genius evil

Chapter 107 I am her man

Chapter 107 I am her man
"You must want to ask me if I have time tonight...I didn't have time at first, but in order not to disappoint you, I will pretend that I have time, and then you take the opportunity to invite me to your house for a cup of tea or A cup of coffee, and then you accidentally spilled the coffee on me and stained my clothes, so I had to spend the night at your house... Unexpectedly, there is a third problem that I have been worrying about all this time. A solution." Jiang Chen said with emotion.

"What's the question?" Lan Xiu asked subconsciously, completely oblivious to the fact that she missed the point Jiang Chen said.

"About opening a house or car shock." Blinking, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Lan Xiu realized that she seemed to have asked a very idiotic question, and immediately made a big face, her tone returned to a bit indifferent, and said: "Jiang Chen, I don't think I have left you with any such illusions, please Don't say such things again, what I want to ask you is, how do you know that I can't hail a taxi. "

It has to be said that when Lan Xiusheng was cold, she was still very majestic and imposing. That kind of majesty and imposing manner was not pretended, but an aura similar to that of a superior.

"Arrogance of a superior?" Feeling Lan Xiu's aura, Jiang Chen was a little confused. In his opinion, at Lan Xiu's current age, she shouldn't have this kind of aura. After all, such a beautiful woman The beauty of the big beauty, the thing to do every day is actually drinking red wine and shopping in the mall, isn't it?
"Didn't you notice that the place where you stopped the car is a small fork in the road, and there is a famous wealthy area nearby?" Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"So that's how it is." Lan Xiu was relieved, she knew that the neighborhood was a wealthy area, but she had inadvertently ignored it at the beginning.

The so-called rich area, the implication is that the residents living in that area are either rich or expensive. In such a place, basically every household has a private car. In this way, taxis will naturally not Go to that kind of place to solicit customers.

If she hadn't been in Jiang Chen's car, but had been waiting there all this time, unless she was lucky and a taxi took the guests there, even if she waited for most of the night, it would probably be in vain.

And this also made Lan Xiu understand that the fact that she couldn't wait for the taxi wasn't due to Jiang Chen's tricks, but because of her cognition, she accidentally strayed into the blind spot.

"Next, should you invite me to your house for a cup of tea or coffee?" Jiang Chen didn't know that Lan Xiu would have so many thoughts, and said with a smile.

"You really want to go?" Lan Xiu looked at Jiang Chen with a strange expression.

"Why not? I've never been very good at rejecting beauties." Jiang Chen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. He invited Lan Xiu to eat supper, and took Lan Xiu to the forest park to watch the stars. Is it just to open her heart and enter the room openly?
Even if there is no opportunity, he has been working hard to create opportunities. Now that the opportunity is coming, Jiang Chen will naturally try to seize it.

"I can treat you to a cup of coffee as a reward for sending me back tonight." After thinking about it, Lan Xiu said.

"You will soon find out how wise this decision is." Jiang Chen almost burst into a smile.

Seeing Jiang Chen playing hooligans so undisguisedly, Lan Xiu was a bit dumbfounded. Before this guy drove a Porsche to eat Malatang, she felt a little unbelievable. Looking at it now, this guy is really not a gentleman. A total hooligan.

I just don't know why, but compared to the filthy hide-and-seek, Lan Xiu doesn't hate this kind of blatant hooliganism even though she is extremely conflicted in her heart.

"Jiang Chen, do you know that I can change my mind at any time before you enter my house? So, you must be honest with me." Although it is not very annoying, Lan Xiu will not be so stupid Helping Jiang Chen's arrogance.

The agreement to drink a cup of coffee should be regarded as a thank you to Jiang Chen. If Jiang Chen wants to make other ideas, it is absolutely intolerable to her.

"Lan Xiu, take a closer look at my face, isn't it very righteous?" Jiang Chen pointed to his face and said solemnly.

"Boring." Lan Xiu gave Jiang Chen a white look, turned around and walked into the manor.


Jingyuan Villa covers a large area, but its building area is surprisingly low. There are only a few dozen large villas in a large manor.Moreover, the distance between each villa is quite far, and it is completely built according to the standard of single-family villas. The high value and luxurious construction can be seen.

"This Lanxiu is actually a rich woman." Rao Jiang Chen has made a lot of money recently, and today he even extorted 1000 million from Mr. Xu, but Jiang Chen knows well that his 1000 million , It is estimated that even the yard of a villa here cannot be bought.

Lan Xiu lives here, no matter what her status is, there is no doubt that she is rich.

Lan Xiu lived in Villa No. [-]. Lan Xiu led Jiang Chen, just as he walked into the courtyard, he saw a figure walking out of the house.

It wasn't a servant who came out, but a man, a man who didn't look very handsome, but still had a bit of taste.

Seeing that man walk out, Jiang Chen was inexplicably taken aback, and looked at Lan Xiu in surprise, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason.

"Chi Kaize, why are you here?" When Lan Xiu saw the man walking out, Lan Xiu was obviously a little astonished, she frowned, and asked displeasedly.

"I came here specifically to see you." Facing the questioning, the man named Chi Kaize smiled slightly and explained, "You drank a lot tonight, so I'm not at ease."

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Lan Xiu said indifferently, allowing anyone to hear that what she said was thank you, but she didn't mean to thank you at all, it was completely perfunctory.

"Lan Xiu, why are you so indifferent? Even if it's nothing else, we are colleagues, aren't we? As a colleague, I should care about you." Chi Kaize said sincerely.

"I said thank you, and besides, I'm a little tired and want to rest early, can you go?" Lan Xiu said a few words, and issued the order to evict the guest.

Chi Kaize smiled bitterly, spread his hands, and said innocently: "Lan Xiu, if you misunderstood me because of what happened at the banquet tonight, I can apologize to you."

"There is no misunderstanding. You don't need to say anything, let alone apologize to me." Lan Xiu's tone was extremely cold.

"No, I have to apologize to you. I shouldn't say that you belong to my girlfriend in front of so many people. I should tell them that I'm pursuing you." Chi Kaize said seriously.

Lan Xiu's expression changed slightly, and she said angrily, "Chi Kaize, what are you talking about, this is not a very interesting thing."

"I am indeed pursuing you sincerely. As long as you are willing to give me a chance, you will definitely see my sincerity." Chi Kaize's figure was very low, almost pleading.

"I'm sorry, I've said what I should say a long time ago, you should give up on it." Lan Xiu's tone was bitingly cold.

"Lan Xiu, are you so cruel? You don't want to give me a chance." Chi Kaize's eyes flickered, even if it wasn't the first time Lan Xiu rejected him, but Lan Xiu resolutely said the words of rejection, let him Very uncomfortable.

"Tsk tsk, that's considered cruel. Is it not cruel to insist on slapping you twice, kicking you a few times, and kicking you out of the house?" Jiang Chen, who had been silent all this time, spoke with a smile on his face. , in stark contrast to Chi Kaize's loneliness.

Jiang Chen had a reason to be happy. After all, this guy is not someone from Lan Xiu, but a suitor of Lan Xiu. To be precise, he is a loser who is not even qualified to pursue Lan Xiu. He has nothing to do with Lan Xiu .

"Who are you?" Chi Kaize had noticed Jiang Chen early in the morning, but he didn't pay much attention to Jiang Chen's existence, because in his opinion, Jiang Chen was too inconspicuous to threaten him at all. Not at all, but Chi Kaize never expected that Jiang Chen would think that if he didn't speak, it would be so ugly when he spoke.

"Are you an idiot? Didn't you see me and Xiao Xiuxiu getting so close, so affectionate?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

Chi Kaize was even more upset, why did this guy get close to Lan Xiu, why did he make out with Lan Xiu, and, what the hell is Xiao Xiuxiu?It is unreasonable for him to call Lan Xiu and Xiao Xiuxiu.

"Forgive my poor eyesight, I really can't see who you are." Chi Kaize said, suppressing his dissatisfaction.

"Then how about this, do you see it?" Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out his hand, took Lan Xiu into his arms, and said braggingly.

The soft waist suddenly fell into the warm big hands, Lan Xiu's body froze suddenly, her eyes widened, and she looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

Even though she knew that Jiang Chen was a hooligan, she never expected that Jiang Chen would be so bold as to directly embrace her.

"What's the matter with this guy, is he crazy about gain and loss? Or, was he stimulated by Chi Kaize?" Lan Xiu was very depressed, just thinking about pushing Jiang Chen away, but suddenly a thought flashed, it was He remained motionless and let Jiang Chen hug him. Of course, at an angle that Chi Kaize couldn't see, Lan Xiu's hand had already grabbed a piece of soft flesh around Jiang Chen's waist, rotated 360 degrees, and squeezed hard. a handful.

Watching Lan Xiu being embraced by Jiang Chen helplessly, Chi Kaize was no less surprised than Lan Xiu, and seeing Lan Xiu didn't react at all, it seemed that he had long been used to this level of intimacy, In Chi Kaize's eyes, a raging fire burned instantly.

"Let go of her." Chi Kaize roared angrily. He had been chasing Lan Xiu for a long time, not to mention that he couldn't catch up at all. Even Lan Xiu had never given him a good face. At this time, Lan Xiu actually It was snuggling in the arms of another man, which made Chi Kaize furious.

"Let me ask you, do you now know who I am Xiao Xiuxiu?" Of course Jiang Chen would not let Lan Xiu go, and no matter what Lan Xiu's intentions were, he didn't push him away immediately. Regardless of the piece of soft flesh on his waist being ravaged by Lan Xiu, Jiang Chen now feels very refreshed, very refreshed.

"I don't know." Chi Kaize said coldly.

Of course Chi Kaize knew who Jiang Chen was from Lan Xiu, and he had already made it obvious enough that he was Lan Xiu's man, or the man who had an affair with Lan Xiu, but he would never admit it. .

"You're blind." Jiang Chen was so angry that he opened his mouth and cursed.

(End of this chapter)

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