genius evil

Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056

Zeng Yuxi became Jiang Chen's disciple, from no sense of existence to a focal point.

After Jiang Chen left, Zeng Yuxi was surrounded by people again, asking her how she remembered what Jiang Chen said.

"I don't know either. It happened by chance, but I just remembered it. I don't know what happened." Zeng Yuxi said confusedly.

"But why, we can't remember?" one person asked.

"Maybe Master, I don't want you to remember." After thinking about it, Zeng Yuxi said seriously.

Meng Xiyan and the others all became surprised, and fell silent, thinking about the possibility of Zeng Yuxi's words.


The Tao cannot be passed on lightly, and lightly passed on is not the Tao!
Jiang Chen really didn't want Meng Xiyan and the others to remember his words, so when he said that passage, he used part of his soul power, which affected Meng Xiyan and the others' state of mind.

Zeng Yuxi is indeed a genius, he guessed his mind very easily.

It's hard to imagine that this is the first time Yu-Sai Tseng has come into contact with these things. As long as they are cultivated and given a certain amount of opportunities, Yu-Sai Tseng will definitely shine.

But right now, Jiang Chen doesn't have much time to pay attention to Zeng Yuxi.

Jiang Chen returned to the inner courtyard, Wen Qingxin's residence, under a peach blossom tree, a beautiful woman in a red dress sat silently.

The breakthrough has reached the most critical step.

Wen Qingxin's aura was like fire, and he was extremely powerful. It could be seen that the peach blossoms blooming above his head withered and fell to the branches under the impact of that aura.

However, before the peach blossoms fell to the ground, they were torn to pieces by the murderous aura.

"It's really extraordinary." Jiang Chen saw it in his eyes and whispered to himself.

It has been a long time since Wen Qingxin touched the barrier of the innate realm, but she couldn't get in. Now with the help of Da Pei Yuan Pill, she finally broke through the barrier and was about to soar into the sky.

From far away, feeling the aura of Wen Qingxin, Jiang Chen knew in his heart that if Wen Qingxin did not break through, it must be in the innate realm, the most powerful existence, and it is rare to meet an opponent.


Suddenly, Wen Qingxin's tightly closed eyes opened slightly, and a ray of light like electricity shot out from the depths of her pupils.

At the same time, an incomparable breath rushed out, and the peach blossom trees beside Wen Qingxin swayed under the impact, and their petals fell to the ground, like a rain of peach blossoms.

Wen Qingxin bathed in the petal bushes and stood up.

She has become more ethereal, beautiful and incomparable, and her whole body has undergone a transformation-like change, shining brightly, like stars in the sky.

"Be careful, congratulations." Jiang Chen laughed, strolled past, and casually grabbed a peach blossom floating in the air. He caught it in his palm and pinned it to Wen Qingxin's hair.

Peach blossoms on human faces complement each other.

Wen Qing's heart is stunning and enchanting, even more delicate and charming than that peach blossom.

"I feel very good now." Wen Qingxin said softly.

She has been trapped in the half-step innate realm for a long time, and she breaks through with one move, and she feels like a fish is jumping in the sea, and she is indescribably joyful.

"That's right." Jiang Chen smiled and nodded, looked at Wen Qingxin, and said, "One peach blossom is not enough."

While speaking, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand, formed a seal in the void, and said in a low voice, "Flowers come."

Dozens of peach blossoms suddenly detached from the branch, entangled in mid-air, and turned into a garland. Jiang Chen took the garland, put it on Wen Qingxin's head, and said with a chuckle, "This is more or less the case."

Wen Qing was shocked, and looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

When Jiang Chen uttered a word, it was like a sentence she had read in the Buddhist classics—whatever you say, follow the law!
What kind of means should this be?
Or, magical powers?
"A little trick, be careful, you don't have to care about those insignificant details." Jiang Chen said with a smile, holding Wen Qingxin's little hand, and strolled in the peach blossom forest.

"Small means?" Wen Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

Naturally, she would not be so naive as to think that this was a small trick, and what she said was inexplicable and weird. Wen Qingxin realized that she was even more unable to see through Jiang Chen.

In other words, since the ancient martial arts alliance meeting, Jiang Chen's body has been covered with a layer of mysterious fog. Unless Jiang Chen personally removes that layer of fog, no one will be able to see through it. See through.

This was astonishing, Wen Qing couldn't imagine whether Jiang Chen had other secrets that she didn't know.

This man, from top to bottom, is a mystery.

Beneath the seemingly unrestrained appearance, great horror is hidden.

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, which is very gratifying.

Jiang Chen acted as if nothing had happened on the surface, but his energy and blood surged, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

A little show off directly caused him to use the secret method of burning blood. After all, there are sequelae, which are difficult to erase. Fortunately, winning the heart of the beauty will not be in vain.

"It looks like we have to hurry up and build the foundation." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart.

At this level of cultivation, foundation building is already an imperative, Jiang Chen can't delay himself for too long at this stage.

However, Jiang Chen hasn't figured out yet what method he should use to attack Foundation Establishment.

"Be careful, I took in an apprentice before, her name is Zeng Yuxi, and I plan to let her stay in Fanyin Mountain for the time being, but I will also stay for a few days to teach." Jiang Chen said to Wen Qingxin.

Then, he explained the situation of Zeng Yuxi.

"Congratulations." Wen Qingxin smiled.

According to Jiang Chen, his acquaintance with Zeng Yuxi was very dramatic, and the fate of master and apprentice came very strangely.

Wen Qingxin was very curious about what kind of genius Zeng Yuxi must have been, but Jiang Chen had taken a fancy to him.

Seeing what Wen Qingxin was thinking, Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin walked for a while before going to see Zeng Yuxi.

"Yue Sai, that's our master." Meng Xiyan introduced to Zeng Yuxi.

Zeng Yuxi stared dumbfounded at Wen Qingxin who came with Jiang Chen, and blinked vigorously, thinking that he was hallucinating.

At the beginning, she thought that the master of Meng Xiyan and the others should be an extraterrestrial expert, a lot of age, but she never expected that she would be a stunning young girl.

Zeng Yuxi was stunned. She thought she was pretty, but she was ashamed of herself in front of Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qing looked at Zeng Yuxi heartily and nodded slightly.

Zeng Yuxi felt novelty about everything, ignorant of the unknown, but had a different kind of look, like a piece of rough jade, with a little carving, it would reveal its light.

After that, Jiang Chen lived in Fanyin Mountain.

Every day, Jiang Chen set aside an hour to personally teach Zeng Yuxi, and spent the rest of the time to accompany Wen Qingxin.

"Master, what's the situation with you and Master Wen? Is she my future mistress?" Zeng Yuxi asked Jiang Chen.

She had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

But the relationship with Jiang Chen became complicated.

Moreover, as her understanding of Jiang Chen deepened, she became more and more in awe of Jiang Chen. From the bottom of her heart, she regarded Jiang Chen as her master and served him carefully.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen smiled.

Thinking about his five disciples in the True Spirit Continent, which one of them would treat him like a god when they saw him?

Although Zeng Yuxi was in awe of him, he still didn't understand him enough and had a strong curiosity.

"Yue Xi, from now on, seeing her is like seeing me." Jiang Chen said.

After all, Zeng Yuxi is different from Shuanger.

Jiang Chen and Shuang'er's master-student relationship exists in name only, but he decided to cultivate Zeng Yuxi, and he has high expectations for Zeng Yuxi.

"Yes." Zeng Yuxi was in awe.

In fact, Jiang Chen didn't need to say much, every time Zeng Yuxi saw Wen Qingxin, it was like seeing a heavenly being.

It's hard to imagine that there is such a perfect woman in the world, who looks like a person in the sky and is not stained with dust. She thought to herself, probably only a woman like Wen Qingxin can be worthy of Jiang Chen.

In the past few days, every morning, in the morning light, Wen Qingxin would pick peach blossoms and collect dew.

The peach blossoms are to be dried and cultivated, while the floral dew is to be used later to make peach blossom tea.

Only with peach blossom dew can the aroma of peach blossom be blended and released.

Every flower was picked by Wen Qingxin herself. Even Jiang Chen, Wen Qingxin would not let him touch it.

The flower dew was also collected bit by bit by Wen Qingxin, and then sealed and stored in the wet mud under the peach blossom tree.

A small cup of scented tea is priceless.

A week later, Jiang Chen left Fanyin Mountain, and his next destination was the Yu Family.

Wen Qingxin's peach blossoms hadn't been picked yet, and she was worried that the blooming period would be missed, and the dew was not collected enough, so she made an appointment with Jiang Chen to meet at Zhang's house in Beiyuan.

Wen Qingxin sent Jiang Chen down the mountain, and when he walked halfway up the mountain, Jiang Chen said out of interest, "Be careful, I suddenly planned to give you a gift."

"Gift?" Wen Qing looked at Jiang Chen in astonishment.

In the past few days, she has been with Jiang Chen, going in and out together, all the disciples on and off Fanyin Mountain are watching, the two of them eat and sleep together, Jiang Chen will give her a little surprise.

Jiang Chen said that he would give a gift, and Wen Qingxin was looking forward to it.

Jiang Chen followed suit and took action.

When he climbed Fanyin Mountain earlier, he thought that it was a good blessed land, but it was not completely isolated, and the interference from the outside world would be inconvenient after all.

Jiang Chen planned to arrange a formation according to local conditions to cover the gate of Fanyin Mountain.

Of course, if Jiang Chen had enough time, Jiang Chen could actually arrange a large formation to protect the mountain, but right now it was not that necessary, Jiang Chen just kept it simple.

About two hours later, Jiang Chen went down the mountain and went away.

Wen Qing sent Jiang Chen off with her eyes, and turned back until she could no longer see the figure.

On the top of Fanyin Mountain, mist lingers all year round, like a fairyland, but after being arranged by Jiang Chen, the mist is like veil, completely wrapping the top of Fanyin Mountain.

If it is not guided by someone, if you stray into it, you will not be able to climb to the top of the mountain at all, you will just circle around in place, and then walk down the mountain inexplicably.

"Jiang Chen, thank you for your gift." Wen Qingxin murmured to herself, and in that elegant eyes, misty feelings gradually emerged.

This is the first time Wen Qingxin has touched the feelings of a girl. She realized that she has fallen in love with Jiang Chen completely. After spending a few days together, she has a deep attachment to Jiang Chen...

(End of this chapter)

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