genius evil

Chapter 1048 You have a problem with your eyes

Chapter 1048 You have a problem with your eyes

The next day, Jiang Chen drove to Capital University.

It's not that he intends to stay in school and be a good student honestly.Instead, let's take a look at Nangonghua and Jian Xiaoyu, oh, and the little beauty Gu Wanxi.

During this trip to the Ancient Martial Arts Alliance Conference, Jiang Chen learned a lot. Next, he will make a special trip to visit several super sects. In addition, he will also visit the Yu family.

Not just to find clues to extraordinary life.

The important thing is to find the possibility of cultivation on the earth.

Jiang Chen was already at the ninth level of Body Tempering, and he took a path different from other cultivators, intending to build a foundation with a powerful physical body.

However, from the stage of body quenching to the stage of Qi training and foundation building, it is a more difficult road, which requires opportunities and specific elements of heaven and earth.

In terms of Jiang Chen's current cultivation base, it seems that the world is arrogant, and he can be at ease everywhere, but for Jiang Chen himself, Jiang Chen will naturally not be satisfied with this, let alone be complacent.

Speaking of which, the road he wants to go, up to this stage, is just the beginning.

In the future, he still has a long way to go, and Jiang Chen also firmly believes that even in a place like Earth, where spiritual energy is exhausted, he can go a long way.

Even, one day, he will cross the void and cross planes to find the possibility of the existence of the True Spirit Continent!
The reason why Jiang Chen wanted to look for the traces of extraordinary life first was because Jiang Chen realized that the transition from innate to extraordinary, transformation, and becoming extraordinary is the leap of life, and it is similar to the practice of ancient martial arts. Perhaps Will be able to explain his many confusions, and let him avoid many detours.

The car entered Capital University, and the speed gradually slowed down. Soon, many students saw the Range Rover Jiang Chen was driving.

"Looking at the license plate, the owner of that car seems to be Jiang Chen."

Some students stared at the license plate and looked at it, and said.

"Jiang Chen? Is that the guy who caused trouble and got into fights with school girls?" Someone was curious.

"It's him, but I heard that he was dismissed by the school. I haven't seen him for a long time. Why did he go back to school?" Someone was puzzled and extremely puzzled.

"I was dismissed?"

Sitting in the car, listening to the students' discussions on the side of the road, Jiang Chen was completely confused. When did this happen? What did he do? He didn't even know about it?
In other words, if you really want to persuade him to quit, as the object of dismissal, shouldn't the school contact him?
Responding to this confusion, Jiang Chen drove and appeared in the boys' dormitory building.

It just so happened that there was only class this afternoon, and the three of them, Duan Yu, were all playing games with their computers in their dormitories.

Jiang Chen pushed open the dormitory door and went in. Duan Yu looked at the person and watched him for a long time. Then, Duan Yu threw away the mouse in his hand and rushed over to hug Jiang Chen. Naturally, he was kicked by Jiang Chen aside.

"Boss, my dear brother, you are finally back, you miss us so much." Duan Yu said exaggeratedly.

"Boss, look at me. During your absence, I've been thinking about it day and night. I don't think about food and drink. I've been quite haggard." Cheng Dafu pointed at himself, exaggerating no less than Duan Yu. .

"Boss, where have you been? Why did you disappear for so long, and you can't get in touch because of the phone calls?" Yuan Kaige asked, pushing his eyes with his hand.

"Wait a minute about the three of you. I have a question. When will I be expelled from the school?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Boss, did you not be notified about this?" Duan Yu and the three looked at each other in embarrassment.

Then, Duan Yu said: "Our head teacher, I don't know where I heard the news, saying that you didn't participate in military training some time ago, and you have been in school for several days recently, and you also missed a day of class, so I called the school. I made a report, categorically speaking, saying that I will fire you, a black sheep."

For this matter, Duan Yu and the others were anxious for a while, wanting to contact Jiang Chen and tell Jiang Chen to return to school quickly, don't really get expelled, that would be a big game.

However, they couldn't get in touch no matter what, which made the three of them very anxious.

"The black sheep?" Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

It's okay to expel him without his consent, but even call him a black sheep. In other words, who did he harm?

In other words, by accident, I just harmed a few school beauties, didn't I?
"Boss, you don't have to worry about this matter. After all, your admission grades are exceptionally good, and you are the number one scholar in Jiangnan Province. Even if the school has an opinion, it will be considered as appropriate. It will not be so serious as expulsion. If it is not possible, I will jointly write a letter and request The school rejects the opinion." Cheng Dafu said solemnly.

They didn't get along with Jiang Chen for a long time, but they all admired Jiang Chen's character very much, and they didn't want Jiang Chen to be expelled from the school. For this reason, they had to fight against the school.

"Second brother is right, expulsion is not such a simple matter, and there is still room for maneuver, the most is to write a public review." Yuan Kaige said thoughtfully.

"Forget it, let's just fire it." Jiang Chen waved his hand indifferently.

In the beginning, the reason why he was admitted to Capital University was because of a bet with Tangyue, Jiang Chen didn't care about it.

Duan Yu and the others became impatient, thinking that Jiang Chen was giving up on himself, and repeatedly persuaded Jiang Chen to change his mind, saying that they could handle everything.

Even, Duan Yu wanted to call his father and ask his father to find someone to clear up the relationship and save Jiang Chen.

In this matter, in the end, Jiang Chen treated the guests to a big meal, and the three of them were settled, no more troubles, but still regretful, and did not want to lose Jiang Chen as a friend.

After accompanying the three of them to dinner, Jiang Chen called Nangong Hua, but unexpectedly, Nangong Hua's cell phone was turned off, so Jiang Chen called Jian Xiaoyu, and finally got through.

Jian Xiaoyu's class today was also scheduled in the afternoon. He was resting in the dormitory. When he received a call from Jiang Chen, he ran out in a hurry, accompanied by the three daughters of Mao Dan.

"Jiang Chen, haven't you been expelled from the school?" Mao Dan asked, very confused, thinking that Jiang Chen would not come back again, he once advised Jian Xiaoyu to figure it out, and not to go into a corner.

After all, you once had it, don't be obsessed with it must last forever, first love is wonderful, a good memory for a lifetime of aftertaste.

Jiang Chen actually came back and contacted Jian Xiaoyu and Mao Dan's three daughters. He was very surprised.


When discussing this matter with Duan Yu and the others, Jiang Chen didn't feel anything wrong. He heard Mao Dan's words, and then looked at Jian Xiaoyu, with a complicated expression on his face. troubled.

"It looks like I have to do something, so I can't be fired." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Peking University student, the proud son of heaven, this level of identity is an unimpeded pass, and there will be countless benefits when stepping into the society in the future.

Jiang Chen didn't care about this.

His life, in the eyes of 90.00% of the people in this world, has reached the pinnacle, and his achievements are unmatched by the efforts of countless people throughout their lives.

Therefore, the status of the so-called Capital University is actually meaningless to Jiang Chen.

But in order not to disappoint the girl he loves, Jiang Chen could only reluctantly stay here.

"Jiang Chen, you have to work hard for this matter, and you can't really be fired." Zhu Ling said, she had never spoken much, and she was serious now, and hoped that Jiang Chen would take it to heart.

Jiang Chen smiled wryly, he just wanted to make a call with his mobile phone and let that guy Qian Fugui settle the matter. If he really can't handle it, then let the respected old principal of Capital University dismiss the get out of class.

But just as Jiang Chen took out his mobile phone, he heard a pleasantly surprised voice: "Xiao Yu, you are here. I was just going to find you in the girls' dormitory."

The one who spoke was a young man who looked a little oily. He looked good, but his face was pale, which really didn't fit his status as a student.

He walked over quickly, stared at Jian Xiaoyu, looked again and again, his eyes were full of covetousness, other than that, ignoring Jiang Chen, also ignored Mao Dan's three daughters.

"Shao Kang, can you show some face? Don't pester Xiao Yu." Tan Min said, eyebrows raised.

"It's not entanglement, but pursuit. Xiao Yu, I know you learned ballet when you were young, and you have always had stage scenes. I just got two tickets for ballet performances. Let's go to see them together at night. By the way, later, I will also There are other arrangements." Shao Kang said with a smile, he didn't take Tan Min's warning to heart.

Jiang Chen was surprised.

Even he didn't know that Jian Xiaoyu had studied ballet, and Jian Xiaoyu had never told him that this young man named Shao Kang knew this.

It seems that in order to pursue Jian Xiaoyu, he has done some homework, which means that he is sure to win.

"I don't know you well." Jian Xiaoyu said indifferently, "Besides, my surname is Jian. You can call me classmate, or you can call me Jian Xiaoyu."

"But, I like to call you Xiaoyu." Shao Kang said with a playful smile, and did not give up because of Jian Xiaoyu's difficulties.

Jian Xiaoyu's small face flushed red, very annoyed.

Having not contacted Jiang Chen for several days, Jian Xiaoyu was very worried, fearing that something would happen to Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen would finally come back, she wanted to have a good talk with Jiang Chen, express her heart, but it was this Shao Kang who appeared and ruined the atmosphere.

Jian Xiaoyu was also very worried that Jiang Chen would think she was that kind of casual girl, who was inexplicably wronged, and her eyes were rolling around in their sockets.

"Shao Kang, right? Is there something wrong with your eyes?" Jiang Chen said at this moment, signaling Jian Xiaoyu not to be overwhelmed. If this idiot really made Jian Xiaoyu cry in anger, the consequences would definitely not be acceptable to him.

Therefore, before he gets angry, it is best to roll as far as possible.

"I've heard of you before. Your name is Jiang Chen, Xiaoyu's ex-boyfriend." Shao Kang smiled and said indifferently. Let it in, you have been expelled from the school, it is best not to show up again in the future, otherwise if the school security finds you harassing the girls in the school, you will be beaten badly."

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong with your eyes, so I will do what I can to help you fix it." Jiang Chen said, raised his hand and punched Shao Kang's eyes twice, smashing Shao Kang to death. Panda eyes.

"Jiang Chen, you dare to do something to me, you madman." Shao Kang's eyes were sore from Jiang Chen's beating, tears burst out wildly, and he yelled.

Pointing at Jiang Chen, he said sharply, "We Capital University, how can there be a scum like you? No wonder people outside say that you are a black sheep and you were expelled from the school. Countless people clapped their hands and applauded."

"The people outside, are you referring to yourself?" Jiang Chen said lazily, he didn't take it seriously, raised his hand and punched Shao Kang's eyes again, so that this guy would polish his eyes in the future .

Jiang Chen controlled the strength well, but he still hit Shao Kang's eyes until they were so swollen that they almost couldn't be opened.

"Jiang Chen, just go crazy, let me tell you, I won't fight back, but you beat me up this time, and you will be expelled from school, it is a certainty, and no one can intercede for you. It's over." Shao Kang said, gritting his teeth.

"Why didn't you fight back? In fact, I really hope that you will fight back." Jiang Chen was very regretful, entangled lazily, raised his foot, kicked Shao Kang, like a cannonball, and flew out.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Following Shao Kangfei's departure, a roar sounded suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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