genius evil

Chapter 1061 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 1061 The Woman Knocking on the Door in the Middle of the Night

"Chen Qiang, why are you here?" Pointing at Jiang Chen, Qi Xiao said in disbelief.

It is said that the cunning rabbit has three caves, and this Qi Xiao is the cunning rabbit in real life. He arranged a lot of industries for himself in Qinghe City, in order to avoid some unexpected emergencies.

However, Jiang Chen came to the door so directly, which was beyond Qi Xiao's expectation.

"You guess again?" Jiang Chen said with a smile.

"Guess your sister." Qi Xiao cursed viciously in his heart, and almost couldn't hold back his swearing.

"What are you here for?" On the surface, Qi Xiao pretended to be calm and calm, while talking, his brain was working quickly, thinking about how to deal with it.

"Come to kill you." Jiang Chen said.

"Kill...kill me..."

Qi Xiao's tongue was all knotted.

He looked at Jiang Chen as if he had seen a ghost. He originally thought that even if Jiang Chen came with such an intention, it would be more or less vain.

Who knew that Jiang Chen was so direct.

"You want me to die, so I'll kill you, isn't that fair?" Jiang Chen smiled lightly, and his figure moved as fast as lightning.

Under Jiang Chen's movement, Qi Xiao could see afterimages appearing behind Jiang Chen at a glance.

The strong wind rolled, like a storm coming.

The two women standing beside Qi Xiao stumbled back under the whirlwind brought by Jiang Chen's movement, fell to the ground, and nearly passed out.

Qi Xiao himself was greatly frightened.

Jiang Chen's speed was too fast, even before he made a move, he could still deeply feel how violent and invincible that power was.

As far as his eighth-level cultivation of the ancient martial arts is concerned, looking at Qinghe City, he is considered extraordinary, but when facing Jiang Chen, Qi Xiao realized that he was as humble as an ant, and could be trampled by Jiang Chen at any time. die.


A sky-shattering sound came out suddenly, and a figure flew out backwards, like a bullet that was fired, and landed heavily on a wall in the living room, collapsing that wall with a bang. .


The two women, the whites of their eyes turned out, this time it was real, passed out.

Jiang Chen took his own course and ignored the two women. He moved his feet, as if shrinking the ground into an inch, and appeared in front of Qi Xiao in the blink of an eye.

"Did you ever think that it would end up like this?" Jiang Chen asked calmly, looking down at Qi Xiao.


Qi Xiao was moaning, he kept vomiting blood, his internal organs were all displaced and broken under the violent impact, Qi Xiao knew that he couldn't survive.Even if Da Luo Jinxian descended to earth, there would be no cure.

As a dying person, Qi Xiao doesn't want to lie to others, let alone himself.

Indeed, he did not expect it to lead to such an end.

He didn't even go to the scene to supervise Qi Dong's murder, so that he could determine whether Jiang Chen was dead or not in the first place.

If he had known early on that this would be the case, he would definitely not have attacked Jiang Chen easily. Even if he had to, he would have tried his best to ensure that Jiang Chen could be killed with one blow.

"Very good, you can die." Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction, kicked, and kicked out, completely reaping Qi Xiao's life.

The reason why Jiang Chen would ask Qi Xiao if he had thought about such an end was because he wanted to make sure whether Qi Xiao knew that he was Jiang Chen.

Qi Xiao said no, which put Jiang Chen in a good mood, and said that for the rest of tonight, he would be fine and sleep well.

After all, if Qi Xiao had known his identity early in the morning, then the Yu family would have known immediately that he would not be able to sleep at all tonight.

Jiang Chen left quickly, and what happened in this villa was spread to Yu Xiaoxiao's ears in a very short time afterwards.

Yu Xiaoxiao has been paying attention to Qi Xiao's movements.

She was slapped twice by Jiang Chen, whose alias was Chen Qiang, and she kept her grudge in her heart, treating her as the greatest shame in her life, and waiting for Qi Xiao to take action to clean up Jiang Chen.

Yu Xiaoxiao finally did, and when the news came, it was definitely not what she wanted.

"Even the sniper cannon failed to kill him, not only that, but Chen Qiang also killed Qi Xiao, is it true or not?" Yu Xiaoxiao said to herself, quite unbelievable.

"Chen Qiang, who are you?" Yu Xiaoxiao mused. For some reason, she always felt that this matter was quite weird.

Chen Qiang's behavior style is too much like a person, that Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen... Jiang Chen...

Yu Xiaoxiao whispered Jiang Chen's name, and suddenly, her complexion changed drastically, turning pale for a while.

Yu Xiaoxiao woke up with a start. The so-called Chen Qiang was Jiang Chen. The word Qiang did not mean strong, but was taken from the word stubborn. Conversely, when pronounced with the same pronunciation, it was Jiang Chen's name.

"Well, you Jiang Chen, you are playing tricks under my nose!" In an instant, Yu Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth with hatred, as if she was being played by Jiang Chen.

After thinking about the name issue, Yu Xiaoxiao immediately confirmed that it was Jiang Chen who was right.

Although she had never seen Jiang Chen's photos, let alone Jiang Chen himself, many rumors showed that Jiang Chen was a super handsome guy.

Isn't that Chen Qiang, a handsome guy?

"Jiang Chen has already come to Qinghe City, isn't he just here to trouble my Yu family? Why didn't he do it right away?" Yu Xiaoxiao thought in her heart.

Jiang Chen once said that he would come to Yu's house. The implication was self-evident, which made many people in Yu's house tense up.

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen is a great enemy, and he cannot be underestimated. Only the unborn ancestor of the Yu family may be able to fight Jiang Chen.

The reason why Yu Xiaoxiao failed to recognize Jiang Chen at the beginning was to a large extent because of this factor. Jiang Chen didn't seek trouble immediately, which made her feel confused.

"Perhaps, this is an opportunity." After thinking about it, Yu Xiaoxiao said to herself.

Jiang Chen didn't act immediately, and even disguised his identity. No matter what the plan was, Yu Xiaoxiao realized that, at least, it was beneficial to her.

Everyone said that Jiang Chen was addicted to sex!
In Yu Xiaoxiao's view, this is undoubtedly a fatal flaw.

In the future, no matter who wins or loses between the old ancestor and Jiang Chen, as long as she successfully sends herself to Jiang Chen's bed before Jiang Chen and the old ancestor formally fight, then she will be the first to stand in front of him. Invincible.

At that time, Jiang Chen will win. As Jiang Chen's woman, Jiang Chen will naturally not treat her badly.

If the old ancestor wins, she will continue to be the No.1 of the Yu family.

"Jiang Chen, I'm Yu Xiaoxiao, but I'm still a virgin, but this time I want to take advantage of you." Yu Xiaoxiao murmured.

Yu Xiaoxiao is twenty this year, and the reason why she still maintains a virgin is naturally not because of how clean and self-loving she is, but because, looking at the whole Qinghe City, there is no man who can catch her eyes.

Yu Xiaoxiao, who herself didn't mind being a virgin, knew very well that this would be a big killer, and could largely satisfy Jiang Chen's vanity as a man.

"Although it's cheaper for you, it seems that it's not a bad thing." After a while, Yu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly.

There is no doubt that Jiang Chen is an extremely powerful man. Only such a man can match her Yu Xiaoxiao well.

In addition, Jiang Chen is very handsome, even if he is a little extravagant, even if it is a one-night stand, he can still be regarded as a pretty good date.

"Jiang Chen, I would like to thank you for providing me with such a good opportunity." Yu Xiaoxiao was moved in her heart and acted.

About an hour later, Yu Xiaoxiao dressed up and left the residence. The driver drove her to Ruyi Hotel.

"Miss Three."

Due to the fact that the hotel was not very peaceful today, the person in charge of the hotel ran over in person, and when they saw Yu Xiaoxiao appearing, they rushed over to greet her.

Then, the person in charge was deeply surprised.

Today, I heard that Yu Xiaoxiao was slapped twice. Could it be that she is here for revenge?
But revenge, is it necessary to dress like this?Without knowing it, I thought I was going to a late-night reception.

What's more, if it's for revenge, it's impossible for Yu Xiaoxiao to come here alone, right?And, it's midnight.

"Which room does Jiang...Chen Qiang live in?" Yu Xiaoxiao was always proud, and asked directly without even looking at the person in charge.

"Presidential suite." The person in charge responded.

Yu Xiaoxiao just stopped talking and walked straight to the elevator.

Just now, she almost accidentally said Jiang Chen's name. Fortunately, she took it back in time, so the person in charge didn't notice the abnormality.

The person in charge watched Yu Xiaoxiao enter the elevator with as weird a face as he wanted.

"Miss San, is this here to date that Chen Qiang? Are you expressing affection?" The person in charge wondered, thinking that probably only such an explanation could explain Yu Xiaoxiao's actions tonight.

There is a special elevator in the presidential suite, and it arrives directly. Soon, Yu Xiaoxiao appeared at the door of the presidential suite.

After ringing the doorbell, Yu Xiaoxiao took three steps back, quietly waiting for Jiang Chen's response.

The reason for such a distance is because Yu Xiaoxiao believes that Jiang Chen will be surprised when he sees her appear, but it will not be too abrupt, it is just a good distance.

In the room, Jiang Chen even wanted to kill someone.

It's late at night, can you let him sleep well?
When Jiang Chen, who was wrapped in a bathrobe, came to open the door a minute later, he was surprised to see Yu Xiaoxiao at a glance.

Seeing Jiang Chen's reaction, Yu Xiaoxiao felt complacent deep in her heart. Sure enough, everything was as she expected.

Then tonight's situation will also be controlled by her.

It's true that Jiang Chen is the strongest, but don't forget, Jiang Chen is a man first, and she is very good at dealing with men. There are many ways to make Jiang Chen bow to her.

"Chen Qiang, are you already asleep? Did I come here, isn't it the right time?" On the surface, Yu Xiaoxiao said rather embarrassedly.


As Yu Xiaoxiao's voice fell, the door was closed heavily, and Yu Xiaoxiao saw that it was extremely messy!

(End of this chapter)

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