genius evil

Chapter 1052 Respect Me Like a God

Chapter 1052 Respect Me Like a God

The bustling scene suddenly fell silent, and the atmosphere was extremely strange.

All the people looked at Jiang Chen in a dazed manner. Everyone's eyes were flickering, and deep in their hearts, a cold air was blowing wildly.

"Haha, I'm really amazing, whoever dares to mess with me in the future, I can't discuss killing his whole family." Yuan Kaige got up from the ground again, laughed wildly, and waved his hands wildly.

"Boss, the second child seems to be really crazy." Duan Yu and Cheng Dafu were deeply worried.

"I'll come." Jiang Chen said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen kicked Yuan Kaige and flew more than ten meters away. It looked like Yuan Kaige had turned into a flying cannonball.


Everyone sucked in the air-conditioning wildly, and with a mere kick, they kicked everyone away.

They could see that Jiang Chen was showing mercy, otherwise, he would probably die today.

"What happened, what are you doing together, don't you have to go to class, hurry up and disperse." A middle-aged man in his fifties came over with a dignified expression.

"It's Vice Principal Yan Tong."

Several students from the student union had dealt with Yan Tong, and after recognizing someone, they immediately bowed their heads, lest they be recognized.

"Hurry up and disperse, do you want to give each of you a big punishment? Don't be so naive as to think that the law does not punish the public. That approach will not work with me." Yan Tong said.

He is the principal in charge of the school's discipline, and he is best at dealing with this kind of problem. He even scolded and bluffed, and punched him with a combination of punches.

Some students were timid and turned around and ran away.

"Principal Yan, Jiang Chen destroyed our mobile phone, and we want him to pay for it." Some boys mustered up their courage and said, hoping that Yan Tong could seek justice for them.

As for seeking justice for yourself, don't even think about it.

Jiang Chen is a monster, so many people have been beaten to the ground, who can do anything to him?
"Jiang Chen? Oh, is Jiang Chen here too, I happen to have something to ask him for." Yan Tong said.

"Vice-principal Yan wants to find Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen is finished."

"That's right, every time Vice President Yan is looking for someone, it doesn't end well."

"Last time, there was a guy who took advantage of his family's power and power to show off his power in front of Vice President Yan, but ended up losing face. Jiang Chen is probably going to be expelled now."


Some felt sorry for Jiang Chen, but of course more people gloated at his misfortune.

Not all the students of Capital University are the son of heaven, but when they leave this school, the halo on their bodies is enough to benefit them for a lifetime.

If Jiang Chen was expelled, they thought it would ruin Jiang Chen's future.

"Jiang Shao, do you have time? Go to my place for tea?" Yan Tong saw Jiang Chen, walked over, and said with a smile.

"No time." Jiang Chen said.

"Understand, understand." Yan Tong glanced at Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu, and said rather ambiguously: "Jiang Shao, I know you are very busy, so when you have time, go to my place for tea."

"What's the situation? Vice President Yan is actually laughing. Is the sun coming out from the west?"

"His name is Jiang Chen, Young Master Jiang, and he is extremely humble. Who the hell is Jiang Chen?"

"You actually invited Jiang Chen to drink tea, and Jiang Chen didn't get angry when he refused. When did Vice Principal Yan become so talkative?"

All the students are in a mess, they are still waiting for Yan Tong to blame Jiang Chen, who would have thought that Yan Tong would look like this, which is very different from what they thought.

The boy who stood up to speak and wanted to ask Yan Tong for justice was all stupid. He looked at Yan Tong like a ghost, and couldn't understand why Yan Tong did this.

"Principal Yan, Jiang Chen dropped many of our mobile phones. How do you deal with this matter?" Bite the bullet, the boy said, hoping that Yan Tong would express his opinion.

"Principal Yan, we are not embarrassing Jiang Chen, at most, let him compensate according to the price." Another boy said, relaxing the requirements and no longer asking for double compensation.

"Principal Yan, we were also beaten by Jiang Chen. He was too harsh, and he might have to go to the hospital. This kind of person is too presumptuous, and he is not worthy of being a student in our school." A boy said angrily.

"Who, who is not worthy of being a student in our school?" Before Yan Tong could speak, Mu Yuan came out from nowhere and asked.

"Teacher Mu?"

When everyone saw Mu Yuan appearing, they were all happy.

Mu Yuan just entered the Capital University this year. He is just a small class tutor, but because he often criticizes Jiang Chen by name, he is very famous and many people know him.

Yan Tong was ambiguous about Jiang Chen's issue, and they all pinned their hopes on Mu Yuan, hoping that Mu Yuan would not be afraid of power and fight hard against Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Mu, it's Jiang Chen." The boy said happily.


How did you know that when the voice fell, Mu Yuan just cursed.

Even, Mu Yuan stretched out his finger, almost pointing to his nose, and said sharply, "Jiang Chen is the best student in our class, the best student I have ever seen, if such a student , if you are not worthy, who else is worthy?"

"Teacher Mu, Jiang Chen destroyed our mobile phone." Someone said, not understanding how Mu Yuan became like this.

What about the black sheep?

What if a rat droppings ruined a pot of soup?
Amusing them?

"Where is the evidence? Who has the evidence, and where is the evidence? If there is no evidence, don't talk nonsense. Be careful that Jiang Chen sues you for defamation. Hurry up and go back where you came from. Otherwise, you will be charged with the crime of mobilizing a crowd, and you won't be able to afford it." Let's go." Mu Yuan said aggressively.

All the students are stupid.

Mu Yuan hadn't changed, he was still so jealous and unafraid of power, but on Jiang Chen's issue, he had become unprincipled.

Yan Tong is like this, and so is Mu Yuan.

Even if everyone is an idiot, they are aware that the situation is not right, so they dare not stay and leave one after another.

"Let's go." Jiang Chen said, leading Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu away.As for Duan Yu and the others, they didn't keep up with each other, and ran to the classroom to attend class.

"Mr. Mu, you are very nice. Let's go and drink tea in my office." Yan Tong patted Mu Yuan's shoulder admiringly.

Mu Yuan was flattered and nodded repeatedly.

"In the future, we will deal with Young Master Jiang's problems in this way." Yan Tong led Mu Yuan towards his office and said as he walked.

A few days ago, Mu Yuan kept handing over reports to the top, saying with certainty that Jiang Chen was going to be expelled, and Yan Tong also had a little understanding of Jiang Chen. At about the same time, the old principal asked him to go over and said something. sentence.

The meaning of the old principal is very simple, no matter what you do in school in the future, don't worry about it.

The old headmaster didn't elaborate on the specific meaning of the last sentence.

Yan Tong, who is as fine as a human being, naturally heard the meaning of it. Originally, he wanted to find time to beat Mu Yuan, so that Mu Yuan would stop embarrassing Jiang Chen. don't bother.

Unexpectedly, Mu Yuan seemed to have figured it out suddenly, and he completely changed himself, which made Yan Tong very happy.

"Jiang Chen, why are things so strange?" Nangong Hua asked.

Yan Tong was notoriously strict, but in front of Jiang Chen, he was the slightest bit strict and didn't show it.

And that Mu Yuan, who was famous for naming Jiang Chen many times, can be said to be Jiang Chen's deadly enemy, unexpectedly jumped out to defend Jiang Chen, it was too strange, I couldn't figure it out.

"Yes, it's so strange." Jian Xiaoyu agreed.

If Yan Tong's attitude towards Jiang Chen is nothing, then Mu Yuan's attitude is too intriguing.

Mu Yuan, who had always played the role of black face, sang red face when everyone expected him to reprimand Jiang Chen. The contrast was too great, and it was very deliberate.

"It's obvious, then Mu Yuan respects me like a god." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"What?" Nangong Hua thought she had heard wrong.

At the end, Nangong Hua said angrily: "Jiang Chen, can you be more stinky? Shameless."

"I'm serious." Jiang Chen was very wronged. Why did no one believe him when he told the truth?

Jian Xiaoyujiao said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't get fired anyway."

"Xiao Yu, don't defend him like this. Even if this guy is expelled, he doesn't take it seriously. He wasn't a good student in the first place." Nangong Hua said.

"Miss Nangong, because you know me so well, I decided to treat you well." Jiang Chen said.

"How do you reward me?" Nangong Hua asked curiously.

Jiang Chen leaned close to Nangonghua's ear, and whispered a few words, Nangonghua was suddenly shy and shy.

"What's wrong?" Jian Xiaoyu asked, not understanding what Jiang Chen said, which caused Nangong Hua to become like this.

Nangong Hua repeated it in Jian Xiaoyu's ear. Jian Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, shook his head again and again, and murmured, "No, no."

"You two are good sisters once you are born and you are familiar with each other. From now on in school, you have to take care of each other." Jiang Chen said seriously.

"In just a few days, I'm leaving the capital. It's very dangerous to go. I don't know when I'll see you next time." Before the second daughter could speak, Jiang Chen said again, and heaved a long sigh.

Nangong Hua stretched out her hand, squeezed Jiang Chen hard, and said, "Stop talking, we won't agree."

"Jiang Chen, is it really dangerous?" Jian Xiaoyu said.

"If one is not good, you will die." Jiang Chen solemnly said that there was no lie.

"Such an exaggeration." Nangong Hua looked at Jiang Chen carefully, trying to see if what Jiang Chen said was true or false, but found that Jiang Chen was not lying.

"Everyone has a different path to take. This is the path I want to take. Even if I die, I will have no regrets." Jiang Chen said very sincerely.

The avenue is long, search up and down.

Doomed to be full of thorns and bloody all the way.

Jiang Chen has walked this road once, but now, Jiang Chen will soon walk it again.

"I agree." Jian Xiaoyu said, nodding vigorously, biting her pink lips, looking at Jiang Chen with misty eyes.

"Xiao Yu, are you stupid? This damn liar is lying to you." Nangong Hua said angrily.

Although there were no traces of falsehood, Nangong Hua knew that the truth of the facts must be very different from what Jiang Chen showed.

Jian Xiaoyu was too soft-hearted, she was easily persuaded.

"Nangong, just promise Jiang Chen, just once, just this once, okay?" Jian Xiaoyu took Nangonghua's little hand and said softly, begging Nangonghua.

Nangong Hua's eyes flickered, and finally sighed, and said, "It's cheap, this guy, I already knew that there would be such a day."

"Jiang Chen, Nangong agreed." Jian Xiaoyu immediately said happily.

"Very good, you did a good job." Jiang Chen was overjoyed, and took the second daughter with him, and quickly walked outside the campus.

Half an hour later, on the big bed of a five-star hotel, Nangong Hua and Jian Xiaoyu lay on both sides with their jade bodies lying horizontally. Changed.

"Jiang Chen, just this time, it's an advance payment for you. Don't think that I, Nangonghua, are easy to bully. If you want to have a next time, I'd rather die than follow." Nangonghua said.

Jiang Chen didn't reply, this kind of thing, once there will be another, no matter how hard the mouth is, it's useless, it's not something Nangong Hua can refuse.

Moreover, no matter how much words are said, it is not as effective as actual actions. Jiang Chen is like, act quickly...

(End of this chapter)

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