genius evil

Chapter 1060 Are you humiliating me?

Chapter 1060 Are you humiliating me?

It was a small sniper cannon, which could easily tear apart the armored vehicle. After the explosion, it was amazingly powerful, leaving behind a huge pit about one meter deep.

At the critical moment, Jiang Chen disappeared in place, avoiding the impact of the sniper cannon.

But even though, Jiang Chen didn't huddle together with other people, but stood aside alone.However, the power is too great, overturning many people.

There were even people who were seriously injured under the explosive air waves and flying gravel, and their whole bodies were covered in blood, which was too horrible to look at.

"Someone is going to kill me." Jiang Chen's face was cold and stern, and in the depths of his pupils, tyrannical flames danced.

With his current cultivation base, ordinary knives, guns and bullets are useless at all, but if he hadn't been on alert in advance and quickly avoided it, this sniper cannon would very likely make him fall.

This is a heavy weapon, so it should not be shown easily.

In order to kill him, someone actually used such a hand, which surprised Jiang Chen. At the same time, there was also the supreme killing intent burst out from being enraged!
There were many injured people, and the screams were continuous, which shocked many people. When passers-by saw it, they came to help and called an ambulance.

Jiang Chen glanced over and saw that most of these people were slightly injured except for a few who were seriously injured.

And those few seriously injured people will not be in danger of life, that's why they didn't step forward to help.

"On the building opposite, the thirteenth floor, do you think I won't be able to find you if you hide there?" Frowning, Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and disappeared in the midst of the chaotic crowd. not see.


In a magnificently decorated villa, Qi Xiao sat leisurely on the sofa, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, shaking it carelessly, taking a sip from time to time.

Behind Qi Xiao, there were two women standing respectively. Looking carefully, the looks of the two women were not inferior to that of Yu Xiaoxiao.

It's just that her body is too dusty, but it's hard to compare with Yu Xiaoxiao, who is pampered and domineering.

These two girls are both lovers raised by Qi Xiao in the villa.

Although Qi Xiao had a soft spot for Yu Xiaoxiao, it was impossible for him to hang himself on a tree.

In the final analysis, he just wanted to cling to Yu's family through Yu Xiaoxiao.

You know, even though the Qi family is a political family, in Qinghe City, the energy is overwhelming, but it is much worse than the ancient martial arts family like the Yu family.

In this world, in many cases, the thing that most determines the right to speak is not money or power, but fists.

Whoever has a hard fist can truly control everything.

The Yu family is the actual controller of Qinghe City. Even a family like the Qi family is inevitable. It depends on the face of the Yu family.

And Qi Xiao himself, in front of Yu Xiaoxiao and other core children of the Yu family, is even more consistent, submissive, it can be said that he has no dignity at all.

"Yu Xiaoxiao, when I kill Jiang Chen, you will be my woman. At that time, this Yu family, I want to see, who else dare not obey my orders?" Qi Xiao Yinjiu said looking forward to.

Yu Changhe died.

Yu Zizai and Yu Ruyi died.

Even the Four Heavenly Kings all died.

At present, only the unborn ancestor of the Yu family is intimidating Xiaoxiao, and all the specific affairs of the family are handed over to Yu Xiaoxiao.

That is to say, as long as he, Qi Xiao, successfully conquered Yu Xiaoxiao, then by conquering Yu Xiaoxiao, he would conquer the entire Yu family.

This is also the reason why Qi Xiao cares so much about Yu Xiaoxiao and what Yu Xiaoxiao has arranged.

Jiang Chen, he is sure to kill.

After all, Jiang Chen was the most critical link in his plan to conquer Yu Xiaoxiao.

If Jiang Chen didn't die, or if Jiang Chen accidentally wiped out the Yu family, wouldn't he follow Qi Xiao, and he wouldn't get a penny of benefits?

Thinking all over it, just for the present, Qi Xiao will never allow this to happen, he must use whatever means to kill Jiang Chen!
No matter how famous Jiang Chen is, no matter how many means, no matter how strong his strength is, so what?

Can dodge bullets, is it possible, can also dodge shells?

That's right, the matter of Ruyi Hotel was arranged by Qi Xiao.

The so-called fire was just a cover to lure Jiang Chen out and put Jiang Chen in an absolutely unobstructed place.

The sniper gun was also prepared by Qi Xiao himself. For this reason, he spent a lot of lip service and promised a lot of benefits before he got his uncle, the head of the city's armed forces department, to agree.

Jiang Chen, whose pseudonym was Chen Qiang, in Qi Xiao's eyes, was just an insignificant little person, far, far inferior to the Jiang Chen who was about to be killed.

Even, he was alone in the villa and did not go to the scene to supervise. He just gave the sniper cannon to one of his most trusted subordinates.

As a matter of fact, even though Qi Xiao didn't like Jiang Chen under the pseudonym Chen Qiang, he still took so much trouble, precisely because he regarded this matter as a preview of killing Jiang Chen in the future!
"Qi Dong, although it's just a small game, you don't want it, just let me down." Qi Xiao whispered to himself.


Across the road from Ruyi Hotel, there is a tall building with more than 30 floors.

Together with Ruyi Hotel, this building is known as the two landmark buildings of Qinghe City.

In a room on the thirteenth floor, by the window, a man who looked quite well-equipped and capable, with an inch-cut haircut, quickly disassembled the sniper gun.

This person is Qi Dong.

Qi Dong was originally a soldier. When he was in the army, he was known as a sharpshooter and won No.3 in the military shooting competition.

After retiring from the army, Qi Xiao, a direct descendant of the Qi family, fell in love with him, and entered Qi Xiao's outer circle.

It is precisely because of Qi Dong's past experience that Qi Xiao will entrust this sniper mission to Qi Dong.

Qi Dong did not disappoint Qi Xiao, he almost killed Jiang Chen.

Of course, this almost is for Jiang Chen himself.

The moment Jiang Chen disappeared, his speed was so fast that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye. Qi Dong didn't notice at all. When that sniper bomb exploded, Jiang Chen had already avoided it.

Qi Dong, who didn't realize this, thought with all his heart that his mission had been completed.

After completing this task so easily, Qi Dong was in an exceptionally good mood. He even packed his things while whistling.

"Last time, I dealt with a gangster for the young master, and the young master gave me 50 yuan. This time, I sniped and killed a strong ancient martial artist, so the starting price is [-] yuan, right?" Qi Dong said to himself with a smile road.

Thinking of this, Qi Dong just took out his mobile phone, he couldn't wait, he wanted to make a call to Qi Xiao, and tell Qi Xiao that he had already killed him.

"Could it be that my life is only worth 50 yuan?" It was Qi Dong's call, before he could make a call, a lazy voice suddenly rang.

As soon as he heard that voice, Qi Dong immediately felt something was wrong out of his instinctive vigilance. Since the gun had been put away, with a flick of his wrist, a dagger appeared in the palm of his right hand.

This is because Qi Dong is sure that he has locked the door of this room. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for anyone to come in.

Since someone came in, it means that the situation is definitely not normal.

Because it was abnormal, Qi Dong immediately entered a state of first-level alert.

"You are...Chen Qiang?" After making full preparations, Qi Dong raised his head, followed the sound, and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar face, and couldn't help being stunned.

Regarding Jiang Chen's appearance, Qi Dong watched it no less than a hundred times in the monitoring provided by the hotel, in order to be able to find Jiang Chen out of the crowd at a glance.

That's why, not long after Jiang Chen was led out of the hotel by the waiter, Qi Dong fired a sniper cannon.

I have to say that he is a very qualified sharpshooter with very keen insight.

But it is also true that Qi Dong will be extremely surprised. He just shot and killed Jiang Chen, why does Jiang Chen still appear here?
This is, missed?

"My life is only worth 50 yuan. Are you sure you're not humiliating me?" Jiang Chen scanned the whole building and asked slowly.

"Chen Qiang, no matter why you didn't die, but you will regret your decision to appear in front of me." Qi Dong said viciously.

"You are really humiliating me." Jiang Chen expressed his regret, even looking at it, he was too lazy to look at Qi Dong again, and kicked Qi Dong like a cannonball in the room. Pulled out a straight linear trajectory, smashed through the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, and flew out from the thirteenth floor.

At the same time, Jiang Chen moved his hand, and Jiang Chen casually grabbed something in his hand, but it was Qidong's cell phone.

Jiang Chen casually clicked on the call log, and a name came into Jiang Chen's eyes - Qi Xiao!

"It's you?" Jiang Chen was a little surprised.

Jiang Chen didn't think that Qi Xiao already knew that he was Jiang Chen, otherwise, it would be impossible to use such a small means, even if an army came, Jiang Chen would not be surprised at all.

However, when Qi Xiao didn't know his identity, he pulled a sniper cannon. It has to be said that Jiang Chen was somewhat surprised.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Chen dialed Qi Xiao's cell phone number.

"Qi Dong, is that Chen Qiang dead?" Soon, Qi Xiao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Guess." Jiang Chen smiled slightly.


The phone was hung up in an instant, and Qi Xiao was playing with the phone on the sofa in the villa, his expression gradually became ugly.

Jiang Chen didn't die, he also took Qi Dong's cell phone and called him. There is only one possibility, that is, Qi Dong died, and Jiang Chen found out through the communication records that he was the one behind it.

"The meaning of this call is a demonstration?" Qi Xiao pondered.

Suddenly, Qi Xiao felt a little regretful, and hung up the phone. This way, he would give Jiang Chen a feeling that he was showing weakness to Jiang Chen.

"Demonstration?" Qi Xiao smiled, "Chen Qiang, could it be that you take yourself as Jiang Chen? Even Jiang Chen, I, Qi Xiao, don't pay attention to it, let alone you?"

About an hour later, when Jiang Chen swaggered in from outside the villa, Qi Xiao realized that he couldn't even laugh anymore!
(End of this chapter)

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