genius evil

Chapter 1041 I have a sword that can break mountains and rivers

Chapter 1041 I have a sword that can break mountains and rivers
"Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant." Kong Fang said harshly.

"Arrogance, isn't it?" Jiang Chen chuckled lightly, and slowly stabbed out that finger.

Suddenly, a huge sword shadow appeared in the air.

The shadow of the sword soared into the sky, the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and the supreme chilling air enveloped Kong Fang and Yu Changgeng.


Both Kong Fang and Yu Changgeng opened their eyes, almost thinking they were hallucinating.

Jiang Chen didn't have a sword in his hand, but when he stabbed it with his finger, it turned into a long sword with unrivaled sharpness. It gave people the impression that that sword shadow could cut through even the void.

They were in disbelief, utterly bewildered, not sure what was going on.

But under the shadow of the sword shadow, the two of them felt a great threat. Neither of them dared to be scornful. They moved their feet and shot back.

"Want to escape?" Jiang Chen smiled slightly, shook his head, and said slowly, "I can't escape."


As soon as the words fell, Jiang Chen's finger pressed down vainly, and if there was a real sword shadow, it slammed down on Kong Fang's body, directly cutting Kong Fang in half.

Fresh blood spattered out, Yu Changgeng's complexion changed drastically, his breathing became short of breath, and even his legs trembled uncontrollably.


Yu Changgeng was terrified to the extreme, allowing him to scratch his stomach, it was indescribable, the terrifying power of that sword when it fell.

Innately strong, under this sword, they are like ants, not to mention resisting, even escaping, they cannot escape.

Such a scene was beyond the limits of Yu Changgeng's imagination, and completely overturned all his previous perceptions.

Yu Changgeng thought to himself, if Jiang Chen turned his finger into a sword, the extraordinary life that Pan Zijing talked about might be nothing more than that.

"Could it be that Jiang Chen is that extraordinary life?" Thinking of this, Yu Changgeng's heart trembled suddenly, and he gasped wildly.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." Yu Changgeng categorically denied it.

The so-called extraordinary life is the existence in the legend. As for whether it is true or not, no one has ever known, at least, if Pan Zijing hadn't mentioned it, it was the first time that Yu Changgeng had heard about the life history of Yu Changgeng for decades. On top of that, there is an extraordinary existence.

Legends are just legends after all.

No matter how mysterious it is, it is only a legend after all.

How can you be serious?
Another point is that because of Jiang Chen, in this ancient martial arts alliance conference, he made a big splash, and because of the No. 1 of the younger generation in the ancient martial arts alliance, he attracted the attention of the Immortal Association.

In terms of intelligence collection, the gods will do it very meticulously.

Even, there was a disagreement at one time, some people planned to recruit Jiang Chen for use by the Immortal Club, and some people insisted on beheading Jiang Chen, so as not to leave a disaster behind.

The two parties argued for a long time, and neither could convince the other.

The reason for this is precisely because of Jiang Chen's potential.

Jiang Chen's potential is astonishing, if it can be used by the Immortal Club, it will definitely be a big killer.

But if it cannot be used by the Immortal Association, or if there is a dissent after being recruited by the Immortal Association, then in time, it will bring unimaginable disaster to the Immortal Association.

It was precisely because of the latter reason that after many disputes, the Immortal Society finally decided to kill Jiang Chen.

It is certainly regrettable to kill a peerless genius.

But compared to the potential threat posed by a disobedient peerless genius, it is nothing worth mentioning.

This is also the reason why Yu Changgeng will join forces with Kong Fang to kill Jiang Chen as soon as the Immortal Association and the Ancient Martial Alliance make a move.

Judging from that kind of information, Jiang Chen is not some extraordinary life.

Besides, it wasn't long before Jiang Chen broke through, no matter how you look at it, Jiang Chen is absolutely not.

"It's not an extraordinary life, but what happened to that finger that turned into a sword?" Yu Changgeng couldn't figure it out, and was extremely confused.

"What happened?"

"I seemed to see a sword shadow appearing in the void just now. Is it an illusion?"

"It's not an illusion, Jiang Chen turned his finger into a sword and beheaded Kong Fang."


The scene of Jiang Chen beheading Kong Fang attracted countless people's attention in an instant, and those people all turned towards Jiang Chen's direction and looked over.

At this moment, the fighting of all parties has stagnated, and they have stopped one after another, turning into two camps, with clear distinctions.

"Is Kong Fang dead?" Someone exclaimed.

You must know that Kong Fang is a true congenital powerhouse, not comparable to Dou Wen's innate realm of forcibly breaking through by taking medicine.

But Jiang Chen didn't mind killing Dou Wen, but even Kong Fang died at his hands.

They couldn't understand what happened, when did Jiang Chen become so powerful?
The innate strong man, cut in half, looking at this place, but who else is worthy of a fight with Jiang Chen?
Huang Chan looked at Jiang Chen, her beautiful eyes sparkled with splendor.

If it wasn't for having too many pairs of eyes staring at this side, she could hardly help but throw herself into Jiang Chen's arms, hugging him and kissing him non-stop.

"Too domineering." Huang Chan said in her heart.

Innate cultivation bases, ancient martial arts practitioners, and the highest state they are pursuing wholeheartedly, in Jiang Chen's eyes, are no different from ants, and they can kill as soon as they say it.

"Jiang Chen, so strong." Sleeping Beauty said silently.

With one finger turning into a sword, he slashed Kong Fang horizontally. Sleeping Beauty saw it and was fascinated.

"One day, can I, like Jiang Chen, treat innately strong people as worthless?" Sleeping Beauty whispered to herself.

The Sleeping Beauty's cultivation has improved extremely fast. In the eyes of outsiders, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a rapid progress. The reason for this situation, Sleeping Beauty is very clear, it is Jiang Chen's cause.

Jiang Chen gave her a practice method, and she cultivated according to that method, almost ignoring any difficulties and barriers, breaking through directly all the way, with extreme ease.

Sleeping Beauty didn't pursue great power before, and she herself wasn't that kind of ambitious woman.

But at this moment, Sleeping Beauty is more eager to become stronger than ever.

It's just because Jiang Chen's growth rate is too fast, if she can't catch up with Jiang Chen's footsteps, how should she stand by Jiang Chen's side?
Jiang Chen slashed Kong Fang with his sword, and not many people really noticed that scene, but the women around Jiang Chen were all focused on him, and they all really saw it.

It was the same with Huang Chan and Sleeping Beauty, and it was the same with Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing.

"Jiang Chen, you have finally surpassed me." Wen Qingxin said to herself, like raving.

Jiang Chen has always had a self-confidence that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. It is impossible for people to understand where such a self-confidence comes from.

Even though Wen Qingxin had great confidence in Jiang Chen, she was also unpredictable.

Now, Wen Qingxin understood everything.

Jiang Chen would never be judged from the perspective of a normal person.

Jiang Chen's existence is used to break the rules of the world.

"No wonder, Jiang Chen is unwilling to enter the Heavenly Dao League." Shen Shijing smiled wryly.

At the beginning, Shen Shijing couldn't understand why Jiang Chen was unwilling to join the Tiandao League. She thought that Jiang Chen's behavior was too willful.

But it wasn't capriciousness, it was just a mere Heavenly Dao League, which didn't catch Jiang Chen's eyes at all.


Countless people have ups and downs and complicated thoughts.

Some people are happy, and others are naturally angry.

Yu Zizai was outraged.

At the beginning, seeing Kong Fang and Yu Changgeng wanting to kill Jiang Chen together, Yu Zizai was so excited that he almost couldn't jump up.

In his opinion, even if Jiang Chen killed the innate powerhouse, no matter what, he was dead.

In fact, he slapped him hard in the face.

Kong Fang died, Yu Changgeng retreated in shock, Jiang Chen beat the two innate powerhouses to pieces with his own strength.

"Why? Why is this happening?" Yu Zizai felt unwilling.

Even Jiang Chen, who is a true innate powerhouse like Kong Fang, can kill as soon as he says so. Then, who else can threaten Jiang Chen?

You know, with Jiang Chen showing terrifying cultivation and methods from time to time, Yu Zizai no longer has any hope and can seek revenge from Jiang Chen.

Yu Zizai's only hope lies in the old man of the Yu family.

He believed that if the old man of the Yu family made a move, no matter how tricky Jiang Chen was, he would not be able to escape the palm of the old man of the Yu family.

But at this moment, Yu Zizai realized that even if the old man of the Yu family came in person, he would only be reduced to Jiang Chen's stepping stone.

The Yu family is no longer worthy to be Jiang Chen's opponent.

"Jiang Chen." Yu Changhe stared at Jiang Chen, his eyes flickering.

Time and time again, he tried his best to exaggerate the weight of Jiang Chen's existence, but in the end, he still underestimated it.

Regarding Jiang Chen, Yu Changhe realized that no matter what, he couldn't see through it.

This enchanting young man can always surprise people easily, although this surprise is definitely not what he wants.

"call out!"

A figure appeared beside Yu Changgeng in a blink of an eye. It was Pan Zijing.

"What did Jiang Chen use to kill Kong Fang just now?" Pan Zijing asked in a deep voice, his expression extremely ugly.

"One finger." Yu Changgeng smiled wryly.

"Cut Kong Fang in half with one finger?" Pan Zijing asked again, his voice becoming more gloomy.

"I don't know what's going on." Yu Changgeng shook his head.

The scene just now was like a nightmare to him. Even now, it seems that there are a pair of invisible big hands tightly restraining his throat, making it difficult for him to breathe.

"Jiang Chen, what kind of hidden weapon are you using?" Seeing Yu Changgeng's appearance, Pan Zijing knew that he couldn't find out the clue, so he looked at Jiang Chen and said coldly.

"Hidden weapon?" Jiang Chen smiled and said, "Your association ability is really rich."

"Isn't it?" Pan Zijing sneered again and again.

No matter what, he would never believe that Jiang Chen could split Kong Fang in half with a single finger. It must be because Jiang Chen had a powerful hidden weapon that no one knew about.

"If you think it is, then it is." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

When he pointed his hand just now, it was no longer the original Heaven-cutting Finger, but it contained the true meaning of his swordsmanship, so that he could turn his finger into a sword.

Jiang Chen's swordsmanship attainments, looking at the True Spirit Continent, are all existences that can be ranked in the top five. Even if his swordsmanship true meaning integrated into Jie Tianzhi is less than one ten-thousandth, it is enough to kill Kong Fang .

Unless, that extraordinary life appears, maybe it can resist it.

"It was originally, don't argue, take it out quickly, or I will kill you with my own hands." Pan Zijing emphasized, extremely tough.

"You believe it?" Jiang Chen smiled calmly.

He has a sword that can break mountains and rivers.

He has a sword that can split stars.

In his eyes, a mere innate powerhouse is nothing more than an ordinary person, how can he understand Jiang Chen's supernatural powers!
(End of this chapter)

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