, it sounds familiar." Hearing the address reported by the woman, Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't remember where he had heard of this place before, so he opened the navigation and searched for the route, and opened the accelerator The car rushed out...

(End of this chapter)

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