genius evil

Chapter 1067 Unbearable Great Terror

Chapter 1067 Unbearable Great Terror

"Me? Doomed?" Jiang Chen sneered, his figure galloped like a flash of lightning, he raised his hand and punched Yu Feifeng.


Yu Feifeng flew upside down with both feet off the ground, pulling out a black phantom in the air, and directly hitting the wall.

There was a violent impact, and there was a bang. The whole villa was shaken under that impact, as if a small-scale earthquake had occurred.

"What kind of thing are you, dare to speak nonsense in front of me?"

Jiang Chen didn't intend to let Yu Feifeng go easily.

Yu Feifeng's body had a tragic intimate contact with the wall, and it was unknown how many bones were broken.

Like a puddle of mud, Yu Feifeng slowly slid down the ground along the wall.

Jiang Chen was talking, and strode forward, a distance of several meters, as if he had crossed the domain in one step, stretched out his big hand, and clasped Yu Feifeng's neck like a nail, pinning Yu Feifeng Nail it to that wall.


Jiang Chen squeezed Yu Feifeng's neck with his big hand, and slowly twisted it, making a sound like a millstone turning, which made one's scalp numb.

It was obvious that Yu Feifeng's neck twisted under Jiang Chen's grinding.

Such a scene, in Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes, was like Jiang Chen trying to break Yu Feifeng's neck with his hands, it scared her to turn pale, and her complexion turned pale to the extreme.

"Boom... boom..."

The heart beat violently, like a drum.

Yu Xiaoxiao felt her heart almost jumping out of her throat.

Jiang Chen was too strong and domineering, and in the blink of an eye, he just destroyed Yu Feifeng.

In front of Jiang Chen, Yu Feifeng was almost powerless to fight back.

Yu Feifeng could strongly feel that under Jiang Chen's grinding, her life breath was quickly drawn out of her body and out of her body.

The severe pain caused her old face to turn red, her eyes were gloomy, and she stared at Jiang Chen firmly. She couldn't tell whether it was resentment, or the extreme shock of panic.

"Tell me, do you still want to die now?" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, kill if you want, don't be hypocritical in front of me." Yu Feifeng said sternly.

Jiang Chen was too strong, and Yu Feifeng knew that she had no reason to be lucky in front of Jiang Chen, and Jiang Chen was destined to kill her.

"Oh, do you think I won't kill you?" Jiang Chen laughed out loud.

"Quack..." Yu Feifeng said with a gloomy smile, "Jiang Chen, you showed up in Qinghe City yesterday, but you didn't come to my Yu's house immediately, which clearly means that you You came to my Yu's house for another purpose, didn't you?"

"Did you take this as your lifeline?" Jiang Chen's voice turned cold.

"It's not a reliance, but at least it's a condition of exchange." Yu Feifeng said.

It is no use begging for mercy.

Even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, and begged Jiang Chen to give him a way out, Jiang Chen probably wouldn't even blink his eyelids.

And Yu Feifeng, no matter what, would not do such a thing.

However, since Jiang Chen has another purpose, then she has the qualification to negotiate with Jiang Chen, doesn't she?

Jiang Chen teased and chuckled lightly, and said: "This statement is not bad, but I want to see if the exchange you gave me is worth it, your little life."

"What is your purpose?" Yu Feifeng asked directly.

She was strangled by Jiang Chen's neck, Jiang Chen's five fingers were like pincers, and the piercing pain made Yu Feifeng almost faint.

One more minute wasted, she wanted more, and suffered one minute of torture.

Maybe Jiang Chen didn't care about wasting such time, but she, Yu Feifeng, couldn't afford to waste it.

"Martial skills!" Jiang Chen said slowly, glanced at Yu Feifeng, and said, "Your Yu Family, the martial skills you have mastered, and the source of those martial skills."

During Jiang Chen's trip, it was one thing to mop up the Yu family, and the most important thing was to come here because of this matter.

This is also the reason why Jiang Chen did not execute the beheading plan on Yu Feifeng immediately.

Otherwise, from the moment he appeared in Qinghe City, this Yu Feifeng was already dead, and the Yu family would also become history in this city!
"Jiang Chen, you have mastered a powerful martial skill yourself, and you still have my Yu family's idea?" Yu Feifeng's face changed drastically, as if Jiang Chen had stepped on a sore foot at this very moment.

In the end, it seemed that he realized that he had lost his composure too much.

Lowering her voice, Yu Feifeng said in a deep voice: "Jiang Chen, if you are too greedy, you will be punished by heaven."

"Heavenly punishment, do you think I will believe this?" Jiang Chen sneered, and said casually, "Besides, my method is beyond your imagination. It is not a martial skill."

"It's not a martial skill? What is that?" Yu Feifeng was confused and asked curiously.

Jiang Chen pointed at the sword, and it was exactly the same as in the rumors.

When Jiang Chen stretched out that finger, a huge sword shadow appeared in the void, with a majestic sword intent, as if it could cut through the void with a single strike.

That made Yu Feifeng feel great terror.

Under that kind of sword, she had nothing to hide, only let Jiang Chen slaughter her.

In Yu Feifeng's view, this kind of method is almost supernatural, and it is definitely an indescribably powerful martial skill, similar to the most powerful method that only exists in legends.

Yu Feifeng thought that in terms of Jiang Chen's cultivation, it was probably because he had practiced such a martial skill that he could kill the innately strong, like a piece of shit.

Inside the Yu family, there are also martial arts, not just one.

But Yu family's martial arts are more, they are only used to improve the combat effectiveness of the same level of battle.

Just like Yu Changhe, in a half-step innate, he is invincible in a battle at the same level.

And her Yu Feifeng, in the innate realm, fought at the same level, unless she encountered a pervert like Pan Zijing who had just glimpsed the extraordinary, otherwise, in the same realm, almost no one was her opponent.

This is arrogance, and at the same time, it is Yu Feifeng's confidence.

This is also the reason why she didn't take Jiang Chen seriously after testing Jiang Chen.

However, Jiang Chen is too perverted to use common sense to figure it out.

And this metamorphosis fell into Yu Feifeng's eyes precisely because Jiang Chen had cultivated a powerful martial skill.

But Jiang Chen actually said that it wasn't a martial skill, so what could it be?
"What is it, you don't have to worry about it." Jiang Chen said lightly, naturally he wouldn't talk so much with Yu Feifeng.

"Playing with mystery." Yu Feifeng snorted coldly.

"To shut up."

The fingers tightened suddenly, with force, there was a cracking sound, and Yu Feifeng's neck was almost broken by Jiang Chen.

Summer insects are not enough to talk about ice.

Jiang Chen didn't talk so much with Yu Feifeng, so naturally it wasn't some kind of mystification. On the one hand, he didn't want to talk about it, and on the other hand, it was because Yu Feifeng didn't have the qualifications to tell him everything.

Jiang Chen was very displeased by this woman's bitterness.

If it wasn't for saving her little life, if it was still so useful, Jiang Chen would have crushed her to death long ago.

Shortness of breath, deep in Yu Feifeng's throat, there was a gurgling sound. Jiang Chen didn't treat her seriously at all, which made Yu Feifeng feel humiliated.

But the law of the jungle is the law of survival in the ancient martial arts circle.

Yu Feifeng knew that if she was stronger than Jiang Chen, the method she used to deal with Jiang Chen would be more than ten times more severe than this method.

"Answer my question." Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Jiang Chen, I can only answer you, you are dreaming." Yu Feifeng laughed out loud, with a stern look on her face.

"Don't say it?" Jiang Chen glanced at Yu Feifeng, and immediately lifted Yu Feifeng up like a chicken.


The moment he mentioned Yu Feifeng, Jiang Chen gave a big hand and slammed it heavily on the wall. The wall of the villa was booming, and under that huge force, a crack appeared on that wall. The cracks in the Tao are like spider webs, and they are about to collapse.


Seeing it in her eyes, Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't restrain her exclamation, she was extremely panicked.

"Jiang Chen, even if you kill me, it's impossible for me to say it." Yu Feifeng looked at death like home, and the vulture was fierce.

"Yu Feifeng, I can only say that you think highly of yourself." Jiang Chen sneered.

Jiang Chen never thought that in this world, there really existed people who were not afraid of death.

The so-called not afraid of death is just that they have not encountered the great terror that they cannot bear.

Killing, he's good at it.

Fittingly, he's good at torturing, too.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen moved his left hand, and several silver needles appeared in a flash.

Then, those silver needles were pierced into several acupuncture points all over Yu Feifeng's body by Jiang Chen at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.


In an instant, Yu Feifeng was like a fish leaving the water, opening its mouth wide and breathing vigorously.

With every breath Yu Feifeng takes, her body will swell a bit.

After Yu Feifeng took a dozen or so breaths, Yu Feifeng's shriveled and thin body was already swollen like a balloon.

"Yu Feifeng, take another ten breaths, and you will explode. At that time, your internal organs, including the flesh and blood on your body, will explode into a rain of blood." Jiang Chen jokingly said.

As Jiang Chen's cultivation level improved, Jiang Chen possessed more means, and those skills that he could not perform normally, at this time, they were all picked up at his fingertips.

Yu Feifeng's body seemed to be being pumped crazily by someone holding a pump.

Her almost bloodless face became swollen, and blue veins emerged one after another, like earthworms crawling on the skin like old bark. It looked like, Extraordinarily shocking.

The body is swollen, and the internal organs have a tearing feeling of being cut with a knife.

Yu Feifeng knew very well that Jiang Chen wasn't lying, she couldn't control her breathing at all, that is to say, when her physical body reached the limit, she would be like a balloon inflated to the limit, It burst with a bang.

In the depths of the eyes, after all, there was a little more indescribable panic.

Death, sometimes, may not be the scariest thing.

The most frightening thing is that it is impossible to imagine how you will die.

"Jiang Chen, I admit defeat." Yu Feifeng couldn't bear it, she pressed her head down hard, with unwillingness and resentment, humiliation to the extreme!
(End of this chapter)

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