genius evil

chapter 106

chapter 106

The speed of the car was fast, but the car was running very smoothly. The woman was somewhat surprised by Jiang Chen's driving skills. Moreover, Jiang Chen was not driving deliberately to show off his skills. He was just driving in a very normal state. The car was in his hands. On the surface, it is like a simple big toy that cannot be simpler.

What was even more unexpected to the woman was that she originally thought that there would be a lot of trouble after getting in the car, and it was inevitable to be verbally molested. After getting in the car, she was also mentally prepared for this. You know, the expected situation did not happen.

Of course, this wouldn't disappoint the woman. For her, the more honest and well-behaved Jiang Chen was, the better. However, no matter how you looked at it, Jiang Chen didn't seem like an honest person.

It's just that in this way, the woman's mind was relaxed a lot, and she was no longer so wary of Jiang Chen.

About half an hour later, or a little longer, the woman opened her eyes in a daze, and found that the car stopped at some point.

"Are you there?" the woman subconsciously asked.

After finishing speaking, it was discovered that no one was seen in the driving seat, and Jiang Chen didn't know where he had gone.

This situation made the woman startled for a moment, and then her face changed slightly. She failed to notice when Jiang Chen got out of the car, so it can only prove that she accidentally fell asleep just now, otherwise she couldn't be so vigilant Heartless.

In a stranger's car, she fell asleep unexpectedly. After realizing this, the woman's heart almost rose to her throat.

It is self-evident what will happen to a woman who is still pretty and has a good figure and falls asleep in the car of a man who is clearly not thinking about it.

The woman immediately checked the condition of her body. After a while, she exhaled lightly. Nothing unusual happened. The clothes on her body were in good condition, and there was nothing abnormal about her. Perhaps the only abnormality was Jiang Chen. left the car.

"Where did he go?" The woman was a little confused again. To be honest, she was already confused by Jiang Chen, and she didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do.

Gently rubbing her temples with her tender little hands, the woman decided to get out of the car and take a look. After all, she didn't think Jiang Chen would abandon the car and leave her in the car.

But the idea of ​​the woman had just popped up when there was a sound of knocking on the window glass, and immediately, the co-pilot's door opened, revealing Jiang Chen's face.

"Hungry, come down and eat something." Jiang Chen smiled.

The moment the car door was opened, noisy sound waves came into her ears, and the woman realized that this was a very lively night market. At this time, many people were eating supper, and the aroma of various foods The woman's stomach involuntarily made a rumbling sound as it rushed toward her face. She was indeed hungry.

"Eat here?" After hesitating for a while, the woman asked, but she didn't realize that she didn't reject Jiang Chen, otherwise with her past habits, no matter how hungry she was, she would not accept a man, especially a stranger Men are invited to dinner.

"The Mala Tang tastes pretty good here, by the way, can you eat spicy food?" Jiang Chen asked.

"It's edible, but not too spicy." The woman nodded and got out of the car slowly.

"Boss, the two servings of Mala Tang I just ordered are ready to be served," Jiang Chen said to the stall owner behind him as the woman got out of the car.

The woman couldn't help but startled, Jiang Chen ordered Mala Tang earlier, could it be that he knew she wouldn't reject him?
Thinking about it this way, the woman's face felt a little hot, but she is not a hypocritical person, she is like this anyway, so let's eat something by the way, as for whether the Mala Tang here is really delicious, after eating it for a while knew.

Jiang Chen took the woman to find a place to sit down, and Malatang was brought over soon.

"Eat." Jiang Chen handed the torn disposable chopsticks to the woman.

"Oh... okay..." The woman was a little distracted. Of course, it was not the first time for her to eat Malatang, but eating Malatang on the side of the road was an unprecedented experience.

This made it difficult for her to get used to it, but the Malatang served was very good, both in color and aroma, which made it hard for her to refuse. She picked up the chopsticks, picked up a vegetable, and ate slowly.

Jiang Chen didn't lie to her, Mala Tang tasted really good, at least with her picky taste buds, she couldn't find much fault.

"How do you know I'm hungry?" After taking a few bites, the woman asked curiously.

"Do you know what are the essential qualities for a man to pick up a girl?" Jiang Chen didn't answer the woman's question, but asked with a smile.

"Bold, careful, and thick-skinned." The woman said slowly, and then gave Jiang Chen a surprised look. There was no doubt that Jiang Chen had all the above three points.

After all, if Jiang Chen hadn't been bold, he wouldn't have approached her on the side of the road. If he hadn't been thick-skinned, he would have left in despair after being repeatedly rejected by her. If he hadn't been careful, he wouldn't have noticed that she was hungry. .

Although eating at a roadside stall didn't feel warm and romantic at all, and it was suspected of being perfunctory, it could still be regarded as a manifestation of Jiang Chen's carefulness.

"Driving a Porsche to eat at a roadside stall, I don't understand what you think at all." The woman didn't continue the previous topic, but said.

"If I told you that not long ago, even if I had to eat Malatang at a roadside stall, I would have to budget carefully, would you believe me?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Xiumei frowned slightly, and instinctively told the woman that this kind of nonsense cannot be believed, but for some reason, she thought that Jiang Chen was not lying, and this feeling was extremely contradictory.

But she was not familiar with Jiang Chen, she didn't even know each other, and she didn't have the heart to talk about deep-seated topics. After eating a few more mouthfuls, she felt that it was almost done. She put down her chopsticks and said, "I'm full, take me back now." Bar."

"It's still early, we still have time to go for a drive." Jiang Chen asked the boss to check out, and said casually.

"I said I'm going home." The woman said stubbornly.

"You say what you say, I don't have to listen to what you say." Jiang Chen's tone was quite lazy, and after getting in the car, no matter how unhappy the woman was, he drove away in the car.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped in a forest park in the city center, and then the sunroof of the car was opened.

"Do you remember how long it has been since you saw the starry sky above your head?" Jiang Chen said leisurely, leaning on the back of the chair.

"I have to admit that your methods of picking up girls are really endless." The woman sighed, and it was a thoughtful supper and taking her to see the stars. If she was a few years younger and had a girlish feeling, she might be rejected Moved.

"I think it's more appropriate to describe it as impossible to defend... But that's not the point. The point is that you have to learn to open your heart." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"I don't understand." The woman shook her head. Although her voice was no longer as indifferent as before, it was still resisting and alienated.

"Do you know how long you slept in the car just now?" Jiang Chen asked suddenly.

"I don't know." The woman still shook her head.

"3 minutes." Jiang Chen stretched out three fingers, and said, "I only slept for 3 minutes, you are too preoccupied and on guard, this is not a good thing, if things go on like this, the migraine will definitely become more serious, you are not old It’s conceivable to decline first.”

The woman's complexion changed quietly. No matter what kind of woman she is, aging is an untouchable topic, and she naturally cannot avoid it.

The red lips parted slightly, the woman seemed to have something to say, but when the words reached her mouth, she didn't say it, she just said: "There are some things that you don't understand."

"I don't need to understand, I simply think that letting a beautiful woman grow old is an unforgivable sin, and now I am making proper amends." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.

"You are very good at rhetoric." The woman couldn't adapt to Jiang Chen's way of speaking.

"I'm just telling the truth, the truth." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"It's beautiful, but it's definitely not the truth. I've had supper and seen the stars, so what do you want next?" the woman said with a blank expression.

"I don't think we've known each other for a short time. Shouldn't you ask me for my name, and tell me yours by the way." Jiang Chen asked.

"My name is Lan Xiu." The woman spoke quickly this time, apparently not minding telling Jiang Chen her name.

"This name is very good. My name is Jiang Chen... Then, of course, I will send you home. After all, you are very tired now and need a good sleep." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"You—" Lan Xiu was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to say such a thing. Jiang Chen was so thought-provoking that it seemed that he was very interested in her. Going home, it made her a little confused.

Or, this is the so-called playing hard to get.If this was the case, she would have to admire Jiang Chen's method of picking up girls. Just like Jiang Chen himself said, it was impossible to guard against.

"If you don't want to go back so early..."

"No, I'll go back now." Before Jiang Chen could speak, Lan Xiu immediately interrupted him.

"Actually, you definitely don't want to go back so early, but you can't let go of the reserve in your heart... Don't deny it, you know your own thoughts best." Jiang Chen said firmly.

Lan Xiu felt astonished. Could it be that she really didn't want to go back so early?Why did Jiang Chen seem to know herself better than she did?

Twenty minutes later, the car appeared at Jingyuan Villa.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for taking me back, goodbye." When the car stopped, Lan Xiu immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

"Don't be so anxious, we will meet again soon." Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look. She felt that she would never meet Jiang Chen again. She lowered her head and hurriedly walked into the manor. After walking a few steps, Lan Xiu suddenly remembered something, stopped and hesitated for a while. , Lan Xiu turned around and returned.

"I said, we will meet again soon." Jiang Chen laughed loudly.

"Don't laugh, I have a question to ask you." Lan Xiu was very annoyed, this guy was talking like a magic stick, so annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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