genius evil

Chapter 1049 I Rule Your Life

Chapter 1049 I Rule Your Life

That roar, full of firepower.

Immediately afterwards, a man in his thirties strode over, his face darkened and he was very angry.

Seeing this man appear, Jian Xiaoyu's complexion couldn't help but change, and Mao Dan and the others were also taken aback, as if they didn't expect this man to appear here.

"Teacher Mu, I was beaten by Jiang Chen, and I didn't fight back." Shao Kang got up, walked to the man with a limp, and grinned.

He was suing, telling Jiang Chen what was wrong, and the man listened attentively.

"Needless to say, I saw it all just now." The man nodded, looked Jiang Chen up, and asked, "Are you Jiang Chen?"

"If there is no second Jiang Chen in Capital University, I think I am." Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"You still have the face to smile?" How did you know that after Jiang Chen's words fell, the man immediately flew into a rage, and said sharply, "Jiang Chen, you are so courageous. Now, you are still beating people openly, you black sheep, how long are you going to be so arrogant?"

"The black sheep?"

Jiang Chen faintly felt that such a description was a bit familiar, and when he glanced at this man, he suddenly realized.

On the surface, he said casually: "You only saw that I was beating someone, but you didn't know why I was beating someone. It's out of emotion and reason. Shouldn't you ask why I did it?"

"A black sheep is a black sheep. After beating someone, you still dare to argue. I have already said that it is best to expel people like you, so as not to spoil the school atmosphere." The man said coldly.

"Mr. Mu, this matter was caused by Shao Kang's provocation." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"You don't need to reason with me." The man didn't listen at all, and said to Jiang Chen, "You, apologize to classmate Shao Kang, and your attitude must be sincere. Then, you go to the Academic Affairs Office with me and sign the dismissal agreement. I, Capital University, do not have students like you."

"Mr. Mu, we can see clearly which is right and which is wrong. You draw conclusions indiscriminately, which is very suspected of partiality." Jian Xiaoyu said seriously.

"I told you, you don't need to reason with me." The man waved his hand with a firm and domineering attitude.

Afterwards, he introduced himself to Jiang Chen, "My name is Mu Yuan. You definitely don't know me. In the future, I don't think we need to know each other. Anyway, the class I lead will never allow a scum like you to exist."

"You don't need to introduce yourself. I already guessed who you are. Of course, I also don't want to know you at all." Jiang Chen said.

"Things that have no dignity." Mu Yuan was angry.


Jiang Chen couldn't bear it, and he let out a low shout, like spring thunder bursting from his tongue, Mu Yuan's face changed drastically, turning pale in shock.

"Jiang Chen, how dare you be rude in front of Teacher Mu." Shao Kang pointed at Jiang Chen, filled with righteous indignation.


Jiang Chen moved his feet and appeared in front of Shao Kang. He slapped Shao Kang on the face. Shao Kang passed out, leaving five bruised fingerprints on his face, which was shocking.

"You..." Mu Yuan was taken aback. Jiang Chen slapped Shao Kang unconscious, as if he was slapping a fly.

It's too scary to imagine.

"Shut up." Jiang Chen frowned impatiently.

He walked slowly towards Mu Yuan and said word by word, "Mu Yuan, as the class teacher of my class, do you think that you can dominate my life? Control my future? But you know, I, Dominate your life."

Jiang Chen took one step at a time, every word and sentence, it was deafening, like a thunder, it exploded in Mu Yuan's ear, when Jiang Chen's words fell, Mu Yuan took a few steps back, opened his mouth, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood, crumbling and panicking Want to die.

"Dominate my life?"

Mu Yuan looked at Jiang Chen as if he saw a god, he was so inconceivable.

I just felt that every word Jiang Chen said caused his blood to resonate. The blood rushed straight to the top of his head, and the blood vessels were about to burst. This is an indescribable scene.


Not intending to tangle with Mu Yuan, Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

A single word, like Da Dao Hong Yin, hit Mu Yuan's heart.

In an instant, Mu Yuan felt his heart was going to burst and he was almost suffocated. He didn't dare to disobey, turned around, staggered, panicked, and ran fast, without the slightest air of just now.

"Jiang Chen, what did you just do?" Mao Dan was puzzled.

Just listening to Jiang Chen say something inexplicable, then Mu Yuan vomited blood, as if he was frightened, but he didn't seem to be, so he couldn't understand.

"You heard it all." Jiang Chen said.

"I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand." Mao Dan said.

The meaning in Jiang Chen's words was extremely concise, but Mao Dan didn't understand what it means for Jiang Chen to dominate Mu Yuan's life, which is ridiculous.

Jiang Chen didn't explain, he didn't need Mao Dan to understand, as long as Mu Yuan understood it was enough.

"Jiang Chen, Mu Yuan was scared away by you, will there be any trouble?" Jian Xiaoyu was worried.

Mu Yuan has proposed over and over again to persuade Jiang Chen to leave. This matter has been widely circulated in the campus. It is even heard that Mu Yuan will report to the principal and think that Jiang Chen is a black sheep and must be expelled.

It's just that for some reason, the school seems to be silent.

"There will be no more troubles, everything has been resolved." Jiang Chen said.

From today onwards, when Namu Yuan saw him, he would treat him like a god.

Many truths in this world are false, only strong strength is the most real.

Jiang Chen broke through the ninth layer of body quenching, and used the secret method of burning blood. Although it caused some damage to the body, he had a better understanding of this world.

His words sounded like the true meaning, even the ninth-level powerhouse of Guwuhoutian couldn't bear it and would be seriously injured.

Seeing that Mu Yuan was a mortal, Jiang Chen reluctantly spared his life, but the shadow in his heart could not be erased throughout his life.

Jian Xiaoyu was still worried. Before, she wanted to go to see Mu Yuan with Jiang Chen and explain it. Who knew, Shao Kang was beaten by Mu Yuan and Jiang Chen, and the misunderstanding deepened.

Mu Yuan was very domineering, and he couldn't listen to anything. With such a stubborn person, Jian Xiaoyu was afraid that he would do something irrational, which would not be good for Jiang Chen.

"Xiao Yumei, do you have class in the afternoon?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Yes, you don't have to take elective courses." Jian Xiaoyu said.

"Alright, walk with me." Jiang Chen said.

He will not return to Beijing for a long time this time, and he will leave soon. This trip will take longer, and he does not know when he will come back.

But he also took time out to accompany the woman around him, and made a special trip to Capital University this time.

Jiang Chen led Jian Xiaoyu away, Mao Dan watched the two go away, and said to Zhu Ling and Tan Min: "You two find that Jiang Chen seems to be different."

"He is so powerful, he seems to look down on all living beings." Zhu Ling said.

Jiang Chen was also very strong before, but it was different from the current strength.

The current Jiang Chen has an indescribable charm in every gesture, which is extremely attractive. The three of them are often inadvertently attracted and distracted.

"Yeah, it's so strange, what he said to Teacher Mu just now, I seem to be seeing a god." Tan Min added, feeling a little terrified in his heart, it was a very mysterious feeling.

It reminded her that she once went to worship a bodhisattva who was extremely efficacious, and that bodhisattva was alive and flexible, with charming connotations flowing.

Jiang Chen was different. What changed was not only his temperament, but also his state of mind.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

Jiang Chen is stepping on the road of being a strong man step by step, almost no one can keep up with his footsteps, he can only follow.

"Jiang Chen, last time you said you would leave for a few days, but these accidents happened in just a few days." Jian Xiaoyu walked with Jiang Chen on the campus and said softly.

Mu Yuan said that he wanted to persuade Jiang Chen to retreat, which caused a lot of disputes. Counting, she is also a victim. That Shao Kang wanted to take advantage of the situation, but he was ashamed.

Jiang Chen beat Shao Kang up, but Jian Xiaoyu didn't think there was anything wrong, he was a very annoying guy, like a fly, buzzing non-stop all day long, very annoying.

"I didn't plan carefully this time. Next time, such an accident will not happen again." Jiang Chen said.

Mu Yuan could only be regarded as an accident, Jiang Chen didn't take it to heart.

But such an accident, Jiang Chen was very displeased, disturbing the people around him.

Jian Xiaoyu nodded, and then remained silent, staying by Jiang Chen's side. After a while, Jian Xiaoyu finally opened his mouth and asked, "Jiang Chen, are you leaving the capital again?"

This time, Jian Xiaoyu also discovered that Jiang Chen had become different.

Even though it was right in front of her eyes, it seemed untouchable and unattainable, which made her feel ashamed.

"I want to leave for a while." Jiang Chen nodded, took the initiative to hold Jian Xiaoyu's little hand, shook it vigorously, and said with a smile, "I originally planned to have a romantic date with you, Xiaoyu beauty, but I have to postpone it a little."

Jian Xiaoyu blushed slightly, feeling her body was being electrified and numb, she almost couldn't help herself, she fell into Jiang Chen's arms, and said softly: "Jiang Chen, I don't know what you are doing, it's you and Like I said, I probably don't understand, but I will wait for you in the capital."

Jiang Chen lowered his head, looked at Jian Xiaoyu's charming face, couldn't bear it, and kissed her.


Jian Xiaoyu whispered coquettishly, her breathing was rapid, and she clumsily catered to Jiang Chen.

"Hey, that guy seems to be Jiang Chen."

"That's right, it's Jiang Chen. Isn't he going to be persuaded to leave? Why is he back?"

"Sure enough, Xiao Yu's school flower is still Jiang Chen's, and no one can take it away. I guess that Shao Kang will be in trouble."


Jiang Chen was very famous in Capital University, even if he left for a while, he was still remembered by everyone.

This is a man of the hour. As soon as school started, he got entangled with several big campus beauties.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen and Jian Xiaoyu kissed fieryly, and a voice came, startling Jian Xiaoyu, and Jian Xiaoyu hid behind Jiang Chen like a frightened bird.

Jiang Chen followed the sound, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Nangong, I came here specifically to find you, why is the phone turned off?"

"The phone is broken." Nangong Hua walked over, Bai Jiangchen glanced at him, and secretly cursed.

He said that he came to find her specially, but he had a fierce fight with Jian Xiaoyu, so he couldn't believe it at all.

He also didn't know why Jiang Chen was so thick-skinned, he would speak nonsense casually, with all seriousness.

"Is Nangong beauty jealous?" Jiang Chen said with a smile, reaching out to hold Nangong Hua's hand.

Nangong Hua slightly tugged, but couldn't break free, so she could only let Jiang Chen hold it, and asked, "You said you came to see me, what's the matter?"

"There is a very serious matter." Jiang Chen said.

Nangong Hua was curious that Jiang Chen would come to her for some serious business, as if he had never seen Jiang Chen passing by before.

Soon, Nangong Hua knew what Jiang Chen was talking about, because Jiang Chen kissed her red lips before he was prepared.

Nangong Hua was dumbfounded. This guy kissed Jian Xiaoyu just now, and now he's kissing her again. It's too bullying.

It said it was a serious matter, but in fact, it was not serious at all, it was outrageous.

Jian Xiaoyu smiled coquettishly, shrugging his shoulders, wanting to see but embarrassed.

Some passing students stared dumbfounded. The man of the hour is worthy of being the man of the day. Jiang Chen and the two campus beauties kissed openly. Such a scene is enough to be recorded in the school history of Capital University...

(End of this chapter)

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