genius evil

Chapter 108 Do You Never Watch TV

Chapter 108 Do You Never Watch TV
Jiang Chen felt that Chi Kaize was too hypocritical. How could he say he didn't know something he knew? He should say he knew, and then he could hear from Chi Kaize that you were her man. If so, by the way, under the witness of Chi Kaize, let's take a look at the relationship with Lan Xiu.

But this guy opened his eyes and said nonsense, how could Jiang Chen not be angry.

Chi Kaize was taken aback for a moment. He felt that he was not very angry yet, but Jiang Chen actually acted more angry than him. This immediately annoyed Chi Kaize, his voice raised a lot, and he said sharply: " Do you know what you're talking about?"

"Of course I know, you are an idiot, childish and blind, no wonder my little Xiuxiu looks down on you, and only a perfect and excellent man like me is the perfect match for Xiao Xiuxiu." Jiang Chen said smugly.

Chi Kaize wanted to vomit blood. He swore that he didn't mean to deny Jiang Chen's words, but the problem was, he looked left, right, up and down, but he couldn't tell where Jiang Chen was perfect or excellent. Intuit will put gold on his face.

"Shut up, be careful I'm not polite to you." When it comes to lip service, Chi Kaize said with a stern voice, how could he be Jiang Chen's opponent.

"What's the matter, want to do it? Come on, I'll beat you with one finger." Jiang Chen hooked his finger at Chi Kaize provocatively.

Not to mention, Chi Kaize really wanted to do something, but seeing Jiang Chen's posture, Chi Kaize was a little afraid to do it again.

Because from Jiang Chen's attitude, he could clearly see that Jiang Chen wasn't worried about him doing it at all.

In this way, there are only two possibilities, one is Jiang Chen's strong hands-on ability, and the other is Jiang Chen is completely shameless.

Even if the first point can be ruled out, then the second point alone is enough to make Jiang Chen invincible, because Chi Kaize found that there is no way for him to be as shameless as Jiang Chen, even if he After defeating Jiang Chen, he lost his demeanor while winning the battle, which would only make Lan Xiu feel more alienated from him, which was not the result he wanted.

"Lan Xiu, it's no wonder you've been refusing to agree to my pursuit. So do you like such a thing?" Chi Kaize pointed the contradiction at Lan Xiu and said mockingly.

"It's not your turn to worry about what kind of man I like." Lan Xiu said lightly.

She didn't push Jiang Chen away immediately, but she meant to cooperate with Jiang Chen to play a play, and what she said at this time was naturally not polite.

"You really like him?" Chi Kaize's forehead was throbbing with veins.

"There's a lot of nonsense, Xiao Xiuxiu doesn't like me, how can I like you? You can order Bilian, and you don't even look at it. Is there anything in your body that is better than me." Jiang Chen took the words, Transfer the conflict to yourself.

"Lan Xiu, do you think I can't compare to this kid at all?" Chi Kaize said angrily.

"I don't think there's anything to compare with... Chi Kaize, you can leave now." Based on the principle of talking too much, Lan Xiu issued the order to evict the guest again.

"Interesting, it's really interesting... Lan Xiu, you will regret it, I warn you, you will definitely regret it." Chi Kaize dropped a harsh word, turned around and strode towards the courtyard gate.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, if I heard correctly, that guy seems to be threatening you, asking me to help you solve this trouble?" Jiang Chen said with a smile in Lan Xiu's ear.

"How do you want to solve it?" The ears were a little itchy, and the feeling of discomfort was extremely strong, but Chi Kaize hadn't gone far, and Lan Xiu could only resist the urge to push Jiang Chen away.

"It's very simple, if you make him unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life, or make him unable to be a man, he won't rob you of me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"This is what you call a very simple solution to the problem?" Lan Xiuna had a headache, and at the same time, a strange expression appeared on her face, and said, "Jiang Chen, do you never watch TV?"

"Xiao Xiuxiu, if you like it, I will definitely watch more TV in the future. By the way, do you like to watch short domestic dramas from parents, or Korean dramas that you love to die or live? Anyway, as long as you like it, I will watch it." I like it." Jiang Chen said without thinking.

Lan Xiu was annoyed and helpless at the conversation that was wrong with the bull's head, so she changed the subject and said, "The play is over, you can let me go."

"Acting, are we acting?" Jiang Chen said with a face full of astonishment.

Lan Xiu gritted her teeth, it's not acting, it's possible that this rascal thinks it's real, he thinks too much and it's too beautiful.

"Let go." Gritting her teeth, Lan Xiu said, after Chi Kaize left, this guy went too far, even if he held her waist, that hand was still moving up and down, constantly attacking the city, making him She couldn't bear it.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, even if it's acting, I helped you solve a big or small problem, didn't I? Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is the worst thing." Jiang Chen said earnestly, feeling Lan Xiu's slipperiness through the thin clothes Jiang Chen couldn't put it down a little bit because of his skin.

"You think you solved the trouble for me?" Lan Xiu sneered, and said, "Chi Kaize is not an idiot. When he is angry, he may lose his mind, but after he calms down, he will definitely understand that you and I are nothing more than It's acting. My troubles in the future will only be more, not less."

"Don't worry, he won't understand, he is an idiot." Jiang Chen said firmly.

"You think him too simply." Regarding this point, Lan Xiu had no hope at all, obviously she knew Chi Kaize somewhat.

"It's not that I thought him too simply, but Xiao Xiuxiu, you thought the problem too complicated. That guy actually wanted to snatch Jiang Chen's woman from me. What is it if he's not an idiot?" Jiang Chen said calmly. .

"I'm not your woman." Lan Xiu said angrily.

"Not right now, but it will be soon... By the way, I think my acting skills are pretty good. How about we act a little longer?" Jiang Chen said sincerely.

"Let go, get out!" Lan Xiu finally couldn't help but exploded, and pushed Jiang Chen away.

Of course, Jiang Chen didn't leave, but followed Lan Xiu into the villa in a dazed manner, and then Lan Xiu went to make coffee.

The villas of Jingyuan Villa, just from the outside, are already rich and luxurious. Outside of the interior, the luxury is everywhere.

But at the same time of luxury, the details of the decoration are often ingenious, and it will not give people the feeling of nouveau riche. It can be seen that a lot of thought has been used.

"There is a lack of a male master here." Jiang Chen muttered softly after looking around.

The villa is huge, but apart from Lan Xiu and a middle-aged maid, there is no one else. As soon as Lan Xiu entered, the maid went to her own room. In the huge living room, Jiang Chen was the only one.

After Lan Xiu made coffee, she saw Jiang Chen casually sitting on the sofa, with the posture of the man of the villa, with as weird an expression as he wanted.

Asking Jiang Chen to drink a cup of coffee, although the reason is good enough, but when she thinks that this man is the first man in history to drink the coffee brewed by herself, Lan Xiu's mood becomes a little awkward.

At this moment, Lan Xiu regretted agreeing to invite Jiang Chen to drink a cup of coffee, but Jiang Chen's people came in and the coffee was already brewed, even if she regretted it, it was impossible.

"Jiang Chen, it's getting late, go back after drinking the coffee." Putting the coffee in front of Jiang Chen, Lan Xiu said.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I suddenly don't want to drink coffee anymore." Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xiu with a clean face, and said solemnly.

After entering the room, Lan Xiu took off the windbreaker outside and the close-fitting cheongsam, outlining her perfect figure to the fullest, her pink and tender face, under the light, was as soft as a freshly peeled egg. Greasy, shining with a moving luster.

Jiang Chen can be sure and sure, the taste of this woman is much, much better than coffee.

"If you don't want to drink, you can leave now." Seeing that Jiang Chen's gaze stayed on her, Lan Xiu was a little uncomfortable, and said with a frown.

"Okay, I want to drink coffee again." Jiang Chen chuckled, and reached for the coffee cup.

"Be careful, it's hot." When she saw Jiang Chen's outstretched hand, Lan Xiu called out. There was a small plate under the coffee cup. Usually, when drinking coffee, you would bring the plate up together, because The coffee that was just brewed was very hot, but Jiang Chen reached for the cup directly. From Lan Xiu's point of view, his hand must be scalded.

Lan Xiu reminded her, and quickly stopped Jiang Chen's movements with her hands. Who knew that in a hurry, she accidentally made a big move, and the coffee cup was knocked and dumped on the table. The steaming coffee, They all fell on Jiang Chen's body.

"Ah..." Lan Xiu exclaimed in a low voice, the cup was already very hot when she held it in her hand, now pouring the coffee on Jiang Chen's body, wouldn't it be scalding him.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay, take off your clothes quickly." Lan Xiu urged, complaining a little bit about why she was so careless, she obviously didn't want Jiang Chen to be burned, how could she do something bad with good intentions, but actually put the Jiang Chen was scalded.

"Okay." Jiang Chen agreed very straightforwardly, taking off all the clothes on his body, revealing his upper body, which is not considered strong, but definitely lean.

"I just asked you to take off your coat. Why did you take off all your clothes?" Lan Xiu opened her mouth wide and looked at Jiang Chen in a daze. Besides, this guy's movements of taking off his clothes were too fast, she didn't even Before he could stop it, all his clothes were taken off.

"Xiao Xiuxiu, I fully understand what you mean." Jiang Chen looked at Lan Xiu, his eyes filled with tenderness.

"What's your intention?" Lan Xiu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Jiang Chen said before, saying that she would accidentally spill coffee on him. The coffee was splashed on Jiang Chen's body... After thinking about this, Lan Xiu's face turned red in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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