genius evil

Chapter 1068

Chapter 1068

Gently raised his left hand, Jiang Chen slapped Yu Feifeng's sky spirit cover with force.

"Pfft... pfft..."

Like the sound of deflation, it rang out endlessly.

Accompanied by the sound of deflation, Yu Feifeng's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were filled with black blood, which overflowed, which was shocking.

"Jiang Chen, killed the old ancestor?" Yu Xiaoxiao murmured in her heart, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably, she almost couldn't stand upright, and fell to the ground.

Yu Xiaoxiao herself is also an ancient martial arts practitioner.

Although, she doesn't like to practice ancient martial arts, she often spends three days fishing and two days drying the net.

However, relying on the powerful resources of the Yu family and the teachings of famous teachers is also blunt. Yu Xiaoxiao has acquired the sixth-level cultivation base, which is enough to disdain most of her peers. It is barely enough to survive.

Before Jiang Chen, Yu Xiaoxiao had always believed that her elder brother, Yu Zizai, was a talent from the sky, and his future achievements would be limitless.

Not only her, but everyone in the Yu family has this kind of cognition. They are extremely optimistic about Yu Zizai, thinking that one day, Yu Zizai will surpass Yu Changhe's achievements and lead the Yu family to a new glory. Achieve a completely different atmosphere.

The appearance of Jiang Chen can be said to have subverted all of Yu Xiaoxiao's cognition.

Powerful, domineering, invincible.

Not to mention seeing Jiang Chen's methods, Yu Xiaoxiao had never even heard of them. It was hard for her to imagine how there could be such monstrous people in this world.

You know, Jiang Chen is still so young, one or two years younger than her.Given time, no one can imagine what level Jiang Chen's achievements will reach!

If it is necessary to say that Yu Zizai is a talent of the sky, then Jiang Chen can be called a person who is like a god descending from the earth.

The aura on Yu Feifeng's body was extremely weak.

Soon, Yu Xiaoxiao realized that Jiang Chen did not kill Yu Feifeng.

Following the popping sound, Yu Feifeng's body, which swelled like a balloon full of air, quickly withered until it returned to its original appearance.

However, Yu Feifeng looked even more embarrassed than before.

Thinking about it, Jiang Chen tortured Yu Feifeng just now in a fit of rage. Although it wouldn't kill Yu Feifeng immediately, it still left Yu Feifeng with serious wounds.


Lifting his eyes slightly, Jiang Chen said.

The Adam's apple trembled, and Yu Feifeng took a few deep breaths, just barely, to suppress the panic in her heart.

It's just that in the way she looked at Jiang Chen, the horror in the depths of her eyes was like a shadow, which couldn't be lingered no matter what.

"In my Yu family, there are a total of two martial arts, one is the claw technique I practiced, and the other is the palm technique cultivated by Changhe." Yu Feifeng could no longer go against Jiang Chen's wishes, and said slowly When I opened my mouth, the sound was even more dry, as if a stone roller had been run over the concrete floor, it was indescribably harsh and unpleasant.

Jiang Chen listened and signaled Yu Feifeng to continue.

Yu Feifeng went on to say: "Regarding the origin of these two martial arts, in my Yu family, in fact, there have been different opinions for many years. So far, even myself, I don't know which one is for True, which one is false."

"Variety of theories?" Jiang Chen mused, his face was a little bit surprised, he turned his head, and Jiang Chen glanced at Yu Xiaoxiao.

Jiang Chen's eyes were calm, but they were also sideways, which made Yu Xiaoxiao feel a kind of condescending edge flowing. For a while, Yu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to look at Jiang Chen at all.

As for before, she completely cut off the idea of ​​seducing Jiang Chen and leaving a way out for herself.

Only those who have seen Jiang Chen's methods can understand how terrifying Jiang Chen is.

"Is it like this?" Jiang Chen asked Yu Xiaoxiao.

"'s like this..." Yu Xiaoxiao stammered.

She has never practiced martial arts, but her cultivation base is too low, and she has no qualifications to connect to touch.

Looking inside the Yu family, there are only a few people who can have such qualifications.

Yu Feifeng and Yu Changhe needless to say, Yu Zizai is also one of them, and Yu Ruyi, even though she is deeply loved by Yu Feifeng, is why a five-star hotel is named after Yu Ruyi. Name it.

But the ancient martial art is the biggest secret of the Yu family, no matter how favored Yu Ruyi is, this is a matter of principle, it is impossible for Yu Feifeng to let Yu Ruyi come into contact with it.

"Tell me everything you know." Jiang Chen said to Yu Feifeng. He could see that Yu Xiaoxiao hadn't lied, so everything Yu Feifeng said was true.

"Jiang Chen, can you believe that there are people from beyond the sky?" Yu Feifeng said slowly, with a look of doubt flashing across her face. Obviously, this is a question that has troubled her for quite a long time, and it has left her completely alone. Can't figure it out.


Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen's heart moved slightly.

The extraterrestrial beings that Yu Feifeng said were naturally not aliens or the like, but a certain powerful existence that once descended on the earth.

It was the first time Jiang Chen had heard of the saying of a person from beyond the sky, but Jiang Chen himself was no stranger to it. After all, if he was serious about it, he himself was a person from beyond the sky.

"How about believing it? So what if you don't believe it?" On the surface, Jiang Chen asked expressionlessly.

"In my Yu family, there is a saying that has been circulated for hundreds of years. The two martial arts mastered by the Yu family were gifted by a person from outside... I always think this statement is very absurd. After all, according to my As we know, some other forces also have martial arts that have been passed down for many years." Yu Feifeng said.

"Perhaps, it's not just one, someone from beyond the sky." Jiang Chen said calmly.

"More than one?" Yu Feifeng seemed to be the first to hear such a statement, and then asked in extreme surprise, "It seems that you are particularly able to accept this kind of statement, why?"

"You don't need to worry about why." Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and said, "In my opinion, such a statement still has many details, flaws and contradictions."

The contradiction Jiang Chen mentioned meant that he had clearly discovered that the inheritance of ancient martial arts was interrupted on Earth.

That clearly shows that the ancient martial arts civilization on the earth was once prosperous, so it is difficult to stand up for the argument about the people from beyond the sky.

Unless there is a possibility, that is, all the ancient martial arts civilizations on the earth were brought by the so-called aliens.

As for why those extraterrestrial visitors disappeared, it became an unsolved mystery.

Jiang Chen thought about it seriously, and always felt that there were still many details that could not be sorted out.

Yu Feifeng naturally knows that there are many contradictions, and this is also true. Although this statement has been circulated in the Yu family for hundreds of years, it is difficult to be convincing enough. Almost everyone in the Yu family who comes into contact with People are hard to believe the reason.

However, what attracted Yu Feifeng's attention more at this moment was Jiang Chen's attitude.

When she asked such a question, Jiang Chen seemed very impatient.

Many people can't help but think of aliens about the statement about people from beyond the sky, and it is difficult to accept it. They think it is a fabricated lie, and Jiang Chen seems to believe it.

Thinking back to what Jiang Chen said before, his methods were beyond her imagination, and they were not martial arts.

Yu Feifeng looked at Jiang Chen like that, showing some deep horror for no reason.

Looking at all the clues and traces together, a conclusion seems to be coming out, that is, even if Jiang Chen is not a person from beyond the sky, he must have been in contact with someone from beyond the sky.

"Is this the reason why no one can stop Jiang Chen from rising all the way?" deep in Yu Feifeng's heart, a turbulent wave was set off.

She knew in her heart that this should be Jiang Chen's biggest secret. This secret should never have been touched by anyone before.

Jiang Chen would never allow anyone to touch it.

Whoever touches it dies!

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Chen's eyes were so sharp that he could tell at a glance that something was wrong with Yu Feifeng's reaction.

"No." Yu Feifeng said hurriedly, her eyes slightly closed, and she forcibly suppressed the throbbing in her heart, so as not to be seen by Jiang Chen.

If that happens, she will definitely die.

"Could it be, what did you guess?" Jiang Chen stared at Yu Feifeng and said in a deep voice.

"I don't understand what you're talking about." Yu Feifeng denied everything.

Jiang Chen laughed out loud, and said with a faint smile: "I have to say, you really surprised me. You are the first one to doubt me in such a long time."

"Do you suspect Jiang Chen?"

Yu Xiaoxiao was extremely confused and didn't know what Jiang Chen was talking about. She listened carefully, wanting to understand.

Yu Feifeng's heart was beating fast. She never expected that Jiang Chen's eyes would be so vicious. She thought she was hiding well, but in front of Jiang Chen, she had nothing to hide.

"What do you suspect?" Yu Feifeng asked calmly.

Regardless of whether Jiang Chen really saw it, or was just saying it, it was impossible for Yu Feifeng to admit it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, anyway, I have no intention of letting you live." Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen--" Suddenly, Yu Feifeng's voice became sharper.

"If you are unwilling, you can spread your suspicions now. I don't mind at all. I will wipe out your Yu family." Jiang Chen said mockingly.

Yu Feifeng did have such a plan. Once someone learns this secret, then Jiang Chen will definitely not live in peace in the future.

But Jiang Chen was too ruthless, and he bluntly said that he wanted to destroy Yu's family. In this instant, Yu Feifeng was turned off, speechless.

"Exchange this secret for the consideration of the rest of my Yu family, Jiang Chen, are you satisfied?" Angry and unwilling, Yu Feifeng said.

"I'm sorry, you don't have the qualifications to bargain with me." Jiang Chen shook his head, raised his hand, and slapped Yu Feifeng's sky cap again.

Immediately, Yu Feifeng was like a puddle of mud, limp on the ground, her life lost.

To Jiang Chen, Yu Feifeng has no value at all, and Jiang Chen will naturally not let her live again. Furthermore, this Yu Feifeng has guessed his origin, which makes Jiang Chen, unbearable.

Jiang Chen agrees with the so-called people from beyond the sky, and it is not a great secret. However, before his own strength is not enough to cover the sky with one hand, Jiang Chen has absolutely no possibility. Letting it leak out will definitely give him , causing great trouble.

Killing Yu Feifeng with one palm, Jiang Chen's eyes once again fell on Yu Xiaoxiao's body...

(End of this chapter)

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