genius evil

Chapter 1055 The second disciple

Chapter 1055 The Seventh Disciple
Recipe, Shining.

Jiang Chen even saw butterflies and bees flying among the layers of flowers.

When outsiders enter here, they will feel that spring is here and everything is revived.

But instead of spring, it's autumn.

That is to say, in this area, spring and autumn are reversed.

"This peach grove, I heard from my master, existed before the establishment of the gate of Fanyin Mountain. It is extremely peculiar. It has been preserved until now, and has experienced countless prosperity." Wen Qingxin walked behind Jiang Chen and said softly.

"Is it like this every year?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Year after year." Wen Qingxin nodded and said, "In it, it's easy for people to feel that the annual rings and seasons are reversed, and I don't know what night it is."

Jiang Chen nodded, pondered, and strolled through it.

Fanyin Mountain is not high, with an altitude of less than 1000 meters, which means that such a scene violates the laws of nature.

This is very unusual.

Even, it can be said that it is not possible to wait for the supernatural powers and means to do it, it is more like a small world projection left by a certain peerless power.

"Is that so?" Jiang Chen wanted to attach himself, but he couldn't be sure.

After all, his cultivation was too low, and he didn't even have spiritual consciousness, so he couldn't examine it carefully.

After a brief stay, Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin entered a room.

The interior of the room is antique, from which it can be seen that there are traces of changes in the past dynasties, and it is obvious that although the Fanyin Mountain Sect is not big, it has been passed down for hundreds of years and has a deep foundation.

"This is where I live, and it is also the place where the suzerains of Fanyin Mountain lived." Wen Qingxin said, making tea for Jiang Chen, but the tea was peach blossom tea.

Jiang Chen took a sip, only to feel the aroma of peach blossoms in his mouth and nose.

"Every year, when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, some are picked, dried and cultivated. This year, it's almost the time." Wen Qingxin said with a chuckle.

"I'm very good at picking flowers, so I can help." Jiang Chen smiled.

The words were clearly full of ambiguity, Wen Qing could hear it, but ignored it, she said: "Picking peach blossoms should be carried out in the morning light, if the sky is slightly dewed, stop and wait until tomorrow morning. "

"But I can't wait." Jiang Chen said.

Wen Qing couldn't laugh or cry, this guy, she said things, he said things, he couldn't talk well at all.

"Oh, by the way, this is the Great Pei Yuan Pill." Jiang Chen remembered the business, took out the Great Pei Yuan Pill, and handed it to Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin stretched out her hand to take it, her heart moved slightly.

"Huang Chan, did you really succeed?" Wen Qingxin was extremely surprised, but actually, she didn't have much expectation.

"Barely about eighty to ninety percent, it's not considered complete." Jiang Chen said.

"It's enough." Wen Qingxin said, she wanted to take this Great Peiyuan Pill right away to test the efficacy of the medicine.

"Be careful, you can start now." Jiang Chen said.

He understood Wen Qingxin's mood.

Wen Qing was not pretentious. In front of Jiang Chen, she took the Dapei Yuan Pill, and then her figure shot out, and she sat down on the peach blossom-filled ground, calmed down, and began to try to break through.

This process is destined not to be too short, Jiang Chen did not disturb, and left slowly.


Zeng Yuxi was surrounded by people.

She came with Jiang Chen. Many people were curious about her identity and asked who she was.

Zeng Yuxi solemnly introduced the relationship between her and Jiang Chen to everyone, saying that she was wandering around the world with Jiang Chen, which caused a roar of laughter, which made Zeng Yuxi baffled, wondering what they were laughing at.

Because she didn't think it was funny, it was a matter of life and death, and it had to be treated seriously.

Zeng Yuxi saw that the people in Fanyin Mountain practiced cultivation. She was very curious and pestered Xiaolan to teach her.

Xiaolan didn't recognize Jiang Chen just now, she was very guilty, worried that Wen Qingxin would blame her, maybe Zeng Yuxi would be able to intercede for her, so she taught Zeng Yuxi a little bit.

How could he know that Zeng Yuxi knew everything at once, and his progress was rapid. After a while, Xiao Lan was very surprised.

Soon, Meng Xiyan was alarmed and came to meet Zeng Yuxi.

"Have you broken through the day after tomorrow?" Xiaolan said to Meng Xiyan.

Fanyin Mountain has its own cultivation methods, but it is not easy to get started in ancient martial arts. Some people often need several months or even a year.

Zeng Yuxi practiced very quickly. In just ten minutes, an ordinary person stepped into the threshold of ancient martial arts. The speed was astonishing.

Meng Xiyan checked carefully and found that it was indeed the case, and asked Zeng Yuxi if he wanted to visit Fanyin Mountain.

"What kind of sect are you guys? The same as in the TV novels?" Zeng Yuxi asked curiously, inexplicably finding it very interesting.

"It's a little different." Meng Xiyan said embarrassedly.

The masters in TV and novels come and go without a trace, they can't do that.

"Anyway, it's very powerful, isn't it?" Zeng Yuxi didn't give up.

"Master, she is very powerful, we can only be regarded as average." Meng Xiyan was even more embarrassed.

She planned to introduce Zeng Yuxi to Wen Qingxin. Zeng Yuxi got started with ancient martial arts so quickly, which was so fast, it reminded her of Wen Qingxin's training scene.

Wen Qingxin's practice can almost be said to be self-taught without a teacher, and her cultivation level surpasses all the suzerains of Fanyin Mountain. She is the number one genius and the number one master of Fanyin Mountain for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because of Wen Qingxin that Fanyin Mountain has an extraordinary status.

Meng Xiyan had a premonition that Zeng Yuxi would become the next Wen Qingxin. At that time, there might be two innately strong people in Fanyin Mountain.

"What about Jiang Chen, how about him, can he beat me now?" Zeng Yuxi asked.

She felt that the strength in her body had increased many times, and every punch could make a sound.

Meng Xiyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I can't beat it."

"Then I am willing to worship Fanyin Mountain." After thinking for a while, Zeng Yuxi said.

Jiang Chen had protected her once, and if given the chance, she would also like to protect Jiang Chen once, even if in the end, she would have nothing to do with Jiang Chen, she would try her best to not procrastinate or owe.

"Great." Meng Xiyan was very happy, and she just planned to see Wen Qingxin.

"What's so great?" Jiang Chen just came over, seeing Meng Xiyan's joy, he asked doubtfully.

Meng Xiyan told Jiang Chen about Zeng Yuxi's situation, and asked, "Jiang Chen, is it okay to let Zeng Yuxi worship under my Fanyin Mountain?"

"Ten minutes to get started with ancient martial arts?" Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, he waved to Zeng Yuxi, and said, "Come here, let me have a look."

Zeng Yuxi walked towards Jiang Chen, and said happily: "I seem to have a chance to become like them, so I don't have to wander around the world."

Jiang Chen ignored Zeng Yuxi's words, grabbed Zeng Yuxi's hand, and felt the fluctuation of breath in her body.

Indeed, it was Gu Wu who got started.

Essence, blood, energy, and spirit have all become more vigorous.

"He's actually a genius." Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

"Be careful there is something going on over there, don't bother me for the time being." Jiang Chen persuaded Meng Xiyan, and said to Zeng Yuxi, "I have something to say, try if you can remember it."

"Okay." Zeng Yuxi nodded.

Jiang Chen opened his mouth, word by word, and said a paragraph.

This passage was extremely complicated and difficult. Although Jiang Chen said it word by word, every one of them, including Meng Xiyan, remembered almost one word and forgot one word at the same time.

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, they found that they could only remember the last word Jiang Chen said.

Slowly, Jiang Chen also forgot the last word he said. He couldn't remember what Jiang Chen said. It was as if Jiang Chen didn't say anything.

"Do you remember?" Jiang Chen asked Zeng Yuxi.

Meng Xiyan and the others all looked at Zeng Yuxi, wanting to see what Zeng Yuxi would do.

Zeng Yuxi nodded, imitating Jiang Chen, repeating what Jiang Chen just said word for word.


"how is this possible?"

Meng Xiyan and the others were all shocked.

They looked at Zeng Yuxi in disbelief, marveling that Zeng Yuxi had completely remembered what Jiang Chen had said.

It doesn't seem to be related to memory, but has some unknown mystery.

"Zeng Yuxi, are you interested in being my disciple?" Jiang Chen stared at Zeng Yuxi, and said in a deep voice, his words showed a bit of dignity.

The passage Jiang Chen just said was indeed not a test of memory, to be precise, it was a test of innate perception ability.

That passage was used by his first master to test him.

Zeng Yuxi did not miss a single word, and perfectly recounted it. This was somewhat beyond Jiang Chen's expectation. Originally, Jiang Chen allowed Zeng Yuxi to make mistakes. Even, as long as Zeng Yuxi could remember one sentence, he decided to accept Zeng Yuxi. for disciples.

Jiang Chen once talked about several apprentices in the True Spirit Continent.

But after coming to the earth, except for Shuang'er, he basically didn't have the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, and even Shuang'er can only be counted as a half-apprentice.

This was Jiang Chen's first time, and he decided to accept Zeng Yuxi as his disciple.

As Meng Xiyan and others thought, Zeng Yuxi was indeed a genius.

"Being your disciple?" Zeng Yuxi looked at Jiang Chen strangely, the expression on his face was also weird.

Meng Xiyan said dumbfoundedly, "Jiang Chen is a more powerful existence than my master, and he is the most powerful person in the world."

Jiang Chen killed the innately strong, like killing ants.

Even the strong man who saw the extraordinary for the first time was beheaded by Jiang Chen.

Meng Xiyan is too clear about what it means to be accepted as an apprentice by Jiang Chen. This is a great opportunity, which is beyond expectation.

"The strongest? How strong is it?" Zeng Yuxi was suspicious, distrusting Meng Xiyan, feeling like he was talking.

Jiang Chen didn't answer Zeng Yuxi's words, he lightly raised a finger, and it slid across the void. In an instant, a big tree a few meters away suddenly fell to the ground.

Zeng Yuxi's expression changed drastically.

Meng Xiyan and the others looked fascinated.

They had no chance to see with their own eyes that Jiang Chen was invincible in Penglai Immortal Island.

Jiang Chen made a move at this time, which was their long-cherished wish. Everyone was dazzled.

"Master Jiang is so strong."

"Insanely strong."

"This is the most powerful person."


A group of disciples exclaimed in a low voice, discussing non-stop.

Zeng Yuxi blushed, and suddenly realized that he had made a huge mistake inadvertently.

No wonder Jiang Chen couldn't do anything even with a gun.

Jiang Chen was so terrifying that he cut a tree with a single finger.

She also said that she would wander around the world with Jiang Chen, as compensation for Jiang Chen saving her, thinking about Zeng Yuxi's blush, she was very flustered.

Finally understand why Jiang Chen is so sure, that is the demeanor of a peerless master.

"Have you figured it out, are you willing?" Jiang Chen asked Zeng Yuxi.

Accepting apprentices is all about fate.

It is fate that he will meet Zeng Yuxi.

But if the fate is not enough, if Zeng Yuxi is not willing, Jiang Chen will do it himself, he will not force it, and he will not, it is a pity.

"I am willing." Zeng Yuxi said.

She saw Jiang Chen's powerful side, and knew that Jiang Chen was no ordinary man, so she immediately knelt down, kowtowed three times to Jiang Chen, and called Jiang Chen Master.

"Very good." Jiang Chen smiled slightly, raised his hand vainly, and said, "Get up, from today onwards, you are my seventh disciple under Jiang Chen's sect."

Jiang Chen had five disciples in the True Spirit Continent, and Shuang'er was the sixth disciple, so Zeng Yuxi could only be the seventh disciple.

"Disciple, pay homage to Master." Zeng Yuxi said, sincerely and fearfully.

At this moment, Zeng Yuxi realized that her life was about to change, to be sublimated, and in a daze, she embarked on an incredible path.

Meng Xiyan and the others looked at Zeng Yuxi enviously. Even though he was only the seventh disciple, he was an inmate disciple, which was different from a registered disciple. This was a great blessing...

(End of this chapter)

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