genius evil

Chapter 1066 Impatient to live

Chapter 1066 Impatient to live

That voice was rough and harsh, and it was extremely unpleasant, as if the speaker hadn't spoken for too long, so it sounded so dry.

What suddenly appeared was an old woman dressed in a brown robe. There was almost no flesh and blood all over her body. The robe looked like it was strung on a long pole.

In addition, the old woman's old face was like dried orange peel. Her eyes were deeply sunken, and she could hardly see them. There were only two eyes, which revealed a gloomy sternness through shallow slits.

This old woman is none other than Yu Feifeng!

However, when Yu Xiaoxiaofu saw this Yu Feifeng appearing, she hurriedly lowered her eyebrows and greeted him respectfully, her attitude became unusually docile.

Since Yu Feifeng appeared, all her attention was on Jiang Chen, as if she didn't hear Yu Xiaoxiao's words at all.

"very young!"

This was Jiang Chen's first impression of Yu Feifeng.

Even though Yu Feifeng had never met Jiang Chen through various channels, she already knew Jiang Chen quite well, knowing that Jiang Chen was only a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old.

But when they met in person, Jiang Chen's expression still made Yu Feifeng look sideways at him.

"This son, the breath on his body is so weird."

This was Jiang Chen's second impression of Yu Feifeng.

Jiang Chen beheaded the congenital powerhouse, powerfully intimidated the Immortal Society, and completely drove the Immortal Society to the bottom. Yu Feifeng thought that Jiang Chen should at least be in that innate realm.

However, unexpectedly, the aura that Yu Feifeng felt on Jiang Chen's body was completely different from the aura she felt as an innate powerhouse.

"Could it be that, as rumored outside, this kid is only a mere half-step innate cultivation?" Staring at Jiang Chen, Yu Feifeng said silently in her heart.

Half-step innate, it seems that it is only a star and a half away from the innate strong, but in reality there is a huge difference.

To put it simply, it is a congenital powerhouse. If you want to kill a half-step congenital, you can easily catch it, just like killing a chicken.

But half-step innate, if you want to kill, the innate powerhouse must either be talented or lucky, otherwise, basically, there is no such possibility!

"Half-step Xiantian, behead several, congenital strong, directly lead to, the gods will be defeated." Yu Feifeng pondered.

Yu Feifeng knew a lot more about the Immortal Society than ordinary people, and probably not much better than Yan Feiyang and others.

The Immortal Society was ambitious and planned for a long time, just to defeat the ancient martial arts alliance in one fell swoop, but because of Jiang Chen, the halberd fell into the sand.

Yu Feifeng's mind was extremely weird, and she faintly felt that Jiang Chen's whole person was shrouded in clouds and mist, and there was a sense of elusiveness.

After all, in terms of the aura exuding from Jiang Chen's body, even if Jiang Chen was invincible in the half-step Xiantian realm, it was still impossible. Killing the Xiantian strong was like nothing.

"Could it be, this son, is there some secret?" Yu Feifeng thought to himself.

"I didn't expect it, you are quite old, and your ears are quite good." Jiang Chen didn't care about Yu Feifeng's scrutiny of himself, he smiled lazily, and said, "That's right, it's just a slap. Shoot you to death, if you are not convinced, we will try."

Yu Feifeng looked at Jiang Chen, naturally because of Jiang Chen's reputation, too big.

After some scrutiny, she couldn't see through Jiang Chen more and more. Yu Feifeng's expression became a little more serious, but she was no longer as aggressive as when she first appeared.

"Jiang Chen, what is your cultivation?" Frowning, Yu Feifeng asked in a deep voice.


But when Yu Feifeng asked this question, before Jiang Chen could reply, Yu Xiaoxiao's heart suddenly thumped.

Yu Feifeng was in Yu's house, and her temper was notoriously violent. Everyone must respect and obey her, even Yu Changhe was no exception.

If it is said that Yuchanghe is Qinghe City, the king above the bright side.

Then, this Yu Feifeng is the king within the Yu family, above the Yu Changhe, no one can disobey him.

Someone once said that the reason why Yu Feifeng has such a weird temper is because she was hurt by a relationship when she was young and never married.

Regarding this statement, Yu Xiaoxiao also had such doubts.

In short, this undoubtedly shows that Yu Feifeng is the kind of person who is very difficult to get along with.

Jiang Chen kept saying that he wanted to slap Yu Feifeng to death.

But Yu Feifeng didn't get angry immediately when she was provoked by Jiang Chen for the second time, but asked a question, asking Jiang Chen what cultivation level it was.

This question made Yu Xiaoxiao realize that, probably, Yu Feifeng had a deep fear of Jiang Chen.

"Is it possible that, as Jiang Chen himself said, he can slap the old ancestor to death?" Yu Xiaoxiao thought, very uneasy.

"You stared at me for a long time, didn't you see it?" Jiang Chen jokingly asked.

"Some things are not in line with common sense." Yu Feifeng said, did not admit, but did not deny, the implication was to tell Jiang Chen that she couldn't see through.

"What you think is unreasonable, in my opinion, is extremely normal." Jiang Chen said Shi Shiran.

"You are too confident." Yu Feifeng said coldly.

"It's not that I'm too confident, it's that you are too weak." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Looking for death!" Yu Feifeng's expression changed drastically.

From the very beginning, Yu Feifeng planned to turn against Jiang Chen. After all, Jiang Chen's words were too harsh, and he wanted to slap her to death. Doesn't it mean that she, Yu Feifeng, is in Jiang Chen's eyes? , like ants.

After looking at it for a while, she realized that she was a bit confused about Jiang Chen. It was Yu Feifeng who changed her mind and planned to extract some key information from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was too tired and lazy, he didn't think about it at all, and if he had a good conversation, even if Yu Feifeng wanted to endure it, he couldn't bear it anymore.

What's more, Yu Feifeng has never been a good-tempered person.

It is a miracle to be able to endure until this moment. As Yu Xiaoxiao feels, this is a miracle.

Yu Feifeng erupted, her anger was like a flood breaking a bank.

On her body, an extremely sinister aura swept towards Jiang Chen, containing an unparalleled killing intent, it was obvious how much she wanted to put Jiang Chen to death.

That sinister aura was extremely fierce, and with the movement of Yu Feifeng's figure, between the wind and the wind, it seemed to be a black bat, with two withered palms, like chicken feet, facing towards Jiang Chen's heart was grabbed.

If Yu Feifeng didn't make a move, it would be fine, but if she made a move at this time, the method would be extremely cruel.


The wind was blowing everywhere, and there was a sharp sound.

Yu Feifeng grabbed the air with both hands, and directly grabbed the air to pieces, and even left in the air, afterimages of paw prints.

Didn't Jiang Chen say that he wanted to slap Yu Feifeng to death?

So now, she, Yu Feifeng, wanted to kill Jiang Chen in one move.

This is still because Yu Feifeng is not good at palm techniques, otherwise, using palm techniques to concoct Jiang Chen, slap Jiang Chen to death with one slap, that would be called a great irony.

Not only does Yu Feifeng look like a bat, but her claws also have a faint bat-like stench.

When that breath rushed into his nostrils, Jiang Chen couldn't help but wrinkled his brows, his stomach churned, and he almost spat it out.

"I don't know what kind of martial arts this woman has cultivated, but the person who trained herself is neither human nor ghost." Frowning, Jiang Chen said, made a wrong step, and quickly backed away.

He is extremely fast, as fast as lightning.

Yu Feifeng's attack was also extremely fast, but compared with Jiang Chen's speed, it was undoubtedly a little bit inferior.



Just like that, Jiang Chen disappeared from under his nose, and Yu Feifeng's two claws grabbed the air, and the sound like an explosion resounded through the air.

"Old ancestor, so strong." Yu Xiaoxiao looked at it, eyes dumbfounded.

She has never seen Yu Feifeng make a move, this is the first time, in Yu Feifeng's strong attack, even if it is as strong as Jiang Chen, she has to avoid the edge temporarily.

Yu Xiaoxiao naturally thinks highly of Yu Feifeng too much, Jiang Chen doesn't want to avoid her edge, it's just very simple and doesn't want to be disgusted.


The two claws missed, but was successfully avoided by Jiang Chen. Yu Feifeng shook her head, feeling very regretful.

Without any hesitation, Yu Feifeng took the second shot and rushed towards Jiang Chen's location.

Compared to the first attack, this time, Yu Feifeng was more decisive, her paw prints flew in the air, blocking all directions, she did not intend to give Jiang Chen another chance to escape.

"If you want to trap and kill me, do you think so highly of yourself?" Jiang Chen suddenly found it funny.

This Yu Feifeng probably didn't even know how much she owns. Could it be that she didn't know that even Pan Zijing, who had just glimpsed the extraordinary, dared not use such methods in front of her?

Right now, even though Jiang Chen didn't use the blood-burning secret method, it was only dealing with a congenital strong man, and Jiang Chen didn't want to send Yu Feifeng to die so quickly, so he didn't mind, wasting a little time.

Seeing the paw prints rushing towards him, with a sharp edge that could tear everything apart, Jiang Chen confidently punched out two punches, respectively destroying Yu Feifeng's attack and blocking Yu Feifeng's attack.

"Jiang Chen, didn't you agree to slap me to death? Is it possible that you are just so tricky?" Looking at Jiang Chen coldly, Yu Feifeng said.

"You really want to die?" Jiang Chen was quite puzzled.

"I'm just telling you, if you only use such means, you will be doomed today." Yu Feifeng laughed out loud.

After taking the two shots, Yu Feifeng didn't expect much. It was just a test to really kill Jiang Chen, and the result of such a test, I have to say, made Yu Feifeng very disappointed.

"It seems that you really want to die." When Jiang Chen closed his eyes, a gleam flashed.

Just when Yu Feifeng came to attack for the third time, Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out a finger of his right hand, and in an instant, a sharp sword image appeared in the air.

Following that, Jiang Chen pointed and slid down.


In Yu Feifeng's ghost-like eyes, the surging and incomparable sword energy slashed down.

A bloody right arm fell to the ground, blood spattered, Yu Feifeng's face was pale, and her feet staggered in panic...

(End of this chapter)

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