genius evil

Chapter 1065 A Cracked Story

Chapter 1065 A Cracked Story
The incident happened suddenly, and Sha Hai, who originally wanted to play tricks on Jiang Chen and make Jiang Chen embarrassing, turned out to be an old face, unable to see anyone again, and lost all face.

"Jiang Chen, you are looking for death." Stretching out his hand and wiping his face vigorously, Sha Hai roared angrily with a hideous face.

"Sha Hai, shut up." Before Jiang Chen could respond, Yu Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"This—" Sha Hai was stunned and looked at Yu Xiaoxiao.

"Go away, don't stay here, it's a shame." Yu Xiaoxiao said coldly.

Sha Hai groaned, although he was extremely unwilling, but he never disobeyed Yu Xiaoxiao's words, and walked aside with a look of resentment.

Yu Xiaoxiao naturally saw Sha Hai's intentions clearly. She didn't stop her, but she also wanted to see Jiang Chen make a fool of himself.

Of course, Yu Xiaoxiao was not so naive as to think that Jiang Chen would be helpless even with a cup of hot tea. If that was the case, wouldn't Jiang Chen's reputation become a big joke?

It's just that being able to do something and being able to do nothing have two different meanings.

Sha Hai had practiced a kind of horizontal kung fu similar to Iron Sand Palm, which could be done without any effort, but Jiang Chen, if it took some effort to connect a cup of hot tea, it would undoubtedly be quite embarrassing.

The situation was not just different from what Sha Hai thought, it was also different from what everyone else thought.

Jiang Chen splashed that cup of hot tea on Sha Hai's face at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye, and Sha Hai didn't even have a chance to dodge.

Yu Xiaoxiao felt a little pity, she was still waiting to see Jiang Chen make a fool of himself, so as to fight against Jiang Chen's arrogance, who would have thought that Jiang Chen would play cards so unreasonably?

But even though it was a pity, Yu Xiaoxiao would not let Sha Hai and Jiang Chen conflict under her nose.

Sha Hai is a muddleheaded person who is not afraid of heaven and earth, but Yu Xiaoxiao herself knows that Sha Hai cannot be Jiang Chen's opponent at all.

If you really want to do it, you will definitely die.

"Jiang Chen, are you okay?" After repelling Sha Hai, Yu Xiaoxiao asked Jiang Chen with concern, with a worried look on her face.

"Of course I'm fine, but I have a question, I'm very curious." Jiang Chen looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and asked lazily, "You introduced the five of them to me, but you forgot to introduce yourself , by the way, who are you?"

"Me? Who?"

Yu Xiaoxiao pointed at herself, looking at Jiang Chen like a ghost, her face suddenly flushed red.

"Is this question difficult to ask?" Jiang Chen looked extremely curious.

Jiang Chen naturally knew that she was Yu Xiaoxiao.

The reason why this question was asked was intentional, so that Yu Xiaoxiao's play could no longer be performed.

The five people in Shahai, Yu Xiaoxiao specially introduced him to him, said what it was, it happened to be the meeting, Jiang Chen would not know, it was Yu Xiaoxiao, who had deliberately arranged it in advance.

The five people in Shahai undoubtedly have an inseparable relationship with Yu Xiaoxiao.

Otherwise, as a guest of the Yu family, Sha Hai can completely ignore Yu Xiaoxiao, as long as it is enough to give Yu Changhe face.

But looking at Shahai, in front of Yu Xiaoxiao, he was submissive.

It can be seen that this Shahai, on the surface, is the guest minister of the Yu family, but in fact, it is beside Yu Xiaoxiao, who exists like a thug.

As for the four ministers, they each have their own identities, which are more or less extraordinary.

Because of their extraordinaryness, Yu Xiaoxiao's sense of existence is just right.

Undoubtedly, even though Yu Xiaoxiao suffered a big loss in front of Jiang Chen because of her arrogant self, she was definitely an extremely smart woman.

As a result, she didn't reveal anything, but only introduced five people to Jiang Chen. In fact, she had already exposed her own intentions and thoughts to Jiang Chen's eyes.

What Yu Xiaoxiao wanted to show Jiang Chen was very simple, that is, the Shahai five were all her trump cards.

Now, she is exposing this hole card in front of Jiang Chen without reservation, in order to let Jiang Chen see her sincerity, and then seek cooperation.

It's like, Yu Xiaoxiao ran to Ruyi Hotel to knock on the door in the middle of the night last night, extremely naked and extremely direct.

Obviously, this woman, in order to fight for a way out for herself, was painstaking and spared no effort.

Yu Xiaoxiao's method may be considered good, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, it was too immature and too forceful, so that it was inferior, with deliberate traces everywhere.

More importantly, Yu Xiaoxiao was too anxious.

If not, Yu Xiaoxiao ran to knock on the door in the middle of the night last night, revealing her intentions early, then, with today's arrangement, Jiang Chen might have to spend a little more effort to guess Yu Xiaoxiao's intentions.

In that way, presumably, he will be more interested in Yu Xiaoxiao.

It's not like it is now, Yu Xiaoxiao has nothing to hide in front of him, no matter what she does, she looks like a clown who is doing her best.

It is precisely because of seeing through everything.

Jiang Chen would not allow it, and Yu Xiaoxiao's play would continue.

From the very beginning, he could see the ending of a play. He, Jiang Chen, didn't have that kind of patience.

"Not at all." Yu Xiaoxiao pondered, thinking about what Jiang Chen's change of attitude meant.

It was Minister Qi who stepped forward and whispered a few words in Yu Xiaoxiao's ear. After listening, Yu Xiaoxiao's face changed drastically, and then she stretched out her hand and said, "Minister Qi, the five of you, just Go back first, no one will come in without my permission."

"Okay." Minister Qi nodded and walked out first.

Before leaving, he took a sized look at Jiang Chen. After all, there was a bit more surprise and fear in his eyes.

When he saw Jiang Chen for the first time, he thought that there was nothing strange about Jiang Chen, but now, he realized that he had completely misjudged him.

Minister Qi, Sha Hai and other five people left quickly, leaving only Yu Xiaoxiao in the huge villa.

Yu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, invited Jiang Chen to sit down, brewed a cup of tea for Jiang Chen with her own hands, and said with a light smile, "Jiang Chen, there was a little misunderstanding just now, I hope you don't take it to heart."

Minister Qi wandered around in the officialdom, saw through Jiang Chen's intention of that question, and informed Yu Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao now knows that Jiang Chen's sentence of who are you does not only mean humiliation, but also has other meanings.

If it were someone else, Jiang Chen would probably give up if he made things so difficult for him.

However, Yu Xiaoxiao didn't intend to give up, nor was she the kind of person who would give up lightly.

Last night, I went to the hotel alone to look for Jiang Chen. Today, I exposed all my cards in front of Jiang Chen. What Yu Xiaoxiao has to do, besides letting Jiang Chen see her sincerity, is more important. It's nice to see her kindness.

The reason for this is that Yu Xiaoxiao believes that even if Jiang Chen thinks that she is not sincere enough, but for the sake of her goodwill, she will not be too embarrassing for her.

After all, in the final analysis, according to what she knew, the enmity between Jiang Chen and the Yu family was the enmity with Yu Changhe or Yu Zizai, and it did not affect everyone in the Yu family.

In this way, as long as Jiang Chen felt the kindness she released, then even if the conflict between Jiang Chen and the Yu family intensified, she would be invincible enough.

At this time, Yu Xiaoxiao was thinking about how to deal with Jiang Chen so that Jiang Chen would not be so aggressive.

Otherwise, no matter how patient she is, under Jiang Chen's repeated difficulties, it is inevitable that she will explode emotionally.

"Because I'm a girl, since I was a child, I have never been valued in Yu's family." Yu Xiaoxiao said softly, as if telling a story.

"This story is too clichéd, and it must be very vulgar and ugly." Jiang Chen said.

"Although it is a clichéd story, it is a true story." Yu Xiaoxiao said seriously.

"You can actually tell me directly that you don't want to die, you want to live, and you want to live well. Fabricating such a story will only make me feel that you are forcing and insulting my IQ." Jiang Chen Said quite annoyed.

Yu Xiaoxiao was stunned for a while, then smiled wryly and said, "So, you know everything."

Even though Yu Xiaoxiao's intentions were exactly these, but when these words were spoken out of Jiang Chen's mouth so undisguisedly, Yu Xiaoxiao still felt deeply embarrassed.

The third miss of the Yu family, a proud daughter of heaven, naturally would not have experienced such tragic things as the so-called patriarchy, that is indeed true, it is just a story.

She, Yu Xiaoxiao, lived a good life before, and in the future, there will be a possibility of a better life, so why not work hard once?

Even if it seems impossible, if you don't work hard, how will you know, no?

While being embarrassed, Yu Xiaoxiao heaved a sigh of relief. Jiang Chen is too smart to hide anything, but that's good too. Finally, he doesn't need to cover up. He can bring the bargaining chip to the surface and have a good talk with Jiang Chen. Let's talk about the conditions.

"You're acting so obvious, I can't see it?" Jiang Chen reacted as if his IQ had been greatly humiliated, and then said with a half-smile: "Yu Xiaoxiao, you are so anxious to please me, is it because I think that old ancestor of your Yu family is doomed."

Yu Xiaoxiao hesitated, and after a while, she said: "The old ancestor is just an innate strong man, and you have killed a congenital strong man before."

"Maybe, this one from your Yu family is different." Jiang Chen said.

"Really? Then, I will wait and see." Yu Xiaoxiao said.

Her words were very beautiful, and she tried to be impartial. While not offending Jiang Chen, she also did it so that she would not offend Yu Feifeng.

Jiang Chen secretly cursed at being cunning, how could he not know that Yu Xiaoxiao was a typical wall-riding school, she seemed to have spent all her money on him, spared no effort to please him, and even sacrificed her own body.But it's just betting on both sides, without any sincerity.

"Oh... What I mean is, this member of your Yu family may be very weak, vulnerable to a single blow, and if I slap him, he would be slapped to death." Jiang Chen Shi Shiran said.

"Slap me to death with one slap?" Before Jiang Chen could finish his sentence, there was a sudden wind in the villa, and a figure suddenly appeared!

(End of this chapter)

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