genius evil

Chapter 1053 Be a good person once

Chapter 1053 Be a Good Person Once

Jiang Chen stayed in the capital for three days, and then returned to Jiangnan Province, where he also stayed for three days.

One after another, I met all the people I was going to meet.

Then, Jiang Chen took the Great Peiyuan Pill and set off for Fanyin Mountain alone.

Wen Qingxin waited for this day for too long, and even took a risk on the way.

Jiang Chen was very clear that Wen Qingxin was waiting for the result from his side, so Jiang Chen tried his best not to waste time, and after all matters were dealt with, he went to meet immediately.

Fanyin Mountain is in the southeast of Huaxia. Jiang Chen traveled from Jiangnan Province, and it took him about a day to reach a nearby city.

This is a typical southeast small town. There was a drizzle in the sky, and the rain tended to get heavier and heavier. It was already late, so Jiang Chen could only give up the idea of ​​going up the mountain overnight and find a place to spend the night.


"You should run quickly."

"What's the matter, tired, can't run anymore?"


Jiang Chen came here for the first time and was unfamiliar with the place. He was looking around for a hotel when he heard the roar of a locomotive.

A few high-power motorcycles with their headlights turned on made it hard for people to keep their eyes open.

A few young men on the motorcycle, with hippie smiles, bluffing, ran towards the front not far away, panting, and the woman with a pale face said teasingly.

The woman had obviously been running in the drizzle for a long time, her hair and clothes were all wet by the rain, and they were tightly fitted to her body, outlining a beautiful body line, which was rather touching. charm.

The woman was running ahead, and several young men, riding motorcycles, chased after them unhurriedly. They didn't seem to be in a hurry to catch up, but were enjoying the pleasure of playing cat and mouse.


Suddenly, the woman sprained her feet and let out a scream, but it just so happened that she fell on Jiang Chen and fell away.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen had no choice but to stretch out his hand to give him a hand.

"Boy, let go of your salty pig hands, who told you to meddle in your own business?"

"Boy, before we get angry, get out of here quickly, or you won't be able to eat and walk around."

Just as Jiang Chen helped the woman up, several young men on the motorcycle pointed at him and yelled loudly, very rude and arrogant.

"You four, if your eyes are fine, you should be able to tell that I'm not meddling." Frowning, Jiang Chen said displeased.

"Admit it, right? Then get out of here."

One of them laughed jokingly, very pleased with himself.

"I've changed my mind." Jiang Chen shook his head, and said indifferently, "I have now decided to mind my own business."

"Sir, don't worry about me, go by yourself." The woman panicked and panted, "The four of them have deep backgrounds in this city, they can do both black and white, and they have had human lives in their hands. Do not provoke."

Jiang Chen looked at the woman with a little surprise, this is how he saw her appearance clearly.

She has a rather delicate melon-shaped face with big eyes, but due to excessive fright, her complexion is pale, and her eyes are also dull, with a soft and pitiful charm.

Jiang Chen finally understood why the four guys were so vicious, and they dared to be affectionate, probably because they were appreciating the charm.

"Actually, I'm not easy to provoke." Jiang Chen laughed.

"Boy, are you sure you want to meddle in your own business?" A young man got off the motorcycle, walked towards Jiang Chen, and said coldly.

They are domineering and unscrupulous, and no one in the entire city knows their names.

Black and white, everyone has to give them face and dare not provoke them.

Jiang Chen said that he changed his mind and wanted to meddle in other people's business, which was surprising, but more, it made these four people feel a little funny. They looked at Jiang Chen as if they were looking at an ignorant wretch.

The young man walking towards Jiang Chen was even more so.

He planned to pinch Jiang Chen who looked like a bug in his eyes to death with his own hands, so that Jiang Chen would know that their business was not so easy to manage.

"Master Chong, play slowly, don't play people to death all at once?" Someone said to the young man walking towards Jiang Chen, teasing endlessly.

"I know it in my heart." Young Master Chong said, and after a few steps, he walked in front of Jiang Chen.

"Boy, you haven't answered my question yet." Raising his chin, looking at Jiang Chen, Chong Shao said.

"It's not like that, he was just passing by, and you all saw it." The woman said hurriedly, stuttering, pushing Jiang Chen vigorously to let Jiang Chen go first, and said: "Sir, hurry up, no need Leave me alone."

The woman thought that the matter started because of her, so Jiang Chen couldn't be affected by it.

These four were well-known bullies, they were capable of murder and arson, and Jiang Chen knew they were from other places as soon as he heard the accent, and he would suffer a lot.

"I really changed my mind." Jiang Chen said, extremely sincere.

If he changed his mind for the first time, it was because he was irritated by the domineering attitude of these four people.

Then Jiang Chen changed his mind for the second time because of this woman.

Soft and deceitful, but extremely kind, she didn't want to hurt him.

As everyone knows, this woman probably underestimated the consequences if no one stood up for her tonight.

She will be toyed with and will end up miserable. It is even possible that the four of them will make a deed of destroying the corpse and destroying the traces, not wanting the matter to be exposed.

Jiang Chen secretly sighed, the good and evil in human nature are clearly reflected at this moment.

He never considered himself a good person, but this was the first time he planned to be a good person!
"Very good, this is very interesting." Young Master Chong raised his big hand, and a pistol appeared in his hand, pointing at Jiang Chen, and said: "Boy, just to remind you, the one who took care of you is Who, I think it is necessary, introduce yourself."

"No, I can't remember your name." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Oh?" Chong Shao was surprised.

He has a habit, that is, he likes to let people know his name, and then feel trembling from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Chen said such words, which was unexpected by Young Master Chong.

"Young Master Chong, this kid is too presumptuous." Another person came over with an ugly face, walked to Young Master Chong's side, stared at Jiang Chen, and said slowly: "You must have never heard of the boy from other places. Chong Shao’s name, otherwise I would have been scared to death.”

"I am very courageous." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"No, you're not brave, but stupid." Shao Chong shook his head, opened the safety catch of the pistol, and said, "Do you think that I'm scaring you with a toy gun? Or, do you think that I dare not shot."

"You think too much." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

To him, it doesn't make any difference whether Young Master Chong is holding a toy gun or a real gun, or if Young Master Chong is holding a bazooka, that can threaten him.

Chong Shao was puzzled, and found that he couldn't understand Jiang Chen.

The action of him opening the pistol safety catch was to remind Jiang Chen, let Jiang Chen see clearly that what he was holding was a real gun, not a toy gun.

Jiang Chen was indifferent, extremely calm, and unpredictable.

"Could it be that this kid knows someone important in this city, so he has nothing to worry about?" Young Master Chong thought to himself.

In the end, Shao Chong smiled.

He himself was a big shot, no matter who that big shot Jiang Chen knew was, they were all threatening him.

"I'm going to break one of your hands first. Just now, both of your hands touched this beauty. Tell me, which one is better for me to hit." Young Master Chong said.

Shao Chong is very good at torture methods.

He knew that if he shot directly, no matter whether he hit Jiang Chen's left hand or right hand first, there would be no fear of letting Jiang Chen choose.

Similarly, this game has been played many times.

Young Master Chong knew the rhythm of the game very well. After a while, if Jiang Chen chose the left hand, he would hit Jiang Chen's right hand.

If Jiang Chen chose the right hand, he would hit Jiang Chen's left hand.

If Jiang Chen insists on not choosing anything, it doesn't matter, he will first cripple Jiang Chen's two legs, and then slowly let Jiang Chen make a choice.

Believe in Jiang Chen, he will always make a choice that satisfies him.

"Don't shoot, he just wanted to help me, your target is me, don't kill people." The woman panicked and spoke incoherently.

"Beauty, you'd better shut up, otherwise I will think that you have a crush on this kid, how romantic it is for a hero to save the beauty." Young Master Chong said.

"That's right, it's quite romantic." Jiang Chen said, nodding seriously, after that, no one saw how he moved, the gun in Shao Chong's hand fell into his hand.

"Close your eyes." Following that, Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen's words seemed to contain a strange magic power, and the woman's eyes suddenly closed subconsciously.

Then, the gunshot rang out, and Jiang Chen shot Chong Shao's forehead, a blood hole burst, and Chong Shao fell to the ground.

He didn't want to waste time, the action of shooting was crisp and neat.

"" The expression of the young man standing next to Young Master Chong changed dramatically, he couldn't believe it, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Boy, you are dead."

The other two men on the motorcycle quickly reached out and drew their guns, intending to shoot Jiang Chen to death.

Jiang Chen actually shot and killed Young Master Chong, and they were like hell.

Jiang Chen casually pulled the trigger, and fired two bullets, reaping the lives of the two men, and the cold muzzle of the gun hit the head of the young man in front of him by the way.

"Don't kill me, I'll give you whatever you want, my family has a lot of money, you can have as much as you want." The young man was almost scared to death, Jiang Chen was too unreasonable to play cards, killing people without blinking an eye.

They claim to be a bully, but compared to Jiang Chen, they are far behind, not at the same level.

"Which hotel nearby is better?" Jiang Chen asked.


The young man was stunned, unable to recover, Jiang Chen actually asked an irrelevant question, he was extremely messy, but quickly answered, "Go 500 meters ahead, the Xiandu Hotel is very good."

"Thank you." Jiang Chen grinned and sent out a bullet.

Then, Jiang Chen casually dropped the gun, and led the woman away.

About 500 meters away, Jiang Chen saw the signboard of Xiandu Hotel.

This city has an alias, Xiandu. Since ancient times, there have been many outstanding people and great figures.

The hotel is named after the city, so it's not too bad.

Jiang Chen went to the front desk to open a suite, led the woman into the elevator, went upstairs, and did not open the woman's closed eyes until she entered the room.

The woman was dazed, looking at Jiang Chen in amazement, her pale lips twitched, and after a while, she said with a sob: "You killed someone, you caused a catastrophe, you must run for your life, don't stay here."

"Do you want to take a shower first?" Jiang Chen asked.

The woman lost her mind. She found that Jiang Chen didn't take her words seriously at all, thinking that Jiang Chen didn't know the importance, and said again, "The family of the four of them has a great influence in this city, and they will come to them soon. Come on, you have to go quickly."

"I plan to stay here for one night." Jiang Chen yawned, and Shi Shi ran into one of the bedrooms.

(End of this chapter)

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