genius evil

Chapter 1057 Are You All Idiots?

Chapter 1057 Are You All Idiots?

The Yu family is in Qinghe City, and it has always been known as the Qinghe Yu family to the outside world.

That Qinghe City is also on the southeast coast, Jiang Chen went from Fanyin Mountain, and it took only half a day to arrive.

"Ruyi Hotel?"

In the center of Qinghe, where every inch of land is precious, there is a big hotel with a signboard, flying like dragons and phoenixes, with four large characters, which are extremely conspicuous.

"No wonder Xiaoxin told me that Qinghe City is called Yujia City." Looking at the hotel building, Jiang Chen whispered to himself.

This Ruyi Hotel occupies an astonishingly large area and is magnificent. It is extremely extraordinary at first glance. It is one of the only two five-star hotels in Qinghe City.

The so-called "Ruyi" word is undoubtedly taken from Yu Ruyi's name. It can be seen that Yu's family is extremely powerful in this city!

The other five-star hotel is called Feifeng Hotel.

Feifeng Hotel is as famous as Ruyi Hotel. Many people know that this Ruyi Hotel belongs to the Yu family. To be precise, it is Yu Ruyi's private property.

But as everyone knows, the Feifeng Hotel is also the property of the Yu family.

Even the actual owner of Feifeng Hotel, compared to Yu Ruyi, has an even more important position in Yu's family!


Because the distance between Fanyin Mountain and Qinghe City is not too far.

Therefore, the Yu family had dealt with Fanyin Mountain many times before.

That Yu Zizai can be regarded as one of Wen Qingxin's suitors, but Yu Zizai's pursuit of Jiang Chen was completely strangled by Jiang Chen after the Guwu Alliance Conference.

It was Lian Yuzi himself who gave his own life to himself.

Therefore, Jiang Chen's understanding of the Yu family, except for some hearsay information, is basically all learned from Wen Qingxin.

Wen Qingxin's understanding of Yu's family, on the one hand, was due to Yu Zizai's intention to show his favor to Wen Qingxin, and took the initiative to let Wen Qingxin touch Yu's family more.

On the other hand, it is impossible for Wen Qing to deal with such a colossus of the Yu family, and without vigilance, there are other channels to deepen the understanding of the Yu family.

Wen Qingxin didn't know much about Yu's family, and what he conveyed to Jiang Chen was even more, very little, but Jiang Chen didn't care. He only needed to know in which direction Qinghe City was. That's it.

"I'll be staying here tonight." Jiang Chen smiled, and went straight to Ruyi Hotel.


It was Jiang Chen, who had just walked to the gate of the hotel and was about to enter when a loud shout suddenly came from behind him.

At the same time, two men in black suits rushed over quickly, one of them reached out to stop him, and said in a low voice, "Are you blind? Hurry up and get out of the way."

"Good dogs don't get in the way, be careful to break your dog's legs." The other man said with malicious intentions, his eyes stared at Jiang Chen's legs, looking non-stop, as if he was ready at any time, Jiang Chen's two legs were broken.

Not far behind Jiang Chen, a black Bentley was parked.

The black Bentley just drove over, Jiang Chen noticed it and didn't take it seriously, but he didn't expect that the two bodyguards who got out of the Audi car behind the Bentley car were so domineering.

As the two bodyguards scolded, the door of the black Bentley opened, and a young woman got out of the car slowly.

The woman was wearing a long black dress and black sunglasses, covering half of her face. After getting out of the car, a tall man in a black suit greeted her and led the woman in the black dress to the hotel. .

"Get out of the way." After walking a few steps, the man's face darkened, very displeased.


When the two bodyguards saw this, they both shouted at Jiang Chen, and had a tendency to strike when they disagreed.

"Are you all idiots?" Jiang Chen looked puzzled and asked aloud.

"Boy, what do you mean?" A bodyguard asked, not knowing why Jiang Chen would say such a sentence inexplicably.

"I was obviously walking ahead. If you didn't stop me, I would have already entered the hotel... Obviously you stopped me, which caused the cause. I blocked the road, so you have no brains, right? Or , Your brains have all been eaten by dogs?" Jiang Chen said.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense here, hurry up, or we will be impolite." A bodyguard said, very annoyed.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen's words were right or wrong, but they didn't take Jiang Chen's words to heart, they just thought it was Jiang Chen farting, even if it was just a bodyguard, that was very arrogant.

"You're welcome?" Jiang Chen had no choice.

To be honest, it was getting late, and he was still thinking, in this Ruyi Hotel, eat something well, then take a bath and sleep, and after recharging his energy, he will go to Yu's house tomorrow.

Jiang Chen felt that he was already very low-key, but why, he was so low-key, there were still some people who didn't have eyes and wanted to provoke him?


Almost as Jiang Chen finished speaking, he heard two sounds of broken bones.

The bodyguard who threatened to break Jiang Chen's legs, Jiang Chen kicked out both of his legs as he wished, breaking his legs into a shattered fracture.


The bodyguard was suffering from pain, his center of gravity was unstable, he knelt heavily on the ground, howling like a pig, his appearance was as miserable as he wanted.

"Boy, how dare you do it!"

The other bodyguard turned pale with shock. He was obviously used to domineering and domineering. He had never encountered such a thing before.

"Draw the gun? Unfortunately, your movements are too slow." Jiang Chen shook his head and said slowly.

But when he struck out, there was a thunderous event. He suddenly saw that Jiang Chen slapped the bodyguard's face with a slap, and sent his bodyguard flying out. A mouthful of teeth and blood spurted out at the same time. out, passed out.

"Okay, now there's no one blocking the way." Jiang Chen glanced at the woman in the black dress, smiled slightly, swaggered, and walked inside.

"Boy, the person who beat me Qi Xiao, do you think you can still leave?" The man standing next to the woman in the black skirt snorted and said coldly.

"I have no intention of leaving." Jiang Chen looked at Qi Xiao like a brain-dead man.

Where is he leaving?

Don't you want to enter the hotel?

Does this guy have problems with his eyes as well as his brain?

"You won't be able to enter this hotel, I can assure you." With his hands folded around his chest, Qi Xiao looked at Jiang Chen and said leisurely as if watching a joke.

"Your promise is like farting to me." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"In other places, it may be difficult for me, Qi Xiao, to guarantee anything, but in Qinghe City, my words, Qi Xiao, still carry some weight. You will soon understand what I mean by what I said." Qi Xiao Said, ignoring Jiang Chen's ridicule.


Inside the hotel, there were footsteps, and immediately, a dozen well-dressed security guards rushed out from the hotel.

These security guards had obviously undergone special training, and they moved in an orderly manner. A few of them blocked the gate, while the others rushed out from inside. After seeing the woman in the black skirt and that Qi Xiao, they subconsciously scrambled, Surrounded Jiang Chen in the middle.

"This is, your confidence?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Oh, don't you think it's enough?" Qi Xiao teased.


Jiang Chen didn't answer Qi Xiao's question, but shot directly. In just a few seconds, the dozen or so security guards all fell to the ground, crying like ghosts and wolves, as if their parents had died.

"You're right, it's not enough." Jiang Chen said unhurriedly after the action.

Slightly narrowing his eyes, Qi Xiao looked at Jiang Chen with a slightly surprised look.

Jiang Chen beat up two bodyguards at the beginning, Qi Xiao didn't take it seriously, but Jiang Chen destroyed all of the dozen or so security guards in less than ten seconds, even Qi Xiao If you don't want to take it to heart, it's all dead.

Because Qi Xiao knew very well that these dozen or so security guards were not ordinary, they were specially trained security guards inside the Yu family, with ancient martial arts skills, and ordinary people couldn't even get close.

"Miss San, this kid seems to be an ancient martial arts practitioner." Qi Xiao thought for a while and said to the woman in the black dress.

"I'm not in the mood to pay attention to these trivial matters, you can deal with them yourself." The woman in the black dress said indifferently, she didn't even look at Jiang Chen, let alone those security guards who were lying on the ground and screaming non-stop.

It was as if, including Jiang Chen, everyone, in her eyes, was like ants, and they didn't even have the qualifications for her to take a look at them.

Having said this, the woman in the black skirt walked into the hotel.

"Little girl, the trouble was caused by you, you just think so, just leave?" When the woman in the black dress walked by, Jiang Chen imitated his example, stretched out his hand, and stopped her.

"Get your dirty hands away." The woman in the black dress shouted angrily, as if she never thought that Jiang Chen would be so courageous.

If she hadn't stopped in time, the towering chest would have bumped into Jiang Chen's arm, or she would have bumped into it on her own initiative, and would have sent him a bargain.

This made the woman in the black dress look ugly. Even through the sunglasses, she could feel that the eyes behind the sunglasses were filled with cold anger.

After all, she was such a proud person, she didn't even look at Jiang Chen before, how could she want to be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen for no reason?


Raising his hand, Jiang Chen slapped the woman's face, and dropped the sunglasses on the ground. Quickly, five red fingers appeared on the fair face of the woman in the black skirt. print.

"Little girl, my hands must be much cleaner now, right?" After a slap across the face, Jiang Chen said calmly.


The woman in the black skirt was dumbfounded, and she looked at Jiang Chen in such an unbelievable way, as if something that was absolutely impossible to happen even if the end of the earth came, just happened like this.


Immediately afterwards, the woman in the black skirt shouted sharply...

(End of this chapter)

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