genius evil

Chapter 1050

Chapter 1050
After a while, more and more students gathered around. Some students even took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Jiang Chen and Nangong Hua. They planned to send the photos to the campus intranet for all students to watch.

"Jiang Chen, stop." Nangong Hua was extremely annoyed, she didn't want to be watched like a monkey.

However, Jiang Chen was too strong and took the initiative, so he couldn't allow her to refuse at all. She could only accept the violation passively, panting so hard that it was almost difficult to breathe.

"Jiang Chen, there are many people taking pictures." Jian Xiaoyu reminded.

This kind of feeling is very bad. The three of them are the famous people on campus. If someone spreads the photos, the triangular relationship between the three of them will be known to everyone.

Although, she and Nangong Hua acquiesced to each other's existence, it was too different after all, and they were worried about causing rumors.

Jiang Chen finally let go of Nangong Hua, and glanced at the group of students.

"I'll give you ten seconds to delete the photo you just took," Jiang Chen said.

Some people laughed, and finally captured the photos, even if they don't spread it, it's good to take it and enjoy it. How can you delete it?
"Jiang Chen, you kiss one more." Some people also encouraged and clamored.

They only took a picture of Jiang Chen kissing Nangong Hua, and they asked Jiang Chen to kiss Jian Xiaoyu again, and after taking a photo, they were done.

It will be more convincing if it is posted on the forum later.

Being more active, I thought about contacting the newspaper reporter and selling the photos for money.

It is common for college students to fall in love, but a boy and two girls fall in love, and it is still in an institution of higher learning like Capital University. It must be considered big news. It is estimated that many reporters will be interested.

"Jiang Chen, don't be shy, we all support you." A boy shouted, his envy was beyond words.

Whether it is Nangong Hua or Jian Xiaoyu, they are all goddess-level existences. They are unattainable and can only be seen from a distance and cannot be played with. Jiang Chen drags two, and the two goddesses are all in his hands. This is extremely brilliant The record is unprecedented.

"Jiang Chen, how did you catch up with Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua?" A girl asked, blushing.

She thinks she is quite pretty, and although she is not the most beautiful in the top ten school beauties list, she still has many suitors.

Jiang Chen was unrestrained, and he fought fiercely with the two school beauties.

Many people think that he has an extraordinary background, which is why the two school beauties are willing to imitate E Huang Nv Ying.

The girl wanted to use this to attract Jiang Chen's attention, so she cast a wink, which was very charming.

"You only have, two seconds." Jiang Chen ignored those words and said with a light smile.

"Jiang Chen, you can't be too stingy, we just took a few photos." Some boys were dissatisfied, thinking that Jiang Chen was threatening.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are driving a Land Rover, so you must be very rich, why don't you buy it with money, 100 yuan for a photo, would that be good?" Some people teased and joked.

"No one hundred, fifty is fine." Someone said again.

He just snapped dozens of photos. If Jiang Chen really wanted to use money to buy photos, it would be a lot of money, almost two months of living expenses, and he could squander it for a while.

"Shameless." Nangong Hua gritted her teeth.

She knew that many of the snapped photos were of her being kissed by Jiang Chen. She was ashamed and angry, very embarrassed, and blamed Jiang Chen Jing~ Chongshangnao.

"It's time." Jiang Chen didn't respond.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen stepped forward, and a boy's mobile phone fell into Jiang Chen's hands.

With a slight movement of the palm, the mobile phone instantly turned into countless parts, and Jiang Chen casually threw it on the ground.

With another move, another mobile phone was smashed.

Jiang Chen's speed was astonishing, and it was almost impossible for the naked eye to catch it. In an instant, more than a dozen mobile phones were poisoned.

A group of students exclaimed loudly and scolded Jiang Chen for paying back their mobile phones. Other students, seeing Jiang Chen being so overbearing, ran away for fear of suffering.

Jiang Chen noticed every student who took photos. He gave them time to delete the photos, but no one obeyed, so he could only use his own method to destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces.

No one could run away, they were being watched by Jiang Chen, one after another mobile phones were turned into parts, even if they were sent to the original factory, they couldn't be assembled and restored.

Finally, someone noticed Jiang Chen's terrifying hand strength, they turned pale with shock, and secretly lamented Jiang Chen's inhumanity.

Some thin and light mobile phones are okay to say, but not everyone's mobile phones are thin and light. Some are old-fashioned smartphones that won't break if dropped on the ground.

But when Jiang Chen casually pinched it, it was like pinching a soft persimmon, with a crackling sound, it was crushed.

This is an unimaginable strength. If it is pinched on the neck, I am afraid that even the neck can be easily broken.

They were lucky that Jiang Chen just crushed the phone and didn't hurt anyone. Otherwise, many people would be hurt.

Of course, this situation is already enough to make people angry.

If Jiang Chen only destroyed one or two mobile phones, it would be better to say that destroying so many in succession caused public outrage, even those students who ran away would be caught up by Jiang Chen at an incredible speed, and no one could escape.

The number of destroyed mobile phones increased sharply, becoming dozens in a while.

"Jiang Chen, you've gone too far. Apologize and compensate our mobile phone." Finally, someone was furious, accusing Jiang Chen angrily, asking Jiang Chen to give an explanation.

"That's right, otherwise don't blame us for being rude and beat you up." Someone said again, very aggrieved.

He just came here to snap a few photos. His newly bought mobile phone was brutally murdered. He was very distressed and wanted Jiang Chen to pay for it.

"Jiang Chen, don't say you don't have money, even if you sell the car, you still have to compensate us, otherwise, we won't be afraid to sue the principal for this matter." Another person said displeased.

Jiang Chen was too domineering, trying to make everyone obey him. They were all the favored children of heaven, and they had never been wronged like this.

"Just beat me up." Jiang Chen said, as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Are you sure?" Someone laughed.

Perhaps, Jiang Chen was very powerful in fights, one person could fight several, but the number of people whose phones were destroyed by Jiang Chen was dozens of people.

In addition, there were students who came upon hearing the news, and with all the responses, they could kill Jiang Chen just by the number of people.

They thought that Jiang Chen wanted to renege on the debt, and they didn't want to pay for the mobile phone. They were eager to try, and planned to beat Jiang Chen up first, to beat Jiang Chen honestly, and they were not afraid that Jiang Chen would not pay.

"Extremely certain." Jiang Chen smiled.

"This guy is crazy." Someone yelled.

"To beat or not to beat?" Someone asked, worried that there would be too many people and people would die.


Some people gritted their teeth. Since Jiang Chen asked for it, there is no reason why Jiang Chen should not be fulfilled.

Then the man said: "Everyone, don't hit too hard in a while, just make some skin trauma. The main thing is to subdue this guy. He is too arrogant and defiant. We must teach him a profound lesson."

"Okay, it's best not to hurt your muscles or bones, everyone take it easy." A student who seemed to have good organizational skills said.

He looked at Jiang Chen and smiled, and said, "Jiang Chen, we don't want to bully you, we just want to seek justice."

"The school won't punish us, right?" Someone asked, wanting to make a move, but afraid of trouble.

"I am a student of the law school. Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are too many people, and the law does not blame everyone." A boy said loudly, using the knowledge he had learned to speak out from his own experience.

"I belong to the student union. I have a lot of important information in my phone, as well as the contact information of the school leaders. Now that Jiang Chen destroys it, many important things will be delayed. Jiang Chen is too vile, and beating him up is considered cheap." " A student from the student union said loudly, fully mobilizing everyone's emotions, so as not to make a move in a while, and some people would be intimidated.

These words are very lethal.

These days, mobile phones are no longer just communication tools. There are a lot of information in them, and it is difficult to recover. They are all angry and yelling loudly.

"Jiang Chen, why don't we lose money?" Jian Xiaoyu was worried.

With so many people, it would be a scuffle at the first strike, and Jiang Chen would suffer.

"Yeah, not much money." Nangong Hua said, not in favor of doing it, there are too many people, there is no benefit.

"No money." Jiang Chen smiled.

"The dead duck has a stubborn mouth, do it, everyone do it together." Someone encouraged, and it was time to do it.

"Come on." Jiang Chen hooked his fingers, very hesitantly.


I don't know who it is, called out, took the lead, and rushed to Jiang Chen.

One person moved, dozens of people moved one after another.

They were all at the age of eighteen or nineteen, they were young and hot-blooded and impulsive. They all felt wronged and needed to vent. They were unwilling to let Jiang Chen go easily. They wanted to teach Jiang Chen an unforgettable lesson so that Jiang Chen Be honest in the future, don't be too arrogant.

Jiang Chen grabbed Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua with a single hand, and put them behind him, strode forward to meet the dozens of people.

"This guy is so courageous." Someone was secretly stunned. It was fine if Jiang Chen didn't run away, but he even took the initiative to send it here. This is a one-on-one fight against dozens of people. Where did he get the confidence?

"Don't hesitate, hit." Someone said, hitting Jiang Chen with a fist.



Dozens of people all moved their hands and feet, and Jiang Chen was submerged like a frenzy.

Quite a number of girls look at their pretty faces. They look at Jiang Chen differently from boys. When they look at Jiang Chen, they think that Jiang Chen is very responsible, protecting their women from harm, and feeling very safe.

They looked at Jiang Chen differently, but fortunately they didn't have time to express it, otherwise the boys would only be even more angry, and they couldn't let all the girls in the school fall into Jiang Chen's arms.

Both Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua closed their eyes, they couldn't bear to look more, they were thinking whether to call the police or call an ambulance, fearing that something might happen to Jiang Chen.

There are too many people, and the fists and kicks are different. Not everyone can restrain them. If one is not good, there will be a big problem.

But soon, everyone was stunned. Jiang Chen walked all the way, rampaging, like a tank, crushed in an instant, everyone couldn't get close, and fell backwards one after another.

In less than a minute, dozens of boys all collapsed into one piece, howling ghostly and howling, not knowing whether it was pain or fright.


Countless people were gasping for air. It was terrifying. Jiang Chen actually beat up dozens of people. He was too fierce to describe. He could be called a peerless macho.

Suddenly, some girls realized why outstanding people like Jian Xiaoyu and Nangong Hua were willing to serve their husbands together. This boy was simply inhuman, with an unimaginable sense of security, which touched the hearts of all the girls.

"Do you still want to fight?" Jiang Chen said with a slight smile, casually.

He was very restrained in his actions, he just beat people up and taught him a little lesson, but he didn't want to make things worse.

"Do you want to fight?" Dozens of people looked at each other, unable to speak. They wanted to fight, but how should they fight?
"Call people, everyone call people together, I don't believe it, Jiang Chen can hit dozens of people, can he still hit hundreds of people?" There are also people who don't believe in evil, expressing that they want to call people over and use larger-scale crowd tactics , crushing Jiang Chen.

"Yes, call someone, everyone call me, you can't suffer from being dumb." Someone responded that Jiang Chen must be beaten, otherwise, how would they have the face to call someone in the future?
Immediately, someone struggled to stand up, ran away, and went to call for someone. Jiang Chen didn't care, so let's call more people over, and see who can subdue whom!

(End of this chapter)

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