genius evil

Chapter 1040

Chapter 1040
"Brother Qing, what should we do? If not, let's run for our lives. Otherwise, we will be targeted for a while, and even if we want to run, we won't be able to run away." Huang Chan said, her eyeballs were dripping and flickering non-stop. , kept looking in all directions, as if looking for an escape route.


Hearing this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Jiang Chen asked with a smile: "This idea is not bad, but the problem is, how to escape?"

"Brother Qing, why have you become so stupid? Of course you should leave here." Huang Chan muttered.

"How to leave?" Jiang Chen broke the casserole and asked the end.

"It's over, Brother Qing, you really have become stupid, and you actually asked such an idiotic question." Huang Chan looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost, and said, "We came here by cruise ship, so naturally we left by cruise ship. "

"The people from the Immortal Association came here in a menacing manner. Do you think they will give us a chance to escape?" Jiang Chen said strangely.

"Brother Qing, don't you want to tell me that those bastards from the Immortal Society destroyed the cruise ship?" Huang Chan said dumbfounded.

"As expected, that's exactly the case." Jiang Chen said.

In terms of the Immortal Association's behavior style, Jiang Chen would not naively think that the Immortal Association would leave a retreat for the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance.

As one of them said, either there is no fight, or the ancient martial arts alliance will be slaughtered. After today, there will be no ancient martial arts alliance in the world.

Obviously, the Immortal Society is ambitious, and it has been planning for a long time for today's battle. The so-called revival of the Immortal Society's past glory is not just a simple talk.

Another point is that the gods will form an alliance with Gu Wu, and the grudges have been accumulated for a long time.

Previously, the Immortals would be suppressed by the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance everywhere, and they wanted it a long time ago. If they let out such a bad breath, how could they leave the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance with a way out?

"No, I think what you said is wrong, Brother Qing, have you ever thought about it, even if the gods will destroy our cruise ship, then they will leave here anyway? I don't believe it, they will kill themselves His boat was also destroyed." After thinking for a while, Huang Chan said.

Huang Chan felt that if the gods would take such ruthless words seriously, then she was the real one and had nothing to say.

"This point is really too simple. As far as the Immortal Association is concerned, it is only necessary to let one person stay on the boat, and then drive the boat to the sea far away from the island." Jiang Chen said.

"It's over, it's really over now." Hearing Jiang Chen say that, Huang Chan was immediately depressed.

Immediately, Huang Chan cursed viciously, "Shenxianhui, you are all bastards, do you want to piss off my aunt to death, or am I?"

Naturally, no one will answer Huang Chan's question.

But there were two people walking slowly, one of them was Yu Changgeng, the other was Kong Fang.

"What are you two doing here? Do you see? There are so many people over there. Hurry up and don't waste time." Seeing Yu Changgeng and Kong Fang approaching, Huang Chan pointed at Yan Feiyang five In the direction of the person, he hurriedly said.

"They?" Yu Changgeng smiled and said, "The two of us are not interested in them."

"It means that you two are interested in my elder brother Qing?" Huang Chan said.

"Exactly." Yu Changgeng nodded, he was indeed very interested in Jiang Chen.

"You are crazy, my brother Qing is a big man, what are you interested in him for?" Huang Chan then began to scold.

"Shut up." Frowning, Yu Changgeng said in displeasure, how could he fail to hear that Huang Chan was deliberately messing around.

"Oh, I'm just reminding you two, my elder brother is only interested in me, not the two of you at all, so, you two, which direction are you coming from, hurry back Which direction to go." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"There is no need for him to be interested in the two of us." Kong Fang said.

"Wishful thinking is unacceptable." Huang Chanyu said earnestly.

"Little baby, no amount of nonsense can save your life." Kong Fang said indifferently, a little impatiently.

"It's not nonsense, it's definitely not nonsense, I can swear that every word and every word I say is sincere." Huang Chan raised her right hand and said cursingly.

Kong Fang just ignored Huang Chan lazily, and said to Jiang Chen, "Listen to Elder Pan, in terms of my Immortal Society, there are two innate strong men who died in your hands. I really want to learn from you. What's the matter."

"The guy named Dou Wen thought the same way just now, and then he died. How about you, are you impatient?" Huang Chan said angrily before Jiang Chen could speak.

"Brother Kong, kill this woman first." Yu Changgeng said.

Kong Fang smiled, nodded, and agreed, "That's fine."

As soon as the words fell, Kong Fang made a move, and grabbed Huang Chan with his big hand.

Immediately, a huge paw print appeared in the void. If there is any substance in that paw print, it can be clearly seen, the texture in Kong Fang's palm.

"This is, the innate powerhouse." Jiang Chen said secretly in his heart.

Speaking of which, he had already killed two strong men with innate cultivation bases, but no matter whether it was the innate strong man who died in his hands before, or Dou Wen, they all relied on drugs to break through forcibly, and they were ostentatious.

And this Kong Fang, in the true sense, was born strong.

Stretching out casually, there is a natural, detached breath.

Although Kong Fang's grasp is not a martial skill like Qianlong's, but in fact, his cultivation level has reached Kong Fang's level, and any move can be easily grasped.

Killing people is just a gesture of hands.

"Your opponent is me, is it because your memory is too bad?" Jiang Chen said, punching out with a big hand, the palm prints in the void disappeared with a bang.

"Heh—" Kong Fang smiled, and looked at Jiang Chen with a half-smile.

In his eyes, Huang Chan was nothing more than an insignificant existence, and it didn't matter when he killed him. The reason why he obeyed Yu Changgeng's words and attacked Huang Chan was to force Jiang Chen to do so.

Sure enough, Jiang Chen was fooled.

After laughing, Kong Fang lightly raised his right hand, raised his right palm, and slapped Jiang Chen.

As Kong Fang's palm was slapped, there were sharp sounds in the air. It was because Kong Fang's palm was too domineering, and even the air was shattered.

"So strong." Huang Chan's heart throbbed, and she quickly backed away.

She knew very well that in the face of such a strong man, she couldn't even catch a single move.

"Kong Fang, you are like this, you want to kill me?" Jiang Chen said, punching out as usual, the wind blew out, and the air surged like a wave.

"It's just a test." Kong Fang said casually.

As he spoke, he suddenly saw that the palm of Kong Fang's right hand suddenly turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a piece of calcined iron.

At this moment, the air became hot and dry.

"Jiang Chen, take my palm and try it." Kong Fang said, turning his big hand over, the palm was so red that it was dazzling, as if a small sun was burning in his palm.

"Martial skills? Dacheng's martial skills?" Seeing this, Jiang Chen's expression became a bit more solemn.

Jiang Chen could see through the mystery of Kong Fang's palm at a glance, but it seemed mysterious, but in fact, it was only at the cost of burning his own blood essence.

In other words, Kong Fang didn't want to do more testing, but wanted to kill him with one blow.

The aura in Jiang Chen's body revolved and moved, and the grand aura radiated away with his body as the center.

"This is forcing me." Jiang Chen said silently in his heart.

If Kong Fang hadn't shown his cards so quickly and couldn't wait to kill him, Jiang Chen would still like to experience what is so extraordinary about a congenital warrior.

But since Kong Fang is like this, Jiang Chen can only take it seriously.

It's just burning essence and blood, not only Kong Fang can do it, he can naturally do it too.

Different from Kong Fang's method of burning essence and blood, which is simple and primitive, and causes great trauma to the body, Jiang Chen's method of burning essence and blood to stimulate his own limit potential is more than [-] times more advanced.

The so-called ten thousand times, and it can only be regarded as a relatively modest statement.

Jiang Chen was a cultivator in his previous life. He has come into contact with so many secret methods of cultivation, how can Kong Fang compare to them?
If Jiang Chen hadn't already broken through the ninth layer of body tempering, the result of Jiang Chen's use of that secret method would often be to hurt himself before hurting others, so he had never used it before.

But now, the bondage of his physical body has been greatly weakened, and Jiang Chen can already use some basic secret methods by means of burning blood essence.

It is said to be the foundation, but in fact, it is much better than Kong Fang's method.

With the rapid movement of the breath in the body, Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out a finger, and that finger, with a slight tap of the void, fell towards Kong Fang.


The huge breath suddenly burst.

Jiang Chen's single finger seemed to be enough to pierce through everything. It directly pierced the little sun in Kong Fang's palm, leaving a bloody hole in Kong Fang's palm, deep enough to see the bone.

"This—" Kong Fang felt incredible, stepped back hastily, lowered his head, and looked at his palm with a look of panic.

The martial skill he uses has a name called Burning Sun Palm, just as Jiang Chen expected, it is indeed at the cost of burning essence and blood.

Normally, Kong Fang would not use this martial skill, because it would cause too much damage to himself. Once he used it, he would have to rest for at least several months before he could recover.

But in order to kill Jiang Chen in the shortest possible time, Kong Fang couldn't control so much.

But no matter what, Kong Fang never expected that Jiang Chen could break his attack with just one finger.

How could Kong Fang know that Jiang Chen's secret technique is only the most basic secret technique, but it can break the void with one finger, and shatter the galaxy with one finger.

In terms of Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, even one percent of the power of this finger has not been able to be brought into play. Even so, it is enough to deal with Kong Fang.

"Brother Kong, this kid is a bit strange." Yu Changgeng stepped forward and appeared beside Kong Fang, and said in a deep voice.

When Yu Changgeng first saw Kong Fang using the Burning Yang Palm, he was somewhat surprised. After all, this is Kong Fang's special skill of pressing the bottom of the box, and he would never use it easily.

Yu Changgeng could almost imagine that Jiang Chen was burned into nothingness under Kong Fang's palm, but it was Jiang Chen's finger that broke Kong Fang's offensive.

Kong Fang nodded vigorously, then lowered his head, looked at the palm of his right hand, and suddenly found that the blood was flowing in the blood hole left by Jiang Chen's finger, and he couldn't stop it no matter what.

"Jiang Chen, what's the name of your finger?" Kong Fang asked gloomily.

With his cultivation base, such a small injury would usually heal quickly without treatment, but right now, he couldn't even stop the bleeding. Kong Fang knew in his heart that Jiang Chen's finger must not be simple.

"This finger is called the Heavenly Cutting Finger. If you two can die under this finger today, you can be considered as good fortune three lives." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Kong Fang and Yu Changgeng looked at each other, and they both looked at Jiang Chen very strangely, because according to Jiang Chen's meaning, the two of them died under Jiang Chen's finger, and it was their three lives that they cultivated. ?

It has to be said that Jiang Chen's tone was really too loud.

(End of this chapter)

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